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danv |
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danv |
-- Copyright 2020
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danv |
-- ASTRON (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy) <http://www.astron.nl/>
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-- P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
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danv |
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-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8 |
-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9 |
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
10 |
11 |
-- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12 |
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-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14 |
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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-- limitations under the License.
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danv |
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-- Purpose: The fft_r2_wide unit performs a complex FFT that is partly pipelined
21 |
-- and partly parallel.
22 |
23 |
-- Description:
24 |
-- The fft_r2_wide supports:
25 |
26 |
-- * Complex input
27 |
-- For complex input use_separate = false.
28 |
29 |
-- When use_reorder=true then the output bins of the FFT are re-ordered to
30 |
-- undo the bit-reversed (or bit-flipped) default radix 2 FFT output order.
31 |
-- The fft_r2_wide then outputs first 0 Hz and the positive frequencies
32 |
-- and then the negative frequencies. The use_reorder is performed at both
33 |
-- the pipelined stage and the parallel stage.
34 |
35 |
-- When use_fft_shift=true then the fft_r2_wide then outputs the frequency
36 |
-- bins in incrementing order, so first the negative frequencies, then 0 Hz
37 |
-- and then the positive frequencies.
38 |
-- When use_fft_shift = true then also use_reorder must be true.
39 |
40 |
-- * Two real inputs:
41 |
-- When use_separate=true then the fft_r2_wide can be used to process two
42 |
-- real streams. The first real stream (A) presented on the real input, the
43 |
-- second real stream (B) presented on the imaginary input. The separation
44 |
-- unit outputs the spectrum of A and B in an alternating way.
45 |
-- When use_separate = true then also use_reorder must be true.
46 |
-- When use_separate = true then the use_fft_shift must be false, because
47 |
-- fft_shift() only applies to spectra for complex input.
48 |
49 |
-- Remarks:
50 |
-- . This fft_r2_wide also support wb_factor = 1 (= only a fft_r2_pipe
51 |
-- instance) or wb_factor = g_fft.nof_points (= only a fft_r2_par instance).
52 |
-- Care must be taken to properly account for guard_w and out_gain_w,
53 |
-- therefore it is best to simply use a structural approach that generates
54 |
-- seperate instances for each case:
55 |
-- . wb_factor = 1 --> pipe
56 |
-- . wb_factor > 1 AND wb_factor < g_fft.nof_points --> wide
57 |
-- . wb_factor = g_fft.nof_points --> par
58 |
-- . This fft_r2_wide uses the use_reorder in the pipeline FFT, in the parallel
59 |
-- FFT and also has reorder memory in the fft_sepa_wide instance. The reorder
60 |
-- memories in the FFTs can maybe be saved by using only the reorder memory
61 |
-- in the fft_sepa_wide instance. This would require changing the indexing in
62 |
-- fft_sepa_wide instance.
63 |
-- . The reorder memory in the pipeline FFT, parallel FFT and in the
64 |
-- fft_sepa_wide could make reuse of a reorder component from the reorder
65 |
-- library instead of using a dedicated local solution.
66 |
67 |
library ieee, common_pkg_lib, common_components_lib, common_requantize_lib, rTwoSDF_lib;
68 |
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
69 |
use common_pkg_lib.common_pkg.all;
70 |
use rTwoSDF_lib.rTwoSDFPkg.all;
71 |
use work.fft_pkg.all;
72 |
73 |
entity fft_r2_wide is
74 |
generic (
75 |
g_fft : t_fft := c_fft; -- generics for the FFT
76 |
g_pft_pipeline : t_fft_pipeline := c_fft_pipeline; -- For the pipelined part, from rTwoSDF_lib.rTwoSDFPkg
77 |
g_fft_pipeline : t_fft_pipeline := c_fft_pipeline -- For the parallel part, from rTwoSDF_lib.rTwoSDFPkg
78 |
79 |
port (
80 |
clk : in std_logic;
81 |
rst : in std_logic := '0';
82 |
in_re_arr : in t_fft_slv_arr(g_fft.wb_factor-1 downto 0); -- = time samples t3, t2, t1, t0
83 |
in_im_arr : in t_fft_slv_arr(g_fft.wb_factor-1 downto 0);
84 |
in_val : in std_logic := '1';
85 |
out_re_arr : out t_fft_slv_arr(g_fft.wb_factor-1 downto 0);
86 |
out_im_arr : out t_fft_slv_arr(g_fft.wb_factor-1 downto 0);
87 |
out_val : out std_logic
88 |
89 |
end entity fft_r2_wide;
90 |
91 |
architecture rtl of fft_r2_wide is
92 |
93 |
type t_fft_arr is array(integer range <> ) of t_fft; -- An array of t_fft's generics.
