Hello ! I want to talk about error for even parity control (maybe all parity control) to transmitting info. In you're test not use parity control.
Parity calculated with:
For exapmle:
Data = 00000000 Numbers of "1" = 0 Even Parity = 0 Odd Parity = 1 Data = 01010001 Numbers of "1" = 3 Even Parity = 1 Odd Parity = 0 Data = 01101001 Numbers of "1" = 4 Even Parity = 0 Odd Parity = 1 Data = 01111111 Numbers of "1" = 7 Even Parity = 1 Odd Parity = 0
Please check all parity in module
In diagram to this test, transmitter use Odd parity, but parity in parameter is Even.
To checking error you can use my test:
// Copyright (C) 1991-2009 Altera Corporation // Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions // and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic // functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing // (including device programming or simulation files), and any // associated documentation or information are expressly subject // to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License // Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License // Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including, // without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of // programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by // Altera or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the // applicable agreement for further details.
// *
// This file contains a Verilog test bench template that is freely editable to
// suit user's needs .Comments are provided in each section to help the user
// fill out necessary details.
// *
// Generated on "06/30/2021 10:36:20"
// Verilog Test Bench template for design : WorkPlaceCodec // // Simulation tool : ModelSim-Altera (Verilog) //
`timescale 1 ns/ 1 ps module wbuart_test;
// constants
// general purpose registers
reg eachvec;
// BASE INPUT FREQUENCE //--------------------------------------------------- reg CLK_49_152; //---------------------------------------------------
// UART FREQUENCE //--------------------------------------------------- reg CLK_115_200; //---------------------------------------------------
//REG FOR WBUART //---------------------------------------------------
integer parity_on_off = 1; //(PARITY ON) integer parity_type = 1; //(EVEN) integer OneTwoStopBits = 2; //(TWO STOP BIT)
// test vector input registers //reg CLK_49_152; reg RESET; reg I_WB_CYC; reg I_WB_STB; reg I_WB_WE; reg 1:0 I_WB_ADDR; reg 31:0 I_WB_DATA; reg I_UART_RX; reg I_CTS_N;
wire O_WB_ACK; wire O_WB_STALL; wire 31:0 O_WB_DATA; wire O_UART_TX; wire O_RTS_N; wire O_UART_RX_INT; wire O_UART_TX_INT; wire O_UART_RXFIFO_INT; wire O_UART_TXFIFO_INT; //------------------------------------------------------------
// CREATE OBJECT - WBUART //------------------------------------------------------------
//Parameters on register:
//BaudRate (bod per sec): 115 200 //Data Bits: 8 bits //Parity: Even //Stop Bits: 2 (Two Stop Bits) //Flow Control: NoFlowControl //Input Frequence: 49.152 MHz
defparam i2.INITIAL_SETUP = 31'b0001101000000000000000110101011; defparam i2.LGFLEN = 10; defparam i2.HARDWARE_FLOW_CONTROL_PRESENT = 1'b1;
// assign statements (if any)
wbuart i2 (
// port map - connection between master ports and signals/registers
.o_wb_ack(O_WB_ACK), .o_wb_stall(O_WB_STALL), .o_wb_data(O_WB_DATA), .o_uart_tx(O_UART_TX), .o_rts_n(O_RTS_N), .o_uart_rx_int(O_UART_RX_INT), .o_uart_tx_int(O_UART_TX_INT), .o_uart_rxfifo_int(O_UART_RXFIFO_INT), .o_uart_txfifo_int(O_UART_TXFIFO_INT) ); //------------------------------------------------------------
//This block generated base Frequence by generator 49,152 MHz //-----------------------------------------------------------
// optional sensitivity list
// @(event1 or event2 or .... eventn)
// code executes for every event on sensitivity list
// insert code here --> begin
//Every 10.1725 ns => 49.152 Mhz = 1/(49.152210^(6)) = 0.01017252604167*(10^(-6)) #10.17252604167 CLK_49_152 = ~CLK_49_152;
// --> end
