1 |
2 |
federico.a |
library ieee;
2 |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
3 |
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
4 |
use ieee.std_logic_misc.all;
5 |
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
6 |
7 |
use std.textio.all;
8 |
9 |
use work.ahb_package.all;
10 |
11 |
entity mst_wrap is
12 |
generic (
13 |
--synopsys translate_off
14 |
dump_file: in string:= "mst_wrap.log";
15 |
dump_type: in integer:= dump_no;
16 |
--synopsys translate_on
17 |
ahb_max_addr: in integer:= 4;
18 |
19 |
--parameters for master access
20 |
21 |
m_const_lat_write: in integer:= 0;--0 latency states in write
22 |
m_const_lat_read: in integer:= 2;--2 cycles to get first data
23 |
m_write_burst: in integer := burst_support;--master accepts bursts in write!!!
24 |
m_read_burst: in integer := burst_support--master accepts bursts in read!!!
25 |
26 |
port (
27 |
hresetn: in std_logic;
28 |
clk: in std_logic;
29 |
conf: in conf_type_t;
30 |
dma_start: out start_type_t;
31 |
m_wrap_in: in wrap_out_t;
32 |
m_wrap_out: out wrap_in_t);
33 |
end mst_wrap;
34 |
35 |
architecture rtl of mst_wrap is
36 |
37 |
38 |
--synopsys translate_off
39 |
40 |
--**** DUMP OF MEMORY *******************************************
41 |
42 |
file file_descriptor : TEXT open WRITE_MODE is dump_file;
43 |
44 |
constant msg1: string(1 to 4):= "MEM ";
45 |
constant msg3: string(1 to 5):= "DATA ";
46 |
47 |
procedure Write_Message(msg1:string; addr:in integer; msg2:string; value:in integer) is
48 |
variable STR : line;
49 |
50 |
51 |
write(STR,STRING'(" "));
52 |
write (STR, msg1);
53 |
write (STR, addr);
54 |
write(STR,STRING'(" "));
55 |
write (STR, msg2);
56 |
write (STR, value);
57 |
writeLine(file_descriptor, STR);
58 |
writeLine(OUTPUT, STR);
59 |
end Write_Message;
60 |
61 |
62 |
--synopsys translate_on
63 |
64 |
65 |
66 |
--configuration registers
67 |
68 |
signal hsize_reg: std_logic_Vector(2 downto 0);
69 |
signal priority_reg: std_logic;
70 |
signal hburst_reg: std_logic_Vector(2 downto 0);
71 |
signal hprot_reg: std_logic_Vector(3 downto 0);
72 |
signal trx_dir_reg: std_logic;
73 |
signal hlock_reg: std_logic;
74 |
signal extaddr: std_logic_Vector(31 downto 0);
75 |
signal intaddr: std_logic_Vector(15 downto 0);
76 |
signal intmod: std_logic_Vector(15 downto 0);
77 |
signal count_reg: std_logic_Vector(15 downto 0);
78 |
signal dma_go: std_logic;
79 |
80 |
81 |
82 |
type vect_32 is array (2**ahb_max_addr-1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
83 |
signal mem : vect_32;
84 |
85 |
86 |
signal m_lat_write_ok, m_lat_read_ok: std_logic;
87 |
signal m_lat_write: integer range 0 to m_const_lat_write;
88 |
signal m_lat_read: integer range 0 to m_const_lat_read;
89 |
90 |
91 |
92 |
93 |
94 |
95 |
96 |
97 |
98 |
--***************** master part *********************************
99 |
100 |
process(clk, hresetn)
101 |
102 |
if hresetn='0' then
103 |
m_lat_write <= m_const_lat_write;
104 |
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
105 |
if (m_wrap_in.take='1') then
106 |
if (m_lat_write_ok='0') then
107 |
m_lat_write <= m_lat_write-1 after 1 ns;
108 |
elsif (m_write_burst=1) then--accepts bursts .....
