1 |
41 |
ultra_embe |
AltOR32 Instruction Set
2 |
3 |
4 |
### l.add rD,rA,rB
5 |
6 |
##### Description
7 |
The contents of register rA are added to the contents of register rB to form the result.
8 |
The result is placed into register rD.
9 |
The carry flag is set on unsigned arithmetic overflow.
10 |
11 |
##### Implementation
12 |
`rD[31:0] = rA[31:0] + rB[31:0]`
13 |
`SR[CY] = carry out`
14 |
15 |
##### Encoding
16 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x38`
17 |
`opcode[9:8] == 0x0`
18 |
`opcode[3:0] == 0x0`
19 |
`opcode[25:21] == rD`
20 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
21 |
`opcode[15:11] == rB`
22 |
23 |
### l.addc rD,rA,rB
24 |
25 |
##### Description
26 |
The contents of register rA are added to the contents of register rB and carry SR[CY] to form the result.
27 |
The result is placed into register rD.
28 |
The carry flag is set on unsigned arithmetic overflow.
29 |
30 |
##### Implementation
31 |
`rD[31:0] = rA[31:0] + rB[31:0] + SR[CY]`
32 |
`SR[CY] = carry out`
33 |
34 |
##### Encoding
35 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x38`
36 |
`opcode[9:8] == 0x0`
37 |
`opcode[3:0] == 0x1`
38 |
`opcode[25:21] == rD`
39 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
40 |
`opcode[15:11] == rB`
41 |
42 |
### l.addi rD,rA,I
43 |
44 |
##### Description
45 |
The immediate value is sign-extended and added to the contents of register rA to form the result.
46 |
The result is placed into register rD.
47 |
The carry flag is set on unsigned arithmetic overflow.
48 |
49 |
##### Implementation
50 |
`rD[31:0] = rA[31:0] + sign_extend(Immediate)`
51 |
`SR[CY] = carry out`
52 |
53 |
##### Encoding
54 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x27`
55 |
`opcode[25:21] == rD`
56 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
57 |
`opcode[15:0] == Immediate`
58 |
59 |
### l.and rD,rA,rB
60 |
61 |
##### Description
62 |
The contents of register rA are combined with the contents of register rB in a bit-wise logical AND operation.
63 |
The result is placed into register rD.
64 |
65 |
##### Implementation
66 |
`rD[31:0] = rA[31:0] AND rB[31:0]`
67 |
68 |
##### Encoding
69 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x38`
70 |
`opcode[9:8] == 0x0`
71 |
`opcode[3:0] == 0x3`
72 |
`opcode[25:21] == rD`
73 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
74 |
`opcode[15:11] == rB`
75 |
76 |
### l.andi rD,rA,K
77 |
78 |
##### Description
79 |
The immediate value is zero-extended and combined with the contents of register rA in a bit-wise logical AND operation.
80 |
The result is placed into register rD.
81 |
82 |
##### Implementation
83 |
`rD[31:0] = rA[31:0] AND unsigned_extend(Immediate)`
84 |
85 |
##### Encoding
86 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x29`
87 |
`opcode[25:21] == rD`
88 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
89 |
`opcode[15:0] == Immediate`
90 |
91 |
### l.bf N
92 |
93 |
##### Description
94 |
The immediate value is shifted left two bits, sign-extended to program counter width, and then added to the address of the branch instruction.
95 |
If the flag is set, the program branches to the calculated address.
96 |
97 |
##### Implementation
98 |
`ADDR = sign_extend(Immediate << 2) + CurrentPC`
99 |
`PC = ADDR if SR[F] set`
100 |
101 |
##### Encoding
102 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x4`
103 |
`opcode[25:0] == N`
104 |
105 |
### l.bnf N
106 |
107 |
##### Description
108 |
The immediate value is shifted left two bits, sign-extended to program counter width, and then added to the address of the branch instruction.
109 |
If the flag is not set, the program branches to the calculated address.
