1 |
2 |
zuofu |
--ECE395 GPU:
2 |
--Top Level HDL
3 |
4 |
--Designed by:
5 |
--Zuofu Cheng
6 |
--James Cavanaugh
7 |
--Eric Sands
8 |
9 |
--of the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
10 |
--under the direction of Dr. Lippold Haken
11 |
12 |
10 |
zuofu |
13 |
--Heavily based off of HDL examples provided by XESS Corporation
14 |
15 |
16 |
2 |
zuofu |
--Based in part on Doug Hodson's work which in turn
17 |
--was based off of the XSOC from Gray Research LLC.
18 |
19 |
10 |
zuofu |
20 |
2 |
zuofu |
--release under the GNU General Public License
21 |
--and kindly hosted by www.opencores.org
22 |
23 |
24 |
library IEEE;
25 |
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
26 |
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
27 |
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
28 |
use WORK.common.all;
29 |
use WORK.xsasdram.all;
30 |
use WORK.sdram.all;
31 |
10 |
zuofu |
use WORK.vga_pckg.all;
32 |
25 |
zuofu |
use WORK.blitter_pckg.all;
33 |
2 |
zuofu |
34 |
entity gpuChip is
35 |
36 |
37 |
FREQ : natural := 50_000; -- frequency of operation in KHz
38 |
PIPE_EN : boolean := true; -- enable fast, pipelined SDRAM operation
39 |
26 |
zuofu |
MULTIPLE_ACTIVE_ROWS: boolean := false; -- if true, allow an active row in each bank
40 |
10 |
zuofu |
CLK_DIV : real := 1.0; -- SDRAM Clock div
41 |
2 |
zuofu |
NROWS : natural := 4096; -- number of rows in the SDRAM
42 |
NCOLS : natural := 512; -- number of columns in each SDRAM row
43 |
SADDR_WIDTH : natural := 12;
44 |
10 |
zuofu |
DATA_WIDTH : natural := 16; -- SDRAM databus width
45 |
26 |
zuofu |
ADDR_WIDTH : natural := 24; -- host-side address width
46 |
12 |
zuofu |
VGA_CLK_DIV : natural := 4; -- pixel clock = FREQ / CLK_DIV
47 |
10 |
zuofu |
PIXEL_WIDTH : natural := 8; -- width of a pixel in memory
48 |
NUM_RGB_BITS : natural := 2; -- #bits in each R,G,B component of a pixel
49 |
12 |
zuofu |
PIXELS_PER_LINE : natural := 320; -- width of image in pixels
50 |
LINES_PER_FRAME : natural := 240; -- height of image in scanlines
51 |
10 |
zuofu |
FIT_TO_SCREEN : boolean := true; -- adapt video timing to fit image width x
52 |
25 |
zuofu |
PORT_TIME_SLOTS : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "0000111111111111"
53 |
2 |
zuofu |
54 |
55 |
56 |
pin_clkin : in std_logic; -- main clock input from external clock source
57 |
pin_ce_n : out std_logic; -- Flash RAM chip-enable
58 |
pin_pushbtn : in std_logic;
59 |
25 |
zuofu |
60 |
26 |
zuofu |
61 |
-- blitter port connections
62 |
pin_port_in : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
63 |
pin_port_addr : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
64 |
pin_load : in std_logic;
65 |
pin_start : in std_logic;
66 |
pin_done : out std_logic;
67 |
pin_flip_buffer: in std_logic;
68 |
69 |
2 |
zuofu |
-- vga port connections
70 |
pin_red : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
71 |
pin_green : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
72 |
pin_blue : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
73 |
pin_hsync_n : out std_logic;
74 |
pin_vsync_n : out std_logic;
75 |
76 |
-- SDRAM pin connections
77 |
pin_sclkfb : in std_logic; -- feedback SDRAM clock with PCB delays
78 |
pin_sclk : out std_logic; -- clock to SDRAM
79 |
pin_cke : out std_logic; -- SDRAM clock-enable
80 |
pin_cs_n : out std_logic; -- SDRAM chip-select
81 |
pin_ras_n : out std_logic; -- SDRAM RAS
82 |
pin_cas_n : out std_logic; -- SDRAM CAS
83 |
pin_we_n : out std_logic; -- SDRAM write-enable
84 |
