1 |
2 |
amulder |
2 |
-- uartcomponent.vhd
3 |
4 |
-- Author: Dan Pederson
5 |
-- Copyright 2004 Digilent, Inc.
6 |
7 |
-- Description: This file defines a UART which transfers data to and
8 |
-- from serial and parallel information. It requires two
9 |
-- major processes: receiving and transferring. The
10 |
-- receiving portion reads serially transmitted data, and
11 |
-- converts it into parallel data, while the transferring
12 |
-- portion reads parallel data, and transmits it as serial
13 |
-- data. There are three error signals provided with this
14 |
-- UART. They are frame error, parity error, and overwrite
15 |
-- error signals. This UART is configured to use an ODD
16 |
-- parity bit at a baud rate of 9600.
17 |
18 |
19 |
-- Revision History:
20 |
-- 07/15/04 (DanP) Created
21 |
-- 05/24/05 (DanP) Updated commenting style
22 |
-- 06/06/05 (DanP) Synchronized state machines to fix timing bug
23 |
24 |
25 |
library IEEE;
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 |
--Title: UARTcomponent entity
33 |
34 |
--Inputs: 7 : RXD
35 |
-- CLK
36 |
37 |
-- RDA
38 |
-- RD
39 |
-- WR
40 |
-- RST
41 |
42 |
--Outputs: 7 : TXD
43 |
44 |
-- RDA
45 |
-- TBE
46 |
-- PE
47 |
-- FE
48 |
-- OE
49 |
50 |
--Description: This describes the UART component entity. The inputs are
51 |
-- the Pegasus 50 MHz clock, a reset button, The RXD from
52 |
-- the serial cable, an 8-bit data bus from the parallel
53 |
-- port, and Read Data Available (RDA)and Transfer Buffer
54 |
-- Empty(TBE) handshaking signals. The outputs are the TXD
55 |
-- signal for the serial port, an 8-bit data bus for the
56 |
-- parallel port, RDA and TBE handshaking signals, and three
57 |
-- error signals for parity, frame, and overwrite errors.
58 |
59 |
60 |
entity UARTcomponent is
61 |
Generic (
62 |
63 |
-- BAUD_DIVIDE_G : integer := 26; --115200 baud
64 |
-- BAUD_RATE_G : integer := 417
65 |
66 |
67 |
BAUD_DIVIDE_G : integer := 14; --115200 baud
68 |
BAUD_RATE_G : integer := 231
69 |
70 |
Port (
71 |
TXD : out std_logic := '1'; -- Transmitted serial data output
72 |
RXD : in std_logic; -- Received serial data input
73 |
CLK : in std_logic; -- Clock signal
74 |
DBIN : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); -- Input parallel data to be transmitted
75 |
DBOUT : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); -- Recevived parallel data output
76 |
RDA : inout std_logic; -- Read Data Available
77 |
TBE : out std_logic := '1'; -- Transfer Buffer Emty
78 |
RD : in std_logic; -- Read Strobe
79 |
WR : in std_logic; -- Write Strobe
80 |
PE : out std_logic; -- Parity error
81 |
FE : out std_logic; -- Frame error
82 |
OE : out std_logic; -- Overwrite error
83 |
RST : in std_logic := '0'); -- Reset signal
84 |
85 |
end UARTcomponent;
86 |
87 |
architecture Behavioral of UARTcomponent is
88 |
89 |
90 |
-- Local Type and Signal Declarations
91 |
92 |
93 |
94 |
--Title: Local Type Declarations
95 |
96 |
--Description: There are two state machines used in this entity. The
97 |
-- rstate is used to synchronize the receiving portion of
98 |
-- the UART, and the tstate is used to synchronize the
99 |
-- sending portion of the UART.
100 |
101 |
102 |
type rstate is (
103 |
104 |
105 |
106 |
107 |
108 |
109 |
110 |
111 |
type tstate is (
112 |
113 |
114 |
115 |
116 |
117 |
118 |
119 |
120 |
121 |
--Title: Local Signal Declarations
122 |
123 |
--Description: The constants and signals used by this entity are
124 |
-- described below:
125 |
126 |
-- -baudRate : This is the Baud Rate constant used to
127 |
-- synchronize the Pegasus 50 MHz clock with a
128 |
-- baud rate of 9600. To get this number, divide
129 |
-- 50MHz by 9600.