//This block generated Frequence by UART 115200 bod/s //-----------------------------------------------------------
// optional sensitivity list
// @(event1 or event2 or .... eventn)
// code executes for every event on sensitivity list
// insert code here --> begin
//Every 4.3402777777777777 ns => 115 200 Hz = 1/(1152002) = 4.3402777777777777(10^(-6)) #4340.2777777777777777 CLK_115_200 = ~CLK_115_200; //#8680.55555555555555 CLK_115_200 = ~CLK_115_200; //#17361.111111111111111 CLK_115_200 = ~CLK_115_200;
// --> end
// code that executes only once
// insert code here --> begin
CLK_49_152 = 0; CLK_115_200 = 0;
//This signal always have this values //UART work always I_WB_CYC = 0; I_WB_STB = 1;
I_WB_ADDR = 2'b0; I_WB_WE = 0; I_WB_DATA = 32'b0; I_UART_RX = 1; I_CTS_N = 0;
#100 //pause
// --> end
$display("Running testbench");
#100 //pause
// --> end
$display("Running testbench");
// TEST FOR WBUART //----------------------------------------------------------
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin RESET = 1; end
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin RESET = 0; end
// TEST WBUART //---------------------------------------------------------
//Send Command to set MODE
send_ls_byte(8'b10101010, OneTwoStopBits, parity_on_off, parity_type); //Header #250000 send_ls_byte(8'd6, OneTwoStopBits, parity_on_off, parity_type); //Lenght Command #250000 send_ls_byte(8'd1, OneTwoStopBits, parity_on_off, parity_type); //Command for Loop #250000 send_ls_byte(8'd3, OneTwoStopBits, parity_on_off, parity_type); //Code of doing #250000 send_ls_byte(8'd1, OneTwoStopBits, parity_on_off, parity_type); //Number of MODE #250000 send_ls_byte(8'b10101010, OneTwoStopBits, parity_on_off, parity_type); //Footer
#250000 #250000
//Send Command to read MODE send_ls_byte(8'b10101010, OneTwoStopBits, parity_on_off, parity_type); //Header //#250000 send_ls_byte(8'd5, OneTwoStopBits, parity_on_off, parity_type); //Lenght Command //#250000 send_ls_byte(8'd1, OneTwoStopBits, parity_on_off, parity_type); //Command for Loop //#250000 send_ls_byte(8'd0, OneTwoStopBits, parity_on_off, parity_type); //Code of doing //#250000 send_ls_byte(8'b10101010, OneTwoStopBits, parity_on_off, parity_type); //Footer //#250000
#250000 #250000
//Send Command to Transmit to interface PS send_ls_byte(8'b10101010, OneTwoStopBits, parity_on_off, parity_type); //Header #250000 send_ls_byte(8'd8, OneTwoStopBits, parity_on_off, parity_type); //Lenght Command #250000 send_ls_byte(8'd1, OneTwoStopBits, parity_on_off, parity_type); //Command for Loop #250000 send_ls_byte(8'd0, OneTwoStopBits, parity_on_off, parity_type); //Code of doing #250000 send_ls_byte(8'd1, OneTwoStopBits, parity_on_off, parity_type); //Adress of device #250000 send_ls_byte(8'b00110011, OneTwoStopBits, parity_on_off, parity_type); //Byte 1 of command to device #250000 send_ls_byte(8'b00001111, OneTwoStopBits, parity_on_off, parity_type); //Byte 2 of command to device #250000 send_ls_byte(8'b10101010, OneTwoStopBits, parity_on_off, parity_type); //Footer
//Real From RX-FIFO
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin I_WB_ADDR = 2'b10; end
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin I_WB_ADDR = 2'b10; end
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin I_WB_ADDR = 2'b10; end
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin I_WB_ADDR = 2'b10; end
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin I_WB_ADDR = 2'b10; end
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin I_WB_ADDR = 2'b10; end
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin I_WB_ADDR = 2'b00; end
#250000 #250000
//Transmit bytes
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin transmit_ls_byte(8'b10101010); end
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin transmit_ls_byte(8'd6); end
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin transmit_ls_byte(8'd1); end
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin transmit_ls_byte(8'd3); end
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin transmit_ls_byte(8'd1); end
