1 |
2 |
howe.r.j.8 |
-- File: bit.vhd
2 |
-- Author: Richard James Howe
3 |
-- Repository: https://github.com/howerj/bit-serial
4 |
-- License: MIT
5 |
-- Description: An N-bit, simple and small bit serial CPU
6 |
7 |
library ieee, work, std;
8 |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
9 |
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
10 |
use std.textio.all; -- for debug only, not needed for synthesis
11 |
12 |
-- The bit-serial CPU itself, the interface is bit-serial as well as the
13 |
-- CPU itself, address and data are N bits wide. The enable lines are held
14 |
-- high for N cycles when data is clocked in or out, and a complete read or
15 |
-- write consists of N cycles (although those cycles may not be contiguous,
16 |
-- it is up to the BCPU). The three enable lines are mutually exclusive,
17 |
-- only one will be active at any time.
18 |
19 |
-- There are a few configurable items, but the defaults should work fine.
20 |
entity bcpu is
21 |
generic (
22 |
asynchronous_reset: boolean := true; -- use asynchronous reset if true, synchronous if false
23 |
delay: time := 0 ns; -- simulation only, gate delay
24 |
N: positive := 16; -- size the CPU, minimum is 8
25 |
parity: std_ulogic := '0'; -- set parity (even = '0'/odd = '1') of parity flag
26 |
jumpz: std_ulogic := '1'; -- jump on zero = '1', jump on non-zero = '0'
27 |
debug: natural := 0); -- debug level, 0 = off
28 |
port (
29 |
clk, rst: in std_ulogic;
30 |
i: in std_ulogic;
31 |
o, a: out std_ulogic;
32 |
oe, ie, ae: buffer std_ulogic;
33 |
stop: out std_ulogic);
34 |
35 |
36 |
architecture rtl of bcpu is
37 |
38 |
type cmd_t is (
39 |
iOR, iAND, iXOR, iADD,
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 |
44 |
constant Cy: integer := 0; -- Carry; set by addition
45 |
constant Z: integer := 1; -- Accumulator is zero
46 |
constant Ng: integer := 2; -- Accumulator is negative
47 |
constant R: integer := 3; -- Reset CPU
48 |
constant HLT: integer := 4; -- Halt CPU
49 |
50 |
type registers_t is record
51 |
state: state_t; -- state machine register
52 |
choice: state_t; -- computed next state
53 |
first: boolean; -- First flag, for setting up an instruction
54 |
last4: boolean; -- Are we processing the last 4 bits of the instruction?
55 |
indir: boolean; -- does the instruction require indirection of the operand?
56 |
tcarry: std_ulogic; -- temporary carry flag
57 |
dline: std_ulogic_vector(N - 1 downto 0); -- delay line, 16 cycles, our timer
58 |
acc: std_ulogic_vector(N - 1 downto 0); -- accumulator
59 |
pc: std_ulogic_vector(N - 1 downto 0); -- program counter
60 |
op: std_ulogic_vector(N - 1 downto 0); -- operand to instruction
61 |
flags: std_ulogic_vector(N - 1 downto 0); -- flags register
62 |
cmd: std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0); -- instruction
63 |
end record;
64 |
65 |
constant registers_default: registers_t := (
66 |
state => RESET,
67 |
choice => RESET,
68 |
first => true,
69 |
last4 => false,
70 |
indir => false,
71 |
tcarry => 'X',
72 |
dline => (others => '0'),
73 |
acc => (others => 'X'),
74 |
pc => (others => 'X'),
75 |
op => (others => 'X'),
76 |
flags => (others => 'X'),
77 |
cmd => (others => 'X'));
78 |
79 |
signal c, f: registers_t := registers_default; -- BCPU registers, all of them.
80 |
-- These signals are not used to hold state. The 'c' and 'f' registers
81 |
-- do that.
82 |
signal cmd: cmd_t; -- Shows up nicely in traces as an enumerated value
83 |
signal add1, add2, acin, ares, acout: std_ulogic; -- shared adder signals
84 |
signal last4, last: std_ulogic; -- state sequence signals
85 |
86 |
-- 'adder' implements a full adder, which is all we need to implement
87 |
-- N-bit addition in a bit serial architecture. It is used in the instruction
88 |
-- and to increment the program counter.