pin_ba : out std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0); -- SDRAM bank-address
85 |
pin_sAddr : out std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); -- SDRAM address bus
86 |
pin_sData : inout std_logic_vector (16-1 downto 0); -- data bus to SDRAM
87 |
pin_dqmh : out std_logic; -- SDRAM DQMH
88 |
pin_dqml : out std_logic -- SDRAM DQML
89 |
90 |
end gpuChip;
91 |
92 |
architecture arch of gpuChip is
93 |
94 |
constant YES: std_logic := '1';
95 |
constant NO: std_logic := '0';
96 |
constant HI: std_logic := '1';
97 |
constant LO: std_logic := '0';
98 |
99 |
25 |
zuofu |
type gpuState is (
100 |
INIT, -- init
101 |
26 |
zuofu |
102 |
103 |
104 |
105 |
25 |
zuofu |
106 |
signal state_r, state_x : gpuState; -- state register and next state
107 |
108 |
109 |
26 |
zuofu |
signal source_address_x, source_address_r : std_logic_vector (ADDR_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); -- sprite dest register
110 |
25 |
zuofu |
signal target_address_x, target_address_r : std_logic_vector (ADDR_WIDTH -1 downto 0);
111 |
26 |
zuofu |
signal source_lines_x, source_lines_r : std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
112 |
25 |
zuofu |
signal line_size_x, line_size_r : std_logic_vector (11 downto 0);
113 |
signal alphaOp_x, alphaOp_r : std_logic;
114 |
signal front_buffer_x, front_buffer_r : std_logic;
115 |
26 |
zuofu |
signal idle_x, idle_r : std_logic;
116 |
--signal flip_buf_pend_x, flip_buf_pend_r : std_logic;
117 |
25 |
zuofu |
118 |
2 |
zuofu |
--internal signals
119 |
10 |
zuofu |
signal sysReset : std_logic; -- system reset
120 |
25 |
zuofu |
signal blit_reset : std_logic;
121 |
signal reset_blitter : std_logic;
122 |
2 |
zuofu |
123 |
25 |
zuofu |
-- Blitter signals
124 |
signal blit_begin : std_logic;
125 |
signal source_address : std_logic_vector(ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
126 |
signal source_lines : std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
127 |
signal line_size : std_logic_vector (11 downto 0);
128 |
23 |
zuofu |
signal target_address : std_logic_vector(ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
129 |
25 |
zuofu |
signal blit_done : std_logic;
130 |
signal alphaOp : std_logic;
131 |
signal front_buffer : std_logic;
132 |
133 |
26 |
zuofu |
signal port_in : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
134 |
signal port_addr : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
135 |
136 |
2 |
zuofu |
--Application Side Signals for the DualPort Controller
137 |
10 |
zuofu |
signal rst_i : std_logic; --tied reset signal
138 |
2 |
zuofu |
signal opBegun0, opBegun1 : std_logic; -- read/write operation started indicator
139 |
signal earlyOpBegun0, earlyOpBegun1 : std_logic; -- read/write operation started indicator
140 |
signal rdPending0, rdPending1 : std_logic; -- read operation pending in SDRAM pipeline indicator
141 |
signal done0, done1 : std_logic; -- read/write operation complete indicator
142 |
signal rdDone0, rdDone1 : std_logic; -- read operation complete indicator
143 |
signal hAddr0, hAddr1 : std_logic_vector(ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- host-side address bus
144 |
signal hDIn0, hDIn1 : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- host-side data to SDRAM
145 |
signal hDOut0, hDOut1 : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- host-side data from SDRAM
146 |
signal rd0, rd1 : std_logic; -- host-side read control signal
147 |
signal wr0, wr1 : std_logic; -- host-side write control signal
148 |
10 |
zuofu |
