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-- Copyright 2020
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danv |
-- ASTRON (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy) <http://www.astron.nl/>
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-- P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
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danv |
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-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8 |
-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9 |
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
10 |
11 |
-- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12 |
13 |
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14 |
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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-- limitations under the License.
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-- Purpose:
22 |
-- Multiplex frames from one or more input streams into one output stream.
23 |
-- Description:
24 |
-- The frames are marked by sop and eop. The input selection scheme depends
25 |
-- on g_mode:
26 |
-- 0: Framed round-robin with fair chance.
27 |
-- Uses eop to select next input after the frame has been passed on or
28 |
-- select the next input when there is no frame coming in on the current
29 |
-- input, so it has had its chance.
30 |
-- 1: Framed round-robin in forced order from each input.
31 |
-- Uses eop to select next output. Holds input selection until sop is
32 |
-- detected on that input. Results in ordered (low to high) but blocking
33 |
-- (on absence of sop) input selection.
34 |
-- 2: Unframed external MM control input to select the output.
35 |
-- Three options have been considered for the flow control:
36 |
-- a) Use src_in for all inputs, data from the not selected inputs
37 |
-- will get lost. In case FIFOs are used they are only useful used for
38 |
-- the selected input.
39 |
-- b) Use c_dp_siso_rdy for unused inputs, this flushes them like with
40 |
-- option a) but possibly even faster in case the src_in.ready may get
41 |
-- inactive to apply backpressure.
42 |
-- c) Use c_dp_siso_hold for unused inputs, to stop them until they get
43 |
-- selected again.
44 |
-- Support only option a) because assume that the sel_ctrl is rather
45 |
-- static and the data from the unused inputs can be ignored.
46 |
-- 3: Framed external sel_ctrl input to select the output.
47 |
-- This scheme is identical to g_mode=0, but with xon='1' only for the
48 |
-- selected input. The other not selected inputs have xon='0', so they
49 |
-- will stop getting input frames and the round-robin scheme of g_mode=0
50 |
-- will then automatically select only remaining active input.
51 |
-- The assumption is that the upstream input sources do stop their output
52 |
-- after they finished the current frame when xon='0'. If necessary
53 |
-- dp_xonoff could be used to add such frame flow control to an input
54 |
-- stream that does not yet support xon/xoff. But better use g_mode=4
55 |
-- instead of g_mode=3, because the implementation of g_mode=4 is more
56 |
-- simple.
57 |
-- 4) Framed external sel_ctrl input to select the output without ready.
58 |
-- This is preferred over g_mode=3 because it passes on the ready but
59 |
-- does not use it self. Not selected inputs have xon='0'. Only the
60 |
-- selected input has xon='1'. When sel_ctrl changes then briefly all
61 |
-- inputs get xon='0'. The new selected input only gets xon='1' when
62 |
-- the current selected input is idle or has become idle.
63 |
64 |
-- The low part of the src_out.channel has c_sel_w = log2(g_nof_input) nof
65 |
-- bits and equals the input port number. The snk_in_arr().channel bits are
66 |
-- copied into the high part of the src_out.channel. Hence the total
67 |
-- effective output channel width becomes g_in_channel_w+c_sel_w when
68 |
-- g_use_in_channel=TRUE else c_sel_w.
69 |
-- If g_use_fifo=TRUE then the frames are buffered at the input, else the
70 |
-- connecting inputs need to take care of that.
71 |
-- Remark:
72 |
-- . Using g_nof_input=1 is transparent.
73 |
-- . Difference with dp_frame_scheduler is that dp_frame_scheduler does not
74 |
-- support back pressure via the ready signals.
75 |
-- . This dp_mux adds true_log2(nof ports) low bits to out_channel and the
76 |
-- dp_demux removes true_log2(nof ports) low bits from in_channel.
77 |
-- . For multiplexing time series frames or sample it can be applicable to
78 |
-- use g_append_channel_lo=FALSE in combination with g_mode=2.