130 |
-- -baudDivide : This is the Baud Rate divider used to safely
131 |
-- read data transmitted at a baud rate of 9600.
132 |
-- It is simply the above described baudRate
133 |
-- constant divided by 16.
134 |
135 |
-- -rdReg : this is the receive holding register
136 |
-- -rdSReg : this is the receive shift register
137 |
-- -tfReg : this is the transfer holding register
138 |
-- -tfSReg : this is the transfer shifting register
139 |
-- -clkDiv : counter used to get rClk
140 |
-- -ctr : used for delay times
141 |
-- -tfCtr : used to delay in the transfer process
142 |
-- -dataCtr : counts the number of read data bits
143 |
-- -parError : parity error bit
144 |
-- -frameError : frame error bit
145 |
-- -CE : clock enable bit for the writing latch
146 |
-- -ctRst : reset for the ctr
147 |
-- -load : load signal used to load the transfer shift
148 |
-- register
149 |
-- -shift : shift signal used to unload the transfer
150 |
-- shift register
151 |
-- -par : represents the parity in the transfer
152 |
-- holding register
153 |
-- -tClkRST : reset for the tfCtr
154 |
-- -rShift : shift signal used to load the receive shift
155 |
-- register
156 |
-- -dataRST : reset for the dataCtr
157 |
-- -dataIncr : signal to increment the dataCtr
158 |
-- -tfIncr : signal to increment the tfCtr
159 |
-- -tDelayCtr : counter used to delay the transfer state
160 |
-- machine.
161 |
-- -tDelayRst : reset signal for the tDelayCtr counter.
162 |
163 |
-- The following signals are used by the two state machines
164 |
-- for state control:
165 |
-- -Receive State Machine : strCur, strNext
166 |
-- -Transfer State Machine : sttCur, sttNext
167 |
168 |
169 |
170 |
-- @26.7MHz
171 |
-- constant baudRate : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0) := "1 0100 0101 1000";
172 |
-- constant baudRate : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(1406,13); -- 19200
173 |
-- constant baudRate : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(703,13); -- 38400
174 |
-- constant baudRate : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(469,13); -- 57600
175 |
-- constant baudRate : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(417,13); --115200
176 |
177 |
-- @26.7MHz
178 |
-- constant baudDivide : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(1,9); -- Used for simulation
179 |
-- constant baudDivide : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(88,9); -- Used for 19 200 baud
180 |
-- constant baudDivide : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(44,9); -- Used for 38 400 baud
181 |
-- constant baudDivide : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(29,9); -- Used for 57 600 baud
182 |
-- constant baudDivide : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(26,9); -- Used for 115 200 baud
183 |
184 |
constant baudRate : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(BAUD_RATE_G,13); --115200
185 |
constant baudDivide : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(BAUD_DIVIDE_G-1,9); -- Used for 115 200 baud
186 |
187 |
signal rdReg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00000000";
188 |
signal rdSReg : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) := "1111111111";
189 |
signal tfReg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
190 |
signal tfSReg : std_logic_vector(10 downto 0) := "11111111111";
191 |
signal clkDiv : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) := "0000000000";
192 |
signal ctr : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000";
193 |
signal tfCtr : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000";
194 |
signal dataCtr : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000";
195 |
signal parError : std_logic;
196 |
signal frameError : std_logic;
197 |
signal CE : std_logic;
198 |
signal ctRst : std_logic := '0';
199 |