149 |
2 |
zuofu |
-- SDRAM host side signals
150 |
10 |
zuofu |
signal sdram_bufclk : std_logic; -- buffered input (non-DLL) clock
151 |
signal sdram_clk1x : std_logic; -- internal master clock signal
152 |
signal sdram_clk2x : std_logic; -- doubled clock
153 |
signal sdram_lock : std_logic; -- SDRAM clock DLL lock indicator
154 |
signal sdram_rst : std_logic; -- internal reset signal
155 |
signal sdram_rd : std_logic; -- host-side read control signal
156 |
signal sdram_wr : std_logic; -- host-side write control signal
157 |
signal sdram_earlyOpBegun : std_logic;
158 |
signal sdram_OpBegun : std_logic;
159 |
signal sdram_rdPending : std_logic;
160 |
signal sdram_done : std_logic; -- SDRAM operation complete indicator
161 |
signal sdram_rdDone : std_logic; -- host-side read completed signal
162 |
signal sdram_hAddr : std_logic_vector(ADDR_WIDTH -1 downto 0); -- host address bus
163 |
signal sdram_hDIn : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH -1 downto 0); -- host-side data to SDRAM
164 |
signal sdram_hDOut : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH -1 downto 0); -- host-side data from SDRAM
165 |
signal sdram_status : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- SDRAM controller status
166 |
2 |
zuofu |
167 |
10 |
zuofu |
168 |
-- VGA related signals
169 |
signal eof : std_logic; -- end-of-frame signal from VGA controller
170 |
signal full : std_logic; -- indicates when the VGA pixel buffer is full
171 |
signal vga_address : unsigned(ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- SDRAM address counter
172 |
13 |
zuofu |
signal pixels : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
173 |
10 |
zuofu |
signal rst_n : std_logic; --VGA reset (active low)
174 |
13 |
zuofu |
signal drawframe : std_logic; -- flag to indicate whether we are drawing current frame
175 |
176 |
2 |
zuofu |
177 |
-- Beginning of Submodules
178 |
-- All instances of submodules and signals associated with them
179 |
-- are declared within. Signals not directly associated with
180 |
-- submodules are declared elsewhere.
181 |
182 |
183 |
184 |
185 |
186 |
-- Instantiate the dualport module
187 |
188 |
u1 : dualport
189 |
generic map(
190 |
191 |
192 |
193 |
194 |
195 |
port map(
196 |
clk => sdram_clk1x,
197 |
198 |
-- Memory Port 0 connections
199 |
rst0 => rst_i,
200 |
rd0 => rd0,
201 |
wr0 => wr0,
202 |
rdPending0 => rdPending0,
203 |
opBegun0 => opBegun0,
204 |
earlyOpBegun0 => earlyOpBegun0,
205 |
rdDone0 => rdDone0,
206 |
done0 => done0,
207 |
hAddr0 => hAddr0,
208 |
hDIn0 => hDIn0,
209 |
hDOut0 => hDOut0,
210 |
status0 => open,
211 |
212 |
-- Memory Port 1 connections
213 |
rst1 => rst_i,
214 |
rd1 => rd1,
215 |
wr1 => wr1,
216 |
rdPending1 => rdPending1,
217 |
opBegun1 => opBegun1,
218 |
earlyOpBegun1 => earlyOpBegun1,
219 |
rdDone1 => rdDone1,
220 |
done1 => done1,
221 |
hAddr1 => hAddr1,
222 |
hDIn1 => hDIn1,
223 |
hDOut1 => hDOut1,
224 |
status1 => open,
225 |
25 |
zuofu |
226 |
-- connections to the SDRAM controller
227 |
2 |
zuofu |
rst => sdram_rst,
228 |
rd => sdram_rd,
229 |
wr => sdram_wr,
230 |
rdPending => sdram_rdPending,
231 |
opBegun => sdram_opBegun,
232 |
earlyOpBegun => sdram_earlyOpBegun,
233 |
rdDone => sdram_rdDone,
234 |
done => sdram_done,
235 |
hAddr => sdram_hAddr,
236 |
hDIn => sdram_hDIn,
237 |
hDOut => sdram_hDOut,
238 |
status => sdram_status
239 |
240 |
241 |
242 |
243 |
-- Instantiate the SDRAM controller that connects to the dualport
244 |
-- module and interfaces to the external SDRAM chip.
