1 |
2 |
tarookumic |
2 |
-- This file is a part of the LEON VHDL model
3 |
-- Copyright (C) Gaisler Research 2003
4 |
5 |
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 |
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7 |
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8 |
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 |
10 |
-- See the file COPYING.LGPL for the full details of the license.
11 |
12 |
-- Entity: pci_gr
13 |
-- File: pci_gr.vhd
14 |
-- Author: Jiri Gaisler - Gaisler Research
15 |
-- Description: Simple PCI target interface
16 |
17 |
18 |
library ieee;
19 |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
20 |
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
21 |
use work.amba.all;
22 |
use work.ambacomp.all;
23 |
use work.macro.all;
24 |
use work.leon_iface.all;
25 |
26 |
entity pci_gr is
27 |
generic (
28 |
device_id : integer := 0; -- PCI device ID
29 |
vendor_id : integer := 0; -- PCI vendor ID
30 |
nsync : integer range 1 to 2 := 1 -- 1 or 2 sync regs between clocks
31 |
32 |
33 |
rst : in std_logic;
34 |
pcirst : in std_logic;
35 |
clk : in std_logic;
36 |
pciclk : in std_logic;
37 |
pcii : in pci_in_type;
38 |
pcio : out pci_out_type;
39 |
ahbmi : in ahb_mst_in_type;
40 |
ahbmo : out ahb_mst_out_type;
41 |
ahbsi : in ahb_slv_in_type;
42 |
ahbso : out ahb_slv_out_type
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 |
architecture rtl of pci_gr is
47 |
48 |
constant CSYNC : integer := nsync-1;
49 |
constant MADDR_WIDTH : integer := 21;
50 |
constant zero : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0');
51 |
subtype word4 is std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
52 |
subtype word32 is std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
53 |
constant pci_memory_read : word4 := "0110";
54 |
constant pci_memory_write : word4 := "0111";
55 |
constant pci_config_read : word4 := "1010";
56 |
constant pci_config_write : word4 := "1011";
57 |
type pci_input_type is record
58 |
ad : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
59 |
cbe : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
60 |
frame : std_logic;
61 |
devsel : std_logic;
62 |
idsel : std_logic;
63 |
trdy : std_logic;
64 |
irdy : std_logic;
65 |
par : std_logic;
66 |
stop : std_logic;
67 |
rst : std_logic;
68 |
end record;
69 |
70 |
type pci_target_state_type is (idle, b_busy, s_data, backoff, turn_ar);
71 |
type pci_reg_type is record
72 |
addr : std_logic_vector(MADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
73 |
data : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
74 |
cmd : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
75 |
state : pci_target_state_type;
76 |
csel : std_logic;
77 |
msel : std_logic;
78 |
read : std_logic;
79 |
devsel : std_logic;
80 |
trdy : std_logic;
81 |
stop : std_logic;
82 |
par : std_logic;
83 |
oe_par : std_logic;
84 |
oe_ad : std_logic;
85 |
oe_ctrl : std_logic;
86 |
bar0 : std_logic_vector(31 downto MADDR_WIDTH);
87 |
page : std_logic_vector(31 downto MADDR_WIDTH-1);
88 |
men : std_logic;
89 |
laddr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
90 |