signal load : std_logic := '0';
200 |
signal shift : std_logic := '0';
201 |
signal par : std_logic;
202 |
signal tClkRST : std_logic := '0';
203 |
signal rShift : std_logic := '0';
204 |
signal dataRST : std_logic := '0';
205 |
signal dataIncr : std_logic := '0';
206 |
signal tfIncr : std_logic := '0';
207 |
signal tDelayCtr : std_logic_vector (12 downto 0);
208 |
signal tDelayRst : std_logic := '0';
209 |
210 |
signal strCur : rstate := strIdle;
211 |
signal strNext : rstate;
212 |
signal sttCur : tstate := sttIdle;
213 |
signal sttNext : tstate;
214 |
215 |
216 |
-- Module Implementation
217 |
218 |
219 |
220 |
221 |
--Title: Initial signal definitions
222 |
223 |
--Description: The following lines of code define 4 internal and 1
224 |
-- external signal. The most significant bit of the rdSReg
225 |
-- signifies the frame error bit, so frameError is tied to
226 |
-- that signal. The parError is high if there is a parity
227 |
-- error, so it is set equal to the inverse of rdSReg(8)
228 |
-- XOR-ed with the data bits. In this manner, it can
229 |
-- determine if the parity bit found in rdSReg(8) matches
230 |
-- the data bits. The parallel information output is equal
231 |
-- to rdReg, so DBOUT is set equal to rdReg. Likewise, the
232 |
-- input parallel information is equal to DBIN, so tfReg is
233 |
-- set equal to DBIN. Because the tfSReg is used to shift
234 |
-- out transmitted data, the TXD port is set equal to the
235 |
-- first bit of tfsReg. Finally, the par signal represents
236 |
-- the parity of the data, so par is set to the inverse of
237 |
-- the data bits XOR-ed together. This UART can be changed
238 |
-- to use EVEN parity if the "not" is omitted from the par
239 |
-- definition.
240 |
241 |
242 |
frameError <= not rdSReg(9);
243 |
parError <= not ( rdSReg(8) xor (((rdSReg(0) xor rdSReg(1)) xor
244 |
(rdSReg(2) xor rdSReg(3))) xor ((rdSReg(4) xor rdSReg(5)) xor
245 |
(rdSReg(6) xor rdSReg(7)))) );
246 |
DBOUT <= rdReg;
247 |
tfReg <= DBIN;
248 |
TXD <= tfsReg(0);
249 |
par <= not ( ((tfReg(0) xor tfReg(1)) xor (tfReg(2) xor tfReg(3))) xor
250 |
((tfReg(4) xor tfReg(5)) xor (tfReg(6) xor tfReg(7))) );
251 |
252 |
253 |
--Title: Clock Divide counter
254 |
255 |
--Description: This process defines clkDiv as a signal that increments
256 |
-- with the clock up until it is either reset by ctRst, or
257 |
-- equals baudDivide. This signal is used to define a
258 |
-- counter called ctr that increments at the rate of the
259 |
-- divided baud rate.
260 |
261 |
262 |
process (CLK, clkDiv)
263 |
264 |
if (CLK = '1' and CLK'event) then
265 |
if (clkDiv = baudDivide or ctRst = '1') then
266 |
clkDiv <= "0000000000";
267 |
268 |
clkDiv <= clkDiv +1;
269 |
end if;
270 |
end if;
271 |
end process;
272 |
273 |
274 |
--Title: Transfer delay counter
275 |
276 |
--Description: This process defines tDelayCtr as a counter that runs
277 |
-- until it equals baudRate, or until it is reset by
278 |
-- tDelayRst. This counter is used to measure delay times
279 |
-- when sending data out on the TXD signal. When the
280 |
-- counter is equal to baudRate, or is reset, it is set
281 |
-- equal to 0.
282 |
283 |
284 |
process (CLK, tDelayCtr)
285 |
286 |
if (CLK = '1' and CLK'event) then
287 |
if (tDelayCtr = baudRate or tDelayRst = '1') then
288 |
tDelayCtr <= "0000000000000";
289 |
290 |
tDelayCtr <= tDelayCtr+1;
291 |
end if;
292 |
end if;
293 |
end process;
294 |
295 |
296 |
--Title: ctr set up
297 |
298 |
--Description: This process sets up ctr, which uses clkDiv to count
299 |
-- increase at a rate needed to properly receive data in
300 |
-- from RXD. If ctRst is strobed, the counter is reset. If
301 |
-- clkDiv is equal to baudDivide, then ctr is incremented
302 |
-- once. This signal is used by the receiving state machine
303 |
-- to measure delay times between RXD reads.
