Issue List
Not really working #1
Open ocghost opened this issue about 15 years ago
ocghost commented about 15 years ago

Hi everyone,

I tried to use this core, but the SpaceWire interface don't work (don't know for the SpaceWire router). I began to debug it, but there is a lot af unworking things: bad parity check, unability to detect some control character, etc. I'm correcting it, I'll post a working version of the SpW interface here in a few weeks.



hazamin commented over 14 years ago

I downloaded SpaceWire IP Core and added it to project. (Xilinx 12.1) After addition of IP Core files to project I got multiplie syntax errors. (Please see attached file). What did I wrong?

HDLCompiler:281 - "C:/cc/vc/Cfg_Ctrl.v" Line 12: Cannot open include file "timescale.v". ERROR:HDLCompiler:806 - "C:/cc/vc/Cfg_Ctrl.v" Line 62: Syntax error near ";". ERROR:HDLCompiler:806 - "C:/cc/vc/Cfg_Ctrl.v" Line 63: Syntax error near ";". ERROR:HDLCompiler:806 - "C:/cc/vc/RegSWR.v" Line 10: Syntax error near ";". ERROR:HDLCompiler:806 - "C:/cc/vc/Cfg_Ctrl.v" Line 86: Syntax error near "endmodule". ERROR:HDLCompiler:806 - "C:/cc/vc/SPW_I_vlogcore.v" Line 43: Syntax error near ".". ERROR:HDLCompiler:806 - "C:/cc/vc/SPW_I_vlogcore.v" Line 46: Syntax error near ".".

.... and many others

feron_jb commented over 13 years ago

Hi, You shouldn't use this core that is totally unworking. Debug it is impossible, I rather had to redevelop it from scratch, it was so faulty. If you search for a free SpaceWire core, check this one which seems really good but which I never tested : I found the link on the Wikipedia SpaceWire page...

Enjoy and good luck!


abasili commented over 13 years ago

The core here on OC is not maintained. I started to look at it and realized was better to start it all over from the documentation which is also rather messy. Unfortunately since I wanted to start this I was caught in a very busy time at work and no chance to work on it at any level.

Hope still to find the time soon (any way the project has been in idle since a while...can wait a while more).



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