ldata : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
91 |
lwrite : std_logic;
92 |
start : std_logic;
93 |
rready : std_logic_vector(csync downto 0);
94 |
wready : std_logic_vector(csync downto 0);
95 |
sync : std_logic_vector(csync downto 0);
96 |
end record;
97 |
98 |
type cpu_state_type is (idle, sync1, busy, sync2);
99 |
type cpu_reg_type is record
100 |
data : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
101 |
state : cpu_state_type;
102 |
start : std_logic_vector(csync downto 0);
103 |
sync : std_logic;
104 |
rready : std_logic;
105 |
wready : std_logic;
106 |
end record;
107 |
108 |
signal clk_int : std_logic;
109 |
signal pr : pci_input_type;
110 |
signal r, rin : pci_reg_type;
111 |
signal r2, r2in : cpu_reg_type;
112 |
signal dmai : ahb_dma_in_type;
113 |
signal dmao : ahb_dma_out_type;
114 |
115 |
116 |
117 |
-- Back-end state machine (AHB clock domain)
118 |
119 |
comb : process (rst, r2, r, dmao)
120 |
variable vdmai : ahb_dma_in_type;
121 |
variable v : cpu_reg_type;
122 |
123 |
v := r2;
124 |
vdmai.start := '0'; vdmai.burst := '0'; vdmai.size := "10";
125 |
vdmai.address := r.laddr(31 downto 2) & "00"; v.sync := '1';
126 |
vdmai.wdata := r.ldata; vdmai.write := r.lwrite;
127 |
v.start(0) := r2.start(csync); v.start(csync) := r.start;
128 |
case r2.state is
129 |
when idle =>
130 |
v.sync := '0';
131 |
if r2.start(0) = '1' then
132 |
if r.lwrite = '1' then v.state := sync1; v.wready := '0';
133 |
else v.state := busy; vdmai.start := '1'; end if;
134 |
end if;
135 |
when sync1 =>
136 |
if r2.start(0) = '0' then v.state := busy; vdmai.start := '1'; end if;
137 |
when busy =>
138 |
if dmao.active = '1' then
139 |
if dmao.ready = '1' then
140 |
v.rready := not r.lwrite; v.data := dmao.rdata; v.state := sync2;
141 |
end if;
142 |
else vdmai.start := '1'; end if;
143 |
when sync2 =>
144 |
if r2.start(0) = '0' then
145 |
v.state := idle; v.wready := '1'; v.rready := '0';
146 |
end if;
147 |
end case;
148 |
149 |
if rst = '0' then
150 |
v.state := idle; v.rready := '0'; v.wready := '1';
151 |
end if;
152 |
r2in <= v; dmai <= vdmai;
153 |
end process;
154 |
155 |
-- PCI target core (PCI clock domain)
156 |
157 |
pcicomb : process(pcirst, pr, pcii, r, r2)
158 |
variable v : pci_reg_type;
159 |
variable chit, mhit, hit, ready, cwrite, mwrite : std_logic;
160 |
variable cdata, cwdata : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
161 |
162 |
v := r; v.trdy := '1'; v.stop := '1';
163 |
v.oe_ad := '1'; v.devsel := '1'; mwrite := '0';
164 |
v.rready(0) := r.rready(csync); v.rready(csync) := r2.rready;
165 |
v.wready(0) := r.wready(csync); v.wready(csync) := r2.wready;
166 |
v.sync(0) := r.sync(csync); v.sync(csync) := r2.sync;
167 |
168 |
-- address decoding
169 |
170 |
if (r.state = s_data) and ((pr.irdy or r.trdy or r.read) = '0') then
171 |
cwrite := r.csel;
172 |
if ((r.msel and r.addr(MADDR_WIDTH-1)) = '1') and (pr.cbe = "0000") then
173 |
v.page := pr.ad(31 downto MADDR_WIDTH-1);
174 |
end if;
175 |
if (pr.cbe = "0000") and (r.addr(MADDR_WIDTH-1) = '1') then
176 |
mwrite := r.msel;
177 |
end if;
178 |
else cwrite := '0'; end if;
179 |
cdata := (others => '0');
180 |
case r.addr(7 downto 2) is