89 |
procedure adder (x, y, cin: in std_ulogic; signal sum, cout: out std_ulogic) is
90 |
91 |
sum <= x xor y xor cin after delay;
92 |
cout <= (x and y) or (cin and (x xor y)) after delay;
93 |
end procedure;
94 |
95 |
-- 'bit_count' is used for assertions and nothing else. It counts the
96 |
-- number of bits in a 'std_ulogic_vector'.
97 |
function bit_count(bc: in std_ulogic_vector) return natural is
98 |
variable count: natural := 0;
99 |
100 |
for index in bc'range loop
101 |
if bc(index) = '1' then
102 |
count := count + 1;
103 |
end if;
104 |
end loop;
105 |
return count;
106 |
end function;
107 |
108 |
-- Obviously this does not synthesis, which is why synthesis is turned
109 |
-- off for the body of this function, it does make debugging much easier
110 |
-- though, we will be able to see which instructions are executed and do so
111 |
-- by name.
112 |
procedure print_debug_info is
113 |
variable ll: line;
114 |
115 |
function hx(slv: in std_ulogic_vector) return string is -- std_ulogic_vector to hex string
116 |
constant cv: string := "0123456789ABCDEF";
117 |
constant qu: integer := slv'length / 4;
118 |
constant rm: integer := slv'length mod 4;
119 |
variable rs: string(1 to qu);
120 |
variable sl: std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
121 |
122 |
assert rm = 0 severity failure;
123 |
for l in 0 to qu - 1 loop
124 |
sl := slv((l * 4) + 3 downto (l * 4));
125 |
rs(qu - l) := cv(to_integer(unsigned(sl)) + 1);
126 |
end loop;
127 |
return rs;
128 |
end function;
129 |
130 |
function yn(sl: std_ulogic; ch: character) return string is -- print a flag
131 |
variable rs: string(1 to 2) := "- ";
132 |
133 |
if sl = '1' then
134 |
rs(1) := ch;
135 |
end if;
136 |
return rs;
137 |
end function;
138 |
139 |
-- synthesis translate_off
140 |
if debug > 0 then
141 |
if c.state = EXECUTE and c.first then
142 |
write(ll, hx(c.pc) & ": ");
143 |
write(ll, cmd_t'image(cmd) & HT);
144 |
write(ll, hx(c.acc) & " ");
145 |
write(ll, hx(c.op) & " ");
146 |
write(ll, hx(c.flags) & " ");
147 |
write(ll, yn(c.flags(Cy), 'C'));
148 |
write(ll, yn(c.flags(Z), 'Z'));
149 |
write(ll, yn(c.flags(Ng), 'N'));
150 |
write(ll, yn(c.flags(R), 'R'));
151 |
write(ll, yn(c.flags(HLT), 'H'));
152 |
writeline(OUTPUT, ll);
153 |
end if;
154 |
if debug > 1 and last = '1' then
155 |
write(ll, state_t'image(c.state) & " => ");
156 |
write(ll, state_t'image(f.state));
157 |
writeline(OUTPUT, ll);
158 |
end if;
159 |
end if;
160 |
-- synthesis translate_on
161 |
end procedure;
162 |
163 |
assert N >= 8 report "CPU Width too small: N >= 8" severity failure;
164 |
assert not (ie = '1' and oe = '1') report "input/output at the same time" severity failure;
165 |
assert not (ie = '1' and ae = '1') report "input whilst changing address" severity failure;
166 |
assert not (oe = '1' and ae = '1') report "output whilst changing address" severity failure;
167 |
168 |
adder (add1, add2, acin, ares, acout); -- shared adder
169 |
cmd <= cmd_t'val(to_integer(unsigned(c.cmd))); -- used for debug purposes
170 |
last4 <= c.dline(c.dline'high - 4) after delay; -- processing last four bits?
171 |
last <= c.dline(c.dline'high) after delay; -- processing last bit?
172 |
173 |
process (clk, rst) begin
174 |
if rst = '1' and asynchronous_reset then
175 |
c.dline <= (others => '0') after delay; -- parallel reset!
