
Pipelined wishbone to AXI converter

Issue List
vivado IP import error #5
Closed antti opened this issue over 6 years ago
antti commented over 6 years ago

IP_Flow 19-627 Port 'o_wb_addr': XPath expression failed: Undefined parameter "AW" used in expression "(AW - 1)".

this happens when trying to use IP wizard, not yet clear what the fix should be for this

antti commented over 6 years ago

this error comes in simulation files, so not relevant for the IP core itself

dgisselq commented over 6 years ago

The error is the result of not defining the address width of the wishbone side of the interface. This is what "AW" is about--address width. You should be able to see that in the definition of o_wb_addr.

<P>To make matters worse, there are some unchecked dependencies between AW, C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH, and the data width parameters C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH and the wishbone data width DW. Hence, when you set AW, make certain you set DW as well.
dgisselq closed this over 6 years ago

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