PC control software
In this section we will try to give ideas on how to drive the UART from a PC
besides the simple implementation with RealTerm.
in the software folder of the project archive you will find:
- rtd_uart_test.bat :
- copy this bat file inside the RealTerm software folder to load the program (http://realterm.sourceforge.net/)
- passing parameter settings (uart port, speed, display size, etc)
- check "RealTerm_line_commands.txt" in the documentation folder for more parameters
- loads a file "Hex_commands.bin" (in BINARY format) and sends it over UART
- known strange behavior of such method:
- COLS=18 doesn't set the number of columns to 18
- relative paths or paths with "" don't work
- py_serial_control.py :
- custom very simple script to read and write the UART with Python (http://www.python.org/doc)
- uses the pySerial library (http://pyserial.sourceforge.net/)
- parses human readable parameters and translates them into the correct hex commands
e.g: >> update --> 0x8000 0x00000000
- Customize your script
- define your commands
- DEFINE the number of registers to expect back after an update
- Browse to you script folder
- from a shell type: python py_serial_control.py
- enjoy ! :)
- to be implemented:
- load parameters and commands from files
- improve read back print on screen formatting
- make a generic nregister readout
py_serial is Linux friendly! :)
Tested on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS