1 |
2 |
tarookumic |
2 |
-- This file is a part of the LEON VHDL model
3 |
-- Copyright (C) 1999 European Space Agency (ESA)
4 |
5 |
-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 |
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 |
-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 |
-- (at your option) any later version.
9 |
10 |
-- See the file COPYING for the full details of the license.
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
-- Entity: tbgen
15 |
-- File: tbgen.vhd
16 |
-- Author: Jiri Gaisler - ESA/ESTEC
17 |
-- Description: Generic test bench for LEON. The test bench uses generate
18 |
-- statements to build a LEON system with the desired memory
19 |
-- size and data width.
20 |
21 |
-- Version control:
22 |
-- 11-08-1999: First implemetation
23 |
-- 26-09-1999: Release 1.0
24 |
25 |
26 |
library IEEE;
27 |
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
28 |
use work.config.all;
29 |
use work.iface.all;
30 |
use work.leonlib.all;
31 |
use work.debug.all;
32 |
use STD.TEXTIO.all;
33 |
34 |
entity tbgen is
35 |
generic (
36 |
37 |
msg1 : string := "32 kbyte 32-bit rom, 0-ws";
38 |
msg2 : string := "2x128 kbyte 32-bit ram, 0-ws";
39 |
pcihost : boolean := false; -- be PCI host
40 |
DISASS : integer := 0; -- enable disassembly to stdout
41 |
clkperiod : integer := 20; -- system clock period
42 |
romfile : string := "tsource/rom.dat"; -- rom contents
43 |
ramfile : string := "tsource/ram.dat"; -- ram contents
44 |
sdramfile : string := "tsource/sdram.rec"; -- sdram contents
45 |
romwidth : integer := 32; -- rom data width (8/32)
46 |
romdepth : integer := 13; -- rom address depth
47 |
romtacc : integer := 10; -- rom access time (ns)
48 |
ramwidth : integer := 32; -- ram data width (8/16/32)
49 |
ramdepth : integer := 15; -- ram address depth
50 |
rambanks : integer := 2; -- number of ram banks
51 |
bytewrite : boolean := true; -- individual byte write strobes
52 |
ramtacc : integer := 10 -- ram access time (ns)
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
architecture behav of tbgen is
57 |
58 |
59 |
component iram
60 |
generic (index : integer := 0; -- Byte lane (0 - 3)
61 |
Abits: Positive := 10; -- Default 10 address bits (1 Kbyte)
62 |
echk : integer := 0; -- Generate EDAC checksum
63 |
tacc : integer := 10; -- access time (ns)
64 |
fname : string := "ram.dat"); -- File to read from
65 |
port (
66 |
A : in std_logic_vector;
67 |
D : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
68 |
CE1 : in std_logic;
69 |
WE : in std_logic;
70 |
OE : in std_logic
71 |
72 |
); end component;
73 |
74 |
component testmod
75 |
port (
76 |
clk : in std_logic;
77 |
dsurx : in std_logic;
78 |
dsutx : out std_logic;
79 |
error : in std_logic;
80 |
iosn : in std_logic;
81 |
oen : in std_logic;
82 |
read : in std_logic;
83 |
writen : in std_logic;
84 |
brdyn : out std_logic;
85 |
bexcn : out std_logic;
86 |
address : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
87 |
data : inout std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