94 |
95 |
96 |
-- This function creates an array of t_fft generics
97 |
-- for the pipelined fft's of the first stage.The array is
98 |
-- based on the g_fft generic that belongs to the
99 |
-- fft_r2_wide entity.
100 |
-- Most imortant in the settings are twiddle_offset and
101 |
-- the nof_points.
102 |
103 |
function func_create_generic_for_pipe_fft(input : t_fft) return t_fft_arr is
104 |
variable v_nof_points : natural := input.nof_points/input.wb_factor; -- The nof_points for the pipelined fft stages
105 |
variable v_return : t_fft_arr(input.wb_factor-1 downto 0) := (others => input); -- Variable that holds the return values
106 |
107 |
for I in 0 to input.wb_factor-1 loop
108 |
v_return(I).use_reorder := input.use_reorder; -- Pass on use_reorder
109 |
v_return(I).use_fft_shift := false; -- FFT shift function is forced to false
110 |
v_return(I).use_separate := false; -- Separate function is forced to false.
111 |
v_return(I).twiddle_offset := I; -- Twiddle offset is set to the order number of the pipelined fft.
112 |
v_return(I).nof_points := v_nof_points; -- Set the nof points
113 |
v_return(I).in_dat_w := input.stage_dat_w; -- Set the input width
114 |
v_return(I).out_dat_w := input.stage_dat_w; -- Set the output width.
115 |
v_return(I).out_gain_w := 0; -- Output gain is forced to 0
116 |
v_return(I).guard_w := 0; -- Set the guard_w to 0 to enable scaling at every stage.
117 |
v_return(I).guard_enable := false; -- No input guard.
118 |
end loop;
119 |
return v_return;
120 |
121 |
122 |
123 |
-- This function creates t_fft generic for the
124 |
-- parallel fft stage, based on the g_fft generic that
125 |
-- belongs to the fft_r2_wide entity.
126 |
127 |
function func_create_generic_for_par_fft(input : t_fft) return t_fft is
128 |
variable v_return : t_fft := input; -- Variable that holds the return value
129 |
130 |
v_return.use_reorder := input.use_reorder; -- Pass on use_reorder
131 |
v_return.use_fft_shift := input.use_fft_shift; -- Pass on use_fft_shift
132 |
v_return.use_separate := false; -- Separate function is forced to false, because it is handled outside the parallel fft
133 |
v_return.twiddle_offset := 0; -- Twiddle offset is forced to 0, which is also the input.twiddle_offset default
134 |
v_return.nof_points := input.wb_factor; -- Set the number of points to wb_factor
135 |
v_return.in_dat_w := input.stage_dat_w; -- Specify the input width
136 |
v_return.out_dat_w := input.stage_dat_w; -- Output width
137 |
v_return.out_gain_w := 0; -- Output gain is forced to 0, because it is handled outside the parallel fft
138 |
v_return.guard_w := input.guard_w; -- Set the guard_w here to skip the scaling on the last stages
139 |
v_return.guard_enable := false; -- No input guard.
140 |
return v_return;
141 |
142 |
143 |
constant c_pipeline_remove_lsb : natural := 0;
144 |
145 |
constant c_fft_r2_pipe_arr : t_fft_arr(g_fft.wb_factor-1 downto 0) := func_create_generic_for_pipe_fft(g_fft);
146 |
constant c_fft_r2_par : t_fft := func_create_generic_for_par_fft(g_fft);
147 |
148 |
constant c_in_scale_w : natural := g_fft.stage_dat_w - g_fft.in_dat_w - sel_a_b(g_fft.guard_enable, g_fft.guard_w, 0);
149 |
150 |
constant c_out_scale_w : integer := c_fft_r2_par.out_dat_w - g_fft.out_dat_w - g_fft.out_gain_w; -- Estimate number of LSBs to throw away when > 0 or insert when < 0
151 |
152 |
signal in_fft_pipe_re_arr : t_fft_slv_arr(g_fft.wb_factor-1 downto 0);
153 |
signal in_fft_pipe_im_arr : t_fft_slv_arr(g_fft.wb_factor-1 downto 0);
154 |
155 |
signal out_fft_pipe_re_arr : t_fft_slv_arr(g_fft.wb_factor-1 downto 0);
156 |
signal out_fft_pipe_im_arr : t_fft_slv_arr(g_fft.wb_factor-1 downto 0);
157 |
158 |
signal in_fft_par_re_arr : t_fft_slv_arr(g_fft.wb_factor-1 downto 0);
159 |
signal in_fft_par_im_arr : t_fft_slv_arr(g_fft.wb_factor-1 downto 0);
160 |
161 |
signal fft_pipe_out_re : std_logic_vector(g_fft.out_dat_w-1 downto 0);
162 |