176 |
c.state <= RESET after delay;
177 |
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
178 |
c <= f after delay;
179 |
if rst = '1' and not asynchronous_reset then
180 |
c.dline <= (others => '0') after delay;
181 |
c.state <= RESET after delay;
182 |
183 |
-- These are just assertions/debug logging, they are not required for
184 |
-- running, but we can make sure there are no unexpected state transitions,
185 |
-- and report on the internal state.
186 |
187 |
if c.state = RESET and last = '1' then assert f.state = FETCH; end if;
188 |
if c.state = LOAD and last = '1' then assert f.state = ADVANCE; end if;
189 |
if c.state = STORE and last = '1' then assert f.state = ADVANCE; end if;
190 |
if c.state = ADVANCE and last = '1' then assert f.state = FETCH; end if;
191 |
if c.state = HALT then assert f.state = HALT; end if;
192 |
if c.state = EXECUTE and last = '1' then
193 |
assert f.state = ADVANCE or f.state = LOAD or f.state = STORE or f.state = FETCH;
194 |
end if;
195 |
end if;
196 |
assert not (c.first xor f.dline(0) = '1') report "first/dline";
197 |
end if;
198 |
end process;
199 |
200 |
process (i, c, cmd, ares, acout, last, last4) begin
201 |
o <= '0' after delay;
202 |
a <= '0' after delay;
203 |
ie <= '0' after delay;
204 |
ae <= '0' after delay;
205 |
oe <= '0' after delay;
206 |
stop <= '0' after delay;
207 |
add1 <= '0' after delay;
208 |
add2 <= '0' after delay;
209 |
acin <= '0' after delay;
210 |
f <= c after delay;
211 |
f.dline <= c.dline(c.dline'high - 1 downto 0) & "0" after delay;
212 |
213 |
-- Our delay line should only contain zero on one bit at a time
214 |
if c.first then
215 |
assert bit_count(c.dline) = 0 report "too many dline bits";
216 |
217 |
assert bit_count(c.dline) = 1 report "missing dline bit";
218 |
end if;
219 |
220 |
-- The processor works by using a delay line (shift register) to
221 |
-- sequence actions, the top four bits are used for the
222 |
-- instruction (and if the highest bit is set indirection
223 |
-- is _not_ allowed), with the lowest twelve bits as an operand
224 |
-- to use as a literal value or an address.
225 |
226 |
-- As such, we will want to trigger actions when processing the first
227 |
-- bit, the last four bits and the last bit.
228 |
229 |
-- This delay line is used to save gates as opposed using a counter,
230 |
-- which would require an adder (but not a comparator - we could check
231 |
-- whether individual bits are set because all the comparisons are
232 |
-- against power of two values).
233 |
234 |
if last = '1' then
235 |
f.state <= c.choice after delay;
236 |
f.first <= true after delay;
237 |
f.last4 <= false after delay;
238 |
-- This is a bit of a hack, in order to place it in its proper
239 |
-- place within the 'FETCH' state we would need to move the
240 |
-- 'indirection allowed on instruction' bit from the highest
241 |
-- bit to a lower bit so we can perform the state decision before
242 |
-- the bit is being processed.
243 |
if i = '0' and c.state = FETCH then
244 |
f.indir <= true;
245 |
f.state <= INDIRECT; -- Override FETCH Choice!
246 |
end if;
247 |
elsif last4 = '1' then
248 |
f.last4 <= true after delay;
249 |
end if;
250 |
251 |
-- Each state lasts N (which defaults to 16) + 1 cycles.
252 |
-- Of note: we could make the FETCH state last only 4 + 1 cycles
253 |
-- and merge the operand fetching in FETCH (and OPERAND state) into
254 |
-- the 'EXECUTE' state.
255 |
case c.state is
256 |
when RESET =>
257 |
f.choice <= FETCH;
258 |
if c.first then
259 |
f.dline(0) <= '1' after delay;
260 |
f.first <= false after delay;
261 |
262 |
ae <= '1' after delay;
263 |
f.acc <= "0" & c.acc(c.acc'high downto 1) after delay;
264 |
f.pc <= "0" & c.pc (c.pc'high downto 1) after delay;
265 |
f.op <= "0" & c.op (c.op'high downto 1) after delay;
266 |
f.flags <= "0" & c.flags(c.flags'high downto 1) after delay;
267 |
end if;
268 |
-- When in the running state all state transitions pass through FETCH.