88 |
ioport : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)
89 |
90 |
end component;
91 |
92 |
component mt48lc16m16a2
93 |
generic (index : integer := 0; -- Byte lane (0 - 3)
94 |
fname : string := "tsrouce/sdram.rec"); -- File to read from
95 |
96 |
97 |
98 |
Ba : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0);
99 |
100 |
101 |
102 |
103 |
104 |
105 |
106 |
107 |
END component;
108 |
109 |
function to_xlhz(i : std_logic) return std_logic is
110 |
111 |
case to_X01Z(i) is
112 |
when 'Z' => return('Z');
113 |
when '0' => return('L');
114 |
when '1' => return('H');
115 |
when others => return('X');
116 |
end case;
117 |
118 |
119 |
TYPE logic_xlhz_table IS ARRAY (std_logic'LOW TO std_logic'HIGH) OF std_logic;
120 |
121 |
CONSTANT cvt_to_xlhz : logic_xlhz_table := (
122 |
'Z', -- 'U'
123 |
'Z', -- 'X'
124 |
'L', -- '0'
125 |
'H', -- '1'
126 |
'Z', -- 'Z'
127 |
'Z', -- 'W'
128 |
'Z', -- 'L'
129 |
'Z', -- 'H'
130 |
'Z' -- '-'
131 |
132 |
function buskeep (signal v : in std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
133 |
variable res : std_logic_vector(v'range);
134 |
135 |
for i in v'range loop res(i) := cvt_to_xlhz(v(i)); end loop;
136 |
137 |
138 |
139 |
140 |
signal clk : std_logic := '0';
141 |
signal Rst : std_logic := '0'; -- Reset
142 |
constant ct : integer := clkperiod/2;
143 |
144 |
signal address : std_logic_vector(27 downto 0);
145 |
signal data : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
146 |
147 |
signal ramsn : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
148 |
signal ramoen : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
149 |
signal rwen : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
150 |
signal rwenx : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
151 |
signal romsn : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
152 |
signal iosn : std_logic;
153 |
signal oen : std_logic;
154 |
signal read : std_logic;
155 |
signal writen : std_logic;
156 |
signal brdyn : std_logic;
157 |
signal bexcn : std_logic;
158 |
signal wdog : std_logic;
159 |
signal dsuen, dsutx, dsurx, dsubre, dsuact : std_logic;
160 |
signal test : std_logic;
161 |
signal error : std_logic;
162 |
signal pio : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
163 |
signal GND : std_logic := '0';
164 |
signal VCC : std_logic := '1';
165 |
signal NC : std_logic := 'Z';
166 |
signal clk2 : std_logic := '1';
167 |
168 |
signal pci_rst_n : std_logic := '0';
169 |
signal pci_clk : std_logic := '0';
170 |
signal pci_gnt_in_n: std_logic := '0';
171 |
signal pci_ad : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
172 |
signal pci_cbe_n : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
173 |
signal pci_frame_n : std_logic;
174 |
signal pci_irdy_n : std_logic;
175 |
signal pci_trdy_n : std_logic;
176 |
signal pci_devsel_n: std_logic;
177 |
signal pci_stop_n : std_logic;
178 |
signal pci_perr_n : std_logic;
179 |
signal pci_par : std_logic;
180 |
signal pci_req_n : std_logic;
181 |
signal pci_serr_n : std_logic;
182 |