signal fft_pipe_out_im : std_logic_vector(g_fft.out_dat_w-1 downto 0);
163 |
164 |
signal fft_out_re_arr : t_fft_slv_arr(g_fft.wb_factor-1 downto 0);
165 |
signal fft_out_im_arr : t_fft_slv_arr(g_fft.wb_factor-1 downto 0);
166 |
signal fft_out_val : std_logic;
167 |
168 |
signal sep_out_re_arr : t_fft_slv_arr(g_fft.wb_factor-1 downto 0);
169 |
signal sep_out_im_arr : t_fft_slv_arr(g_fft.wb_factor-1 downto 0);
170 |
signal sep_out_val : std_logic;
171 |
172 |
signal int_val : std_logic_vector(g_fft.wb_factor-1 downto 0);
173 |
174 |
signal out_cplx : std_logic_vector(c_nof_complex*g_fft.stage_dat_w-1 downto 0);
175 |
signal in_cplx : std_logic_vector(c_nof_complex*g_fft.stage_dat_w-1 downto 0);
176 |
177 |
178 |
179 |
-- Default to fft_r2_pipe when g_fft.wb_factor=1
180 |
gen_fft_r2_pipe : if g_fft.wb_factor=1 generate
181 |
u_fft_r2_pipe : entity work.fft_r2_pipe
182 |
generic map (
183 |
g_fft => g_fft,
184 |
g_pipeline => g_pft_pipeline
185 |
186 |
port map (
187 |
clk => clk,
188 |
rst => rst,
189 |
in_re => in_re_arr(0)(g_fft.in_dat_w-1 downto 0),
190 |
in_im => in_im_arr(0)(g_fft.in_dat_w-1 downto 0),
191 |
in_val => in_val,
192 |
out_re => fft_pipe_out_re,
193 |
out_im => fft_pipe_out_im,
194 |
out_val => out_val
195 |
196 |
197 |
out_re_arr(0) <= resize_fft_svec(fft_pipe_out_re);
198 |
out_im_arr(0) <= resize_fft_svec(fft_pipe_out_im);
199 |
end generate;
200 |
201 |
-- Default to fft_r2_par when g_fft.wb_factor=g_fft.nof_points
202 |
gen_fft_r2_par : if g_fft.wb_factor=g_fft.nof_points generate
203 |
u_fft_r2_par : entity work.fft_r2_par
204 |
generic map (
205 |
g_fft => g_fft,
206 |
g_pipeline => g_fft_pipeline
207 |
208 |
port map (
209 |
clk => clk,
210 |
rst => rst,
211 |
in_re_arr => in_re_arr,
212 |
in_im_arr => in_im_arr,
213 |
in_val => in_val,
214 |
out_re_arr => out_re_arr,
215 |
out_im_arr => out_im_arr,
216 |
out_val => out_val
217 |
218 |
end generate;
219 |
220 |
-- Create wideband FFT as combinination of g_fft.wb_factor instances of fft_r2_pipe with one instance of fft_r2_par
221 |
gen_fft_r2_wide : if g_fft.wb_factor>1 and g_fft.wb_factor<g_fft.nof_points generate
222 |
223 |
224 |
225 |
226 |
227 |
-- Inputs are prepared/scaled for the pipelined ffts
228 |
gen_fft_pipe_inputs : for I in 0 to g_fft.wb_factor-1 generate
229 |
in_fft_pipe_re_arr(I) <= scale_and_resize_svec(in_re_arr(I), c_in_scale_w, c_fft_slv_w);
230 |
in_fft_pipe_im_arr(I) <= scale_and_resize_svec(in_im_arr(I), c_in_scale_w, c_fft_slv_w);
231 |
end generate;
232 |
233 |
-- The first stage of the wideband fft consist of the generation of g_fft.wb_factor
234 |
-- pipelined fft's. These pipelines fft's operate in parallel.
235 |
gen_pipelined_ffts : for I in g_fft.wb_factor-1 downto 0 generate
236 |
u_pft : entity work.fft_r2_pipe
237 |
generic map (
238 |
g_fft => c_fft_r2_pipe_arr(I), -- generics for the pipelined FFTs
239 |
g_pipeline => g_pft_pipeline -- pipeline generics for the pipelined FFTs
240 |
241 |
port map (
242 |
clk => clk,
243 |
rst => rst,
244 |
in_re => in_fft_pipe_re_arr(I)(c_fft_r2_pipe_arr(I).in_dat_w-1 downto 0),
245 |
in_im => in_fft_pipe_im_arr(I)(c_fft_r2_pipe_arr(I).in_dat_w-1 downto 0),
246 |
in_val => in_val,
247 |
out_re => out_fft_pipe_re_arr(I)(c_fft_r2_pipe_arr(I).out_dat_w-1 downto 0),
248 |
out_im => out_fft_pipe_im_arr(I)(c_fft_r2_pipe_arr(I).out_dat_w-1 downto 0),
249 |
out_val => int_val(I)
250 |
251 |
end generate;
252 |
253 |
254 |
255 |
256 |
257 |
258 |
-- Create input for parallel FFT
259 |
gen_inputs_for_par : for I in g_fft.wb_factor-1 downto 0 generate
260 |
in_fft_par_re_arr(I) <= resize_fft_svec(out_fft_pipe_re_arr(I)(c_fft_r2_pipe_arr(I).out_dat_w-1 downto 0));
261 |
in_fft_par_im_arr(I) <= resize_fft_svec(out_fft_pipe_im_arr(I)(c_fft_r2_pipe_arr(I).out_dat_w-1 downto 0));
262 |
end generate;
263 |
264 |
-- The g_fft.wb_factor outputs of the pipelined fft's are offered
265 |
-- to the input of a single parallel FFT.