181 |
when "000000" => -- 0x00, device & vendor id
182 |
cdata := std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(DEVICE_ID, 16)) &
183 |
std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(VENDOR_ID, 16));
184 |
when "000001" => -- 0x04, status & command
185 |
cdata(1) := r.men; cdata(25) := '1';
186 |
when "000010" => -- 0x08, class code & revision
187 |
when "000011" => -- 0x0c, latency & cacheline size
188 |
when "000100" => -- 0x10, BAR0
189 |
cdata(31 downto MADDR_WIDTH) := r.bar0;
190 |
when others =>
191 |
end case;
192 |
193 |
cwdata := pr.ad;
194 |
if pr.cbe(3) = '1' then cwdata(31 downto 24) := cdata(31 downto 24); end if;
195 |
if pr.cbe(2) = '1' then cwdata(23 downto 16) := cdata(23 downto 16); end if;
196 |
if pr.cbe(1) = '1' then cwdata(15 downto 8) := cdata(15 downto 8); end if;
197 |
if pr.cbe(0) = '1' then cwdata( 7 downto 0) := cdata( 7 downto 0); end if;
198 |
if cwrite = '1' then
199 |
case r.addr(7 downto 2) is
200 |
when "000001" => -- 0x04, status & command
201 |
v.men := cwdata(1);
202 |
when "000100" => -- 0x10, BAR0
203 |
v.bar0 := cwdata(31 downto MADDR_WIDTH);
204 |
when others =>
205 |
end case;
206 |
end if;
207 |
208 |
if (((pr.cbe = pci_config_read) or (pr.cbe = pci_config_write))
209 |
and (pr.ad(1 downto 0) = "00"))
210 |
then chit := '1'; else chit := '0'; end if;
211 |
if ((pr.cbe = pci_memory_read) or (pr.cbe = pci_memory_write))
212 |
and (r.bar0 = pr.ad(31 downto MADDR_WIDTH))
213 |
and (r.bar0 /= zero(31 downto MADDR_WIDTH))
214 |
then mhit := '1'; else mhit := '0'; end if;
215 |
hit := r.csel or r.msel;
216 |
ready := r.csel or (r.rready(0) and r.read) or (r.wready(0) and not r.read and not r.start) or
217 |
218 |
219 |
-- target state machine
220 |
221 |
case r.state is
222 |
when idle =>
223 |
if pr.frame = '0' then v.state := b_busy; end if; -- !HIT ?
224 |
v.addr := pr.ad(MADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); v.cmd := pr.cbe;
225 |
v.csel := pr.idsel and chit;
226 |
v.msel := r.men and mhit; v.read := not pr.cbe(0);
227 |
if (r.sync(0) and r.start and r.lwrite) = '1' then v.start := '0'; end if;
228 |
when turn_ar =>
229 |
if pr.frame = '1' then v.state := idle; end if;
230 |
if pr.frame = '0' then v.state := b_busy; end if; -- !HIT ?
231 |
v.addr := pr.ad(MADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); v.cmd := pr.cbe;
232 |
v.csel := pr.idsel and chit;
233 |
v.msel := r.men and mhit; v.read := not pr.cbe(0);
234 |
if (r.sync(0) and r.start and r.lwrite) = '1' then v.start := '0'; end if;
235 |
when b_busy =>
236 |
if hit = '1' then
237 |
v.state := s_data; v.trdy := not ready; v.stop := pr.frame and ready;
238 |
v.devsel := '0';
239 |
240 |
v.state := backoff;
241 |
end if;
242 |
when s_data =>
243 |
v.stop := r.stop; v.devsel := '0';
244 |
v.trdy := r.trdy or not pcii.pci_irdy_in_n;
245 |
if (pcii.pci_frame_in_n and not pcii.pci_irdy_in_n) = '1' then
246 |
v.state := turn_ar; v.stop := '1'; v.trdy := '1'; v.devsel := '1';
247 |
end if;
248 |
when backoff =>
249 |
if pr.frame = '1' then v.state := idle; end if;
250 |
end case;
251 |
252 |
if ((r.state = s_data) or (r.state = turn_ar)) and
253 |
