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-- Copyright 2020
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danv |
-- ASTRON (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy) <http://www.astron.nl/>
5 |
-- P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
6 |
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danv |
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-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8 |
-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9 |
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
10 |
11 |
-- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12 |
13 |
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14 |
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15 |
16 |
-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17 |
-- limitations under the License.
18 |
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20 |
-- Purpose: The fft_r2_par unit performs a complex parallel FFT.
21 |
22 |
-- There are two optional features:
23 |
24 |
-- * Reordering: When enabled the output bins of the FFT are re-ordered in
25 |
-- in such a way that the bins represent the frequencies in an
26 |
-- incrementing way.
27 |
28 |
-- * Separation: When enabled the rtwo_fft can be used to process two real streams.
29 |
-- The first real stream (A) presented on the real input, the second
30 |
-- real stream (B) presented on the imaginary input.
31 |
-- The separation unit outputs the spectrum of A and B in
32 |
-- an alternating way: A(0), B(0), A(1), B(1).... etc
33 |
-- The separate function adds and subtracts two complex bins.
34 |
-- Therefore it causes 1 bit growth that needs to be rounded, as
35 |
-- explained in fft_sepa.vhd
36 |
37 |
library ieee, common_pkg_lib, common_components_lib, common_add_sub_lib, common_requantize_lib, rTwoSDF_lib;
38 |
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
39 |
use common_pkg_lib.common_pkg.all;
40 |
use rTwoSDF_lib.rTwoSDFPkg.all;
41 |
use work.fft_pkg.all;
42 |
43 |
entity fft_r2_par is
44 |
generic (
45 |
g_fft : t_fft := c_fft; -- generics for the FFT
46 |
g_pipeline : t_fft_pipeline := c_fft_pipeline -- generics for pipelining, defined in rTwoSDF_lib.rTwoSDFPkg
47 |
48 |
port (
49 |
clk : in std_logic;
50 |
rst : in std_logic := '0';
51 |
in_re_arr : in t_fft_slv_arr(g_fft.nof_points-1 downto 0);
52 |
in_im_arr : in t_fft_slv_arr(g_fft.nof_points-1 downto 0);
53 |
in_val : in std_logic := '1';
54 |
out_re_arr : out t_fft_slv_arr(g_fft.nof_points-1 downto 0);
55 |
out_im_arr : out t_fft_slv_arr(g_fft.nof_points-1 downto 0);
56 |
out_val : out std_logic
57 |
58 |
end entity fft_r2_par;
59 |
60 |
architecture str of fft_r2_par is
61 |
62 |
63 |
-- This function determines the input number (return value) to which the output of a butterfly
64 |
-- should be connected, based on the output-sequence-number(element), the stage number(stage)
65 |
-- and the number of points of the FFT (nr_of_points).
66 |
67 |
-- The following table shows the connection matrix for a 16-point parallel FFT, where the
68 |
-- output column refers to the output sequence number of each stage and the stage columns
69 |
-- give the corresponding input sequence number of the connected stage. In other words:
70 |
-- output 3 of stage 4 is connected to input 10 of stage 3.
71 |
-- output 6 of stage 3 is connected to input 3 of stage 2.
72 |
73 |
-- output stage 3 stage 2 stage 1
74 |
75 |
-- 0 0 | 0 | 0 |
76 |
-- 1 8 | 4 | 2 |
77 |
-- 2 2 | 2 | 1
78 |
-- 3 10 | 6 | 3
79 |
-- 4 4 | 1 4 |
80 |
-- 5 12 | 5 6 |
81 |
-- 6 6 | 3 5
82 |
-- 7 14 | 7 7
83 |
-- 8 1 8 | 8 |
84 |
-- 9 9 12 | 10 |
85 |
-- 10 3 10 | 9
86 |
-- 11 11 14 | 11
87 |
-- 12 5 9 12 |
88 |
-- 13 13 13 14 |
89 |
-- 14 7 11 13
90 |
-- 15 15 15 15
91 |
92 |
-- The function first checks if the output element falls in one of the "even" areas that
93 |
-- are marked by a "|". If so, it checks if the input element is odd or even. If even
94 |
-- then output is equal to the input element. If odd then output is element+offset.
