When doing an "objdump -I binary -O elf32-or32", the resulting object file cannot be linked with gcc, because of a wrong machine code in the header. I observed, that byte 19 is different, namely 0x00 instead of 0x5c.
Bye, Stefan
PS: Temporarely, running this python script solves it: import mmap from sys import argv
if (len(argv) == 1): print "Provide file to patch as parameter" exit(1)
f = open(argv1,"r+b") map = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(),20) map19 = '\x5c' map.close()
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Hi Stefan,
Thanks for the bug report. There's a lot of stuff in binutils that is doubtful. Up until the most recent fixes it wasn't even linking stuff as ELF (it used generic rather than ELF internally).