110 |
111 |
##### Implementation
112 |
`ADDR = sign_extend(Immediate << 2) + CurrentPC`
113 |
`PC = ADDR if SR[F] cleared`
114 |
115 |
##### Encoding
116 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x3`
117 |
`opcode[25:0] == N`
118 |
119 |
### l.j N
120 |
121 |
##### Description
122 |
The immediate value is shifted left two bits, sign-extended to program counter width, and then added to the address of the jump instruction.
123 |
The program unconditionally jumps to the calculated address.
124 |
125 |
##### Implementation
126 |
`PC = sign_extend(Immediate << 2) + CurrentPC`
127 |
128 |
##### Encoding
129 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x0`
130 |
`opcode[25:0] == N`
131 |
132 |
### l.jal N
133 |
134 |
##### Description
135 |
The immediate value is shifted left two bits, sign-extended to program counter width, and then added to the address of the jump instruction.
136 |
The program unconditionally jumps to the calculated address and the instruction address after the jump location is stored in R9 (LR).
137 |
138 |
##### Implementation
139 |
`PC = sign_extend(Immediate << 2) + CurrentPC`
140 |
`LR = CurrentPC + 4`
141 |
142 |
##### Encoding
143 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x1`
144 |
`opcode[25:0] == N`
145 |
146 |
### l.jalr rB
147 |
148 |
##### Description
149 |
The contents of register rB is the effective address of the jump.
150 |
The program unconditionally jumps to the address held in rB and the instruction address after the jump location is stored in R9 (LR).
151 |
152 |
##### Implementation
153 |
`PC = rB`
154 |
`LR = CurrentPC + 4`
155 |
156 |
##### Encoding
157 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x12`
158 |
`opcode[15:11] == rB`
159 |
160 |
### l.jr rB
161 |
162 |
##### Description
163 |
The contents of register rB is the effective address of the jump.
164 |
The program unconditionally jumps to the address in rB.
165 |
166 |
##### Implementation
167 |
`PC = rB`
168 |
169 |
##### Encoding
170 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x11`
171 |
`opcode[15:11] == rB`
172 |
173 |
### l.lbs rD,I(rA)
174 |
175 |
##### Description
176 |
The offset is sign-extended and added to the contents of register rA.
177 |
The byte in memory addressed by ADDR is loaded into the low-order eight bits of register rD. High-order bits of register rD are replaced with bit 7 of the loaded value.
178 |
179 |
##### Implementation
180 |
`ADDR = sign_extend(Immediate) + rA[31:0]`
181 |
`rD[7:0] = ADDR[7:0]`
182 |
`rD[31:8] = ADDR[7]`
183 |
184 |
##### Encoding
185 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x24`
186 |
`opcode[25:21] == rD`
187 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
188 |
`opcode[15:0] == Immediate`
189 |
190 |
### l.lbz rD,I(rA)
191 |
192 |
##### Description
193 |
The offset is sign-extended and added to the contents of register rA.
194 |
The byte in memory addressed by ADDR is loaded into the low-order eight bits of register rD. High-order bits of register rD are replaced with zero.
195 |
196 |
##### Implementation
197 |
`ADDR = sign_extend(Immediate) + rA[31:0]`
198 |
`rD[7:0] = ADDR[7:0]`
199 |
`rD[31:8] = 0`
200 |
201 |
##### Encoding
202 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x23`
203 |
`opcode[25:21] == rD`
204 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
205 |
`opcode[15:0] == Immediate`
206 |
207 |
### l.lhs rD,I(rA)
208 |
209 |
##### Description
210 |
The offset is sign-extended and added to the contents of register rA.
211 |
The half word in memory addressed by ADDR is loaded into the low-order 16 bits of register rD. High-order bits of register rD are replaced with bit 15 of the loaded value.
212 |
213 |
##### Implementation
214 |
`ADDR = sign_extend(Immediate) + rA[31:0]`
215 |
`rD[15:0] = ADDR[15:0]`
216 |
`rD[31:16] = ADDR[15]`
217 |
218 |
##### Encoding
219 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x26`
220 |
`opcode[25:21] == rD`
221 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
222 |
`opcode[15:0] == Immediate`
223 |
224 |
### l.lhz rD,I(rA)
225 |
226 |
##### Description
227 |
The offset is sign-extended and added to the contents of register rA.
