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-- Copyright 2020
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-- ASTRON (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy) <http://www.astron.nl/>
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-- P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
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-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
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-- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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-- limitations under the License.
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-- Purpose:
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-- Provide input ready control and use output ready control to the FIFO.
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-- Pass sop and eop along with the data through the FIFO if g_use_ctrl=TRUE.
24 |
-- Default the RL=1, use g_fifo_rl=0 for a the show ahead FIFO.
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-- Description:
26 |
-- Provide the sink ready for FIFO write control and use source ready for
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-- FIFO read access. The sink ready output is derived from FIFO almost full.
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-- Data without framing can use g_use_ctrl=FALSE to avoid implementing two
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-- data bits for sop and eop in the FIFO word width. Idem for g_use_sync,
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-- g_use_empty, g_use_channel and g_use_error.
31 |
-- Remark:
32 |
-- . The bsn, empty, channel and error fields are valid at the sop and or eop.
33 |
-- Therefore alternatively these fields can be passed on through a separate
34 |
-- FIFO, with only one entry per frame, to save FIFO memory in case
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-- concatenating them makes the FIFO word width larger than a standard
36 |
-- memory data word width.
37 |
-- . The FIFO makes that the src_in.ready and snk_out.ready are not
38 |
-- combinatorially connected, so this can ease the timing closure for the
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-- ready signal.
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LIBRARY IEEE, common_pkg_lib, dp_components_lib, dp_pkg_lib;
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43 |
USE IEEE.numeric_std.ALL;
44 |
USE common_pkg_lib.common_pkg.ALL;
45 |
USE dp_pkg_lib.dp_stream_pkg.ALL;
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--USE technology_lib.technology_select_pkg.ALL;
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ENTITY dp_fifo_core IS
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g_technology : NATURAL := 0;
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g_note_is_ful : BOOLEAN := TRUE; -- when TRUE report NOTE when FIFO goes full, fifo overflow is always reported as FAILURE
52 |
g_use_dual_clock : BOOLEAN := FALSE;
53 |
g_use_lut_sc : BOOLEAN := FALSE; -- when TRUE then force using LUTs instead of block RAM for single clock FIFO (bot available for dual clock FIFO)
54 |
g_data_w : NATURAL := 16; -- Should be 2 times the c_complex_w if g_use_complex = TRUE
55 |
g_data_signed : BOOLEAN := FALSE; -- TRUE extends g_data_w bits with the sign bit, FALSE pads g_data_w bits with zeros.
56 |
g_bsn_w : NATURAL := 1;
57 |
g_empty_w : NATURAL := 1;
58 |
g_channel_w : NATURAL := 1;
59 |
g_error_w : NATURAL := 1;
60 |
g_use_bsn : BOOLEAN := FALSE;
61 |
g_use_empty : BOOLEAN := FALSE;
62 |
g_use_channel : BOOLEAN := FALSE;
63 |
g_use_error : BOOLEAN := FALSE;
64 |
g_use_sync : BOOLEAN := FALSE;
65 |
g_use_ctrl : BOOLEAN := TRUE; -- sop & eop
66 |
g_use_complex : BOOLEAN := FALSE; -- TRUE feeds the concatenated complex fields (im & re) through the FIFO instead of the data field.
67 |
g_fifo_size : NATURAL := 512; -- (16+2) * 512 = 1 M9K, g_data_w+2 for sop and eop
68 |
g_fifo_af_margin : NATURAL := 4; -- >=4, Nof words below max (full) at which fifo is considered almost full
69 |
g_fifo_rl : NATURAL := 1
70 |
71 |
72 |
wr_rst : IN STD_LOGIC;
73 |
wr_clk : IN STD_LOGIC;
74 |
rd_rst : IN STD_LOGIC;
75 |
rd_clk : IN STD_LOGIC;
76 |
-- Monitor FIFO filling
77 |
wr_ful : OUT STD_LOGIC; -- corresponds to the carry bit of wr_usedw when FIFO is full
78 |
wr_usedw : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(ceil_log2(g_fifo_size)-1 DOWNTO 0);
79 |
rd_usedw : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(ceil_log2(g_fifo_size)-1 DOWNTO 0);
80 |
rd_emp : OUT STD_LOGIC;
81 |
-- ST sink
82 |
snk_out : OUT t_dp_siso;
83 |
snk_in : IN t_dp_sosi;
84 |
-- ST source
85 |
src_in : IN t_dp_siso;
86 |
src_out : OUT t_dp_sosi
87 |
88 |
END dp_fifo_core;
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91 |
ARCHITECTURE str OF dp_fifo_core IS
92 |
93 |
CONSTANT c_use_data : BOOLEAN := TRUE;
94 |
CONSTANT c_ctrl_w : NATURAL := 2; -- sop and eop
95 |
96 |