signal pci_idsel_in: std_logic;
183 |
signal pci_lock_n : std_logic;
184 |
signal pci_host : std_logic;
185 |
signal pci_arb_req_n : std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
186 |
signal pci_arb_gnt_n : std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
187 |
signal power_state : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
188 |
signal pci_66 : std_logic;
189 |
signal pme_enable : std_logic;
190 |
signal pme_clear : std_logic;
191 |
signal pme_status : std_logic;
192 |
193 |
signal sdcke : std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0); -- clk en
194 |
signal sdcsn : std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0); -- chip sel
195 |
signal sdwen : std_logic; -- write en
196 |
signal sdrasn : std_logic; -- row addr stb
197 |
signal sdcasn : std_logic; -- col addr stb
198 |
signal sddqm : std_logic_vector ( 3 downto 0); -- data i/o mask
199 |
signal sdclk : std_logic;
200 |
signal plllock : std_logic;
201 |
202 |
signal emdio : std_logic;
203 |
signal etx_clk : std_logic := '0';
204 |
signal erx_clk : std_logic := '0';
205 |
signal erxd : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
206 |
signal erx_dv : std_logic;
207 |
signal erx_er : std_logic;
208 |
signal erx_col : std_logic;
209 |
signal erx_crs : std_logic;
210 |
signal etxd : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
211 |
signal etx_en : std_logic;
212 |
signal etx_er : std_logic;
213 |
signal emdc : std_logic;
214 |
signal emddis : std_logic;
215 |
signal epwrdwn : std_logic;
216 |
signal ereset : std_logic;
217 |
signal esleep : std_logic;
218 |
signal epause : std_logic;
219 |
220 |
221 |
222 |
-- clock and reset
223 |
224 |
clk <= not clk after ct * 1 ns;
225 |
rst <= '0', '1' after clkperiod*10 * 1 ns;
226 |
dsuen <= '1'; dsubre <= '0';
227 |
228 |
etx_clk <= not etx_clk after 25 ns when ETHEN else '0';
229 |
erx_clk <= not etx_clk after 25 ns when ETHEN else '0';
230 |
emdio <= 'H'; erxd <= "0011"; erx_dv <= '0'; erx_er <= '0';
231 |
erx_col <= '0'; erx_crs <= '0';
232 |
233 |
pci_clk <= not pci_clk after 15 ns when PCIEN else '0';
234 |
pci_rst_n <= '0', '1' after clkperiod*10 * 1 ns;
235 |
pci_frame_n <= 'H';
236 |
pci_ad <= (others => 'H');
237 |
pci_cbe_n <= (others => 'H');
238 |
pci_par <= 'H';
239 |
pci_req_n <= 'H';
240 |
pci_idsel_in <= 'H';
241 |
pci_lock_n <= 'H';
242 |
pci_irdy_n <= 'H';
243 |
pci_trdy_n <= 'H';
244 |
pci_devsel_n <= 'H';
245 |
pci_stop_n <= 'H';
246 |
pci_perr_n <= 'H';
247 |
pci_serr_n <= 'H';
248 |
pci_host <= '1' when pcihost else '0';
249 |
250 |
251 |
-- processor (no PCI, no ethernet)
252 |
p0 : if not PCIEN and not ETHEN generate
253 |
leon0 : leon port map (rst, clk, sdclk, plllock,
254 |
255 |
error, address, data,
256 |
257 |
ramsn, ramoen, rwenx, romsn, iosn, oen, read, writen, brdyn,
258 |
bexcn, sdcke, sdcsn, sdwen, sdrasn, sdcasn, sddqm, sdclk,
259 |
pio, wdog, dsuen, dsutx, dsurx, dsubre, dsuact, test);
260 |
261 |
end generate;
262 |
263 |
-- processor (PCI)
264 |
p1 : if PCIEN and not ETHEN generate
265 |
