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Testbench Questions #7
Open frankrobbins opened this issue over 14 years ago
frankrobbins commented over 14 years ago

From what I can see in the design there is possibly no transmisson/receive tests carried out on the design as there is not a test Uart connected to the DUT uart. Is this the case or has further work been carried out here?

Clearly I can see that a complete register test is carried out, but the asynchronous testing seems to be missing from the test bench. So I would imagine this may of been carried out in hardware only? Can you advise here please.

hasw commented over 14 years ago

Yes, a completely different test UART is missing in the testbench. It's on my TODO list some time, but...

The transmission tests in the testbench are done only via loopback, so the UART is tested with itself.

However the tests in hardware were quite thoroughly, with many different other UARTs/devices. But also the design was tested with fixed settings (33 MHz CLK, 1.8432 MHz BAUDCE pulse) so there may be issues with other settings. One I know of is setting BAUDCE to 1 (so that the baudrate generator runs with CLK) then there is an offset in the generated baudrate.

For this I've reworked some parts (for example the receiver) but since these changes weren't tested in hardware as good as the current impementation I don't want to check them in.

No one