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin transmit_ls_byte(8'b10101010); end
#250000 #250000
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin transmit_ls_byte(8'b10101010); end
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin transmit_ls_byte(8'd5); end
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin transmit_ls_byte(8'd1); end
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin transmit_ls_byte(8'd0); end
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin transmit_ls_byte(8'b10101010); end #250000
#250000 #250000 #250000
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin transmit_ls_byte(8'b10101010); end
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin transmit_ls_byte(8'd8); end
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin transmit_ls_byte(8'd1); end
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin transmit_ls_byte(8'd0); end
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin transmit_ls_byte(8'b00110011); end
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin transmit_ls_byte(8'b00001111); end
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin transmit_ls_byte(8'b10101010); end
#250000 #250000 #250000
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin transmit_ls_byte(8'b00000000); end
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin transmit_ls_byte(8'b01010001); end
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin transmit_ls_byte(8'b01101001); end
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin transmit_ls_byte(8'b01111111); end
@(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin transmit_ls_byte(8'h30); end
/ @(posedge CLK_49_152) // begin DATA_P = 16'b0000111100001111; ADRESS = 0; WR_DATE_ADRESS = 1; end /
//Transmit byte to UART //parity_on_off == 1 - parity ON //parity_on_off == 0 - parity OFF
//parity_type == 1 - EVEN parity //parity_type == 0 - ODD parity
//OneTwoStopBits == 0 - One Stop Bit //OneTwoStopBits == 1 - Two Stop Bit
task send_ls_byte(input 7:0sbyte, input integer OneTwoStopBits, input integer parity_on_off, input integer parity_type); integer i; integer p; begin
p = 0; //Calculate Parity for(i=0; i<8; i=i+1) begin if (sbytei == 1) begin p = p + 1; end end
//Start bit @(posedge CLK_115_200) begin I_UART_RX = 0; end
//Transmit bit per bit (Little bit Forever) for(i=0; i<8; i=i+1) begin @(posedge CLK_115_200) begin I_UART_RX = sbytei; end end
if (parity_on_off == 1) begin
//Parity Even: 001110110 => parity_bit=1 numbers of "1" in data bits = 5 - no parity number
//Parity Even: 101110110 => parity_bit=0 numbers of "1" in data bits = 6 - parity number or = 0
if (parity_type == 1) begin
if ((p%2 == 0)||(p == 0)) begin
@(posedge CLK_115_200)
I_UART_RX = 0;
end else begin
@(posedge CLK_115_200)
I_UART_RX = 1;
//Parity Odd: 001110110 => parity_bit=0 numbers of "1" in data bits = 5 - no parity number or = 0
//Parity Odd: 101110110 => parity_bit=1 numbers of "1" in data bits = 6 - parity number
if (parity_type == 0) begin // Odd
if ((p%2 == 0)&&(p != 0)) begin
@(posedge CLK_115_200)
I_UART_RX = 1;
end else begin
@(posedge CLK_115_200)
I_UART_RX = 0;
//One Stop Bit (first stop bit must be)
@(posedge CLK_115_200)
I_UART_RX = 1;
//Two Stop Bit (optional: if two stop bit is)
if (OneTwoStopBits == 2) begin
@(posedge CLK_115_200)
I_UART_RX = 1;
end else begin
//One Stop Bit and all (first stop bit must be) @(posedge CLK_115_200) begin I_UART_RX = 1; end
//Two Stop Bit (optional: if two stop bit is) if (OneTwoStopBits == 2) begin @(posedge CLK_115_200) begin I_UART_RX = 1; end end
//Return Line to log 1 @(posedge CLK_115_200) begin I_UART_RX = 1; end
end endtask
task transmit_ls_byte(input 7:0sbyte); integer i; integer p; begin
p = 0;
//Start @(posedge CLK_49_152) begin I_WB_ADDR = 2'b11; I_WB_WE = 1; I_WB_DATA = sbyte; end
//Stop @(posedge CLK_49_152) begin I_WB_ADDR = 2'b00; I_WB_WE = 0; I_WB_DATA = sbyte; end
end endtask
Please check this or if I don't right contact me to nshushakov777@gmail.com
P.S. Sorry, I bed speak English.