leon0 : leon_pci
266 |
port map (rst, clk, sdclk, plllock,
267 |
268 |
error, address, data,
269 |
270 |
ramsn, ramoen, rwenx, romsn, iosn, oen, read, writen,
271 |
brdyn, bexcn,
272 |
sdcke, sdcsn, sdwen, sdrasn, sdcasn, sddqm, sdclk,
273 |
pio, wdog, dsuen, dsutx, dsurx, dsubre, dsuact, test,
274 |
pci_rst_n, pci_clk, pci_gnt_in_n, pci_idsel_in,
275 |
pci_lock_n, pci_ad, pci_cbe_n, pci_frame_n, pci_irdy_n,
276 |
pci_trdy_n, pci_devsel_n, pci_stop_n, pci_perr_n, pci_par,
277 |
pci_req_n, pci_serr_n, pci_host, pci_66, pci_arb_req_n,
278 |
pci_arb_gnt_n, power_state, pme_enable, pme_clear, pme_status );
279 |
280 |
end generate;
281 |
282 |
-- processor (PCI, ethernet)
283 |
p2 : if PCIEN and ETHEN generate
284 |
leon0 : leon_eth_pci port map (rst, clk, sdclk, plllock,
285 |
286 |
error, address, data,
287 |
288 |
ramsn, ramoen, rwenx, romsn, iosn, oen, read, writen, brdyn,
289 |
bexcn, sdcke, sdcsn, sdwen, sdrasn, sdcasn, sddqm, sdclk,
290 |
pio, wdog, dsuen, dsutx, dsurx, dsubre, dsuact, test,
291 |
pci_rst_n, pci_clk, pci_gnt_in_n, pci_idsel_in,
292 |
pci_lock_n, pci_ad, pci_cbe_n, pci_frame_n, pci_irdy_n,
293 |
pci_trdy_n, pci_devsel_n, pci_stop_n, pci_perr_n, pci_par,
294 |
pci_req_n, pci_serr_n, pci_host, pci_66, pci_arb_req_n,
295 |
pci_arb_gnt_n, power_state, pme_enable, pme_clear, pme_status,
296 |
emdio, etx_clk, erx_clk, erxd, erx_dv, erx_er, erx_col, erx_crs,
297 |
etxd, etx_en, etx_er, emdc,
298 |
emddis, epwrdwn, ereset, esleep, epause);
299 |
300 |
end generate;
301 |
-- processor (no PCI, ethernet)
302 |
p3 : if not PCIEN and ETHEN generate
303 |
leon0 : leon_eth port map (rst, clk, sdclk, plllock,
304 |
305 |
error, address, data,
306 |
307 |
ramsn, ramoen, rwenx, romsn, iosn, oen, read, writen, brdyn,
308 |
bexcn, sdcke, sdcsn, sdwen, sdrasn, sdcasn, sddqm, sdclk,
309 |
pio, wdog, dsuen, dsutx, dsurx, dsubre, dsuact,
310 |
emdio, etx_clk, erx_clk, erxd, erx_dv, erx_er, erx_col, erx_crs,
311 |
etxd, etx_en, etx_er, emdc,
312 |
emddis, epwrdwn, ereset, esleep, epause, test);
313 |
314 |
end generate;
315 |
-- write strobes
316 |
317 |
rwen <= rwenx when bytewrite else (rwenx(0) & rwenx(0) & rwenx(0) & rwenx(0));
318 |
-- 8-bit rom
319 |
320 |
rom8d : if romwidth = 8 generate
321 |
322 |
pio(1 downto 0) <= "LL"; -- 8-bit data bus
323 |
324 |
325 |
rom0 : iram
326 |
generic map (index => 0, abits => romdepth, echk => 2, tacc => romtacc,
327 |
fname => romfile)
328 |
port map (A => address(romdepth-1 downto 0), D => data(31 downto 24),
329 |
CE1 => romsn(0), WE => VCC, OE => oen);
330 |
331 |
332 |
rom2 : process (address, romsn, writen)
333 |
334 |
if (writen and not romsn(1)) = '1' then
335 |
case address(1 downto 0) is
336 |
when "00" => data(31 downto 24) <= "00000001";
337 |
when "01" => data(31 downto 24) <= "00100011";
338 |
when "10" => data(31 downto 24) <= "01000101";
339 |
when others => data(31 downto 24) <= "01100111";
340 |
end case;
341 |
else data(31 downto 24) <= (others => 'Z'); end if;
342 |
end process;
343 |
344 |
end generate;
345 |
346 |
-- 16-bit rom
