Issue List
Or1ksim keyboard message not clear #82
Closed jeremybennett opened this issue almost 15 years ago
jeremybennett commented almost 15 years ago
<p> If Or1ksim is using the PS2 keyboard interface (section kbd in the config file) working to and from files, it will complain if it cannot open an input file. </p> <pre> WARNING: Unable to open RX file stream. </pre> <p> The error message should make it clear that this refers to the keyboard, to avoid confusion with similar messages from other devices. </p>
jeremybennett was assigned almost 15 years ago
jeremybennett commented almost 15 years ago
<p> New message committed to SVN as follows. </p> <ul><pre> Warning: PS2 keyboard unable to open RX file stream </pre></ul> <p> Bug marked closed. </p> <p> Jeremy </p> <p> -- <br /> Tel: +44 (1590) 610184<br /> Cell: +44 (7970) 676050<br /> SkypeID: jeremybennett<br /> Email: <a href=""></a><br /> Web: <a href=""></a> </p>
jeremybennett closed this almost 15 years ago
