1 |
12 |
alfik |
2 |
@echo -e "Select operation to perform. Type 'make' followed by the name of the operation."
3 |
4 |
@echo -e "Available operations:"
5 |
@echo -e "doxygen - run the doxygen tool on the ao68000 project."
6 |
@echo -e " Doxverilog version required."
7 |
13 |
alfik |
@echo -e "microcode - generate ao68000 microcode from Java sources."
8 |
12 |
alfik |
@echo -e "spec_extract - generate the specification.odt file from the Doxygen HTML docs."
9 |
@echo -e "soc_for_linux - synthesise soc_for_linux SoC with ao68000 processor for"
10 |
@echo -e " the Terasic DE2-70 board."
11 |
@echo -e "test_bcd - test BCD opcode algorithms."
12 |
@echo -e "compare_with_winuae - compare ao68000 processor with WinUAE MC68000 emulator (www.winuae.net)."
13 |
@echo -e "clean - clean all."
14 |
15 |
@exit 0
16 |
17 |
doxygen: ./doc/doxygen/doxygen.cfg
18 |
19 |
@echo "DOXVERILOG environment variable not set. Set it to a Doxverilog executable."
20 |
@exit 1
21 |
22 |
$(DOXVERILOG) ./doc/doxygen/doxygen.cfg
23 |
24 |
25 |
javac -d ./tmp ./sw/ao68000_tool/*.java
26 |
27 |
microcode: ao68000_tool
28 |
java -cp ./tmp ao68000_tool.Main parser ./rtl/ao68000.v ./sw/ao68000_tool/Parser.java
29 |
javac -d ./tmp ./sw/ao68000_tool/*.java
30 |
java -cp ./tmp ao68000_tool.Main microcode ./rtl/ao68000.v ./rtl/ao68000_microcode.mif
31 |
32 |
33 |
gcc -o ./tmp/test_bcd ./tests/nbcd_abcd_sbcd/nbcd_abcd_sbcd.c
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
mkdir -p ./tmp/soc_for_linux_on_terasic_de2_70
38 |
cp ./rtl/* ./tmp/soc_for_linux_on_terasic_de2_70
39 |
cp ./tests/soc_for_linux_on_terasic_de2_70/verilog/* ./tmp/soc_for_linux_on_terasic_de2_70
40 |
cp ./tests/soc_for_linux_on_terasic_de2_70/quartus_project/* ./tmp/soc_for_linux_on_terasic_de2_70
41 |
cd ./tmp/soc_for_linux_on_terasic_de2_70 && quartus_sh --flow compile soc_for_linux
42 |
43 |
spec_extract: ao68000_tool
44 |
mkdir -p ./tmp/spec_extract
45 |
java -cp ./tmp ao68000_tool.Main spec_extract ./doc/doxygen/html/page_spec_references.html ./tmp/spec_extract/references.html
46 |
java -cp ./tmp ao68000_tool.Main spec_extract ./doc/doxygen/html/page_spec_ports.html ./tmp/spec_extract/ports.html
47 |
java -cp ./tmp ao68000_tool.Main spec_extract ./doc/doxygen/html/page_spec_clocks.html ./tmp/spec_extract/clocks.html
48 |
java -cp ./tmp ao68000_tool.Main spec_extract ./doc/doxygen/html/page_spec_registers.html ./tmp/spec_extract/registers.html
49 |
java -cp ./tmp ao68000_tool.Main spec_extract ./doc/doxygen/html/page_spec_operation.html ./tmp/spec_extract/operation.html
50 |
java -cp ./tmp ao68000_tool.Main spec_extract ./doc/doxygen/html/page_spec_architecture.html ./tmp/spec_extract/architecture.html
51 |
java -cp ./tmp ao68000_tool.Main spec_extract ./doc/doxygen/html/page_spec_introduction.html ./tmp/spec_extract/introduction.html
52 |
java -cp ./tmp ao68000_tool.Main spec_extract ./doc/doxygen/html/page_spec_revisions.html ./tmp/spec_extract/revisions.html
53 |
soffice "macro:///Standard.Module1.Main(file://$(CURDIR)/doc/src/specification_template.odt,file://$(CURDIR)/tmp/spec_extract/specification.odt,,file://$(CURDIR)/tmp/spec_extract/references.html,True)"
54 |
