Can someone explain how the numbers are related to the comments here:
4'b0000: clkcnt <= #1 12'h0; // 2 -- original M68HC11 coding
4'b0001: clkcnt <= #1 12'h1; // 4 -- original M68HC11 coding
4'b0010: clkcnt <= #1 12'h3; // 16 -- original M68HC11 coding
4'b0011: clkcnt <= #1 12'hf; // 32 -- original M68HC11 coding
4'b0100: clkcnt <= #1 12'h1f; // 8
4'b0101: clkcnt <= #1 12'h7; // 64
4'b0110: clkcnt <= #1 12'h3f; // 128
4'b0111: clkcnt <= #1 12'h7f; // 256
4'b1000: clkcnt <= #1 12'hff; // 512
4'b1001: clkcnt <= #1 12'h1ff; // 1024
4'b1010: clkcnt <= #1 12'h3ff; // 2048
4'b1011: clkcnt <= #1 12'h7ff; // 4096
The idea was to follow the original HC11 encoding, but extending the range. Then people complained it wasn't straightforward ...
So now there is a linear implementation, with comments for the HC11 compatible encoding. Somewhat a mix-up.
Set it to your own preference ...