228 |
The half word in memory addressed by ADDR is loaded into the low-order 16 bits of register rD. High-order bits of register rD are replaced with zero.
229 |
230 |
##### Implementation
231 |
`ADDR = sign_extend(Immediate) + rA[31:0]`
232 |
`rD[15:0] = ADDR[15:0]`
233 |
`rD[31:16] = 0`
234 |
235 |
##### Encoding
236 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x25`
237 |
`opcode[25:21] == rD`
238 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
239 |
`opcode[15:0] == Immediate`
240 |
241 |
### l.lws rD,I(rA)
242 |
243 |
##### Description
244 |
The offset is sign-extended and added to the contents of register rA.
245 |
The single word in memory addressed by ADDR is loaded into the low-order 32 bits of register rD. High-order bits of register rD are replaced with bit 31 of the loaded value.
246 |
247 |
##### Implementation
248 |
`ADDR = sign_extend(Immediate) + rA[31:0]`
249 |
`rD[31:0] = ADDR[31:0]`
250 |
251 |
##### Encoding
252 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x22`
253 |
`opcode[25:21] == rD`
254 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
255 |
`opcode[15:0] == Immediate`
256 |
257 |
### l.lwz rD,I(rA)
258 |
259 |
##### Description
260 |
The offset is sign-extended and added to the contents of register rA.
261 |
The single word in memory addressed by ADDR is loaded into the low-order 32 bits of register rD. High-order bits of register rD are replaced with zero.
262 |
263 |
##### Implementation
264 |
`ADDR = sign_extend(Immediate) + rA[31:0]`
265 |
`rD[31:0] = ADDR[31:0]`
266 |
267 |
##### Encoding
268 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x21`
269 |
`opcode[25:21] == rD`
270 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
271 |
`opcode[15:0] == Immediate`
272 |
273 |
### l.mfspr rD,rA,K
274 |
275 |
##### Description
276 |
The contents of the special register, defined by contents of rA logically ORed with immediate value, are moved into register rD.
277 |
278 |
##### Implementation
279 |
`rD[31:0] = spr(rA OR Immediate)`
280 |
281 |
##### Encoding
282 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x2d`
283 |
`opcode[25:21] == rD`
284 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
285 |
`opcode[15:0] == Immediate`
286 |
287 |
### l.movhi rD,K
288 |
289 |
##### Description
290 |
The 16-bit immediate value is zero-extended, shifted left by 16 bits, and placed into register rD.
291 |
292 |
##### Implementation
293 |
`rD[31:0] = unsigned_extend(Immediate) << 16`
294 |
295 |
##### Encoding
296 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x6`
297 |
`opcode[25:21] == rD`
298 |
`opcode[15:0] == Immediate`
299 |
300 |
### l.mtspr rA,rB,K
301 |
302 |
##### Description
303 |
The contents of register rB are moved into the special register defined by contents of register rA logically ORed with the immediate value.
304 |
305 |
##### Implementation
306 |
`spr(rA OR Immediate) = rB[31:0]`
307 |
308 |
##### Encoding
309 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x30`
310 |
`opcode[25:21] == Immediate[15:11]`
311 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
312 |
`opcode[15:11] == rB`
313 |
`opcode[10:0] == Immediate[10:0]`
314 |
315 |
### l.nop K
316 |
317 |
##### Description
318 |
This instruction does not normally do anything other than consume a cycle. In simulation, the immediate value may be used to control various settings / print to the console.
319 |
320 |
##### Implementation
321 |
`null operation`
322 |
323 |
##### Encoding
324 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x15`
325 |
`opcode[15:0] == Immediate`
326 |
327 |
### l.or rD,rA,rB
328 |
329 |
##### Description
330 |
The contents of register rA are combined with the contents of register rB in a bit-wise logical OR operation.
331 |
The result is placed into register rD.