269 |
-- FETCH does what you expect from it, it fetches the instruction. It also
270 |
-- partially decodes it and sets flags that the accumulator depends on.
271 |
272 |
-- What is meant by partially decoding is this; it is determined if we
273 |
-- should go to the INDIRECT state next or to the EXECUTE state, also
274 |
-- it is determined whether an I/O operation should be performed for those
275 |
-- instructions capable of doing I/O.
276 |
when FETCH =>
277 |
if c.first then
278 |
f.dline(0) <= '1' after delay;
279 |
f.first <= false after delay;
280 |
f.indir <= false after delay;
281 |
f.flags(Z) <= '1' after delay;
282 |
283 |
ie <= '1' after delay;
284 |
285 |
if c.acc(0) = '1' then -- determine flag status before EXECUTE
286 |
f.flags(Z) <= '0' after delay;
287 |
end if;
288 |
f.acc <= c.acc(0) & c.acc(c.acc'high downto 1) after delay;
289 |
290 |
if not c.last4 then
291 |
f.op <= i & c.op(c.op'high downto 1) after delay;
292 |
293 |
f.cmd <= i & c.cmd(c.cmd'high downto 1) after delay;
294 |
f.op <= "0" & c.op (c.op'high downto 1) after delay;
295 |
end if;
296 |
end if;
297 |
298 |
f.flags(Ng) <= c.acc(0) after delay; -- contains highest bit when 'last' is true
299 |
300 |
-- NB. 'f.choice' may be overwritten for INDIRECT.
301 |
if c.flags(HLT) = '1' then
302 |
f.choice <= HALT after delay;
303 |
elsif c.flags(R) = '1' then
304 |
f.choice <= RESET after delay;
305 |
306 |
f.choice <= EXECUTE after delay;
307 |
end if;
308 |
-- INDIRECT is only used instruction allows for indirection
309 |
-- (ie. All those instructions in which the top bit is not set).
310 |
-- The indirection add 2*(N+1) cycles to the instruction so is quite expensive.
311 |
312 |
-- We could avoid having this state and CPU functionality if we were to
313 |
-- make use of self-modifying code, however that would make programming the CPU
314 |
-- more difficult.
315 |
316 |
when INDIRECT =>
317 |
assert c.cmd(c.cmd'high) = '0' severity error;
318 |
f.choice <= EXECUTE after delay;
319 |
if c.first then
320 |
f.dline(0) <= '1' after delay;
321 |
f.first <= false after delay;
322 |
323 |
ae <= '1' after delay;
324 |
a <= c.op(0) after delay;
325 |
f.op <= "0" & c.op(c.op'high downto 1) after delay;
326 |
f.choice <= OPERAND after delay;
327 |
end if;
328 |
-- OPERAND fetches the operand *again*, this time using the operand
329 |
-- acquired in EXECUTE, the address being set in the previous INDIRECT state.
330 |
when OPERAND =>
331 |
f.choice <= EXECUTE after delay;
332 |
if c.first then
333 |
f.dline(0) <= '1' after delay;
334 |
f.first <= false after delay;
335 |
336 |
ie <= '1' after delay;
337 |
f.op <= i & c.op(c.op'high downto 1) after delay;
338 |
end if;
339 |
-- The EXECUTE state implements the ALU. It is the most seemingly the
340 |
-- most complex state, but it is not (FETCH is more difficult to
341 |
-- understand).
342 |
when EXECUTE =>
343 |
assert not (c.flags(Z) = '1' and c.flags(Ng) = '1') report "zero and negative?";
344 |
f.choice <= ADVANCE after delay;
345 |
if c.first then
346 |
f.dline(0) <= '1' after delay;
347 |
f.first <= false after delay;
348 |
if cmd = iADD then f.flags(Cy) <= '0' after delay; end if;
349 |
-- 'tcarry' is added to the program counter in the ADVANCE
350 |
-- state, instructions that affect the program counter clear
351 |
-- it (such as iJUMP, and iJUMPZ/iSET (conditionally).