79 |
80 |
LIBRARY IEEE, common_pkg_lib, dp_pkg_lib, dp_components_lib, dp_fifo_lib, technology_lib;
81 |
USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL;
82 |
USE IEEE.numeric_std.ALL;
83 |
USE common_pkg_lib.common_pkg.ALL;
84 |
USE dp_pkg_lib.dp_stream_pkg.ALL;
85 |
USE technology_lib.technology_select_pkg.ALL;
86 |
87 |
ENTITY dp_mux IS
88 |
89 |
g_technology : NATURAL := c_tech_select_default;
90 |
-- MUX
91 |
g_mode : NATURAL := 0;
92 |
g_nof_input : NATURAL := 2; -- >= 1
93 |
g_append_channel_lo : BOOLEAN := TRUE;
94 |
g_sel_ctrl_invert : BOOLEAN := FALSE; -- Use default FALSE when stream array IO are indexed (0 TO g_nof_input-1), else use TRUE when indexed (g_nof_input-1 DOWNTO 0)
95 |
-- Input FIFO
96 |
g_use_fifo : BOOLEAN := FALSE;
97 |
g_bsn_w : NATURAL := 16;
98 |
g_data_w : NATURAL := 16;
99 |
g_empty_w : NATURAL := 1;
100 |
g_in_channel_w : NATURAL := 1;
101 |
g_error_w : NATURAL := 1;
102 |
g_use_bsn : BOOLEAN := FALSE;
103 |
g_use_empty : BOOLEAN := FALSE;
104 |
g_use_in_channel : BOOLEAN := FALSE;
105 |
g_use_error : BOOLEAN := FALSE;
106 |
g_use_sync : BOOLEAN := FALSE;
107 |
g_fifo_af_margin : NATURAL := 4; -- Nof words below max (full) at which fifo is considered almost full
108 |
g_fifo_size : t_natural_arr := array_init(1024, 2); -- must match g_nof_input, even when g_use_fifo=FALSE
109 |
g_fifo_fill : t_natural_arr := array_init( 0, 2) -- must match g_nof_input, even when g_use_fifo=FALSE
110 |
111 |
112 |
113 |
114 |
-- Control
115 |
sel_ctrl : IN NATURAL RANGE 0 TO g_nof_input-1 := 0; -- used by g_mode = 2, 3, 4
116 |
-- ST sinks
117 |
snk_out_arr : OUT t_dp_siso_arr(0 TO g_nof_input-1);
118 |
snk_in_arr : IN t_dp_sosi_arr(0 TO g_nof_input-1);
119 |
-- ST source
120 |
src_in : IN t_dp_siso;
121 |
src_out : OUT t_dp_sosi
122 |
123 |
END dp_mux;
124 |
125 |
126 |
127 |
128 |
-- Convert unconstrained range (that starts at INTEGER'LEFT) to 0 TO g_nof_input-1 range
129 |
CONSTANT c_fifo_fill : t_natural_arr(0 TO g_nof_input-1) := g_fifo_fill;
130 |
CONSTANT c_fifo_size : t_natural_arr(0 TO g_nof_input-1) := g_fifo_size;
131 |
132 |
-- The low part of src_out.channel is used to represent the input port and the high part of src_out.channel is copied from snk_in_arr().channel
133 |
CONSTANT c_sel_w : NATURAL := true_log2(g_nof_input);
134 |
135 |
136 |
SIGNAL tb_ready_reg : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 TO g_nof_input*(1+c_rl)-1);
137 |
138 |
TYPE state_type IS (s_idle, s_output);
139 |
140 |
SIGNAL state : state_type;
141 |
SIGNAL nxt_state : state_type;
142 |
143 |
SIGNAL i_snk_out_arr : t_dp_siso_arr(0 TO g_nof_input-1);
144 |
145 |
SIGNAL sel_ctrl_reg : NATURAL RANGE 0 TO g_nof_input-1;
146 |
SIGNAL nxt_sel_ctrl_reg : NATURAL;
147 |
SIGNAL sel_ctrl_evt : STD_LOGIC;
148 |
SIGNAL nxt_sel_ctrl_evt : STD_LOGIC;
149 |
150 |
SIGNAL in_sel : NATURAL RANGE 0 TO g_nof_input-1; -- input port low part of src_out.channel
151 |
SIGNAL nxt_in_sel : NATURAL;
152 |
SIGNAL next_sel : NATURAL;
153 |
154 |
SIGNAL rd_siso_arr : t_dp_siso_arr(0 TO g_nof_input-1);
155 |
SIGNAL rd_sosi_arr : t_dp_sosi_arr(0 TO g_nof_input-1);