soffice "macro:///Standard.Module1.Main(file://$(CURDIR)/tmp/spec_extract/specification.odt,file://$(CURDIR)/tmp/spec_extract/specification.odt,,file://$(CURDIR)/tmp/spec_extract/ports.html,True)"
55 |
soffice "macro:///Standard.Module1.Main(file://$(CURDIR)/tmp/spec_extract/specification.odt,file://$(CURDIR)/tmp/spec_extract/specification.odt,,file://$(CURDIR)/tmp/spec_extract/clocks.html,True)"
56 |
soffice "macro:///Standard.Module1.Main(file://$(CURDIR)/tmp/spec_extract/specification.odt,file://$(CURDIR)/tmp/spec_extract/specification.odt,,file://$(CURDIR)/tmp/spec_extract/registers.html,True)"
57 |
soffice "macro:///Standard.Module1.Main(file://$(CURDIR)/tmp/spec_extract/specification.odt,file://$(CURDIR)/tmp/spec_extract/specification.odt,,file://$(CURDIR)/tmp/spec_extract/operation.html,True)"
58 |
soffice "macro:///Standard.Module1.Main(file://$(CURDIR)/tmp/spec_extract/specification.odt,file://$(CURDIR)/tmp/spec_extract/specification.odt,,file://$(CURDIR)/tmp/spec_extract/architecture.html,True)"
59 |
soffice "macro:///Standard.Module1.Main(file://$(CURDIR)/tmp/spec_extract/specification.odt,file://$(CURDIR)/tmp/spec_extract/specification.odt,,file://$(CURDIR)/tmp/spec_extract/introduction.html,True)"
60 |
soffice "macro:///Standard.Module1.Main(file://$(CURDIR)/tmp/spec_extract/specification.odt,file://$(CURDIR)/tmp/spec_extract/specification.odt,,file://$(CURDIR)/tmp/spec_extract/revisions.html,False)"
61 |
62 |
63 |
mkdir -p ./tmp/compare_with_winuae/winuae
64 |
cd ./tmp/compare_with_winuae/winuae && gcc -DCPUEMU_68000_ONLY -DCPUEMU_11 -I./../../../tests/compare_with_winuae/winuae -o build68k ./../../../tests/compare_with_winuae/winuae/build68k.c
65 |
cd ./tmp/compare_with_winuae/winuae && ./build68k < ./../../../tests/compare_with_winuae/winuae/table68k > table68k.c
66 |
cd ./tmp/compare_with_winuae/winuae && gcc -DCPUEMU_68000_ONLY -DCPUEMU_11 -I./../../../tests/compare_with_winuae/winuae -c ./../../../tests/compare_with_winuae/winuae/gencpu.c
67 |
cd ./tmp/compare_with_winuae/winuae && gcc -DCPUEMU_68000_ONLY -DCPUEMU_11 -I./../../../tests/compare_with_winuae/winuae -c ./../../../tests/compare_with_winuae/winuae/readcpu.c
68 |
cd ./tmp/compare_with_winuae/winuae && gcc -DCPUEMU_68000_ONLY -DCPUEMU_11 -I./../../../tests/compare_with_winuae/winuae -c table68k.c
69 |
cd ./tmp/compare_with_winuae/winuae && gcc -DCPUEMU_68000_ONLY -DCPUEMU_11 -I./../../../tests/compare_with_winuae/winuae -o gencpu gencpu.o readcpu.o table68k.o
70 |
cd ./tmp/compare_with_winuae/winuae && ./gencpu
71 |
cd ./tmp/compare_with_winuae/winuae && gcc -DCPUEMU_68000_ONLY -DCPUEMU_11 -I./../../../tests/compare_with_winuae/winuae -c ./../../../tests/compare_with_winuae/winuae/ao.c
72 |
cd ./tmp/compare_with_winuae/winuae && gcc -DCPUEMU_68000_ONLY -DCPUEMU_11 -I./../../../tests/compare_with_winuae/winuae -c cpustbl.c
73 |
cd ./tmp/compare_with_winuae/winuae && gcc -DCPUEMU_68000_ONLY -DCPUEMU_11 -I./../../../tests/compare_with_winuae/winuae -c cpuemu_11.c
74 |
cd ./tmp/compare_with_winuae/winuae && gcc -o ao ao.o cpustbl.o cpuemu_11.o table68k.o readcpu.o
75 |
76 |
77 |
78 |
@echo "Environment variable QUARTUS_ROOTDIR not set. Please set it to point to Altera Quartus II rootdir."