109 |
m_lat_write <= 0 after 1 ns;
110 |
111 |
m_lat_write <= m_const_lat_write after 1 ns;
112 |
end if;
113 |
114 |
m_lat_write <= m_const_lat_write after 1 ns;
115 |
end if;
116 |
end if;
117 |
end process;
118 |
119 |
m_lat_write_ok <= '1' when (m_lat_write=0) else '0';
120 |
m_wrap_out.take_ok <= '1' when (m_wrap_in.take='1' and m_lat_write_ok='1') else '0';
121 |
122 |
process(clk, hresetn)
123 |
124 |
if hresetn='0' then
125 |
for i in 0 to 2**ahb_max_addr-1 loop
126 |
mem(i) <= conv_std_logic_vector(i, 32);
127 |
end loop;--i
128 |
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
129 |
if (m_wrap_in.take='1' and m_lat_write_ok='1') then
130 |
mem(conv_integer(m_wrap_in.addr(2+ahb_max_addr-1 downto 2))) <= m_wrap_in.wdata after 1 ns;
131 |
--synopsys translate_off
132 |
if dump_type/=dump_no then Write_Message(msg1, conv_integer(m_wrap_in.addr(2+ahb_max_addr-1 downto 2)), msg3, conv_integer(m_wrap_in.wdata)); end if;
133 |
--synopsys translate_on
134 |
end if;
135 |
end if;
136 |
end process;
137 |
138 |
m_wrap_out.rdata <= mem(conv_integer(m_wrap_in.addr(2+ahb_max_addr-1 downto 2))) when (m_wrap_in.ask='1' and m_lat_read_ok='1') else (others => '-');
139 |
140 |
141 |
process(clk, hresetn)
142 |
143 |
if hresetn='0' then
144 |
m_lat_read <= m_const_lat_read;
145 |
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
146 |
if (m_wrap_in.ask='1') then
147 |
if (m_lat_read_ok='0') then
148 |
m_lat_read <= m_lat_read-1 after 1 ns;
149 |
elsif (m_read_burst=1) then--accepts bursts .....
150 |
m_lat_read <= 0 after 1 ns;
151 |
152 |
m_lat_read <= m_const_lat_read after 1 ns;
153 |
end if;
154 |
155 |
m_lat_read <= m_const_lat_read after 1 ns;
156 |
end if;
157 |
end if;
158 |
end process;
159 |
160 |
m_lat_read_ok <= '1' when (m_lat_read=0) else '0';
161 |
m_wrap_out.ask_ok <= '1' when (m_wrap_in.ask='1' and m_lat_read_ok='1') else '0';
162 |
163 |
164 |
165 |
166 |
167 |
-- configuration registers write
168 |
169 |
170 |
171 |
conf_reg_pr:process(hresetn, clk)
172 |
variable addr: std_logic_Vector(3 downto 0);
173 |
174 |
if hresetn='0' then
175 |
hsize_reg <= bits32;
176 |
priority_reg <= slave;
177 |
hburst_reg <= incr;
178 |
hprot_reg <= "0011";
179 |
trx_dir_reg <= '0';
180 |
hlock_reg <= locked;
181 |
extaddr <= zeroes;
182 |
intaddr <= zeroes(15 downto 0);
183 |
intmod <= conv_std_logic_vector(4, intmod'length);--mod=+4(+1 word32)
184 |
count_reg <= zeroes(15 downto 0);
185 |
dma_go <= '0';
186 |
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
187 |
if (conf.write='1') then
188 |
case conf.addr is
189 |
when dma_extadd_addr =>
190 |
extaddr <= conf.wdata;
191 |
when dma_intadd_addr =>
192 |
intaddr <= conf.wdata(15 downto 0);
193 |
when dma_intmod_addr =>
194 |
intmod <= conf.wdata(15 downto 0);
195 |
when dma_type_addr =>
196 |
priority_reg <= conf.wdata(12);
197 |
hsize_reg <= conf.wdata(11 downto 9);
198 |
hburst_reg <= conf.wdata(8 downto 6);
199 |
hprot_reg <= conf.wdata(5 downto 2);
200 |
trx_dir_reg <= conf.wdata(1);
201 |
hlock_reg <= conf.wdata(0);
202 |
when dma_count_addr =>
203 |
count_reg <= conf.wdata(15 downto 0);
204 |
when others => null;
205 |
end case;
206 |
end if;
207 |
if (conf.write='1' and conf.addr=dma_count_addr) then
208 |
dma_go <= '1';
209 |
210 |
dma_go <= '0';
211 |
end if;
212 |
end if;
213 |
end process;
214 |
215 |
216 |
217 |
218 |
219 |
220 |
dma_start.extaddr <= extaddr;
221 |
dma_start.intaddr <= intaddr;
222 |
dma_start.intmod <= intmod;
223 |
dma_start.hparams <= "000"&priority_reg&hsize_reg&hburst_reg&hprot_reg&trx_dir_reg&hlock_reg;
224 |
dma_start.count <= count_reg;
225 |
dma_start.start <= dma_go;
226 |
227 |
end rtl;