95 |
-- It the output element falls in an "odd" area: input element even => output= element - offset
96 |
-- input element odd => output = element.
97 |
98 |
function func_butterfly_connect(array_index, stage, nr_of_points : natural) return natural is
99 |
variable v_nr_of_domains : natural; -- Variable that represents the number of "even" areas.
100 |
variable v_return : natural; -- Holds the return value
101 |
variable v_offset : natural; -- Offset
102 |
103 |
v_nr_of_domains := nr_of_points/2**(stage+1);
104 |
v_offset := 2**stage;
105 |
for I in 0 to v_nr_of_domains loop
106 |
if array_index >= (2*I)*2**stage and array_index < (2*I+1)*2**stage then -- Detect if output is an even section
107 |
if (array_index mod 2) = 0 then -- Check if input value is odd or even
108 |
v_return := array_index; -- When even: value of element
109 |
110 |
v_return := array_index+v_offset-1; -- When odd: value of element + offset
111 |
end if;
112 |
elsif array_index >= (2*I+1)*2**stage and array_index < (2*I+2)*2**stage then
113 |
if (array_index mod 2) = 0 then -- Check if input value is odd or even
114 |
v_return := array_index-v_offset+1; -- When even: offset is subtracted from the element
115 |
116 |
v_return := array_index; -- When odd: element stays the the same.
117 |
end if;
118 |
end if;
119 |
end loop;
120 |
return v_return;
121 |
122 |
123 |
constant c_pipeline_add_sub : natural := 1;
124 |
constant c_pipeline_remove_lsb : natural := 1;
125 |
constant c_sepa_round : boolean := true; -- must be true, because separate should round the 1 bit growth
126 |
127 |
constant c_nof_stages : natural := ceil_log2(g_fft.nof_points);
128 |
constant c_nof_bf_per_stage : natural := g_fft.nof_points/2;
129 |
constant c_in_scale_w_tester : integer := g_fft.stage_dat_w - g_fft.in_dat_w - sel_a_b(g_fft.guard_enable, g_fft.guard_w, 0);
130 |
constant c_in_scale_w : natural := sel_a_b(c_in_scale_w_tester > 0, c_in_scale_w_tester, 0); -- Only scale when in_dat_w is not too big.
131 |
132 |
constant c_out_scale_w : integer := g_fft.stage_dat_w - g_fft.out_dat_w - g_fft.out_gain_w; -- Estimate number of LSBs to throw away when > 0 or insert when < 0
133 |
134 |
type t_stage_dat_arr is array (integer range <>) of std_logic_vector(g_fft.stage_dat_w-1 downto 0);
135 |
type t_stage_sum_arr is array (integer range <>) of std_logic_vector(g_fft.stage_dat_w downto 0);
136 |
type t_data_arr2 is array(c_nof_stages downto 0) of t_stage_dat_arr(g_fft.nof_points-1 downto 0);
137 |
type t_val_arr is array(c_nof_stages downto 0) of std_logic_vector( g_fft.nof_points-1 downto 0);
138 |
139 |
signal data_re : t_data_arr2;
140 |
signal data_im : t_data_arr2;
141 |
signal data_val : t_val_arr;
142 |
signal int_re_arr : t_stage_dat_arr(g_fft.nof_points-1 downto 0);
143 |
signal int_im_arr : t_stage_dat_arr(g_fft.nof_points-1 downto 0);
144 |
signal fft_re_arr : t_stage_dat_arr(g_fft.nof_points-1 downto 0);
145 |
signal fft_im_arr : t_stage_dat_arr(g_fft.nof_points-1 downto 0);
146 |
signal add_arr : t_stage_sum_arr(g_fft.nof_points-1 downto 0);
147 |
