Issue List
Or1ksim can be stalled without debug unit #27
Closed jeremybennett opened this issue over 16 years ago
jeremybennett commented over 16 years ago

The Or1ksim allows the processor to be stalled, even if there is no debug unit present.

It is not clear to me that a processor without a debug unit should be able to be stalled. Or1ksim should at least warn that stalling such a processor is a fairly pointless exercise.

jeremybennett was assigned over 16 years ago
jeremybennett commented over 16 years ago

An "unstall" command has been added in Or1ksim 0.3.0rc1. However the whole behavior of both the "stall" and "unstall" commands is far from clear. <br><br>

This bug remains, pending a more thorough investigation. There is a strong case for removing these commands, since they are really about debugging Or1ksim, rather than its routine use.

jeremybennett commented over 13 years ago
<p> Transferred to OpenRISC bug tracker (<a href="">Bug 3</a>). </p> <p> Marking closed. </p>
jeremybennett closed this over 13 years ago
