
LPC ROM emulator on USB dongle FPGA core set

Issue List
President #1
Closed johnp opened this issue about 17 years ago
johnp commented about 17 years ago

I recently ported this code to Verilog and it looks like the original design has several bugs:

a) the data is nibble swapped for IO writes

b) the host->peripheral turn-around cycle did not tri-state on the 2nd cycle

c) reset did not set/clr all the signals - this led to extra logic

nuubik commented about 17 years ago

a) The data is swapped so that byte write from OS to LPC bus will result the MSB to be MSB on IP block out bus

b) Yes it didn't change the bus behavior as on second TAR cycle the bus is pulled high anyway but the inconsistency is fixed (output enable does not go high on TAR cycle 2 now)

c) made reset to init all signal in lpc_iow block this should not generate extra hw in FPGA

bux fix'ed version tag is version_1_4

nuubik was assigned about 17 years ago
nuubik closed this about 17 years ago
