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tarookumic |
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-- Title : PCI interface for LEON processor
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-- Project : pci4leon
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-- File : pci.vhd
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-- Author : Roland Weigand <weigand@ws.estec.esa.nl>
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-- Created : 2000/02/29
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-- Last modified : 2000/02/29
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-- Description :
11 |
-- This Unit is the top level of the PCI interface. It is connected
12 |
-- to the peripheral bus of LEON and the DMA port.
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-- PCI ports must be connected to the top level pads.
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-- It includes the Phoenix/In-Silicon PCI core
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library IEEE;
21 |
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
22 |
23 |
use work.amba.all;
24 |
use work.leon_iface.all;
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26 |
entity pci_is is
27 |
port (
28 |
rst_n : in std_logic;
29 |
pciresetn : in std_logic;
30 |
app_clk : in clk_type;
31 |
pci_clk : in clk_type;
32 |
33 |
-- peripheral bus
34 |
pbi : in APB_Slv_In_Type; -- peripheral bus in
35 |
pbo : out APB_Slv_Out_Type; -- peripheral bus out
36 |
irq : out std_logic; -- interrupt request
37 |
38 |
-- PCI-Target DMA-Port = AHB master
39 |
TargetMasterOut : out ahb_mst_out_type; -- dma port out
40 |
TargetMasterIn : in ahb_mst_in_type; -- dma port in
41 |
-- TargetAsi : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- sparc ASI
42 |
43 |
-- PCI PORTS for top level
44 |
pci_in : in pci_in_type; -- PCI bus inputs
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pci_out : out pci_out_type; -- PCI bus outputs
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-- PCI-Initiator Word-Interface = AHB slave
48 |
InitSlaveOut : out ahb_slv_out_type; -- Direct initiator I/F
49 |
InitSlaveIn : in ahb_slv_in_type; -- Direct initiator I/F
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51 |
-- PCI-Intitiator DMA-Port = AHB master
52 |
InitMasterOut : out ahb_mst_out_type; -- dma port out
53 |
InitMasterIn : in ahb_mst_in_type -- dma port in
54 |
-- InitAsi : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- sparc ASI
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architecture struct of pci_is is
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61 |
62 |
InitMasterOut.haddr <= (others => '0') ;
63 |
InitMasterOut.htrans <= HTRANS_IDLE;
64 |
InitMasterOut.hbusreq <= '0';
65 |
InitMasterOut.hwdata <= (others => '0');
66 |
InitMasterOut.hlock <= '0';
67 |
InitMasterOut.hwrite <= '0';
68 |
InitMasterOut.hsize <= HSIZE_WORD;
69 |
InitMasterOut.hburst <= HBURST_SINGLE;
70 |
InitMasterOut.hprot <= (others => '0');
71 |
72 |
TargetMasterOut.haddr <= (others => '0') ;
73 |
TargetMasterOut.htrans <= HTRANS_IDLE;
74 |
TargetMasterOut.hbusreq <= '0';
75 |
TargetMasterOut.hwdata <= (others => '0');
76 |
TargetMasterOut.hlock <= '0';
77 |
TargetMasterOut.hwrite <= '0';
78 |
TargetMasterOut.hsize <= HSIZE_WORD;
79 |
TargetMasterOut.hburst <= HBURST_SINGLE;
80 |
TargetMasterOut.hprot <= (others => '0');
81 |
82 |
InitSlaveOut.hrdata <= (others => '0');
83 |
InitSlaveOut.hready <= '1';
84 |
InitSlaveOut.hresp <= HRESP_OKAY;
85 |
86 |
irq <= '0';
87 |