Closedjeremybennett opened this issue almost 15 years ago
jeremybennett commented almost 15 years ago
The standard tool installation script has an include directory for all the headers for the GNU tool chain.
However the script also builds Or1ksim, which includes a header for those using it in library form, which goes into the same include directory.
This then causes serious problems when trying to use the Or1ksim library, since specifying this as an include directory will cause all the standard C library function headers to also be picked up from there.
However these are the headers to match GCC 4.2.2 from the Or1ksim tools distribution, and will not generally be identical to the host workstation's headers.
The solution is that the Or1ksim application should be installed in a <em>separate</em> directory to that used for the tool chain.
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julius was assigned almost 15 years ago
julius commented almost 15 years ago
Ok, script has been updated so that or1ksim is installed in its own path parallel to the or32-elf path in the chosen install directory. A directory with the version suffix is symlinked to a directory just called or1ksim.