347 |
348 |
rom16d : if romwidth = 16 generate
349 |
350 |
pio(1 downto 0) <= "LH"; -- 16-bit data bus
351 |
352 |
romarr : for i in 0 to 1 generate
353 |
rom0 : iram
354 |
generic map (index => i, abits => romdepth, echk => 4, tacc => romtacc,
355 |
fname => romfile)
356 |
port map (A => address(romdepth downto 1),
357 |
D => data((31 - i*8) downto (24-i*8)), CE1 => romsn(0),
358 |
WE => VCC, OE => oen);
359 |
end generate;
360 |
361 |
rom2 : process (address, romsn, writen)
362 |
363 |
if (writen and not romsn(1)) = '1' then
364 |
case address(1 downto 0) is
365 |
when "00" => data(31 downto 16) <= "0000000100100011";
366 |
when others => data(31 downto 16) <= "0100010101100111";
367 |
end case;
368 |
else data(31 downto 16) <= (others => 'Z'); end if;
369 |
end process;
370 |
371 |
end generate;
372 |
373 |
-- 32-bit rom
374 |
375 |
rom32d : if romwidth = 32 generate
376 |
377 |
pio(1 downto 0) <= "HH"; -- 32-bit data bus
378 |
379 |
romarr : for i in 0 to 3 generate
380 |
rom0 : iram
381 |
generic map (index => i, abits => romdepth, echk => 0, tacc => romtacc,
382 |
fname => romfile)
383 |
port map (A => address(romdepth+1 downto 2),
384 |
D => data((31 - i*8) downto (24-i*8)), CE1 => romsn(0),
385 |
WE => VCC, OE => oen);
386 |
end generate;
387 |
388 |
389 |
data(31 downto 0) <= "00000001001000110100010101100111" when (romsn(1) or not writen) = '0'
390 |
else (others => 'Z');
391 |
end generate;
392 |
393 |
-- 8-bit ram
394 |
395 |
ram8d : if ramwidth = 8 generate
396 |
397 |
ram0 : iram
398 |
generic map (index => 0, abits => ramdepth, echk => 2, tacc => ramtacc,
399 |
fname => ramfile)
400 |
port map (A => address(ramdepth-1 downto 0), D => data(31 downto 24),
401 |
CE1 => ramsn(0), WE => rwen(0), OE => ramoen(0));
402 |
403 |
end generate;
404 |
405 |
406 |
-- 16-bit ram
407 |
408 |
ram16d : if ramwidth = 16 generate
409 |
rambnk : for i in 0 to rambanks-1 generate
410 |
ramarr : for j in 0 to 1 generate
411 |
ram0 : iram
412 |
generic map (index => j, abits => ramdepth, echk => 4,
413 |
tacc => ramtacc, fname => ramfile)
414 |
port map (A => address(ramdepth downto 1),
415 |
D => data((31 - j*8) downto (24-j*8)), CE1 => ramsn(i),
416 |
WE => rwen(j), OE => ramoen(i));
417 |
end generate;
418 |
end generate;
419 |
end generate;
420 |
421 |
-- 32-bit ram
422 |
423 |
ram32d : if ramwidth = 32 generate
424 |
rambnk : for i in 0 to rambanks-1 generate
425 |
ramarr : for j in 0 to 3 generate
426 |
ram0 : iram
427 |
generic map (index => j, abits => ramdepth, echk => 0,
428 |
tacc => ramtacc, fname => ramfile)
429 |
port map (A => address(ramdepth+1 downto 2),
430 |
D => data((31 - j*8) downto (24-j*8)), CE1 => ramsn(i),
431 |
WE => rwen(j), OE => ramoen(i));
432 |
end generate;
433 |
434 |
435 |
end generate;
436 |
437 |
438 |
end generate;
439 |
440 |
-- boot message
441 |
442 |
bootmsg : process(rst)
443 |
444 |
if rst'event and (rst = '1') then --'
445 |
print("LEON-2 generic testbench (leon2-"& LEON_VERSION & ")");
446 |
print("Bug reports to Jiri Gaisler, jiri@gaisler.com");