304 |
305 |
306 |
process (CLK)
307 |
308 |
if CLK = '1' and CLK'Event then
309 |
if ctRst = '1' then
310 |
ctr <= "0000";
311 |
elsif clkDiv = baudDivide then
312 |
ctr <= ctr + 1;
313 |
314 |
ctr <= ctr;
315 |
end if;
316 |
end if;
317 |
end process;
318 |
319 |
320 |
--Title: transfer counter
321 |
322 |
--Description: This process makes tfCtr increment whenever the tfIncr
323 |
-- signal is strobed high. If the tClkRst signal is strobed
324 |
-- high, the tfCtr is reset to "0000." This counter is used
325 |
-- to keep track of how many data bits have been
326 |
-- transmitted.
327 |
328 |
329 |
process (CLK, tClkRST)
330 |
331 |
if (CLK = '1' and CLK'event) then
332 |
if tClkRST = '1' then
333 |
tfCtr <= "0000";
334 |
elsif tfIncr = '1' then
335 |
tfCtr <= tfCtr +1;
336 |
end if;
337 |
end if;
338 |
end process;
339 |
340 |
341 |
--Title: Error and RDA flag controller
342 |
343 |
--Description: This process controls the error flags FE, OE, and PE, as
344 |
-- well as the Read Data Available (RDA) flag. When CE goes
345 |
-- high, it means that data has been read into the rdSReg.
346 |
-- This process then analyzes the read data for errors, sets
347 |
-- rdReg equal to the eight data bits in rdSReg, and flags
348 |
-- RDA to indicate that new data is present in rdReg. FE
349 |
-- and PE are simply equal to the frameError and parError
350 |
-- signals. OE is flagged high if RDA is already high when
351 |
-- CE is strobed. This means that unread data was still in
352 |
-- the rdReg when it was written over with the new data.
353 |
354 |
355 |
process (CLK, RST, RD, CE)
356 |
357 |
if RD = '1' or RST = '1' then
358 |
FE <= '0';
359 |
OE <= '0';
360 |
RDA <= '0';
361 |
PE <= '0';
362 |
elsif CLK = '1' and CLK'event then
363 |
if CE = '1' then
364 |
FE <= frameError;
365 |
PE <= parError;
366 |
rdReg(7 downto 0) <= rdSReg (7 downto 0);
367 |
if RDA = '1' then
368 |
OE <= '1';
369 |
370 |
OE <= '0';
371 |
RDA <= '1';
372 |
end if;
373 |
end if;
374 |
end if;
375 |
end process;
376 |
377 |
378 |
--Title: Receiving shift register
379 |
380 |
--Description: This process controls the receiving shift register
381 |
-- (rdSReg). Whenever rShift is high, implying that data
382 |
-- needs to be shifted in, rdSReg is shifts in RXD to the
383 |
-- most significant bit, while shifting its existing data
384 |
-- right.
385 |
386 |
387 |
process (CLK, rShift)
388 |
389 |
if CLK = '1' and CLK'Event then
390 |
if rShift = '1' then
391 |
rdSReg <= (RXD & rdSReg(9 downto 1));
392 |
end if;
393 |
end if;
394 |
end process;
395 |
396 |
397 |
--Title: Incoming Data counter
398 |
399 |
--Description: This process controls the dataCtr to keep track of
400 |
-- shifted values into the rdSReg. The dataCtr signal is
401 |
-- incremented once every time dataIncr is strobed high.
402 |
403 |
404 |
405 |
process (CLK, dataRST)
406 |
407 |
if (CLK = '1' and CLK'event) then
408 |
if dataRST = '1' then
409 |
dataCtr <= "0000";
410 |
elsif dataIncr = '1' then
411 |
dataCtr <= dataCtr +1;
412 |
end if;
413 |
end if;
414 |
end process;
415 |
416 |
417 |
--Title: Receiving State Machine controller
418 |
419 |
--Description: This process takes care of the Receiving state machine
420 |
-- movement. It causes the next state to be evaluated on
421 |
-- each rising edge of CLK. If the RST signal is strobed,
422 |
-- the state is changed to the default starting state,
423 |
-- which is strIdle
424 |
425 |
426 |
process (CLK, RST)
427 |
428 |
if CLK = '1' and CLK'Event then
429 |
if RST = '1' then -- najj
430 |
strCur <= strIdle;
431 |
432 |
strCur <= strNext;
433 |
end if;
434 |
end if;
435 |
end process;
436 |
437 |
438 |
--Title: Receiving State Machine
439 |
440 |
--Description: This process contains all of the next state logic for the
441 |
-- Receiving state machine.