signal sub_arr : t_stage_sum_arr(g_fft.nof_points-1 downto 0);
148 |
signal int_val : std_logic;
149 |
signal fft_val : std_logic;
150 |
151 |
152 |
153 |
154 |
-- Inputs are prepared/shuffled for the input stage
155 |
156 |
gen_get_the_inputs : for I in 0 to g_fft.nof_points/2-1 generate
157 |
data_re( c_nof_stages)(2*I) <= scale_and_resize_svec(in_re_arr(I), c_in_scale_w, g_fft.stage_dat_w);
158 |
data_re( c_nof_stages)(2*I+1) <= scale_and_resize_svec(in_re_arr(I+g_fft.nof_points/2), c_in_scale_w, g_fft.stage_dat_w);
159 |
data_im( c_nof_stages)(2*I) <= scale_and_resize_svec(in_im_arr(I), c_in_scale_w, g_fft.stage_dat_w);
160 |
data_im( c_nof_stages)(2*I+1) <= scale_and_resize_svec(in_im_arr(I+g_fft.nof_points/2), c_in_scale_w, g_fft.stage_dat_w);
161 |
data_val(c_nof_stages)(I) <= in_val;
162 |
end generate;
163 |
164 |
165 |
-- parallel FFT stages
166 |
167 |
gen_fft_stages: for stage in c_nof_stages downto 1 generate
168 |
gen_fft_elements: for element in 0 to c_nof_bf_per_stage-1 generate
169 |
u_element : entity work.fft_r2_bf_par
170 |
generic map (
171 |
g_stage => stage,
172 |
g_element => element,
173 |
g_scale_enable => sel_a_b(stage <= g_fft.guard_w, FALSE, TRUE),
174 |
g_pipeline => g_pipeline
175 |
176 |
port map (
177 |
clk => clk,
178 |
rst => rst,
179 |
x_in_re => data_re(stage)(2*element),
180 |
x_in_im => data_im(stage)(2*element),
181 |
y_in_re => data_re(stage)(2*element+1),
182 |
y_in_im => data_im(stage)(2*element+1),
183 |
in_val => data_val(stage)(element),
184 |
x_out_re => data_re(stage-1)(func_butterfly_connect(2*element, stage-1, g_fft.nof_points)),
185 |
x_out_im => data_im(stage-1)(func_butterfly_connect(2*element, stage-1, g_fft.nof_points)),
186 |
y_out_re => data_re(stage-1)(func_butterfly_connect(2*element+1, stage-1, g_fft.nof_points)),
187 |
y_out_im => data_im(stage-1)(func_butterfly_connect(2*element+1, stage-1, g_fft.nof_points)),
188 |
out_val => data_val(stage-1)(element)
189 |
190 |
end generate;
191 |
end generate;
192 |
193 |
194 |
-- Optional output reorder
195 |
196 |
gen_reorder : if g_fft.use_reorder and not g_fft.use_fft_shift generate
197 |
-- unflip the bin indices for complex and also required to prepare for g_fft.use_separate of two real
198 |
gen_reordering : for I in 0 to g_fft.nof_points - 1 generate
199 |
int_re_arr(I) <= data_re(0)(flip(I, c_nof_stages));
200 |
int_im_arr(I) <= data_im(0)(flip(I, c_nof_stages));
201 |
end generate;
202 |
end generate;
203 |
204 |
gen_fft_shift : if g_fft.use_reorder and g_fft.use_fft_shift generate
205 |
-- unflip the bin indices and apply fft_shift for complex only, to have bin frequencies from negative via zero to positive
206 |
gen_reordering : for I in 0 to g_fft.nof_points - 1 generate
207 |
int_re_arr(fft_shift(I, c_nof_stages)) <= data_re(0)(flip(I, c_nof_stages));
208 |
int_im_arr(fft_shift(I, c_nof_stages)) <= data_im(0)(flip(I, c_nof_stages));
209 |
end generate;
210 |
end generate;
211 |
212 |
no_reorder : if g_fft.use_reorder=false generate
213 |
-- use flipped bin index order as it comes by default
