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wd5gnr |
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This file is part of Blue8.
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Foobar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
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the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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(at your option) any later version.
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Foobar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
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You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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along with Blue8. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
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Blue8 by Al Williams alw@al-williams.com
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`default_nettype none
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module idecode( input [15:0] ir16, output wire ophlt, output wire opadd, output wire opxor,
24 |
output wire opand, output wire opior, output wire opnot, output wire oplda, output wire opsta,
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output wire opsrj, output wire opjmp, output wire opldx,
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output wire opral, output wire opnop,
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output wire opinc, output wire opdec, output wire opskip, output wire opspn, output wire opq,
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output wire opqtog, output wire opsub, output wire opcmp, output wire opldi, output wire oprar,
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output wire opincdecx, output wire opstx, output wire opjmpa, output wire opswap,
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output wire oplds, output wire oppush, output wire oppop, output wire opframe, output wire opldxa);
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wire [3:0] ir;
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assign ir=ir16[15:12];
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assign ophlt=ir16==16'h0;
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assign opadd=ir==1;
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assign opxor=ir==2;
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assign opand=ir==3;
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assign opior=ir==4;
39 |
assign opnot=ir16==16'h2;
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assign opcmp=ir==5;
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assign oplda=ir[2:0]==6;
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assign opsta=ir[2:0]==7;
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assign opsrj=ir==8;
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assign opsub=ir==9;
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assign opjmp=ir==10;
46 |
assign opldx=ir==11;
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assign oplds=ir==12;
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assign opral=ir16==16'h3;
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assign opnop=ir16==16'h1;
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assign opinc=ir16==16'h5;
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assign opdec=ir16==16'h6;
53 |
assign oprar=ir16==16'h7;
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assign opskip=ir16[15:4]==12'b1; // skip is 0x0010 + skip code + 8 (if ~flags)
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assign opspn=ir16[15:1]==15'b10000; // 0x0020/21 - skip positive/negative
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assign opq=ir16[15:1]==15'b10001; // 0x22/23 - qoff, qon
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assign opqtog=ir16==16'h24; // 0x24 qtog
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assign opldi=ir16==16'h25; // 0x25 ldi
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assign opincdecx=ir16[15:1]==15'h0018; // 0x30/0x31
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assign opstx=ir16==16'h32;
61 |
assign opjmpa=ir16==16'h33;
62 |
assign opswap=ir16==16'h34;
63 |
assign oppop=ir16[15:4]==12'h4; // pop includes ret
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assign oppush=ir16[15:4]==12'h5;
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assign opframe=ir16==16'h8; // frame SP->X
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assign opldxa=ir16==16'h9;
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// note that now ir D, E, and F are open
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