CONSTANT c_complex_w : NATURAL := smallest(c_dp_stream_dsp_data_w, g_data_w/2); -- needed to cope with g_data_w > 2*c_dp_stream_dsp_data_w
97 |
98 |
CONSTANT c_fifo_almost_full : NATURAL := g_fifo_size-g_fifo_af_margin; -- FIFO almost full level for snk_out.ready
99 |
CONSTANT c_fifo_dat_w : NATURAL := func_slv_concat_w(c_use_data, g_use_bsn, g_use_empty, g_use_channel, g_use_error, g_use_sync, g_use_ctrl,
100 |
g_data_w, g_bsn_w, g_empty_w, g_channel_w, g_error_w, 1, c_ctrl_w); -- concat via FIFO
101 |
102 |
SIGNAL nxt_snk_out : t_dp_siso := c_dp_siso_rst;
103 |
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106 |
SIGNAL wr_data_complex : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2*c_complex_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
107 |
SIGNAL wr_data : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(g_data_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
108 |
SIGNAL rd_data : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(g_data_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
109 |
110 |
SIGNAL fifo_wr_dat : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_fifo_dat_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
111 |
SIGNAL fifo_wr_req : STD_LOGIC;
112 |
SIGNAL fifo_wr_ful : STD_LOGIC;
113 |
SIGNAL fifo_wr_usedw : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(wr_usedw'RANGE);
114 |
115 |
SIGNAL fifo_rd_dat : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_fifo_dat_w-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS=>'0');
116 |
SIGNAL fifo_rd_val : STD_LOGIC;
117 |
SIGNAL fifo_rd_req : STD_LOGIC;
118 |
SIGNAL fifo_rd_emp : STD_LOGIC;
119 |
SIGNAL fifo_rd_usedw : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(rd_usedw'RANGE);
120 |
121 |
122 |
123 |
124 |
125 |
126 |
SIGNAL rd_siso : t_dp_siso;
127 |
SIGNAL rd_sosi : t_dp_sosi := c_dp_sosi_rst; -- initialize default values for unused sosi fields
128 |
129 |
130 |
131 |
-- Output monitor FIFO filling
132 |
wr_ful <= fifo_wr_ful;
133 |
wr_usedw <= fifo_wr_usedw;
134 |
rd_usedw <= fifo_rd_usedw;
135 |
rd_emp <= fifo_rd_emp;
136 |
137 |
p_wr_clk: PROCESS(wr_clk, wr_rst)
138 |
139 |
IF wr_rst='1' THEN
140 |
snk_out <= c_dp_siso_rst;
141 |
ELSIF rising_edge(wr_clk) THEN
142 |
snk_out <= nxt_snk_out;
143 |
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wr_sync(0) <= snk_in.sync;
147 |
wr_ctrl <= snk_in.sop & snk_in.eop;
148 |
149 |
-- Assign the snk_in data field or concatenated complex fields to the FIFO wr_data depending on g_use_complex
150 |
wr_data_complex <= snk_in.im(c_complex_w-1 DOWNTO 0) & snk_in.re(c_complex_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
151 |
wr_data <= snk_in.data(g_data_w-1 DOWNTO 0) WHEN g_use_complex = FALSE ELSE RESIZE_UVEC(wr_data_complex, g_data_w);
152 |
153 |
-- fifo wr wires
154 |
fifo_wr_req <= snk_in.valid;
155 |
fifo_wr_dat <= func_slv_concat(c_use_data, g_use_bsn, g_use_empty, g_use_channel, g_use_error, g_use_sync, g_use_ctrl,
156 |
157 |
snk_in.bsn( g_bsn_w-1 DOWNTO 0),
158 |
snk_in.empty( g_empty_w-1 DOWNTO 0),
159 |
snk_in.channel(g_channel_w-1 DOWNTO 0),
160 |
snk_in.err( g_error_w-1 DOWNTO 0),
161 |
162 |
163 |
164 |
-- pass on frame level flow control
165 |
nxt_snk_out.xon <= src_in.xon;
166 |
167 |
-- up stream use fifo almost full to control snk_out.ready
168 |
nxt_snk_out.ready <= '1' WHEN UNSIGNED(fifo_wr_usedw)<c_fifo_almost_full ELSE '0';
169 |
170 |
gen_common_fifo_sc : IF g_use_dual_clock=FALSE GENERATE
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u_common_fifo_sc : ENTITY work.common_fifo_sc
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173 |
g_technology => g_technology,
174 |
g_note_is_ful => g_note_is_ful,
175 |
g_use_lut => g_use_lut_sc,
176 |
g_dat_w => c_fifo_dat_w,
177 |
g_nof_words => g_fifo_size
178 |
179 |
180 |
rst => rd_rst,
181 |
clk => rd_clk,
182 |
wr_dat => fifo_wr_dat,
183 |
wr_req => fifo_wr_req,
184 |
wr_ful => fifo_wr_ful,
185 |
rd_dat => fifo_rd_dat,
186 |
rd_req => fifo_rd_req,
187 |
rd_emp => fifo_rd_emp,
188 |
rd_val => fifo_rd_val,
189 |
usedw => fifo_rd_usedw
190 |
191 |
192 |
fifo_wr_usedw <= fifo_rd_usedw;
193 |
194 |
195 |
gen_common_fifo_dc : IF g_use_dual_clock=TRUE GENERATE
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u_common_fifo_dc : ENTITY work.common_fifo_dc
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198 |
g_technology => g_technology,
199 |
g_dat_w => c_fifo_dat_w,
200 |
g_nof_words => g_fifo_size
201 |
202 |
203 |
rst => arst,
204 |
wr_clk => wr_clk,
205 |
wr_dat => fifo_wr_dat,
206 |
wr_req => fifo_wr_req,
207 |
wr_ful => fifo_wr_ful,
208 |
wrusedw => fifo_wr_usedw,
209 |
rd_clk => rd_clk,
210 |
rd_dat => fifo_rd_dat,
211 |
rd_req => fifo_rd_req,
212 |
rd_emp => fifo_rd_emp,
213 |
rdusedw => fifo_rd_usedw,
214 |
rd_val => fifo_rd_val
215 |
216 |
217 |
arst <= wr_rst OR rd_rst;
218 |
219 |
220 |
-- Extract the data from the wide FIFO output SLV. rd_data will be assigned to rd_sosi.data or rd_sosi.im & rd_sosi.re depending on g_use_complex.