447 |
448 |
print("Testbench configuration:");
449 |
print(msg1); print(msg2); print("");
450 |
end if;
451 |
end process;
452 |
453 |
-- optional sdram
454 |
455 |
sdram : if SDRAMEN generate
456 |
u0: mt48lc16m16a2 generic map (index => 0, fname => sdramfile)
457 |
458 |
Dq => data(31 downto 16), Addr => address(14 downto 2),
459 |
Ba => address(16 downto 15), Clk => sdclk, Cke => sdcke(0),
460 |
Cs_n => sdcsn(0), Ras_n => sdrasn, Cas_n => sdcasn, We_n => sdwen,
461 |
Dqm => sddqm(3 downto 2));
462 |
u1: mt48lc16m16a2 generic map (index => 16, fname => sdramfile)
463 |
464 |
Dq => data(15 downto 0), Addr => address(14 downto 2),
465 |
Ba => address(16 downto 15), Clk => sdclk, Cke => sdcke(0),
466 |
Cs_n => sdcsn(0), Ras_n => sdrasn, Cas_n => sdcasn, We_n => sdwen,
467 |
Dqm => sddqm(1 downto 0));
468 |
u2: mt48lc16m16a2 generic map (index => 0, fname => sdramfile)
469 |
470 |
Dq => data(31 downto 16), Addr => address(14 downto 2),
471 |
Ba => address(16 downto 15), Clk => sdclk, Cke => sdcke(0),
472 |
Cs_n => sdcsn(1), Ras_n => sdrasn, Cas_n => sdcasn, We_n => sdwen,
473 |
Dqm => sddqm(3 downto 2));
474 |
u3: mt48lc16m16a2 generic map (index => 16, fname => sdramfile)
475 |
476 |
Dq => data(15 downto 0), Addr => address(14 downto 2),
477 |
Ba => address(16 downto 15), Clk => sdclk, Cke => sdcke(0),
478 |
Cs_n => sdcsn(1), Ras_n => sdrasn, Cas_n => sdcasn, We_n => sdwen,
479 |
Dqm => sddqm(1 downto 0));
480 |
481 |
end generate;
482 |
483 |
-- test module
484 |
485 |
testmod0 : testmod port map (clk, dsutx, dsurx, error, iosn, oen, read,
486 |
writen, brdyn, bexcn, address(7 downto 0), data , pio);
487 |
test <= '1' when DISASS > 0 else '0';
488 |
489 |
-- cross-strap UARTs
490 |
491 |
pio(14) <= to_XLHZ(pio(11)); -- RX1 <- TX2
492 |
pio(10) <= to_XLHZ(pio(15)); -- RX2 <- TX1
493 |
pio(12) <= to_XLHZ(pio(9)); -- CTS1 <- RTS2
494 |
pio(8) <= to_XLHZ(pio(13)); -- CTS2 <- RTS1
495 |
496 |
pio(15) <= 'H';
497 |
pio(13) <= 'H';
498 |
pio(11) <= 'H';
499 |
pio(9) <= 'H';
500 |
501 |
pio(2) <= 'H' when not bytewrite else 'L';
502 |
503 |
pio(3) <= wdog when WDOGEN else 'H'; -- WDOG output on IO3
504 |
-- pio(3) <= clk2; -- clk/2 as uart clock
505 |
-- clk2 <= not clk2 when rising_edge(clk) else clk2;
506 |
wdog <= 'H'; -- WDOG pull-up
507 |
error <= 'H'; -- ERROR pull-up
508 |
data <= (others => 'H');
509 |
510 |
data <= buskeep(data) after 5 ns;
511 |
512 |
513 |
-- waitstates
514 |
515 |
wsgen : process
516 |
517 |
if (romtacc < (2*clkperiod - 20)) then pio(5 downto 4) <= "LL";
518 |
elsif (romtacc < (3*clkperiod - 20)) then pio(5 downto 4) <= "LH";
519 |
elsif (romtacc < (4*clkperiod - 20)) then pio(5 downto 4) <= "HL";
520 |
else pio(5 downto 4) <= "HH"; end if;
521 |
if (ramtacc < (2*clkperiod - 20)) then pio(7 downto 6) <= "LL";
522 |
elsif (ramtacc < (3*clkperiod - 20)) then pio(7 downto 6) <= "LH";
523 |
elsif (ramtacc < (4*clkperiod - 20)) then pio(7 downto 6) <= "HL";
524 |
else pio(7 downto 6) <= "HH"; end if;
525 |
wait on rst;
526 |
end process;
527 |
528 |
end ;
529 |