332 |
333 |
##### Implementation
334 |
`rD[31:0] = rA[31:0] OR rB[31:0]`
335 |
336 |
##### Encoding
337 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x38`
338 |
`opcode[9:8] == 0x0`
339 |
`opcode[3:0] == 0x4`
340 |
`opcode[25:21] == rD`
341 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
342 |
`opcode[15:11] == rB`
343 |
344 |
### l.ori rD,rA,K
345 |
346 |
##### Description
347 |
The immediate value is zero-extended and combined with the contents of register rA in a bit-wise logical OR operation. The result is placed into register rD.
348 |
349 |
##### Implementation
350 |
`rD[31:0] = rA[31:0] OR unsigned_extend(Immediate)`
351 |
352 |
##### Encoding
353 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x2a`
354 |
`opcode[25:21] == rD`
355 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
356 |
`opcode[15:0] == Immediate`
357 |
358 |
### l.rfeÂ
359 |
360 |
##### Description
361 |
Execution of this instruction restores PC and SR (status register) registers. Intended as a return from interrupt instruction.
362 |
363 |
##### Implementation
364 |
`PC = EPC`
365 |
`SR = ESR`
366 |
367 |
##### Encoding
368 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x9`
369 |
370 |
### l.sb I(rA),rB
371 |
372 |
##### Description
373 |
The offset is sign-extended and added to the contents of register rA. The sum represents an effective address. The low-order 8 bits of register rB are stored to memory location addressed by ADDR.
374 |
375 |
##### Implementation
376 |
`ADDR = sign_extend(Immediate) + rA[31:0]`
377 |
`ADDR[7:0] = rB[7:0]`
378 |
379 |
##### Encoding
380 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x36`
381 |
`opcode[25:21] == Immediate[15:11]`
382 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
383 |
`opcode[15:11] == rB`
384 |
`opcode[10:0] == Immediate[10:0]`
385 |
386 |
### l.sfeq rA,rB
387 |
388 |
##### Description
389 |
The contents of registers rA and rB are compared. If the contents are equal, the compare flag is set; otherwise the compare flag is cleared.
390 |
391 |
##### Implementation
392 |
`SR[F] = rA[31:0] == rB[31:0]`
393 |
394 |
##### Encoding
395 |
`opcode[31:21] == 0x720`
396 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
397 |
`opcode[15:11] == rB`
398 |
399 |
### l.sfeqi rA,I
400 |
401 |
##### Description
402 |
The contents of register rA and the sign-extended immediate value are compared. If the two values are equal, the compare flag is set; otherwise the compare flag is cleared.
403 |
404 |
##### Implementation
405 |
`SR[F] = rA[31:0] == sign_extend(Immediate)`
406 |
407 |
##### Encoding
408 |
`opcode[31:21] == 0x5e0`
409 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
410 |
`opcode[15:0] == Immediate`
411 |
412 |
### l.sfges rA,rB
413 |
414 |
##### Description
415 |
The contents of registers rA and rB are compared as signed integers. If the contents of the first register are greater than or equal to the contents of the second register, the compare flag is set; otherwise the compare flag is cleared.
416 |
417 |
##### Implementation
418 |
`SR[F] = rA[31:0] >= rB[31:0]`
419 |
420 |
##### Encoding
421 |
`opcode[31:21] == 0x72b`
422 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
423 |
`opcode[15:11] == rB`
424 |
425 |
### l.sfgesi rA,I
426 |
427 |
##### Description
428 |
The contents of register rA and the sign-extended immediate value are compared as signed integers. If the contents of the first register are greater than or equal to the immediate value the compare flag is set; otherwise the compare flag is cleared.
429 |
430 |
##### Implementation
431 |
`SR[F] = rA[31:0] >= sign_extend(Immediate)`
432 |
433 |
##### Encoding
434 |
`opcode[31:21] == 0x5eb`
435 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
436 |
`opcode[15:0] == Immediate`
437 |
438 |
### l.sfgeu rA,rB
439 |
440 |
##### Description
441 |
The contents of registers rA and rB are compared as unsigned integers. If the contents of the first register are greater than or equal to the contents of the second register, the compare flag is set; otherwise the compare flag is cleared.