221 |
rd_data <= func_slv_extract(c_use_data, g_use_bsn, g_use_empty, g_use_channel, g_use_error, g_use_sync, g_use_ctrl, g_data_w, g_bsn_w, g_empty_w, g_channel_w, g_error_w, 1, c_ctrl_w, fifo_rd_dat, 0);
222 |
223 |
-- fifo rd wires
224 |
225 |
fifo_rd_req <= rd_siso.ready;
226 |
227 |
228 |
rd_sosi.data <= RESIZE_DP_SDATA(rd_data) WHEN g_data_signed=TRUE ELSE RESIZE_DP_DATA(rd_data);
229 |
rd_sosi.re <= RESIZE_DP_DSP_DATA(rd_data( c_complex_w-1 DOWNTO 0));
230 |
rd_sosi.im <= RESIZE_DP_DSP_DATA(rd_data(2*c_complex_w-1 DOWNTO c_complex_w));
231 |
rd_sosi.bsn <= RESIZE_DP_BSN(func_slv_extract(c_use_data, g_use_bsn, g_use_empty, g_use_channel, g_use_error, g_use_sync, g_use_ctrl, g_data_w, g_bsn_w, g_empty_w, g_channel_w, g_error_w, 1, c_ctrl_w, fifo_rd_dat, 1));
232 |
rd_sosi.empty <= RESIZE_DP_EMPTY(func_slv_extract(c_use_data, g_use_bsn, g_use_empty, g_use_channel, g_use_error, g_use_sync, g_use_ctrl, g_data_w, g_bsn_w, g_empty_w, g_channel_w, g_error_w, 1, c_ctrl_w, fifo_rd_dat, 2));
233 |
rd_sosi.channel <= RESIZE_DP_CHANNEL(func_slv_extract(c_use_data, g_use_bsn, g_use_empty, g_use_channel, g_use_error, g_use_sync, g_use_ctrl, g_data_w, g_bsn_w, g_empty_w, g_channel_w, g_error_w, 1, c_ctrl_w, fifo_rd_dat, 3));
234 |
rd_sosi.err <= RESIZE_DP_ERROR(func_slv_extract(c_use_data, g_use_bsn, g_use_empty, g_use_channel, g_use_error, g_use_sync, g_use_ctrl, g_data_w, g_bsn_w, g_empty_w, g_channel_w, g_error_w, 1, c_ctrl_w, fifo_rd_dat, 4));
235 |
rd_sync <= func_slv_extract(c_use_data, g_use_bsn, g_use_empty, g_use_channel, g_use_error, g_use_sync, g_use_ctrl, g_data_w, g_bsn_w, g_empty_w, g_channel_w, g_error_w, 1, c_ctrl_w, fifo_rd_dat, 5);
236 |
rd_ctrl <= func_slv_extract(c_use_data, g_use_bsn, g_use_empty, g_use_channel, g_use_error, g_use_sync, g_use_ctrl, g_data_w, g_bsn_w, g_empty_w, g_channel_w, g_error_w, 1, c_ctrl_w, fifo_rd_dat, 6);
237 |
238 |
rd_sosi.sync <= fifo_rd_val AND rd_sync(0);
239 |
rd_sosi.valid <= fifo_rd_val;
240 |
rd_sosi.sop <= fifo_rd_val AND rd_ctrl(1);
241 |
rd_sosi.eop <= fifo_rd_val AND rd_ctrl(0);
242 |
243 |
u_ready_latency : ENTITY dp_components_lib.dp_latency_adapter
244 |
245 |
g_in_latency => 1,
246 |
g_out_latency => g_fifo_rl
247 |
248 |
249 |
rst => rd_rst,
250 |
clk => rd_clk,
251 |
-- ST sink
252 |
snk_out => rd_siso,
253 |
snk_in => rd_sosi,
254 |
-- ST source
255 |
src_in => src_in,
256 |
src_out => src_out
257 |
258 |
259 |
END str;