
Serial ATA Host Bus Adapter Core for Virtex 6

Issue List
Failure in Link initliazation #1
Open bromanous opened this issue about 12 years ago
bromanous commented about 12 years ago

Dear Authors,

I have used your base design on ML605 and ISE 12.2 the link initialization does not complete, the LINK up LED stays off and when running Linux on MicroBlaze, the Linux block device driver you provided displays "SATA controller status: 0x00000005"

I have followed your setup directions word by word. Kindly provide help

bromanous commented about 12 years ago

Hello, just a follow up the link initialization is complete now, but i found a bug in the driver

when using linux on MB, the start up of linux would hang at this stage of loading the block device driver after displaying this messgae "alloc_disk success"

you need to make the following change in the sata_drv.c

set_capacity(dev->gd, 0); add_disk(dev->gd); set_capacity(dev->gd, nsectors*(hardsect_size/KERNEL_SECTOR_SIZE));

instead of this:

set_capacity(dev->gd, nsectors*(hardsect_size/KERNEL_SECTOR_SIZE));
M.R.Chitsaz commented over 10 years ago

My Link_up problem was RX port polarity in GTX: .RXPOLARITY (tied_to_ground_i), ==> .RXPOLARITY (tied_to_vcc_i),

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