79 |
@exit 1
80 |
81 |
mkdir -p ./tmp/compare_with_winuae/verilog
82 |
cd ./tmp/compare_with_winuae/verilog && ln -s -f $(QUARTUS_ROOTDIR)/eda/sim_lib/altera_mf.v altsyncram.v
83 |
cd ./tmp/compare_with_winuae/verilog && ln -s -f $(QUARTUS_ROOTDIR)/eda/sim_lib/220model.v lpm_mult.v
84 |
cd ./tmp/compare_with_winuae/verilog && ln -s -f $(QUARTUS_ROOTDIR)/eda/sim_lib/220model.v lpm_divide.v
85 |
cd ./tmp/compare_with_winuae/verilog && iverilog -y. -y./../../../rtl -y./../../../tests/compare_with_winuae/verilog -o tb_ao68000 ./../../../tests/compare_with_winuae/verilog/tb_ao68000.v
86 |
cp ./rtl/ao68000_microcode.mif ./tmp/compare_with_winuae/verilog
87 |
88 |
16 |
alfik |
START_IR_DEC := 57344
89 |
END_IR_DEC := 61440
90 |
12 |
alfik |
91 |
13 |
alfik |
COUNT := 4
92 |
12 |
alfik |
COUNT_LIST := $(wordlist 1,$(COUNT),0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19)
93 |
STEP := `expr \( $(END_IR_DEC) - $(START_IR_DEC) \) / $(COUNT)`
94 |
95 |
compare_with_winuae: ao68000_tool winuae tb_ao68000
96 |
$(foreach i,$(COUNT_LIST), mkdir -p ./tmp/compare_with_winuae/run_$(i); )
97 |
$(foreach i,$(COUNT_LIST), cp ./rtl/ao68000_microcode.mif ./tmp/compare_with_winuae/run_$(i); )
98 |
$(foreach i,$(COUNT_LIST), echo -e "#!/bin/bash\n./../verilog/tb_ao68000 \$$@" \
99 |
> ./tmp/compare_with_winuae/run_$(i)/run.sh; \
100 |
101 |
$(foreach i,$(COUNT_LIST), chmod +x ./tmp/compare_with_winuae/run_$(i)/run.sh; )
102 |
$(foreach i,$(COUNT_LIST), $(TERM_PROGRAM) -e java -cp ./tmp ao68000_tool.Main test \
103 |
./tmp/compare_with_winuae/winuae/ao \
104 |
./tmp/compare_with_winuae/run_$(i)/run.sh \
105 |
13 |
alfik |
`expr $(START_IR_DEC) + $(i) \* \( \( $(END_IR_DEC) - $(START_IR_DEC) \) / $(COUNT) \)` \
106 |
`expr $(START_IR_DEC) + \( $(i) + 1 \) \* \( \( $(END_IR_DEC) - $(START_IR_DEC) \) / $(COUNT) \)` \
107 |
12 |
alfik |
& \
108 |
109 |
110 |
111 |
rm -R -f ./tmp/*