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amulder |
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-- Company:
3 |
-- Engineer: Aart Mulder
4 |
5 |
-- Create Date: 17:41:32 07/11/2012
6 |
-- Design Name:
7 |
-- Module Name: counter - Behavioral
8 |
-- Project Name: CCITT4
9 |
-- Note:
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library IEEE;
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entity counter is
17 |
Generic (
18 |
COUNTER_WIDTH_G : integer := 8; -- Width of the counter
19 |
START_VALUE_G : integer := 1; -- Start value of the counter/The value loaded on an overflow
20 |
MAX_VALUE_G : integer := 255; -- Value where the counter overflows(Maximum)
21 |
ASYNCHRONOUS_RESET_G : boolean := true; -- Set to true to let the reset be processed on the clock
22 |
OVERFLOW_G : boolean := true -- Let the counter overflow
23 |
24 |
Port (
25 |
reset_i : in STD_LOGIC;
26 |
clk_i : in STD_LOGIC;
27 |
en_i : in STD_LOGIC;
28 |
cnt_o : out UNSIGNED (COUNTER_WIDTH_G-1 downto 0) := to_unsigned(START_VALUE_G, COUNTER_WIDTH_G);
29 |
overflow_o : out STD_LOGIC := '0' -- High on an overflow, i.e. when START_VALUE_G has been loaded
30 |
31 |
end counter;
32 |
33 |
architecture Behavioral of counter is
34 |
--The signal "cnt" is used because an output can't be read and configuring the output
35 |
--as buffer is not desired. Though the synthesiser will create a warning/info.
36 |
signal cnt : UNSIGNED (COUNTER_WIDTH_G-1 downto 0) := to_unsigned(START_VALUE_G, COUNTER_WIDTH_G);
37 |
38 |
counter_process : process(reset_i, clk_i)
39 |
40 |
if reset_i = '1' and ASYNCHRONOUS_RESET_G then
41 |
cnt <= to_unsigned(START_VALUE_G, COUNTER_WIDTH_G);
42 |
cnt_o <= to_unsigned(START_VALUE_G, COUNTER_WIDTH_G);
43 |
overflow_o <= '0';
44 |
elsif clk_i'event and clk_i = '1' then
45 |
overflow_o <= '0';
46 |
if reset_i = '1' then
47 |
cnt <= to_unsigned(START_VALUE_G, COUNTER_WIDTH_G);
48 |
cnt_o <= to_unsigned(START_VALUE_G, COUNTER_WIDTH_G);
49 |
overflow_o <= '0';
50 |
elsif en_i = '1' then
51 |
if cnt >= to_unsigned(MAX_VALUE_G, COUNTER_WIDTH_G) and OVERFLOW_G then
52 |
cnt <= to_unsigned(START_VALUE_G, COUNTER_WIDTH_G);
53 |
cnt_o <= to_unsigned(START_VALUE_G, COUNTER_WIDTH_G);
54 |
overflow_o <= '1';
55 |
elsif cnt >= to_unsigned(MAX_VALUE_G, COUNTER_WIDTH_G) and not OVERFLOW_G then
56 |
cnt <= cnt;
57 |
cnt_o <= cnt;
58 |
overflow_o <= '0';
59 |
60 |
cnt <= cnt + 1;
61 |
cnt_o <= cnt + 1;
62 |
end if;
63 |
end if;
64 |
end if;
65 |
end process counter_process;
66 |
end Behavioral;
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