214 |
int_re_arr <= data_re(0);
215 |
int_im_arr <= data_im(0);
216 |
end generate;
217 |
int_val <= data_val(0)(0);
218 |
219 |
220 |
-- Optional separate
221 |
222 |
gen_separate : if g_fft.use_separate generate
223 |
224 |
-- Calulate the positive bins
225 |
226 |
gen_positive_bins : for I in 1 to g_fft.nof_points/2 - 1 generate
227 |
-- common_add_sub
228 |
a_output_real_adder : entity common_add_sub_lib.common_add_sub
229 |
generic map (
230 |
g_direction => "ADD",
231 |
g_representation => "SIGNED",
232 |
g_pipeline_input => 0,
233 |
g_pipeline_output => c_pipeline_add_sub,
234 |
g_in_dat_w => g_fft.stage_dat_w,
235 |
g_out_dat_w => g_fft.stage_dat_w+1
236 |
237 |
port map (
238 |
clk => clk,
239 |
in_a => int_re_arr(g_fft.nof_points-I),
240 |
in_b => int_re_arr(I),
241 |
result => add_arr(2*I)
242 |
243 |
244 |
b_output_real_adder : entity common_add_sub_lib.common_add_sub
245 |
generic map (
246 |
g_direction => "ADD",
247 |
g_representation => "SIGNED",
248 |
g_pipeline_input => 0,
249 |
g_pipeline_output => c_pipeline_add_sub,
250 |
g_in_dat_w => g_fft.stage_dat_w,
251 |
g_out_dat_w => g_fft.stage_dat_w+1
252 |
253 |
port map (
254 |
clk => clk,
255 |
in_a => int_im_arr(g_fft.nof_points-I),
256 |
in_b => int_im_arr(I),
257 |
result => add_arr(2*I+1)
258 |
259 |
260 |
a_output_imag_subtractor : entity common_add_sub_lib.common_add_sub
261 |
generic map (
262 |
g_direction => "SUB",
263 |
g_representation => "SIGNED",
264 |
g_pipeline_input => 0,
265 |
g_pipeline_output => c_pipeline_add_sub,
266 |
g_in_dat_w => g_fft.stage_dat_w,
267 |
g_out_dat_w => g_fft.stage_dat_w+1
268 |
269 |
port map (
270 |
clk => clk,
271 |
in_a => int_im_arr(I),
272 |
in_b => int_im_arr(g_fft.nof_points-I),
273 |
result => sub_arr(2*I)
274 |
275 |
276 |
b_output_imag_subtractor : entity common_add_sub_lib.common_add_sub
277 |
generic map (
278 |
g_direction => "SUB",
279 |
g_representation => "SIGNED",
280 |
g_pipeline_input => 0,
281 |
g_pipeline_output => c_pipeline_add_sub,
282 |
g_in_dat_w => g_fft.stage_dat_w,
283 |
g_out_dat_w => g_fft.stage_dat_w+1
284 |
285 |
port map (
286 |
clk => clk,
287 |
in_a => int_re_arr(g_fft.nof_points-I),
288 |
in_b => int_re_arr(I),
289 |
result => sub_arr(2*I+1)
290 |
291 |
292 |
gen_sepa_truncate : IF c_sepa_round=false GENERATE
293 |
-- truncate the one LSbit
294 |
fft_re_arr(2*I ) <= add_arr(2*I )(g_fft.stage_dat_w DOWNTO 1); -- A real
295 |
fft_re_arr(2*I+1) <= add_arr(2*I+1)(g_fft.stage_dat_w DOWNTO 1); -- B real
296 |
fft_im_arr(2*I ) <= sub_arr(2*I )(g_fft.stage_dat_w DOWNTO 1); -- A imag
297 |
fft_im_arr(2*I+1) <= sub_arr(2*I+1)(g_fft.stage_dat_w DOWNTO 1); -- B imag
298 |
end generate;
299 |
300 |
gen_sepa_round : IF c_sepa_round=true GENERATE
301 |
-- round the one LSbit
302 |
round_re_a : ENTITY common_requantize_lib.common_round
303 |
304 |
g_representation => "SIGNED", -- SIGNED (round +-0.5 away from zero to +- infinity) or UNSIGNED rounding (round 0.5 up to + inifinity)
305 |
g_round => TRUE, -- when TRUE round the input, else truncate the input
306 |
