Issue List
Document lack of support for SR LEE bit in Or1ksim #41
Closed jeremybennett opened this issue about 15 years ago
jeremybennett commented about 15 years ago

Originally noted by Shinji Wakatsuki

Or1ksim ignores the Supervision Register Little Endian Enable (LEE) bit. The model will always be big-endian in its standard build.

It is possible to build a big-endian model by setting the flag OR32_BIG_ENDIAN in config.h. This should be achieved by using configure with a target with "little" in its name. Thus:

configure --target=or32-little-uclinux ...

This needs to be tested and documented in the user guide.

A separate feature request is raised to support the LEE bit.

jeremybennett commented about 15 years ago

Added to the documentation for Or1ksim 0.3.0rc3

jeremybennett was assigned about 15 years ago
jeremybennett closed this about 15 years ago
