1 |
2 |
amulder |
2 |
-- Company:
3 |
-- Engineer: Aart Mulder
4 |
5 |
-- Create Date: 22:07:42 04/06/2012
6 |
-- Design Name:
7 |
-- Module Name: byte_segmentation - Behavioral
8 |
-- Project Name: CCITT4
9 |
10 |
-- Revision:
11 |
-- Revision 0.01 - File Created
12 |
-- The size of d_width_i and index has a width of 5 bits which
13 |
-- should be sufficient for most situations. With 5 bits a
14 |
-- maximum index of 31 can made, which gives a maximum d_i size
15 |
-- of 31 - 8 = 23 bits.
16 |
17 |
-- Revision 0.02 - Input width increased from 13 to 45 bit and the output to 32
18 |
-- bit. Probably 24 bit output width is sufficient enough but
19 |
-- for safety 32 is used for now.
20 |
21 |
-- Revision 0.03 - A little brainstorm session:
22 |
-- In worst case we get another huffman code
23 |
-- on every second pclk_i which is 12bit long. The longest huffman
24 |
-- code we can get is 45 bit followed by a 12bit code every other
25 |
-- pclk_i or a 16bit code on the next pclk_i event one time at a line
26 |
-- end.
27 |
-- Let say the maximum buffer size is 45 bit, then at least 2
28 |
-- 8bit buffer read operations are needed before the next pclk_i
29 |
-- event.
30 |
-- When using both the rising and falling edge, a clk_i frequency
31 |
-- of at least 2x pclk_i is needed because we can not read an write
32 |
-- to the buffer at the same time.
33 |
34 |
-- Revision 0.04 - byte_segmentation_v3 is made to be used in the capture_manager.
35 |
36 |
-- Note: byte_segmentation_v4 is omitted to match the revision numbers here with
37 |
-- the file numbers
38 |
39 |
-- Revision 0.05 - This is version 1 (byte_segmentation) with a changed output
40 |
-- port. Instead of one 8bit it has four 8bit ports which will
41 |
-- be used when needed. I.e. when more than 7 bits of data is
42 |
-- available the first one is used, the second one when more
43 |
-- than 15 bits are available and the third and fourth when
44 |
-- more than 23 respectively 31 bits are available in the shift
45 |
-- register.
46 |
-- Furthermore, a FIFO is added to buffer the input in case more
47 |
-- data is coming in than can be processed. Theoretically, in
48 |
-- CCITT4 situations can appear where a 28 bit tiff-run is followed
49 |
-- up by a 16 bit tiff-run with 2 clk_i periods in between.
50 |
51 |
-- NOTE: the huffman and fax4 modules has have been modified to
52 |
-- output the black or white run as soon as it is finished, i.e.
53 |
-- separately in time which decreases the maximum code length
54 |
-- to 28. This results in a shift register width of 28+7=35 bit.
55 |
56 |
57 |
library IEEE;
58 |
59 |
60 |
61 |
entity byte_segmentation_v5 is
62 |
Generic (
63 |
INPUT_WIDTH_G : integer := 28;
64 |
INDEX_WIDTH_G : integer := 5;
65 |
OUTPUT_WIDTH_G : integer := 8
66 |
67 |
Port (
68 |
reset_i : in STD_LOGIC;
69 |
clk_i : in STD_LOGIC;
70 |
pclk_i : in STD_LOGIC;
71 |
d_i : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (INPUT_WIDTH_G-1 downto 0);
72 |
d_width_i : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (INDEX_WIDTH_G-1 downto 0);
73 |
d_rdy_i : in STD_LOGIC;
74 |
frame_finished_i :in STD_LOGIC;
75 |
frame_finished_o :out STD_LOGIC;
76 |
d1_o : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (OUTPUT_WIDTH_G-1 downto 0);
77 |
d_rdy1_o : out STD_LOGIC;
78 |
d2_o : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (OUTPUT_WIDTH_G-1 downto 0);
79 |