156 |
SIGNAL rd_sosi_busy_arr : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 TO g_nof_input-1);
157 |
158 |
SIGNAL hold_src_in_arr : t_dp_siso_arr(0 TO g_nof_input-1);
159 |
SIGNAL next_src_out_arr : t_dp_sosi_arr(0 TO g_nof_input-1);
160 |
SIGNAL pend_src_out_arr : t_dp_sosi_arr(0 TO g_nof_input-1); -- SOSI control
161 |
162 |
SIGNAL in_xon_arr : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 TO g_nof_input-1);
163 |
SIGNAL nxt_in_xon_arr : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 TO g_nof_input-1);
164 |
165 |
SIGNAL prev_src_in : t_dp_siso;
166 |
SIGNAL src_out_hi : t_dp_sosi; -- snk_in_arr().channel as high part of src_out.channel
167 |
SIGNAL nxt_src_out_hi : t_dp_sosi;
168 |
SIGNAL channel_lo : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_sel_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
169 |
SIGNAL nxt_channel_lo : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(c_sel_w-1 DOWNTO 0);
170 |
171 |
172 |
173 |
snk_out_arr <= i_snk_out_arr;
174 |
175 |
-- Monitor sink valid input and sink ready output
176 |
proc_dp_siso_alert(clk, snk_in_arr, i_snk_out_arr, tb_ready_reg);
177 |
178 |
p_src_out_wires : PROCESS(src_out_hi, channel_lo)
179 |
180 |
181 |
src_out <= src_out_hi;
182 |
183 |
IF g_append_channel_lo=TRUE THEN
184 |
-- The high part of src_out.channel copies the snk_in_arr().channel, the low part of src_out.channel is used to indicate the input port
185 |
src_out.channel <= SHIFT_UVEC(src_out_hi.channel, -c_sel_w);
186 |
src_out.channel(c_sel_w-1 DOWNTO 0) <= channel_lo;
187 |
188 |
189 |
190 |
p_clk: PROCESS(clk, rst)
191 |
192 |
IF rst='1' THEN
193 |
sel_ctrl_reg <= 0;
194 |
sel_ctrl_evt <= '0';
195 |
in_xon_arr <= (OTHERS=>'0');
196 |
in_sel <= 0;
197 |
prev_src_in <= c_dp_siso_rst;
198 |
state <= s_idle;
199 |
src_out_hi <= c_dp_sosi_rst;
200 |
channel_lo <= (OTHERS=>'0');
201 |
ELSIF rising_edge(clk) THEN
202 |
sel_ctrl_reg <= nxt_sel_ctrl_reg;
203 |
sel_ctrl_evt <= nxt_sel_ctrl_evt;
204 |
in_xon_arr <= nxt_in_xon_arr;
205 |
in_sel <= nxt_in_sel;
206 |
prev_src_in <= src_in;
207 |
state <= nxt_state;
208 |
src_out_hi <= nxt_src_out_hi;
209 |
channel_lo <= nxt_channel_lo;
210 |
211 |
212 |
213 |
gen_input : FOR I IN 0 TO g_nof_input-1 GENERATE
214 |
gen_fifo : IF g_use_fifo=TRUE GENERATE
215 |
u_fill : ENTITY dp_fifo_lib.dp_fifo_fill
216 |
217 |
g_technology => g_technology,
218 |
g_bsn_w => g_bsn_w,
219 |
g_data_w => g_data_w,
220 |
g_empty_w => g_empty_w,
221 |
g_channel_w => g_in_channel_w,
222 |
g_error_w => g_error_w,
223 |
g_use_bsn => g_use_bsn,
224 |
g_use_empty => g_use_empty,
225 |
g_use_channel => g_use_in_channel,
226 |
g_use_error => g_use_error,
227 |
g_use_sync => g_use_sync,
228 |
g_fifo_fill => c_fifo_fill(I),
229 |
g_fifo_size => c_fifo_size(I),
230 |
g_fifo_af_margin => g_fifo_af_margin,
231 |
g_fifo_rl => 1
232 |
233 |
234 |
rst => rst,
235 |
clk => clk,
236 |
-- ST sink
237 |
snk_out => i_snk_out_arr(I),
238 |
snk_in => snk_in_arr(I),
239 |
-- ST source
240 |
src_in => rd_siso_arr(I),
241 |
src_out => rd_sosi_arr(I)
242 |
243 |
244 |
no_fifo : IF g_use_fifo=FALSE GENERATE