442 |
443 |
##### Implementation
444 |
`SR[F] = rA[31:0] >= rB[31:0]`
445 |
446 |
##### Encoding
447 |
`opcode[31:21] == 0x723`
448 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
449 |
`opcode[15:11] == rB`
450 |
451 |
### l.sfgeui rA,I
452 |
453 |
##### Description
454 |
The contents of register rA and the sign-extended immediate value are compared as unsigned integers. If the contents of the first register are greater than or equal to the immediate value the compare flag is set; otherwise the compare flag is cleared.
455 |
456 |
##### Implementation
457 |
`SR[F] = rA[31:0] >= sign_extend(Immediate)`
458 |
459 |
##### Encoding
460 |
`opcode[31:21] == 0x5e3`
461 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
462 |
`opcode[15:0] == Immediate`
463 |
464 |
### l.sfgts rA,rB
465 |
466 |
##### Description
467 |
The contents of registers rA and rB are compared as signed integers. If the contents of the first register are greater than the contents of the second register, the compare flag is set; otherwise the compare flag is cleared.
468 |
469 |
##### Implementation
470 |
`SR[F] = rA[31:0] > rB[31:0]`
471 |
472 |
##### Encoding
473 |
`opcode[31:21] == 0x72a`
474 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
475 |
`opcode[15:11] == rB`
476 |
477 |
### l.sfgtsi rA,I
478 |
479 |
##### Description
480 |
The contents of register rA and the sign-extended immediate value are compared as signed integers. If the contents of the first register are greater than the immediate value the compare flag is set; otherwise the compare flag is cleared.
481 |
482 |
##### Implementation
483 |
`SR[F] = rA[31:0] > sign_extend(Immediate)`
484 |
485 |
##### Encoding
486 |
`opcode[31:21] == 0x5ea`
487 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
488 |
`opcode[15:0] == Immediate`
489 |
490 |
### l.sfgtu rA,rB
491 |
492 |
##### Description
493 |
The contents of registers rA and rB are compared as unsigned integers. If the contents of the first register are greater than the contents of the second register, the compare flag is set; otherwise the compare flag is cleared.
494 |
495 |
##### Implementation
496 |
`SR[F] = rA[31:0] > rB[31:0]`
497 |
498 |
##### Encoding
499 |
`opcode[31:21] == 0x722`
500 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
501 |
`opcode[15:11] == rB`
502 |
503 |
### l.sfgtui rA,I
504 |
505 |
##### Description
506 |
The contents of register rA and the sign-extended immediate value are compared as unsigned integers. If the contents of the first register are greater than the immediate value the compare flag is set; otherwise the compare flag is cleared.
507 |
508 |
##### Implementation
509 |
`SR[F] = rA[31:0] > sign_extend(Immediate)`
510 |
511 |
##### Encoding
512 |
`opcode[31:21] == 0x5e2`
513 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
514 |
`opcode[15:0] == Immediate`
515 |
516 |
### l.sfles rA,rB
517 |
518 |
##### Description
519 |
The contents of registers rA and rB are compared as signed integers. If the contents of the first register are less than or equal to the contents of the second register, the compare flag is set; otherwise the compare flag is cleared.
520 |
521 |
##### Implementation
522 |
`SR[F] = rA[31:0] <= rB[31:0]`
523 |
524 |
##### Encoding
525 |
`opcode[31:21] == 0x72d`
526 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
527 |
`opcode[15:11] == rB`
528 |
529 |
### l.sflesi rA,I
530 |
531 |
##### Description
532 |
The contents of register rA and the sign-extended immediate value are compared as signed integers. If the contents of the first register are less than or equal to the immediate value the compare flag is set; otherwise the compare flag is cleared.