g_round_clip => FALSE, -- when TRUE clip rounded input >= +max to avoid wrapping to output -min (signed) or 0 (unsigned)
307 |
g_pipeline_input => 0, -- >= 0
308 |
g_pipeline_output => 0, -- >= 0, use g_pipeline_input=0 and g_pipeline_output=0 for combinatorial output
309 |
g_in_dat_w => g_fft.stage_dat_w+1,
310 |
g_out_dat_w => g_fft.stage_dat_w
311 |
312 |
313 |
clk => clk,
314 |
in_dat => add_arr(2*I),
315 |
out_dat => fft_re_arr(2*I)
316 |
317 |
318 |
round_re_b : ENTITY common_requantize_lib.common_round
319 |
320 |
g_representation => "SIGNED", -- SIGNED (round +-0.5 away from zero to +- infinity) or UNSIGNED rounding (round 0.5 up to + inifinity)
321 |
g_round => TRUE, -- when TRUE round the input, else truncate the input
322 |
g_round_clip => FALSE, -- when TRUE clip rounded input >= +max to avoid wrapping to output -min (signed) or 0 (unsigned)
323 |
g_pipeline_input => 0, -- >= 0
324 |
g_pipeline_output => 0, -- >= 0, use g_pipeline_input=0 and g_pipeline_output=0 for combinatorial output
325 |
g_in_dat_w => g_fft.stage_dat_w+1,
326 |
g_out_dat_w => g_fft.stage_dat_w
327 |
328 |
329 |
clk => clk,
330 |
in_dat => add_arr(2*I+1),
331 |
out_dat => fft_re_arr(2*I+1)
332 |
333 |
334 |
round_im_a : ENTITY common_requantize_lib.common_round
335 |
336 |
g_representation => "SIGNED", -- SIGNED (round +-0.5 away from zero to +- infinity) or UNSIGNED rounding (round 0.5 up to + inifinity)
337 |
g_round => TRUE, -- when TRUE round the input, else truncate the input
338 |
g_round_clip => FALSE, -- when TRUE clip rounded input >= +max to avoid wrapping to output -min (signed) or 0 (unsigned)
339 |
g_pipeline_input => 0, -- >= 0
340 |
g_pipeline_output => 0, -- >= 0, use g_pipeline_input=0 and g_pipeline_output=0 for combinatorial output
341 |
g_in_dat_w => g_fft.stage_dat_w+1,
342 |
g_out_dat_w => g_fft.stage_dat_w
343 |
344 |
345 |
clk => clk,
346 |
in_dat => sub_arr(2*I),
347 |
out_dat => fft_im_arr(2*I)
348 |
349 |
350 |
round_im_b : ENTITY common_requantize_lib.common_round
351 |
352 |
g_representation => "SIGNED", -- SIGNED (round +-0.5 away from zero to +- infinity) or UNSIGNED rounding (round 0.5 up to + inifinity)
353 |
g_round => TRUE, -- when TRUE round the input, else truncate the input
354 |
g_round_clip => FALSE, -- when TRUE clip rounded input >= +max to avoid wrapping to output -min (signed) or 0 (unsigned)
355 |
g_pipeline_input => 0, -- >= 0
356 |
g_pipeline_output => 0, -- >= 0, use g_pipeline_input=0 and g_pipeline_output=0 for combinatorial output
357 |
g_in_dat_w => g_fft.stage_dat_w+1,
358 |
g_out_dat_w => g_fft.stage_dat_w
359 |
360 |
361 |
clk => clk,
362 |
in_dat => sub_arr(2*I+1),
363 |
out_dat => fft_im_arr(2*I+1)
364 |
365 |
end generate;
366 |
end generate;
367 |
368 |
369 |
-- Generate bin 0 directly
370 |
371 |
-- Index N=g_fft.nof_points wraps to index 0:
372 |
-- . fft_re_arr(0) = (int_re_arr(0) + int_re_arr(N)) / 2 = int_re_arr(0)
373 |
-- . fft_re_arr(1) = (int_im_arr(0) + int_im_arr(N)) / 2 = int_im_arr(0)
374 |
-- . fft_im_arr(0) = (int_im_arr(0) - int_im_arr(N)) / 2 = 0
375 |