d_rdy2_o : out STD_LOGIC;
80 |
d3_o : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (OUTPUT_WIDTH_G-1 downto 0);
81 |
d_rdy3_o : out STD_LOGIC;
82 |
d4_o : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (OUTPUT_WIDTH_G-1 downto 0);
83 |
d_rdy4_o : out STD_LOGIC
84 |
85 |
end byte_segmentation_v5;
86 |
87 |
architecture Behavioral of byte_segmentation_v5 is
88 |
constant SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C : integer := (INPUT_WIDTH_G+OUTPUT_WIDTH_G)-1;
89 |
constant SHIFT_REG_INDEX_WIDTH_C : integer := INDEX_WIDTH_G+1;
90 |
91 |
signal shift_reg : std_logic_vector(SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-1 downto 0) := (others => '1');
92 |
signal index : unsigned (SHIFT_REG_INDEX_WIDTH_C-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
93 |
signal finish_frame : std_logic := '0';
94 |
signal frame_finished_prev : std_logic := '0';
95 |
signal reset_finish_frame : std_logic := '0';
96 |
signal index2 : std_logic_vector (5 downto 0) := (others => '0');
97 |
98 |
--FIFO signals
99 |
signal FIFO_din, FIFO_dout : std_logic_vector((INPUT_WIDTH_G+INDEX_WIDTH_G)-1 downto 0) := (others => '1');
100 |
signal FIFO_rd, FIFO_empty, FIFO_valid : std_logic := '0';
101 |
signal in_data : std_logic_vector(INPUT_WIDTH_G-1 downto 0);
102 |
signal in_data_width : std_logic_vector(SHIFT_REG_INDEX_WIDTH_C-1 downto 0);
103 |
signal FIFO_used : unsigned(3 downto 0);
104 |
105 |
106 |
DualClkFIFO_ins : entity work.DualClkFIFO
107 |
108 |
109 |
110 |
111 |
112 |
113 |
rst_i => reset_i,
114 |
wr_clk_i => pclk_i,
115 |
rd_clk_i => clk_i,
116 |
empty_o => FIFO_empty,
117 |
full_o => open,
118 |
pull_i => FIFO_rd,
119 |
valid_o=> FIFO_valid,
120 |
push_i => d_rdy_i,
121 |
used_o => FIFO_used,
122 |
d_i => FIFO_din,
123 |
d_o => FIFO_dout
124 |
125 |
126 |
FIFO_din <= d_width_i & d_i;
127 |
in_data_width <= '0' & FIFO_dout((INPUT_WIDTH_G+INDEX_WIDTH_G)-1 downto INPUT_WIDTH_G);
128 |
in_data <= FIFO_dout(INPUT_WIDTH_G-1 downto 0);
129 |
130 |
index2 <= std_logic_vector(index);
131 |
132 |
--This process controls the read pin of the FIFO.
133 |
FIFO_rd_process : process(clk_i)
134 |
135 |
if clk_i'event and clk_i = '0' then
136 |
if FIFO_empty = '0' then
137 |
if (FIFO_valid = '0' and index < to_unsigned(OUTPUT_WIDTH_G, SHIFT_REG_INDEX_WIDTH_C))
138 |
or (FIFO_rd = '1' and (index + unsigned(in_data_width)) < to_unsigned(8, SHIFT_REG_INDEX_WIDTH_C)) then
139 |
FIFO_rd <= '1';
140 |
141 |
FIFO_rd <= '0';
142 |
end if;
143 |
144 |
FIFO_rd <= '0';
145 |
end if;
146 |
end if;
147 |
end process FIFO_rd_process;
148 |
149 |
150 |
variable ind1, ind2, ind3, ind4 : integer range 0 to SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C := 0;
151 |
152 |
if clk_i'event and clk_i = '1' then
153 |
reset_finish_frame <= '0';
154 |
155 |
if FIFO_valid = '1' and index < to_unsigned(OUTPUT_WIDTH_G, SHIFT_REG_INDEX_WIDTH_C) then
156 |
157 |
--The synthesiser complains that shift_reg(0) is equal to shift_reg(1) to shift_reg(6). When
158 |
--verifying by hand the following situations can apear:
159 |
-- SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C = 45+8-1=52
160 |
-- index = 0
161 |
-- d_width_i = 45
162 |
-- Gives: shift_reg(51 downto 7) <= input data
163 |
164 |
-- index = 7
165 |
-- d_width_i = 45
166 |
-- Gives: shift_reg(44 downto 0) <= input data
167 |
168 |
--So theoretically the warning is not correct.