533 |
534 |
##### Implementation
535 |
`SR[F] = rA[31:0] <= sign_extend(Immediate)`
536 |
537 |
##### Encoding
538 |
`opcode[31:21] == 0x5ed`
539 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
540 |
`opcode[15:0] == Immediate`
541 |
542 |
### l.sfleu rA,rB
543 |
544 |
##### Description
545 |
The contents of registers rA and rB are compared as unsigned integers. If the contents of the first register are less than or equal to the contents of the second register, the compare flag is set; otherwise the compare flag is cleared.
546 |
547 |
##### Implementation
548 |
`SR[F] = rA[31:0] <= rB[31:0]`
549 |
550 |
##### Encoding
551 |
`opcode[31:21] == 0x725`
552 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
553 |
`opcode[15:11] == rB`
554 |
555 |
### l.sfleui rA,I
556 |
557 |
##### Description
558 |
The contents of register rA and the sign-extended immediate value are compared as unsigned integers. If the contents of the first register are less than or equal to the immediate value the compare flag is set; otherwise the compare flag is cleared.
559 |
560 |
##### Implementation
561 |
`SR[F] = rA[31:0] <= sign_extend(Immediate)`
562 |
563 |
##### Encoding
564 |
`opcode[31:21] == 0x5e5`
565 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
566 |
`opcode[15:0] == Immediate`
567 |
568 |
### l.sflts rA,rB
569 |
570 |
##### Description
571 |
The contents of registers rA and rB are compared as signed integers. If the contents of the first register are less than the contents of the second register, the compare flag is set; otherwise the compare flag is cleared.
572 |
573 |
##### Implementation
574 |
`SR[F] = rA[31:0] < rB[31:0]`
575 |
576 |
##### Encoding
577 |
`opcode[31:21] == 0x72c`
578 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
579 |
`opcode[15:11] == rB`
580 |
581 |
### l.sfltsi rA,I
582 |
583 |
##### Description
584 |
The contents of register rA and the sign-extended immediate value are compared as signed integers. If the contents of the first register are less than the immediate value the compare flag is set; otherwise the compare flag is cleared.
585 |
586 |
##### Implementation
587 |
`SR[F] = rA[31:0] < sign_extend(Immediate)`
588 |
589 |
##### Encoding
590 |
`opcode[31:21] == 0x5ec`
591 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
592 |
`opcode[15:0] == Immediate`
593 |
594 |
### l.sfltu rA,rB
595 |
596 |
##### Description
597 |
The contents of registers rA and rB are compared as unsigned integers. If the contents of the first register are less than the contents of the second register, the compare flag is set; otherwise the compare flag is cleared.
598 |
599 |
##### Implementation
600 |
`SR[F] = rA[31:0] < rB[31:0]`
601 |
602 |
##### Encoding
603 |
`opcode[31:21] == 0x724`
604 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
605 |
`opcode[15:11] == rB`
606 |
607 |
### l.sfltui rA,I
608 |
609 |
##### Description
610 |
The contents of register rA and the sign-extended immediate value are compared as unsigned integers. If the contents of the first register are less than the immediate value the compare flag is set; otherwise the compare flag is cleared.
611 |
612 |
##### Implementation
613 |
`SR[F] = rA[31:0] < sign_extend(Immediate)`
614 |
615 |
##### Encoding
616 |
`opcode[31:21] == 0x5e4`
617 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
618 |
`opcode[15:0] == Immediate`
619 |
620 |
### l.sfne rA,rB
621 |
622 |
##### Description
623 |
The contents of registers rA and rB are compared. If the contents are not equal, the compare flag is set; otherwise the compare flag is cleared.
624 |
625 |
##### Implementation
626 |
`SR[F] = rA[31:0] != rB[31:0]`
627 |
628 |
##### Encoding
629 |
`opcode[31:21] == 0x721`
630 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
631 |
`opcode[15:11] == rB`
632 |
633 |
### l.sfnei rA,I
634 |
635 |
##### Description
636 |
The contents of register rA and the sign-extended immediate value are compared. If the two values are not equal, the compare flag is set; otherwise the compare flag is cleared.