442 |
443 |
444 |
process (strCur, ctr, RXD, dataCtr)
445 |
446 |
case strCur is
447 |
448 |
449 |
--Title: strIdle state
450 |
451 |
--Description: This state is the idle and startup default stage for the
452 |
-- Receiving state machine. The machine stays in this state
453 |
-- until the RXD signal goes low. When this occurs, the
454 |
-- ctRst signal is strobed to reset ctr for the next state,
455 |
-- which is strEightDelay.
456 |
457 |
458 |
when strIdle =>
459 |
dataIncr <= '0';
460 |
rShift <= '0';
461 |
dataRst <= '1';
462 |
CE <= '0';
463 |
ctRst <= '1';
464 |
465 |
if RXD = '0' then
466 |
strNext <= strEightDelay;
467 |
468 |
strNext <= strIdle;
469 |
end if;
470 |
471 |
472 |
--Title: strEightDelay state
473 |
474 |
--Description: This state simply delays the state machine for eight clock
475 |
-- cycles. This is needed so that the incoming RXD data
476 |
-- signal is read in the middle of each data emission. This
477 |
-- ensures an accurate RXD signal reading. ctr counts from
478 |
-- 0 to 8 to keep track of rClk cycles. When it equals 8
479 |
-- (1000) the next state, strWaitFor0, is loaded. During
480 |
-- this state, the dataRst signal is strobed high to reset
481 |
-- the shift-in data counter (dataCtr).
482 |
483 |
484 |
when strEightDelay =>
485 |
dataIncr <= '0';
486 |
rShift <= '0';
487 |
dataRst <= '1';
488 |
CE <= '0';
489 |
ctRst <= '0';
490 |
491 |
if ctr(3 downto 0) = "1000" then
492 |
strNext <= strWaitFor0;
493 |
494 |
strNext <= strEightDelay;
495 |
end if;
496 |
497 |
498 |
--Title: strGetData state
499 |
500 |
--Description: In this state, the dataIncr and rShift signals are
501 |
-- strobed high for one clock cycle. By doing this, the
502 |
-- rdSReg shift register shifts in RXD once, while the
503 |
-- dataCtr is incremented by one. This state simply
504 |
-- captures the incoming data on RXD into the rdSReg shift
505 |
-- register. The next state loaded is strWaitFor0, which
506 |
-- starts the two delay states needed between data shifts.
507 |
508 |
509 |
when strGetData =>
510 |
CE <= '0';
511 |
dataRst <= '0';
512 |
ctRst <= '0';
513 |
dataIncr <= '1';
514 |
rShift <= '1';
515 |
516 |
strNext <= strWaitFor0;
517 |
518 |
519 |
--Title: strWaitFor0 state
520 |
521 |
--Description: This state is a delay state, which delays the receive
522 |
-- state machine if not all of the incoming serial data has
523 |
-- not been shifted in yet. If dataCtr does not equal 10
524 |
-- (1010), the state is stayed in until the fourth bit of
525 |
-- ctr is equal to 1. When this happens, half of the delay
526 |
-- has been achieved, and the second delay state is loaded,
527 |
-- which is strWaitFor1. If dataCtr does equal 10 (1010),
528 |
-- all of the needed data has been acquired, so the
529 |
-- strCheckStop state is loaded to check for errors and
530 |
-- reset the receive state machine.