245 |
246 |
u2 : xsaSDRAMCntl
247 |
generic map(
248 |
249 |
250 |
251 |
252 |
253 |
254 |
255 |
256 |
257 |
258 |
port map(
259 |
--Dual Port Controller (Host) Side
260 |
clk => pin_clkin, -- master clock from external clock source (unbuffered)
261 |
bufclk => sdram_bufclk, -- buffered master clock output
262 |
clk1x => sdram_clk1x, -- synchronized master clock (accounts for delays to external SDRAM)
263 |
clk2x => sdram_clk2x, -- synchronized doubled master clock
264 |
lock => sdram_lock, -- DLL lock indicator
265 |
rst => sdram_rst, -- reset
266 |
rd => sdram_rd, -- host-side SDRAM read control from dualport
267 |
wr => sdram_wr, -- host-side SDRAM write control from dualport
268 |
earlyOpBegun => sdram_earlyOpBegun, -- early indicator that memory operation has begun
269 |
opBegun => sdram_opBegun, -- indicates memory read/write has begun
270 |
rdPending => sdram_rdPending, -- read operation to SDRAM is in progress
271 |
done => sdram_done, -- indicates SDRAM memory read or write operation is done
272 |
rdDone => sdram_rdDone, -- indicates SDRAM memory read operation is done
273 |
hAddr => sdram_hAddr, -- host-side address from dualport to SDRAM
274 |
hDIn => sdram_hDIn, -- test data pattern from dualport to SDRAM
275 |
hDOut => sdram_hDOut, -- SDRAM data output to dualport
276 |
status => sdram_status, -- SDRAM controller state (for diagnostics)
277 |
278 |
--SDRAM (External) Side
279 |
sclkfb => pin_sclkfb, -- clock feedback with added external PCB delays
280 |
sclk => pin_sclk, -- synchronized clock to external SDRAM
281 |
cke => pin_cke, -- SDRAM clock enable
282 |
cs_n => pin_cs_n, -- SDRAM chip-select
283 |
ras_n => pin_ras_n, -- SDRAM RAS
284 |
cas_n => pin_cas_n, -- SDRAM CAS
285 |
we_n => pin_we_n, -- SDRAM write-enable
286 |
ba => pin_ba, -- SDRAM bank address
287 |
sAddr => pin_sAddr, -- SDRAM address
288 |
sData => pin_sData, -- SDRAM databus
289 |
dqmh => pin_dqmh, -- SDRAM DQMH
290 |
dqml => pin_dqml -- SDRAM DQML
291 |
292 |
293 |
15 |
cavanaug |
294 |
25 |
zuofu |
-- Instance of VGA driver, this unit generates the video signals from VRAM
295 |
15 |
cavanaug |
296 |
297 |
2 |
zuofu |
298 |
10 |
zuofu |
u3 : vga
299 |
generic map (
300 |
301 |
302 |
303 |
304 |
305 |
306 |
307 |
308 |
port map (
309 |
rst => rst_i,
310 |
clk => sdram_clk1x, -- use the resync'ed master clock so VGA generator is in sync with SDRAM
311 |
wr => rdDone0, -- write to pixel buffer when the data read from SDRAM is available
312 |
13 |
zuofu |
pixel_data_in => pixels, -- pixel data from SDRAM
313 |
10 |
zuofu |
full => full, -- indicates when the pixel buffer is full
314 |
eof => eof, -- indicates when the VGA generator has finished a video frame
315 |
r => pin_red, -- RGB components (output)
316 |
g => pin_green,
317 |
b => pin_blue,
318 |
hsync_n => pin_hsync_n, -- horizontal sync
319 |