637 |
638 |
##### Implementation
639 |
`SR[F] = rA[31:0] != sign_extend(Immediate)`
640 |
641 |
##### Encoding
642 |
`opcode[31:21] == 0x5e1`
643 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
644 |
`opcode[15:0] == Immediate`
645 |
646 |
### l.sh I(rA),rB
647 |
648 |
##### Description
649 |
The offset is sign-extended and added to the contents of register rA. The sum represents an effective address. The low-order 16 bits of register rB are stored to memory location addressed by ADDR.
650 |
651 |
##### Implementation
652 |
`ADDR = sign_extend(Immediate) + rA[31:0]`
653 |
`ADDR[15:0] = rB[15:0]`
654 |
655 |
##### Encoding
656 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x37`
657 |
`opcode[25:21] == Immediate[15:11]`
658 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
659 |
`opcode[15:11] == rB`
660 |
`opcode[10:0] == Immediate[10:0]`
661 |
662 |
### l.sll rD,rA,rB
663 |
664 |
##### Description
665 |
Register rB specifies the number of bit positions; the contents of register rA are shifted left, inserting zeros into the low-order bits.
666 |
The result is written into rD.
667 |
668 |
##### Implementation
669 |
`rD[31:rB[4:0]] = rA[31-rB[4:0]:0]`
670 |
`rD[rB[4:0]-1:0] = 0`
671 |
672 |
##### Encoding
673 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x38`
674 |
`opcode[9:8] == 0x0`
675 |
`opcode[3:0] == 0x8`
676 |
`opcode[25:21] == rD`
677 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
678 |
`opcode[15:11] == rB`
679 |
680 |
### l.slli rD,rA,L
681 |
682 |
##### Description
683 |
The immediate value specifies the number of bit positions; the contents of register rA are shifted left, inserting zeros into the low-order bits.
684 |
The result is written into register rD.
685 |
686 |
##### Implementation
687 |
`rD[31:L] = rA[31-L:0]`
688 |
`rD[L-1:0] = 0`
689 |
`opcode[25:21] == rD`
690 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
691 |
`opcode[15:0] == Immediate`
692 |
693 |
##### Encoding
694 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x2e`
695 |
`opcode[25:21] == rD`
696 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
697 |
`opcode[5:0] == Immediate`
698 |
699 |
### l.sra rD,rA,rB
700 |
701 |
##### Description
702 |
Register rB specifies the number of bit positions; the contents of register rA are shifted right, sign-extending the high-order bits.
703 |
The result is written into register rD.
704 |
705 |
##### Implementation
706 |
`rD[31-rB[4:0]:0] = rA[31:rB[4:0]]`
707 |
`rD[31:32-rB[4:0]] = rA[31]`
708 |
709 |
##### Encoding
710 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x38`
711 |
`opcode[9:8] == 0x2`
712 |
`opcode[3:0] == 0x8`
713 |
`opcode[25:21] == rD`
714 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
715 |
`opcode[15:11] == rB`
716 |
717 |
### l.srai rD,rA,L
718 |
719 |
##### Description
720 |
The 6-bit immediate value specifies the number of bit positions; the contents of register rA are shifted right, sign-extending the high-order bits.
721 |
The result is written into register rD.
722 |
723 |
##### Implementation
724 |
`rD[31-L:0] = rA[31:L]`
725 |
`rD[31:32-L] = rA[31]`
726 |
727 |
##### Encoding
728 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x2e`
729 |
`opcode[25:21] == rD`
730 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
731 |
`opcode[5:0] == Immediate`
732 |
733 |
### l.srl rD,rA,rB
734 |
735 |
##### Description
736 |
Register rB specifies the number of bit positions; the contents of register rA are shifted right, inserting zeros into the high-order bits.
737 |
The result is written into register rD.
738 |
739 |
##### Implementation
740 |
`rD[31-rB[4:0]:0] = rA[31:rB[4:0]]`
741 |
`rD[31:32-rB[4:0]] = 0`
742 |
743 |
##### Encoding
744 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x38`
745 |
`opcode[9:8] == 0x1`
746 |
`opcode[3:0] == 0x8`
747 |
`opcode[25:21] == rD`
748 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
749 |
`opcode[15:11] == rB`
750 |
751 |
### l.srli rD,rA,L
752 |
753 |
##### Description
754 |
The 6-bit immediate value specifies the number of bit positions; the contents of register rA are shifted right, inserting zeros into the high-order bits.