352 |
f.tcarry <= '1' after delay;
353 |
354 |
case cmd is -- ALU
355 |
when iOR =>
356 |
f.op <= "0" & c.op (c.op'high downto 1) after delay;
357 |
f.acc <= (c.op(0) or c.acc(0)) & c.acc(c.acc'high downto 1) after delay;
358 |
when iAND =>
359 |
f.acc <= c.acc(0) & c.acc(c.acc'high downto 1) after delay;
360 |
if (not c.last4) or c.indir then
361 |
f.op <= "0" & c.op (c.op'high downto 1) after delay;
362 |
f.acc <= (c.op(0) and c.acc(0)) & c.acc(c.acc'high downto 1) after delay;
363 |
end if;
364 |
when iXOR =>
365 |
f.op <= "0" & c.op (c.op'high downto 1) after delay;
366 |
f.acc <= (c.op(0) xor c.acc(0)) & c.acc(c.acc'high downto 1) after delay;
367 |
when iADD =>
368 |
f.acc <= "0" & c.acc(c.acc'high downto 1) after delay;
369 |
f.op <= "0" & c.op(c.op'high downto 1) after delay;
370 |
add1 <= c.acc(0) after delay;
371 |
add2 <= c.op(0) after delay;
372 |
acin <= c.flags(Cy) after delay;
373 |
f.acc(f.acc'high) <= ares after delay;
374 |
f.flags(Cy) <= acout after delay;
375 |
-- A barrel shifter is usually quite an expensive piece of hardware,
376 |
-- but it ends up being quite cheap for obvious reasons. If we really
377 |
-- needed to we could dispense with the right shift, we could mask off
378 |
-- low bits and rotate (either way) to emulate it.
379 |
when iLSHIFT =>
380 |
if c.op(0) = '1' then
381 |
f.acc <= c.acc(c.acc'high - 1 downto 0) & "0" after delay;
382 |
end if;
383 |
f.op <= "0" & c.op (c.op'high downto 1) after delay;
384 |
when iRSHIFT =>
385 |
if c.op(0) = '1' then
386 |
f.acc <= "0" & c.acc(c.acc'high downto 1) after delay;
387 |
end if;
388 |
f.op <= "0" & c.op (c.op'high downto 1) after delay;
389 |
-- We have two sets of LOAD/STORE instructions, one set which
390 |
-- optionally respects the indirect flag, and one set (the latter)
391 |
-- which never does. This allows us to perform direct LOAD/STORES
392 |
-- when the indirect flag is on.
393 |
when iLOAD =>
394 |
ae <= '1' after delay;
395 |
a <= c.op(0) after delay;
396 |
f.op <= c.op(0) & c.op(c.op'high downto 1) after delay;
397 |
f.choice <= LOAD after delay;
398 |
when iSTORE =>
399 |
ae <= '1' after delay;
400 |
a <= c.op(0) after delay;
401 |
f.op <= "0" & c.op(c.op'high downto 1) after delay;
402 |
f.choice <= STORE after delay;
403 |
when iLOADC =>
404 |
ae <= '1' after delay;
405 |
a <= c.op(0) after delay;
406 |
f.op <= c.op(0) & c.op(c.op'high downto 1) after delay;
407 |
f.choice <= LOAD after delay;
408 |
when iSTOREC =>
409 |
ae <= '1' after delay;
410 |
a <= c.op(0) after delay;
411 |
f.op <= "0" & c.op(c.op'high downto 1) after delay;
412 |
f.choice <= STORE after delay;
413 |
when iLITERAL =>
414 |
f.acc <= c.op(0) & c.acc(c.acc'high downto 1) after delay;
415 |
f.op <= "0" & c.op (c.op'high downto 1) after delay;
416 |
when iUNUSED =>
417 |
-- We could use this if we need to extend the instruction set
418 |
-- for any reason. I cannot think of a good one that justifies the
419 |
-- cost of a new instruction. So this will remain blank for now.
420 |
421 |
-- Candidates for an instruction include:
422 |
423 |
-- * Arithmetic Right Shift
424 |
-- * Subtraction
425 |
-- * Swap Low/High Byte (may be difficult to implement)
426 |
427 |
-- However, this instruction may not have its indirection bit set,
428 |
-- This would not be a problem for the swap instruction. Alternatively
429 |
-- an 'add-constant' could be added.