169 |
170 |
d_rdy1_o <= '0';
171 |
d_rdy2_o <= '0';
172 |
d_rdy3_o <= '0';
173 |
d_rdy4_o <= '0';
174 |
ind3 := to_integer(unsigned(in_data_width))-1;
175 |
case index2 is
176 |
when std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(0, 6)) =>
177 |
ind2 := (SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-0)-to_integer(unsigned(in_data_width));
178 |
shift_reg((SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-1)-0 downto ind2) <= in_data(ind3 downto 0);
179 |
when std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(1, 6)) =>
180 |
ind2 := (SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-1)-to_integer(unsigned(in_data_width));
181 |
shift_reg((SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-1)-1 downto ind2) <= in_data(ind3 downto 0);
182 |
when std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(2, 6)) =>
183 |
ind2 := (SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-2)-to_integer(unsigned(in_data_width));
184 |
shift_reg((SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-1)-2 downto ind2) <= in_data(ind3 downto 0);
185 |
when std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(3, 6)) =>
186 |
ind2 := (SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-3)-to_integer(unsigned(in_data_width));
187 |
shift_reg((SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-1)-3 downto ind2) <= in_data(ind3 downto 0);
188 |
when std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(4, 6)) =>
189 |
ind2 := (SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-4)-to_integer(unsigned(in_data_width));
190 |
shift_reg((SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-1)-4 downto ind2) <= in_data(ind3 downto 0);
191 |
when std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(5, 6)) =>
192 |
ind2 := (SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-5)-to_integer(unsigned(in_data_width));
193 |
shift_reg((SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-1)-5 downto ind2) <= in_data(ind3 downto 0);
194 |
when std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(6, 6)) =>
195 |
ind2 := (SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-6)-to_integer(unsigned(in_data_width));
196 |
shift_reg((SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-1)-6 downto ind2) <= in_data(ind3 downto 0);
197 |
when std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(7, 6)) =>
198 |
ind2 := (SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-7)-to_integer(unsigned(in_data_width));
199 |
shift_reg((SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-1)-7 downto ind2) <= in_data(ind3 downto 0);
200 |
when others =>
201 |
shift_reg <= (others => '0');
202 |
end case;
203 |
index <= index + unsigned(in_data_width);
204 |
elsif index >= to_unsigned(OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*1, SHIFT_REG_INDEX_WIDTH_C) and index < to_unsigned(OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*2, SHIFT_REG_INDEX_WIDTH_C) then
205 |
--Move the highest OUTPUT_WIDTH_G bits to the output
206 |
d1_o <= shift_reg(SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-1 downto SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-OUTPUT_WIDTH_G);
207 |
d_rdy1_o <= '1';
208 |
d_rdy2_o <= '0';
209 |
d_rdy3_o <= '0';
210 |
d_rdy4_o <= '0';
211 |
--Shift the left over bits(all except OUTPUT_WIDTH_G highest) OUTPUT_WIDTH_G positions up/left
212 |
shift_reg(SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-1 downto OUTPUT_WIDTH_G) <= shift_reg((SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-1)-OUTPUT_WIDTH_G downto 0);
213 |
--Decrement the index with 8
214 |
index <= index - to_unsigned(OUTPUT_WIDTH_G, SHIFT_REG_INDEX_WIDTH_C);
215 |
elsif index >= to_unsigned(OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*2, SHIFT_REG_INDEX_WIDTH_C) and index < to_unsigned(OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*3, SHIFT_REG_INDEX_WIDTH_C) then
216 |
--Move the highest OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*2 bits to the output
217 |
d1_o <= shift_reg(SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-1 downto SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-OUTPUT_WIDTH_G);
218 |
d_rdy1_o <= '1';
219 |
d2_o <= shift_reg((SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-1)-(OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*1) downto SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-(OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*2));
220 |
d_rdy2_o <= '1';
221 |
d_rdy3_o <= '0';
222 |
d_rdy4_o <= '0';
223 |
--Shift the left over bits(all except OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*2 highest) OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*2 positions up/left
224 |
shift_reg(SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-1 downto (OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*2)) <= shift_reg((SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-1)-(OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*2) downto 0);