531 |
532 |
533 |
when strWaitFor0 =>
534 |
CE <= '0';
535 |
dataRst <= '0';
536 |
ctRst <= '0';
537 |
dataIncr <= '0';
538 |
rShift <= '0';
539 |
540 |
if dataCtr = "1010" then
541 |
strNext <= strCheckStop;
542 |
elsif ctr(3) = '0' then
543 |
strNext <= strWaitFor1;
544 |
545 |
strNext <= strWaitFor0;
546 |
end if;
547 |
548 |
549 |
--Title: strEightDelay state
550 |
551 |
--Description: This state is much like strWaitFor0, except it waits for
552 |
-- the fourth bit of ctr to equal 1. Once this occurs, the
553 |
-- strGetData state is loaded in order to shift in the next
554 |
-- data bit from RXD. Because strWaitFor0 is the only state
555 |
-- that calls this state, no other signals need to be
556 |
-- checked.
557 |
558 |
559 |
when strWaitFor1 =>
560 |
CE <= '0';
561 |
dataRst <= '0';
562 |
ctRst <= '0';
563 |
dataIncr <= '0';
564 |
rShift <= '0';
565 |
566 |
if ctr(3) = '0' then
567 |
strNext <= strWaitFor1;
568 |
569 |
strNext <= strGetData;
570 |
end if;
571 |
572 |
573 |
--Title: strCheckStop state
574 |
575 |
--Description: This state allows the newly acquired data to be checked
576 |
-- for errors. The CE flag is strobed to start the
577 |
-- previously defined error checking process. This state is
578 |
-- passed straight through to the strIdle state.
579 |
580 |
581 |
when strCheckStop =>
582 |
dataIncr <= '0';
583 |
rShift <= '0';
584 |
dataRst <= '0';
585 |
ctRst <= '0';
586 |
CE <= '1';
587 |
strNext <= strIdle;
588 |
end case;
589 |
end process;
590 |
591 |
592 |
--Title: Transfer shift register controller
593 |
594 |
--Description: This process uses the load, shift, and clk signals to
595 |
-- control the transfer shift register (tfSReg). Once load
596 |
-- is equal to '1', the tfSReg gets a '1', the parity bit,
597 |
-- the data bits found in tfReg, and a '0'. Under this
598 |
-- format, the shift register can be used to shift out the
599 |
-- appropriate signal to serially transfer the data. The
600 |
-- data is shifted out of the tfSReg whenever shift = '1'.
601 |
602 |
603 |
process (load, shift, CLK, tfSReg)
604 |
605 |
if CLK = '1' and CLK'Event then
606 |
if load = '1' then
607 |
tfSReg (10 downto 0) <= ('1' & par & tfReg(7 downto 0) &'0');
608 |
elsif shift = '1' then
609 |
tfSReg (10 downto 0) <= ('1' & tfSReg(10 downto 1));
610 |
end if;
611 |
end if;
612 |
end process;
613 |
614 |
615 |
--Title: Transfer State Machine controller
616 |
617 |
--Description: This process takes care of the Transfer state machine
618 |
-- movement. It causes the next state to be evaluated on
619 |
-- each rising edge of CLK. If the RST signal is strobed,
620 |
-- the state is changed to the default starting state, which
621 |
-- is sttIdle.
622 |
623 |
624 |
process (CLK, RST)
625 |
626 |
if (CLK = '1' and CLK'Event) then
627 |
if RST = '1' then
628 |
sttCur <= sttIdle;
629 |
630 |
sttCur <= sttNext;
631 |
end if;
632 |
end if;
633 |
end process;
634 |
635 |
636 |
--Title: Transfer State Machine
637 |
638 |
--Description: This process controls the next state logic in the
639 |
-- transfer state machine. The transfer state machine
640 |
-- controls the shift and load signals that are used to load
641 |
-- and transmit the parallel data in a serial form. It also
642 |
-- controls the Transmit Buffer Empty (TBE) signal that
643 |
-- indicates if the transmit buffer (tfSReg) is in use or
644 |
-- not.
645 |
646 |
647 |
process (sttCur, tfCtr, WR, tDelayCtr)
648 |
649 |
case sttCur is
650 |
651 |
652 |
--Title: sttIdle state
653 |
654 |
--Description: This state is the idle and startup default stage for the
655 |
-- transfer state machine. The state is stayed in until
656 |
-- the WR signal goes high. Once it goes high, the
657 |
-- sttTransfer state is loaded. The load and shift signals
658 |
-- are held low in the sttIdle state, while the TBE signal
659 |
-- is held high to indicate that the transmit buffer is not
660 |
-- currently in use. Once the idle state is left, the TBE
661 |
-- signal is held low to indicate that the transfer state
662 |
-- machine is using the transmit buffer.