430 |
431 |
when iJUMP =>
432 |
ae <= '1' after delay;
433 |
a <= c.op(0) after delay;
434 |
f.op <= "0" & c.op(c.op'high downto 1) after delay;
435 |
f.pc <= c.op(0) & c.pc(c.pc'high downto 1) after delay;
436 |
f.choice <= FETCH after delay;
437 |
when iJUMPZ =>
438 |
if c.flags(Z) = jumpz then
439 |
ae <= '1' after delay;
440 |
a <= c.op(0) after delay;
441 |
f.op <= "0" & c.op(c.op'high downto 1) after delay;
442 |
f.pc <= c.op(0) & c.pc(c.pc'high downto 1) after delay;
443 |
f.choice <= FETCH after delay;
444 |
end if;
445 |
-- NB. We could probably eliminate these instructions by mapping
446 |
-- the registers into the memory address space, this would free
447 |
-- up another two instructions, and potentially simplify the CPU.
448 |
449 |
when iSET =>
450 |
if c.op(0) = '0' then
451 |
-- NB. We could set the address directly here and
452 |
-- go to FETCH but that costs us too much time and gates.
453 |
f.pc <= c.acc(0) & c.pc(c.pc'high downto 1) after delay;
454 |
f.tcarry <= '0' after delay;
455 |
456 |
f.flags <= c.acc(0) & c.flags(c.flags'high downto 1) after delay;
457 |
end if;
458 |
f.acc <= c.acc(0) & c.acc(c.acc'high downto 1) after delay;
459 |
when iGET =>
460 |
if c.op(0) = '0' then
461 |
f.acc <= c.pc(0) & c.acc(c.acc'high downto 1) after delay;
462 |
f.pc <= c.pc(0) & c.pc(c.pc'high downto 1) after delay;
463 |
464 |
f.acc <= c.flags(0) & c.acc(c.acc'high downto 1) after delay;
465 |
f.flags <= c.flags(0) & c.flags(c.flags'high downto 1) after delay;
466 |
end if;
467 |
end case;
468 |
end if;
469 |
-- Unfortunately we cannot perform a load or a store whilst we are
470 |
-- performing an EXECUTE, so we require STORE and LOAD states to do
471 |
-- more work after a LOAD or STORE instruction.
472 |
when STORE =>
473 |
f.choice <= ADVANCE after delay;
474 |
if c.first then
475 |
f.dline(0) <= '1' after delay;
476 |
f.first <= false after delay;
477 |
478 |
o <= c.acc(0) after delay;
479 |
oe <= '1' after delay;
480 |
f.acc <= c.acc(0) & c.acc(c.acc'high downto 1) after delay;
481 |
end if;
482 |
when LOAD =>
483 |
f.choice <= ADVANCE after delay;
484 |
if c.first then
485 |
f.dline(0) <= '1' after delay;
486 |
f.first <= false after delay;
487 |
488 |
ie <= '1' after delay;
489 |
f.acc <= i & c.acc(c.acc'high downto 1) after delay;
490 |
end if;
491 |
-- ADVANCE reuses our adder in iADD to add one to the program counter
492 |
-- this state *is* reached when we do a iJUMP, iJUMPZ or an iSET on the
493 |
-- program counter, those instructions clear the 'tcarry', which is
494 |
-- normally '1'.
495 |
when ADVANCE =>
496 |
f.choice <= FETCH after delay;
497 |
if c.first then
498 |
f.dline(0) <= '1' after delay;
499 |
f.first <= false after delay;
500 |
501 |
f.pc <= "0" & c.pc(c.pc'high downto 1) after delay;
502 |
add1 <= c.pc(0) after delay;
503 |
-- A 'skip' facility could be made by optionally setting this to '1'
504 |
-- for the first cycle, incrementing the program counter by 2.
505 |
add2 <= '0' after delay;
506 |
acin <= c.tcarry after delay;
507 |
f.pc(f.pc'high) <= ares after delay;
508 |
a <= ares after delay;
509 |
f.tcarry <= acout after delay;
510 |
ae <= '1' after delay;
511 |
end if;
512 |
when HALT => stop <= '1' after delay;
513 |
end case;
514 |
end process;
515 |
end architecture;
516 |