266 |
u_fft : entity work.fft_r2_par
267 |
generic map (
268 |
g_fft => c_fft_r2_par, -- generics for the FFT
269 |
g_pipeline => g_fft_pipeline -- pipeline generics for the parallel FFT
270 |
271 |
port map (
272 |
clk => clk,
273 |
rst => rst,
274 |
in_re_arr => in_fft_par_re_arr,
275 |
in_im_arr => in_fft_par_im_arr,
276 |
in_val => int_val(0),
277 |
out_re_arr => fft_out_re_arr,
278 |
out_im_arr => fft_out_im_arr,
279 |
out_val => fft_out_val
280 |
281 |
282 |
283 |
284 |
285 |
-- When the separate functionality is required:
286 |
gen_separate : if g_fft.use_separate generate
287 |
u_separator : entity work.fft_sepa_wide
288 |
generic map (
289 |
g_fft => g_fft
290 |
291 |
port map (
292 |
clk => clk,
293 |
rst => rst,
294 |
in_re_arr => fft_out_re_arr,
295 |
in_im_arr => fft_out_im_arr,
296 |
in_val => fft_out_val,
297 |
out_re_arr => sep_out_re_arr,
298 |
out_im_arr => sep_out_im_arr,
299 |
out_val => sep_out_val
300 |
301 |
end generate;
302 |
303 |
-- In case no separtion is required, the output of the parallel fft is used.
304 |
no_separate : if g_fft.use_separate=false generate
305 |
sep_out_re_arr <= fft_out_re_arr;
306 |
sep_out_im_arr <= fft_out_im_arr;
307 |
sep_out_val <= fft_out_val;
308 |
end generate;
309 |
310 |
311 |
312 |
313 |
gen_output_requantizers : for I in g_fft.wb_factor-1 downto 0 generate
314 |
u_requantize_output_re : entity common_requantize_lib.common_requantize
315 |
generic map (
316 |
g_representation => "SIGNED",
317 |
g_lsb_w => c_out_scale_w,
318 |
g_lsb_round => TRUE,
319 |
g_lsb_round_clip => FALSE,
320 |
g_msb_clip => FALSE,
321 |
g_msb_clip_symmetric => FALSE,
322 |
g_pipeline_remove_lsb => c_pipeline_remove_lsb,
323 |
g_pipeline_remove_msb => 0,
324 |
g_in_dat_w => g_fft.stage_dat_w,
325 |
g_out_dat_w => g_fft.out_dat_w
326 |
327 |
port map (
328 |
clk => clk,
329 |
in_dat => sep_out_re_arr(I),
330 |
out_dat => out_re_arr(I),
331 |
out_ovr => open
332 |
333 |
334 |
u_requantize_output_im : entity common_requantize_lib.common_requantize
335 |
generic map (
336 |
g_representation => "SIGNED",
337 |
g_lsb_w => c_out_scale_w,
338 |
g_lsb_round => TRUE,
339 |
g_lsb_round_clip => FALSE,
340 |
g_msb_clip => FALSE,
341 |
g_msb_clip_symmetric => FALSE,
342 |
g_pipeline_remove_lsb => c_pipeline_remove_lsb,
343 |
g_pipeline_remove_msb => 0,
344 |
g_in_dat_w => g_fft.stage_dat_w,
345 |
g_out_dat_w => g_fft.out_dat_w
346 |
347 |
port map (
348 |
clk => clk,
349 |
in_dat => sep_out_im_arr(I),
350 |
out_dat => out_im_arr(I),
351 |
out_ovr => open
352 |
353 |
end generate;
354 |
355 |
u_out_val : entity common_components_lib.common_pipeline_sl
356 |
generic map (
357 |
g_pipeline => c_pipeline_remove_lsb
358 |
359 |
port map (
360 |
rst => rst,
361 |
clk => clk,
362 |
in_dat => sep_out_val,
363 |
out_dat => out_val
364 |
365 |
366 |
end generate;
367 |
end rtl;