vsync_n => pin_vsync_n, -- vertical sync
320 |
blank => open
321 |
322 |
15 |
cavanaug |
323 |
324 |
25 |
zuofu |
-- instance of main blitter
325 |
15 |
cavanaug |
326 |
327 |
25 |
zuofu |
u4: Blitter
328 |
17 |
zuofu |
generic map(
329 |
15 |
cavanaug |
330 |
25 |
zuofu |
331 |
332 |
333 |
15 |
cavanaug |
334 |
17 |
zuofu |
port map (
335 |
25 |
zuofu |
clk =>sdram_clk1x,
336 |
rst =>blit_reset,
337 |
rd =>rd1,
338 |
wr =>wr1,
339 |
opBegun =>opBegun1,
340 |
earlyopBegun =>earlyOpBegun1,
341 |
done =>done1,
342 |
rddone =>rddone1,
343 |
rdPending =>rdPending1,
344 |
Addr =>hAddr1,
345 |
DIn =>hDIn1,
346 |
DOut =>hDOut1,
347 |
blit_begin =>blit_begin,
348 |
23 |
zuofu |
source_address =>source_address,
349 |
25 |
zuofu |
source_lines =>source_lines,
350 |
23 |
zuofu |
target_address =>target_address,
351 |
25 |
zuofu |
line_size =>line_size,
352 |
alphaOp =>alphaOp,
353 |
blit_done =>blit_done,
354 |
front_buffer =>front_buffer
355 |
17 |
zuofu |
356 |
15 |
cavanaug |
357 |
2 |
zuofu |
358 |
-- End of Submodules
359 |
360 |
-- Begin Top Level Module
361 |
10 |
zuofu |
362 |
25 |
zuofu |
-- connect internal signals
363 |
2 |
zuofu |
rst_i <= sysReset;
364 |
13 |
zuofu |
pin_ce_n <= '1'; -- disable Flash RAM
365 |
25 |
zuofu |
366 |
rd0 <= ((not full) and drawframe); -- negate the full signal for use in controlling the SDRAM read operation
367 |
hDIn0 <= "0000000000000000"; -- don't need to write to port 0 (VGA Port)
368 |
10 |
zuofu |
wr0 <= '0';
369 |
hAddr0 <= std_logic_vector(vga_address);
370 |
25 |
zuofu |
371 |
blit_reset <= rst_i or reset_blitter;
372 |
2 |
zuofu |
373 |
13 |
zuofu |
-- Port0 is reserved for VGA
374 |
22 |
zuofu |
pixels <= hDOut0 when drawframe = '1' else "0000000000000000";
375 |
13 |
zuofu |
376 |
26 |
zuofu |
port_in <= pin_port_in;
377 |
port_addr <= pin_port_addr;
378 |
pin_done <= idle_r;
379 |
380 |
25 |
zuofu |
source_address <= source_address_r;
381 |
line_size <= line_size_r;
382 |
target_address <= target_address_r;
383 |
source_lines <= source_lines_r;
384 |
alphaOp <= alphaOp_r;
385 |
26 |
zuofu |
386 |
25 |
zuofu |
front_buffer <= YES;--front_buffer_r;
387 |
388 |
26 |
zuofu |
comb:process(state_r, port_in, port_addr, pin_start)
389 |
25 |
zuofu |
390 |
blit_begin <= NO; --default operations
391 |
reset_blitter <= NO;
392 |
393 |
state_x <= state_r; --default register values
394 |
source_address_x <= source_address_r;
395 |
target_address_x <= target_address_r;
396 |
source_lines_x <= source_lines_r;
397 |
26 |
zuofu |
line_size_x <= line_size_r;
398 |
25 |
zuofu |
alphaOp_x <= alphaOp_r;
399 |
front_buffer_x <= front_buffer_r;
400 |
26 |
zuofu |
idle_x <= idle_r;
401 |
25 |
zuofu |
402 |
case state_r is
403 |
when INIT =>
404 |
26 |
zuofu |
idle_x <= YES;
405 |
25 |
zuofu |
reset_blitter <= YES;
406 |
26 |
zuofu |
state_x <= LOAD;
407 |
408 |
when LOAD =>
409 |
if (pin_load = YES) then
