
USB 2.0 Function Core

Issue List
One bug founded in USB 2.0 Function Core #3
Open tianqunzhao opened this issue over 15 years ago
tianqunzhao commented over 15 years ago

The function of the idle counter in the UTMI Line Status & Speed Negotiation block is wrong. The signales like T1_gt_3_0_mS/T1_gt_3_125_mS/T1_gt_5_0_mS will never become active, because the signal idle_cnt1 increase every 250ns, and will be 8'h0 every 62.5uS,it can't be used for determining the signales like T1_gt_3_0_mS/T1_gt_3_125_mS/T1_gt_5_0_mS.

Okuyama168 commented about 13 years ago

Type your text here abc

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