225 |
--Decrement the index with 16
226 |
index <= index - to_unsigned(OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*2, SHIFT_REG_INDEX_WIDTH_C);
227 |
elsif index >= to_unsigned(OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*3, SHIFT_REG_INDEX_WIDTH_C) and index < to_unsigned(OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*4, SHIFT_REG_INDEX_WIDTH_C) then
228 |
--Move the highest OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*3 bits to the output
229 |
d1_o <= shift_reg(SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-1 downto SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-OUTPUT_WIDTH_G);
230 |
d_rdy1_o <= '1';
231 |
d2_o <= shift_reg((SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-1)-(OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*1) downto SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-(OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*2));
232 |
d_rdy2_o <= '1';
233 |
d3_o <= shift_reg((SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-1)-(OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*2) downto SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-(OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*3));
234 |
d_rdy3_o <= '1';
235 |
d_rdy4_o <= '0';
236 |
--Shift the left over bits(all except OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*3 highest) OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*3 positions up/left
237 |
shift_reg(SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-1 downto (OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*3)) <= shift_reg((SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-1)-(OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*3) downto 0);
238 |
--Decrement the index with 24
239 |
index <= index - to_unsigned(OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*3, SHIFT_REG_INDEX_WIDTH_C);
240 |
elsif index >= to_unsigned(OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*4, SHIFT_REG_INDEX_WIDTH_C) then
241 |
--Move the highest OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*4 bits to the output
242 |
d1_o <= shift_reg(SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-1 downto SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-OUTPUT_WIDTH_G);
243 |
d_rdy1_o <= '1';
244 |
d2_o <= shift_reg((SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-1)-(OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*1) downto SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-(OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*2));
245 |
d_rdy2_o <= '1';
246 |
d3_o <= shift_reg((SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-1)-(OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*2) downto SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-(OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*3));
247 |
d_rdy3_o <= '1';
248 |
d4_o <= shift_reg((SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-1)-(OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*3) downto SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-(OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*4));
249 |
d_rdy4_o <= '1';
250 |
--Shift the left over bits(all except OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*4 highest) OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*4 positions up/left
251 |
shift_reg(SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-1 downto (OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*4)) <= shift_reg((SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-1)-(OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*4) downto 0);
252 |
--Decrement the index with 32
253 |
index <= index - to_unsigned(OUTPUT_WIDTH_G*4, SHIFT_REG_INDEX_WIDTH_C);
254 |
elsif finish_frame = '1' and FIFO_used = "0000" then
255 |
reset_finish_frame <= '1';
256 |
257 |
d1_o <= (others => '0');
258 |
if index > to_unsigned(0, SHIFT_REG_INDEX_WIDTH_C) then
259 |
d1_o(OUTPUT_WIDTH_G-1 downto OUTPUT_WIDTH_G-to_integer(index)) <= shift_reg(SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-1 downto SHIFT_REG_SIZE_C-to_integer(index));
260 |
d_rdy1_o <= '1';
261 |
262 |
d_rdy1_o <= '0';
263 |
end if;
264 |
d_rdy2_o <= '0';
265 |
d_rdy3_o <= '0';
266 |
d_rdy4_o <= '0';
267 |
268 |
index <= (others => '0');
269 |
shift_reg <= (others => '0');
270 |
271 |
d_rdy1_o <= '0';
272 |
d_rdy2_o <= '0';
273 |
d_rdy3_o <= '0';
274 |
d_rdy4_o <= '0';
275 |
end if;
276 |
end if;
277 |
end process;
278 |
279 |
280 |
281 |
if clk_i'event and clk_i = '1' then
282 |
frame_finished_prev <= frame_finished_i;
283 |
284 |
if frame_finished_i = '0' and frame_finished_prev = '1' then
285 |
finish_frame <= '1';
286 |
elsif reset_finish_frame = '1' then
287 |
finish_frame <= '0';
288 |
end if;
289 |
end if;
290 |
end process;
291 |
292 |
frame_finished_o <= reset_finish_frame;
293 |
294 |
end Behavioral;