-- . fft_im_arr(1) = (int_re_arr(0) - int_re_arr(N)) / 2 = 0
376 |
377 |
u_pipeline_a_re_0 : entity common_components_lib.common_pipeline
378 |
generic map (
379 |
g_pipeline => c_pipeline_add_sub,
380 |
g_in_dat_w => g_fft.stage_dat_w,
381 |
g_out_dat_w => g_fft.stage_dat_w
382 |
383 |
port map (
384 |
clk => clk,
385 |
in_dat => int_re_arr(0),
386 |
out_dat => fft_re_arr(0)
387 |
388 |
389 |
u_pipeline_b_re_0 : entity common_components_lib.common_pipeline
390 |
generic map (
391 |
g_pipeline => c_pipeline_add_sub,
392 |
g_in_dat_w => g_fft.stage_dat_w,
393 |
g_out_dat_w => g_fft.stage_dat_w
394 |
395 |
port map (
396 |
clk => clk,
397 |
in_dat => int_im_arr(0),
398 |
out_dat => fft_re_arr(1)
399 |
400 |
401 |
-- The imaginary outputs of A(0) and B(0) are always zero in case two real inputs are provided
402 |
fft_im_arr(0) <= (others=>'0');
403 |
fft_im_arr(1) <= (others=>'0');
404 |
405 |
406 |
-- Valid pipelining for separate
407 |
408 |
u_seperate_fft_val : entity common_components_lib.common_pipeline_sl
409 |
generic map (
410 |
g_pipeline => c_pipeline_add_sub
411 |
412 |
port map (
413 |
clk => clk,
414 |
in_dat => int_val,
415 |
out_dat => fft_val
416 |
417 |
end generate;
418 |
419 |
no_separate : if g_fft.use_separate=false generate
420 |
assign_outputs : for I in 0 to g_fft.nof_points-1 generate
421 |
fft_re_arr(I) <= int_re_arr(I);
422 |
fft_im_arr(I) <= int_im_arr(I);
423 |
end generate;
424 |
fft_val <= int_val;
425 |
end generate;
426 |
427 |
428 |
-- Parallel FFT output requantization
429 |
430 |
gen_output_requantizers : for I in 0 to g_fft.nof_points-1 generate
431 |
u_requantize_re : entity common_requantize_lib.common_requantize
432 |
generic map (
433 |
g_representation => "SIGNED",
434 |
g_lsb_w => c_out_scale_w,
435 |
g_lsb_round => TRUE,
436 |
g_lsb_round_clip => FALSE,
437 |
g_msb_clip => FALSE,
438 |
g_msb_clip_symmetric => FALSE,
439 |
g_pipeline_remove_lsb => c_pipeline_remove_lsb,
440 |
g_pipeline_remove_msb => 0,
441 |
g_in_dat_w => g_fft.stage_dat_w,
442 |
g_out_dat_w => g_fft.out_dat_w
443 |
444 |
port map (
445 |
clk => clk,
446 |
in_dat => fft_re_arr(I),
447 |
out_dat => out_re_arr(I),
448 |
out_ovr => open
449 |
450 |
451 |
u_requantize_im : entity common_requantize_lib.common_requantize
452 |
generic map (
453 |
g_representation => "SIGNED",
454 |
g_lsb_w => c_out_scale_w,
455 |
g_lsb_round => TRUE,
456 |
g_lsb_round_clip => FALSE,
457 |
g_msb_clip => FALSE,
458 |
g_msb_clip_symmetric => FALSE,
459 |
g_pipeline_remove_lsb => c_pipeline_remove_lsb,
460 |
g_pipeline_remove_msb => 0,
461 |
g_in_dat_w => g_fft.stage_dat_w,
462 |
g_out_dat_w => g_fft.out_dat_w
463 |
464 |
port map (
465 |
clk => clk,
466 |
in_dat => fft_im_arr(I),
467 |
out_dat => out_im_arr(I),
468 |
out_ovr => open
469 |
470 |
471 |
end generate;
472 |
473 |
u_out_val : entity common_components_lib.common_pipeline_sl
474 |
generic map (
475 |
g_pipeline => c_pipeline_remove_lsb
476 |
477 |
port map (
478 |
rst => rst,
479 |
clk => clk,
480 |
in_dat => fft_val,
481 |
out_dat => out_val
482 |
483 |
end str;