(((pr.irdy or pr.trdy) = '0') or
254 |
((not pr.irdy and not pr.stop and pr.trdy and not r.start and r.wready(0)) = '1'))
255 |
256 |
if (pr.trdy and r.read)= '0' then v.start := '0'; end if;
257 |
if (r.start = '0') and ((r.msel and not r.addr(MADDR_WIDTH-1)) = '1') and
258 |
(((pr.trdy and r.read) or (not pr.trdy and not r.read)) = '1')
259 |
260 |
v.laddr := r.page & r.addr(MADDR_WIDTH-2 downto 0);
261 |
v.ldata := pr.ad; v.lwrite := not r.read; v.start := '1';
262 |
end if;
263 |
end if;
264 |
265 |
if (v.state = s_data) and (r.read = '1') then v.oe_ad := '0'; end if;
266 |
v.oe_par := r.oe_ad;
267 |
if r.csel = '1' then v.data := cdata;
268 |
elsif r.addr(MADDR_WIDTH-1) = '1' then
269 |
v.data(31 downto MADDR_WIDTH-1) := r.page;
270 |
v.data(MADDR_WIDTH-2 downto 0) := (others => '0');
271 |
else v.data := r2.data; end if;
272 |
v.par := xorv(r.data & pcii.pci_cbein_n);
273 |
274 |
if (v.state = s_data) or (r.state = s_data) then
275 |
v.oe_ctrl := '0';
276 |
else v.oe_ctrl := '1'; end if;
277 |
278 |
if pr.rst = '0' then
279 |
v.state := idle; v.men := '0'; v.start := '0';
280 |
v.bar0 := (others => '0'); v.msel := '0'; v.csel := '0';
281 |
v.page := ('0', '1', others => '0');
282 |
end if;
283 |
rin <= v;
284 |
end process;
285 |
286 |
pcir : process (pciclk, pcirst, r2)
287 |
288 |
if rising_edge (pciclk) then
289 |
pr.ad <= to_x01(pcii.pci_adin);
290 |
pr.cbe <= to_x01(pcii.pci_cbein_n);
291 |
pr.devsel <= to_x01(pcii.pci_devsel_in_n);
292 |
pr.frame <= to_x01(pcii.pci_frame_in_n);
293 |
pr.idsel <= to_x01(pcii.pci_idsel_in);
294 |
pr.irdy <= to_x01(pcii.pci_irdy_in_n);
295 |
pr.trdy <= to_x01(pcii.pci_trdy_in_n);
296 |
pr.par <= to_x01(pcii.pci_par_in);
297 |
pr.stop <= to_x01(pcii.pci_stop_in_n);
298 |
pr.rst <= to_x01(pcii.pci_rst_in_n);
299 |
r <= rin;
300 |
end if;
301 |
if pcirst = '0' then -- asynch reset required
302 |
r.oe_ad <= '1'; r.oe_ctrl <= '1'; r.oe_par <= '1';
303 |
end if;
304 |
end process;
305 |
306 |
cpur : process (clk)
307 |
308 |
if rising_edge (clk) then
309 |
r2 <= r2in;
310 |
end if;
311 |
end process;
312 |
313 |
pcio.pci_cbe0_en_n <= '1';
314 |
pcio.pci_cbe1_en_n <= '1';
315 |
pcio.pci_cbe2_en_n <= '1';
316 |
pcio.pci_cbe3_en_n <= '1';
317 |
318 |
pcio.pci_cbeout_n <= "1111";
319 |
320 |
pcio.pci_aden_n <= (others => r.oe_ad);
321 |
pcio.pci_adout <= r.data;
322 |
323 |
pcio.pci_trdy_out_n <= r.trdy;
324 |
pcio.pci_ctrl_en_n <= r.oe_ctrl;
325 |
pcio.pci_stop_out_n <= r.stop;
326 |
pcio.pci_devsel_out_n <= r.devsel;
327 |
pcio.pci_par_out <= r.par;
328 |
pcio.pci_par_en_n <= r.oe_par;
329 |
pcio.pci_perr_out_n <= '1';
330 |
pcio.pci_perr_en_n <= '1';
331 |
pcio.pci_serr_out_n <= '1';
332 |
pcio.pci_serr_en_n <= '1';
333 |
pcio.pci_int_out_n <= '1';
334 |
pcio.pci_int_en_n <= '1';
335 |
336 |
pcio.pci_req_en_n <= '1';
337 |
pcio.pci_req_out_n <= '1';
338 |
pcio.pci_frame_en_n <= '1';
339 |
pcio.pci_frame_out_n <= '1';
340 |
pcio.pci_irdy_en_n <= '1';
341 |
pcio.pci_irdy_out_n <= '1';
342 |
pcio.pci_lock_en_n <= '1';
343 |
344 |
ahbso.hready <= '1';
345 |
ahbso.hresp <= HRESP_OKAY;
346 |
347 |
ahbmst0 : ahbmst port map (rst, clk, dmai, dmao, ahbmi, ahbmo);
348 |
349 |