245 |
i_snk_out_arr <= rd_siso_arr;
246 |
rd_sosi_arr <= snk_in_arr;
247 |
248 |
249 |
-- Hold the sink input to be able to register the source output
250 |
u_hold : ENTITY dp_components_lib.dp_hold_input
251 |
252 |
rst => rst,
253 |
clk => clk,
254 |
-- ST sink
255 |
snk_out => OPEN, -- SISO ready
256 |
snk_in => rd_sosi_arr(I), -- SOSI
257 |
-- ST source
258 |
src_in => hold_src_in_arr(I), -- SISO ready
259 |
next_src_out => next_src_out_arr(I), -- SOSI
260 |
pend_src_out => pend_src_out_arr(I),
261 |
src_out_reg => src_out_hi
262 |
263 |
264 |
265 |
-- Register and adjust external MM sel_ctrl for g_sel_ctrl_invert
266 |
nxt_sel_ctrl_reg <= sel_ctrl WHEN g_sel_ctrl_invert=FALSE ELSE g_nof_input-1-sel_ctrl;
267 |
268 |
-- Detect change in sel_ctrl
269 |
nxt_sel_ctrl_evt <= '1' WHEN nxt_sel_ctrl_reg/=sel_ctrl_reg ELSE '0';
270 |
271 |
-- The output register stage matches RL = 1 for src_in.ready
272 |
nxt_src_out_hi <= next_src_out_arr(in_sel); -- default output selected next_src_out_arr
273 |
nxt_channel_lo <= TO_UVEC(in_sel, c_sel_w); -- pass on input index via channel low
274 |
275 |
276 |
-- Unframed MM controlled input selection scheme
277 |
278 |
279 |
gen_sel_ctrl_direct : IF g_mode=2 GENERATE
280 |
hold_src_in_arr <= (OTHERS=>src_in); -- pass src_in on to all inputs, only the selected input sosi gets used and the sosi from the other inputs will get lost
281 |
rd_siso_arr <= (OTHERS=>src_in);
282 |
283 |
nxt_in_sel <= sel_ctrl_reg; -- external MM control selects the input
284 |
285 |
286 |
287 |
-- Framed input selection schemes
288 |
289 |
290 |
gen_sel_ctrl_framed : IF g_mode=4 GENERATE
291 |
u_dp_frame_busy_arr : ENTITY work.dp_frame_busy_arr
292 |
293 |
g_nof_inputs => g_nof_input,
294 |
g_pipeline => 1 -- register snk_in_busy to ease timing closure
295 |
296 |
297 |
rst => rst,
298 |
clk => clk,
299 |
snk_in_arr => rd_sosi_arr,
300 |
snk_in_busy_arr => rd_sosi_busy_arr
301 |
302 |
303 |
hold_src_in_arr <= (OTHERS=>c_dp_siso_rdy); -- effectively bypass the dp_hold_input
304 |
305 |
p_rd_siso_arr : PROCESS(src_in, in_xon_arr)
306 |
307 |
FOR I IN 0 TO g_nof_input-1 LOOP
308 |
rd_siso_arr(I).ready <= src_in.ready; -- default pass on src_in ready flow control to all inputs
309 |
rd_siso_arr(I).xon <= in_xon_arr(I); -- use xon to enable one input and stop all other inputs
310 |
311 |
312 |
313 |
p_state : PROCESS(state, in_sel, rd_sosi_busy_arr, sel_ctrl_reg, sel_ctrl_evt)
314 |
315 |
nxt_state <= state;
316 |
nxt_in_sel <= in_sel;
317 |
nxt_in_xon_arr <= (OTHERS=>'0'); -- Default stop all inputs
318 |
319 |
CASE state IS
320 |
WHEN s_idle =>
321 |
-- Wait until all inputs are inactive (due to xon='0') to ensure that the old input has finished its last frame and the new input has not started yet
322 |
IF UNSIGNED(rd_sosi_busy_arr)=0 THEN
323 |
nxt_in_sel <= sel_ctrl_reg;
324 |
nxt_state <= s_output;
325 |
326 |
327 |
WHEN OTHERS => -- s_output
328 |
-- Enable only the selected input via xon='1'
329 |
nxt_in_xon_arr(sel_ctrl_reg) <= '1';
330 |
331 |
-- Detect if the input selection changes
332 |
IF sel_ctrl_evt='1' THEN
333 |