755 |
The result is written into register rD.
756 |
757 |
##### Implementation
758 |
`rD[31-L:0] = rA[31:L]`
759 |
`rD[31:32-L] = 0`
760 |
761 |
##### Encoding
762 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x2e`
763 |
`opcode[25:21] == rD`
764 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
765 |
`opcode[5:0] == Immediate`
766 |
767 |
### l.sub rD,rA,rB
768 |
769 |
##### Description
770 |
The contents of register rB are subtracted from the contents of register rA to form the result. The result is placed into register rD.
771 |
772 |
##### Implementation
773 |
`rD[31:0] = rA[31:0] - rB[31:0]`
774 |
775 |
##### Encoding
776 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x38`
777 |
`opcode[9:8] == 0x0`
778 |
`opcode[3:0] == 0x2`
779 |
`opcode[25:21] == rD`
780 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
781 |
`opcode[15:11] == rB`
782 |
783 |
### l.sw I(rA),rB
784 |
785 |
##### Description
786 |
The offset is sign-extended and added to the contents of register rA. The sum represents an effective address. The low-order 32 bits of register rB are stored to memory location addressed by ADDR.
787 |
788 |
##### Implementation
789 |
`ADDR = sign_extend(Immediate) + rA[31:0]`
790 |
`ADDR[31:0] = rB[31:0]`
791 |
792 |
##### Encoding
793 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x35`
794 |
`opcode[25:21] == Immediate[15:11]`
795 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
796 |
`opcode[15:11] == rB`
797 |
`opcode[10:0] == Immediate[10:0]`
798 |
799 |
### l.sys K
800 |
801 |
##### Description
802 |
Execution of the system call instruction results in the system call exception. The system calls exception is a request to the operating system to provide operating system services. The immediate value can be used to specify which system service is requested, alternatively a GPR defined by the ABI can be used to specify system service.
803 |
804 |
Because an l.sys causes an intentional exception, rather than an interruption of normal processing, the matching l.rfe returns to the next instruction.
805 |
806 |
##### Implementation
807 |
808 |
809 |
##### Encoding
810 |
`opcode[31:16] == 0x2000`
811 |
`opcode[15:0] == Immediate`
812 |
813 |
### l.trap K
814 |
815 |
##### Description
816 |
Trap exception is a request to the operating system or to the debug facility to execute certain debug services. The immediate value is not used by the CPU itself, but can be used by trap handling software as an argument for handling the breakpoint.
817 |
818 |
##### Implementation
819 |
820 |
821 |
##### Encoding
822 |
`opcode[31:16] == 0x2100`
823 |
`opcode[15:0] == Immediate`
824 |
825 |
### l.xor rD,rA,rB
826 |
827 |
##### Description
828 |
The contents of register rA are combined with the contents of register rB in a bit-wise logical XOR operation.
829 |
The result is placed into register rD.
830 |
831 |
##### Implementation
832 |
`rD[31:0] = rA[31:0] XOR rB[31:0]`
833 |
834 |
##### Encoding
835 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x38`
836 |
`opcode[9:8] == 0x0`
837 |
`opcode[3:0] == 0x5`
838 |
`opcode[25:21] == rD`
839 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
840 |
`opcode[15:11] == rB`
841 |
842 |
### l.xori rD,rA,I
843 |
844 |
##### Description
845 |
The immediate value is sign-extended and combined with the contents of register rA in a bit-wise logical XOR operation.
846 |
The result is placed into register rD.
847 |
848 |
##### Implementation
849 |
`rD[31:0] = rA[31:0] XOR sign_extend(Immediate)`
850 |
851 |
##### Encoding
852 |
`opcode[31:26] == 0x2b`
853 |
`opcode[25:21] == rD`
854 |
`opcode[20:16] == rA`
855 |
`opcode[15:0] == Immediate`