410 |
case port_addr is
411 |
when "0000" => source_address_x(23 downto 16) <= port_in;
412 |
when "0001" => source_address_x(15 downto 8) <= port_in;
413 |
when "0010" => source_address_x(7 downto 0) <= port_in;
414 |
when "0011" => target_address_x(23 downto 16) <= port_in;
415 |
when "0100" => target_address_x(15 downto 8) <= port_in;
416 |
when "0101" => target_address_x(7 downto 0) <= port_in;
417 |
when "0110" => source_lines_x (15 downto 8) <= port_in;
418 |
when "0111" => source_lines_x (7 downto 0) <= port_in;
419 |
when "1000" => line_size_x (11 downto 8) <= port_in(3 downto 0);
420 |
when "1001" => line_size_x (7 downto 0) <= port_in;
421 |
when "1010" => alphaOp_x <= port_in(0);
422 |
when others =>
423 |
end case;
424 |
end if;
425 |
426 |
if (pin_start = YES) then
427 |
idle_x <= NO;
428 |
state_x <= DRAW;
429 |
end if;
430 |
25 |
zuofu |
431 |
26 |
zuofu |
when DRAW =>
432 |
25 |
zuofu |
blit_begin <= YES;
433 |
if (blit_done = YES) then
434 |
reset_blitter <= YES;
435 |
26 |
zuofu |
idle_x <= YES;
436 |
state_x <= REST;
437 |
25 |
zuofu |
end if;
438 |
439 |
26 |
zuofu |
when REST =>
440 |
25 |
zuofu |
reset_blitter <= YES;
441 |
26 |
zuofu |
state_x <= LOAD;
442 |
25 |
zuofu |
443 |
end case;
444 |
end process;
445 |
446 |
10 |
zuofu |
-- update the SDRAM address counter
447 |
448 |
449 |
if rising_edge(sdram_clk1x) then
450 |
25 |
zuofu |
451 |
--VGA Related Stuff
452 |
if eof = YES then
453 |
13 |
zuofu |
drawframe <= not drawframe; -- draw every other frame
454 |
25 |
zuofu |
455 |
26 |
zuofu |
-- reset the address at the end of a video frame depending on which buffer is the front
456 |
if (front_buffer = YES) then
457 |
vga_address <= x"000000";
458 |
459 |
vga_address <= x"000000"; --temporary
460 |
end if;
461 |
462 |
25 |
zuofu |
elsif (earlyOpBegun0 = YES) then
463 |
26 |
zuofu |
vga_address <= vga_address + 1; -- go to the next address once the read of the current address has begun
464 |
13 |
zuofu |
end if;
465 |
25 |
zuofu |
466 |
--reset stuff
467 |
if (sysReset = YES) then
468 |
state_r <= INIT;
469 |
end if;
470 |
471 |
state_r <= state_x;
472 |
source_address_r <= source_address_x;
473 |
target_address_r <= target_address_x;
474 |
source_lines_r <= source_lines_x;
475 |
26 |
zuofu |
line_size_r <= line_size_x;
476 |
25 |
zuofu |
alphaOp_r <= alphaOp_x;
477 |
26 |
zuofu |
front_buffer_r <= front_buffer_x;
478 |
idle_r <= idle_x;
479 |
480 |
25 |
zuofu |
end if;
481 |
10 |
zuofu |
end process;
482 |
2 |
zuofu |
483 |
10 |
zuofu |
--process reset circuitry
484 |
2 |
zuofu |
485 |
486 |
if (rising_edge(sdram_bufclk)) then
487 |
if sdram_lock='0' then
488 |
sysReset <= '1'; -- keep in reset until DLLs start up
489 |
490 |
--sysReset <= '0';
491 |
sysReset <= not pin_pushbtn; -- push button will reset
492 |
end if;
493 |
end if;
494 |
end process;
495 |
end arch;