nxt_state <= s_idle;
334 |
335 |
336 |
337 |
338 |
339 |
340 |
gen_framed : IF g_mode=0 OR g_mode=1 OR g_mode=3 GENERATE
341 |
p_hold_src_in_arr : PROCESS(rd_siso_arr, pend_src_out_arr, in_sel, src_in)
342 |
343 |
hold_src_in_arr <= rd_siso_arr; -- default ready for hold input when ready for sink input
344 |
IF pend_src_out_arr(in_sel).eop='1' THEN
345 |
hold_src_in_arr(in_sel) <= src_in; -- also ready for hold input when the eop is there
346 |
347 |
348 |
349 |
next_sel <= in_sel+1 WHEN in_sel<g_nof_input-1 ELSE 0;
350 |
351 |
p_state : PROCESS(state, in_sel, next_sel, pend_src_out_arr, src_in, prev_src_in, sel_ctrl_reg)
352 |
353 |
rd_siso_arr <= (OTHERS=>c_dp_siso_hold); -- default not ready for input, but xon='1'
354 |
355 |
nxt_in_sel <= in_sel;
356 |
357 |
nxt_state <= state;
358 |
359 |
CASE state IS
360 |
WHEN s_idle =>
361 |
-- Need to check pend_src_out_arr(in_sel).sop, which can be active if prev_src_in.ready was '1',
362 |
-- because src_in.ready may be '0' and then next_src_out_arr(in_sel).sop is '0'
363 |
IF pend_src_out_arr(in_sel).sop='1' THEN
364 |
IF pend_src_out_arr(in_sel).eop='1' THEN
365 |
rd_siso_arr <= (OTHERS=>c_dp_siso_hold); -- the sop and the eop are there, it is a frame with only one data word, stop reading this input
366 |
IF src_in.ready='1' THEN
367 |
nxt_in_sel <= next_sel; -- the pend_src_out_arr(in_sel).eop will be output, so continue to next input.
368 |
rd_siso_arr(next_sel) <= src_in;
369 |
370 |
371 |
rd_siso_arr(in_sel) <= src_in; -- the sop is there, so start outputting the frame from this input
372 |
nxt_state <= s_output;
373 |
374 |
375 |
CASE g_mode IS
376 |
WHEN 0 | 3 =>
377 |
-- Framed round-robin with fair chance per input
378 |
IF prev_src_in.ready='0' THEN
379 |
rd_siso_arr(in_sel) <= src_in; -- no sop, remain at current input to give it a chance
380 |
381 |
nxt_in_sel <= next_sel; -- no sop, select next input, because the current input has had a chance
382 |
rd_siso_arr(next_sel) <= src_in;
383 |
384 |
WHEN OTHERS => -- = 1
385 |
-- Framed round-robin in forced order from each input
386 |
rd_siso_arr(in_sel) <= src_in; -- no sop, remain at current input to wait for a frame
387 |
388 |
389 |
WHEN OTHERS => -- s_output
390 |
rd_siso_arr(in_sel) <= src_in; -- output the rest of the selected input frame
391 |
IF pend_src_out_arr(in_sel).eop='1' THEN
392 |
rd_siso_arr <= (OTHERS=>c_dp_siso_hold); -- the eop is there, stop reading this input
393 |
IF src_in.ready='1' THEN
394 |
nxt_in_sel <= next_sel; -- the pend_src_out_arr(in_sel).eop will be output, so continue to next input.
395 |
rd_siso_arr(next_sel) <= src_in;
396 |
nxt_state <= s_idle;
397 |
398 |
399 |
400 |
401 |
-- Pass on frame level flow control
402 |
FOR I IN 0 TO g_nof_input-1 LOOP
403 |
rd_siso_arr(I).xon <= src_in.xon;
404 |
405 |
IF g_mode=3 THEN
406 |
-- Framed MM control select input via XON
407 |
rd_siso_arr(I).xon <= '0'; -- force xon='0' for not selected inputs
408 |
IF sel_ctrl_reg=I THEN
409 |
rd_siso_arr(I).xon <= src_in.xon; -- pass on frame level flow control for selected input
410 |
411 |
412 |
413 |
414 |
415 |
416 |
417 |
END rtl;