Issue List
Bug in Receiver interrupt #2
Closed charrier opened this issue almost 16 years ago
charrier commented almost 16 years ago

Hi Sebastian.

Many thanks for your answer.

I have found my problem using your Quartus project given (for testbench i suppose). I see that you instanciate slib_clock_div with a 18 parameter (a divide by 18 main clock signal to drive BAUDCE) Two things I doesn't understand :

1- What is BAUDCE input ? 2- Why RCLK is connected to BAUDOUTN?

My design have a main clock at 20.48 MHZ and I would like to communicate at 115200 Bauds. At wich rate should I drive BAUDCE ? Could you help me ? Have you got a 'datasheet' or something like ?

Best regards. Chris.

hasw was assigned almost 16 years ago
hasw commented almost 16 years ago

Hi Chris,

BAUDCE is the clock enable input for the baudrate counter. For example, the testbench uses 33 MHz / 18 to get the nearest value to 1.8432 MHz which is used as default clock input for most PC UARTs (so the divider 1 leads to 115200 baud).

You could use 11 to get 1.86 MHz from 20.48 MHz, than a divisor of 1 would be 115200 (more or less).

hasw commented almost 16 years ago

The formula for the divisor is then:

Divisor = (Frequency generated by clock and BAUDCE) / (Desired baud rate * 16).

hasw commented almost 16 years ago

(Why do I have to use small comments? If I put all in one it only says "unsuccessfully"....)

hasw commented almost 16 years ago

Sent you an mail (hope it works).

hasw commented almost 16 years ago

Did you get it?

hasw closed this almost 16 years ago