663 |
664 |
665 |
when sttIdle =>
666 |
TBE <= '1';
667 |
tClkRST <= '0';
668 |
tfIncr <= '0';
669 |
shift <= '0';
670 |
load <= '0';
671 |
tDelayRst <= '1';
672 |
673 |
if WR = '0' then
674 |
sttNext <= sttIdle;
675 |
676 |
sttNext <= sttTransfer;
677 |
end if;
678 |
679 |
680 |
--Title: sttTransfer state
681 |
682 |
--Description: This state sets the load, tClkRST, and tDelayRst signals
683 |
-- high, while setting the TBE signal low. The load signal
684 |
-- is set high to load the transfer shift register with the
685 |
-- appropriate data, while the tClkRST and tDelayRst signals
686 |
-- are strobed to reset the tfCtr and tDelayCtr. The next
687 |
-- state loaded is the sttDelay state.
688 |
689 |
690 |
when sttTransfer =>
691 |
TBE <= '0';
692 |
shift <= '0';
693 |
load <= '1';
694 |
tClkRST <= '1';
695 |
tfIncr <= '0';
696 |
tDelayRst <= '1';
697 |
698 |
sttNext <= sttDelay;
699 |
700 |
701 |
--Title: sttShift state
702 |
703 |
--Description: This state strobes the shift and tfIncr signals high, and
704 |
-- checks the tfCtr to see if enough data has been
705 |
-- transmitted. By strobing the shift and tfIncr signals
706 |
-- high, the tfSReg is shifted, and the tfCtr is incremented
707 |
-- once. If tfCtr does not equal 9 (1001), then not all of
708 |
-- the bits have been transmitted, so the next state loaded
709 |
-- is the sttDelay state. If tfCtr does equal 9, the final
710 |
-- state, sttWaitWrite, is loaded.
711 |
712 |
713 |
when sttShift =>
714 |
TBE <= '0';
715 |
shift <= '1';
716 |
load <= '0';
717 |
tfIncr <= '1';
718 |
tClkRST <= '0';
719 |
tDelayRst <= '0';
720 |
721 |
if tfCtr = "1010" then
722 |
sttNext <= sttWaitWrite;
723 |
724 |
sttNext <= sttDelay;
725 |
end if;
726 |
727 |
728 |
--Title: sttDelay state
729 |
730 |
--Description: This state is responsible for delaying the transfer state
731 |
-- machine between transmissions. All signals are held low
732 |
-- while the tDelayCtr is tested. Once tDelayCtr is equal
733 |
-- to baudRate, the sttShift state is loaded.
734 |
735 |
736 |
when sttDelay =>
737 |
TBE <= '0';
738 |
shift <= '0';
739 |
load <= '0';
740 |
tClkRst <= '0';
741 |
tfIncr <= '0';
742 |
tDelayRst <= '0';
743 |
744 |
if tDelayCtr = baudRate then
745 |
sttNext <= sttShift;
746 |
747 |
sttNext <= sttDelay;
748 |
end if;
749 |
750 |
751 |
--Title: sttWaitWrite state
752 |
753 |
--Description: This state checks to make sure that the initial WR signal
754 |
-- that triggered the transfer state machine has been
755 |
-- brought back low. Without this state, a write signal
756 |
-- that is held high for a long time will result in multiple
757 |
-- transmissions. Once the WR signal is low, the sttIdle
758 |
-- state is loaded to reset the transfer state machine.
759 |
760 |
761 |
when sttWaitWrite =>
762 |
TBE <= '0';
763 |
shift <= '0';
764 |
load <= '0';
765 |
tClkRst <= '0';
766 |
tfIncr <= '0';
767 |
tDelayRst <= '0';
768 |
769 |
if WR = '1' then
770 |
sttNext <= sttWaitWrite;
771 |
772 |
sttNext <= sttIdle;
773 |
end if;
774 |
end case;
775 |
end process;
776 |
end Behavioral;