1 |
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dilbert57 |
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3 |
-- CPU11 Microprocessor Test Bench 1
4 |
-- Print out "Hello World" on the (non existant) Uart
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-- John Kent 21st October 2002
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11 |
library ieee;
12 |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
13 |
14 |
15 |
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
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17 |
4 |
dilbert57 |
entity my_testbench1 is
18 |
end my_testbench1;
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2 |
dilbert57 |
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21 |
4 |
dilbert57 |
-- Architecture for Testbench 1
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2 |
dilbert57 |
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4 |
dilbert57 |
architecture behavior of my_testbench1 is
24 |
2 |
dilbert57 |
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-- Signals
26 |
27 |
signal uart_irq : Std_Logic;
28 |
signal timer_irq : std_logic;
29 |
30 |
-- CPU Interface signals
31 |
signal SysClk : Std_Logic;
32 |
signal cpu_reset : Std_Logic;
33 |
signal cpu_rw : Std_Logic;
34 |
signal cpu_vma : Std_Logic;
35 |
signal cpu_addr : Std_Logic_Vector(15 downto 0);
36 |
signal cpu_data_in : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0);
37 |
signal cpu_data_out: Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0);
38 |
signal cpu_alu : Std_Logic_Vector(15 downto 0);
39 |
signal cpu_cc : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0);
40 |
41 |
constant width : integer := 8;
42 |
constant memsize : integer := 64;
43 |
44 |
type rom_array is array(0 to memsize-1) of std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0);
45 |
46 |
constant rom_data : rom_array :=
47 |
48 |
"11001110", "11111111", "11101000", -- E000 - CE E028 RESET LDX #MSG
49 |
"10000110", "00010001", -- E003 - 86 11 LDAA #$11
50 |
"10110111", "10000000", "00000100", -- E005 - B7 8004 STAA UARTCR
51 |
"10110110", "10000000", "00000100", -- E008 - B6 8004 POLL1 LDAA UARTCR
52 |
"10000101", "00000010", -- E00B - 85 02 BITA #TXBE
53 |
-- "00100111", "11111001", -- E00D - 27 F9 BEQ POLL1
54 |
"00100110", "11111001", -- E00D - 26 F9 BNE POLL1
55 |
"10100110", "00000000", -- E00F - A6 00 LDAA 0,X
56 |
"00100111", "00000110", -- E011 - 27 06 BEQ POLL2
57 |
"00001000", -- E013 - 08 INX
58 |
"10110111", "10000000", "00000101", -- E014 - B7 8005 STA UARTDR
59 |
"00100110", "11101111", -- E017 - 26 EF BNE POLL1
60 |
"00001000", "10000000", "00000100", -- E019 - B6 8004 POLL2 LDAA UARTCR
61 |
"10000101", "00000001", -- E01C - 85 01 BITA #RXBF
62 |
"00100111", "11111001", -- E01E - 27 F9 BEQ POLL2
63 |
-- "00100110", "11111001", -- E01E - 26 F9 BEQ POLL2
64 |
"10110110", "10000000", "00000101", -- E020 - B6 8005 LDAA UARTDR
65 |
"00100000", "11100000", "00000000", -- E023 - 7E E000 JMP RESET
66 |
"00000000", "00000000", -- E026 - 00 00 fcb $00,$00
67 |
"01001000", "01100101", "01101100", -- E028 - 48 65 6c MSG FCC "Hel"
68 |
"01101100", "01101111", "00100000", -- E02B - 6c 6f 20 FCC "lo "
69 |
"01010111", "01101111", "01110010", -- E02E - 57 6f 72 FCC "Wor"
70 |
"01101100", "01100100", -- E031 - 6c 64 FCC "ld"
71 |
"00001010", "00001101", "00000000", -- E033 - 0a 0d 00 FCB LF,CR,NULL
72 |
"00000000", "00000000", -- E036 - 00 00 fcb null,null
73 |
"11100000", "00000000", -- E038 - E0 00 fdb $E000 ; Timer irq
74 |
"11100000", "00000000", -- E03A - E0 00 fdb $E000 ; Ext IRQ
75 |
"11100000", "00000000", -- E03C - E0 00 fcb $E000 ; SWI
76 |
"11100000", "00000000" -- E03E - E0 00 fdb $E000 ; Reset
77 |
78 |
79 |
component cpu11
80 |
port (
81 |
clk: in std_logic;
82 |
rst: in std_logic;
83 |
rw: out std_logic; -- Asynchronous memory interface
84 |
vma: out std_logic;
85 |
address: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
86 |
data_in: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
87 |
data_out: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
88 |
irq: in std_logic;
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dilbert57 |
xirq: in std_logic
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dilbert57 |
91 |
end component;
92 |
93 |
94 |
95 |
cpu : cpu11 port map (
96 |
clk => SysClk,
97 |
rst => cpu_reset,
98 |
rw => cpu_rw,
99 |
vma => cpu_vma,
100 |
address => cpu_addr(15 downto 0),
101 |
data_in => cpu_data_in,
102 |
data_out => cpu_data_out,
103 |
irq => uart_irq,
104 |
4 |
dilbert57 |
xirq => timer_irq
105 |
2 |
dilbert57 |
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107 |
-- *** Test Bench - User Defined Section ***
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109 |
variable count : integer;
110 |
111 |
112 |
cpu_reset <= '0';
113 |
SysClk <= '0';
114 |
uart_irq <= '0';
115 |
timer_irq <= '0';
116 |
117 |
for count in 0 to 256 loop
118 |
SysClk <= '0';
119 |
if count = 0 then
120 |
cpu_reset <= '1';
121 |
elsif count = 1 then
122 |
cpu_reset <= '0';
123 |
end if;
124 |
wait for 100 ns;
125 |
SysClk <= '1';
126 |
wait for 100 ns;
127 |
end loop;
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129 |
wait; -- will wait forever
130 |
131 |
-- *** End Test Bench - User Defined Section ***
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133 |
134 |
rom : PROCESS( cpu_addr )
135 |
136 |
cpu_data_in <= rom_data(conv_integer(cpu_addr(5 downto 0)));
137 |
end process;
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139 |
end behavior; --===================== End of architecture =======================--
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