1 |
2 |
fpga_is_fu |
2 |
3 |
<TITLE>HDL Designer Web Export</TITLE>
4 |
5 |
6 |
Joust Outliner Version 2.5.4
7 |
(c) Copyright 1996-2001, MITEM (Europe) Ltd. All rights reserved.
8 |
This code may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is accompanied by this
9 |
header. For full details of the Joust license, as well as documentation and help, go
10 |
to http://www.ivanpeters.com/.
11 |
12 |
Do not modify anything between here and the "End of Joust" marker unless you know what you
13 |
are doing.
14 |
15 |
<script language="JavaScript">
16 |
17 |
function getDHTMLObj(docName, objName) {
18 |
if (theBrowser.hasW3CDOM) {
19 |
return eval(docName + '.getElementById("' + objName + '").style');
20 |
} else {
21 |
return eval(docName + theBrowser.DHTMLRange + '.' + objName + theBrowser.DHTMLStyleObj);
22 |
23 |
24 |
function getDHTMLObjTop(theObj) {return (theBrowser.code == "MSIE") ? theObj.pixelTop : theObj.top;}
25 |
function getDHTMLObjHeight(docName, objName) {
26 |
if (theBrowser.hasW3CDOM) {
27 |
return parseInt(eval(docName + '.getElementById("' + objName + '").offsetHeight'),10);
28 |
} else {
29 |
return eval(docName + theBrowser.DHTMLRange + '.' + objName + theBrowser.DHTMLDivHeight);
30 |
31 |
32 |
function getDHTMLImg(docName, objName, imgName) {
33 |
if (document.layers) {
34 |
return getDHTMLObj(docName, objName).document.images[imgName];
35 |
} else {
36 |
return eval(docName + '.images.' + imgName);
37 |
38 |
39 |
function simpleArray() {this.item = 0;}
40 |
function imgStoreItem(n, s, w, h) {
41 |
this.name = n;
42 |
this.src = s;
43 |
this.obj = null;
44 |
this.w = w;
45 |
this.h = h;
46 |
if ((theBrowser.canCache) && (s)) {
47 |
this.obj = new Image(w, h);
48 |
this.obj.src = s;
49 |
50 |
51 |
function imgStoreObject() {
52 |
this.count = -1;
53 |
this.img = new imgStoreItem;
54 |
this.find = imgStoreFind;
55 |
this.add = imgStoreAdd;
56 |
this.getSrc = imgStoreGetSrc;
57 |
this.getTag = imgStoreGetTag;
58 |
59 |
function imgStoreFind(theName) {
60 |
var foundItem = -1;
61 |
for (var i = 0; i <= this.count; i++) {if (this.img[i].name == theName) {foundItem = i;break;}}
62 |
return foundItem;
63 |
64 |
function imgStoreAdd(n, s, w, h) {
65 |
var i = this.find(n);
66 |
if (i == -1) {i = ++this.count;}
67 |
this.img[i] = new imgStoreItem(n, s, parseInt(w, 10), parseInt(h, 10));
68 |
69 |
function imgStoreGetSrc(theName) {
70 |
var i = this.find(theName);
71 |
var img = this.img[i];
72 |
return (i == -1) ? '' : ((img.obj) ? img.obj.src : img.src);
73 |
74 |
function imgStoreGetTag(theName, iconID, altText) {
75 |
var i = this.find(theName);
76 |
if (i < 0) {return ''}
77 |
with (this.img[i]) {
78 |
if (src == '') {return ''}
79 |
var tag = '<img src="' + src + '" width="' + w + '" height="' + h + '" border="0" align="left" hspace="0" vspace="0"';
80 |
tag += (iconID != '') ? ' name="' + iconID + '"' : '';
81 |
tag += ' alt="' + ((altText)?altText:'') + '">';
82 |
83 |
return tag;
84 |
85 |
// The MenuItem object. This contains the data and functions for drawing each item.
86 |
function MenuItem (owner, id, type, text, url, status, nItem, pItem, parent) {
87 |
var t = this;
88 |
this.owner = owner;
89 |
this.id = id;
90 |
this.type = type;
91 |
this.text = text;
92 |
this.url = url;
93 |
this.status = status;
94 |
this.target = owner.defaultTarget;
95 |
this.nextItem = nItem;
96 |
this.prevItem = pItem;
97 |
this.FirstChild = -1;
98 |
this.parent = parent;
99 |
this.isopen = false;
100 |
this.isSelected = false;
101 |
this.draw = MIDraw;
102 |
this.PMIconName = MIGetPMIconName;
103 |
this.docIconName = MIGetDocIconName;
104 |
this.altIconName = MIGetAltIconName;
105 |
this.setImg = MISetImage;
106 |
this.setIsOpen = MISetIsOpen;
107 |
this.setSelected = MISetSelected;
108 |
this.setIcon = MISetIcon;
109 |
this.mouseOver = MIMouseOver;
110 |
this.mouseOut = MIMouseOut;
111 |
var i = (this.owner.imgStore) ? this.owner.imgStore.find(type) : -2;
112 |
if (i == -1) {i = this.owner.imgStore.find('iconPlus');}
113 |
this.height = (i > -1) ? this.owner.imgStore.img[i].h : 0;
114 |
this.multiImages = 0;
115 |
this.altType = '';
116 |
this.setAltType = MISetAltType;
117 |
118 |
function MISetAltType(altType) {
119 |
if (altType != '') {
120 |
this.altType = altType;
121 |
this.multiImages = 1;
122 |
} else {
123 |
this.multiImages = 0;
124 |
125 |
126 |
function MIDraw (indentStr) {
127 |
var o = this.owner;
128 |
var mRef = '="return ' + o.reverseRef + "." + o.name;
129 |
var tmp = mRef + '.entry[' + this.id + '].';
130 |
var MOver = ' onMouseOver' + tmp + 'mouseOver(\''
131 |
var MOut = ' onMouseOut' + tmp + 'mouseOut(\''
132 |
var iconTag = o.imgStore.getTag(this.PMIconName(), 'plusMinusIcon' + this.id, '');
133 |
var aLine = '<nobr>' + indentStr;
134 |
if (!this.noOutlineImg) {
135 |
if (this.FirstChild != -1) {
136 |
aLine += '<A HREF="#" onClick' + mRef + '.toggle(' + this.id + ');"' + MOver + 'plusMinusIcon\',this);"' + MOut + 'plusMinusIcon\');">' + iconTag + '</A>';
137 |
} else {
138 |
aLine += iconTag;
139 |
140 |
141 |
var tip = (o.tipText == 'text') ? this.text : ((o.tipText == 'status') ? this.status : '');
142 |
var theEntry = o.imgStore.getTag(this.docIconName(), 'docIcon' + this.id, tip) + this.text;
143 |
var theImg = o.imgStore.getTag(this.docIconName(), 'docIcon' + this.id, tip);
144 |
if (this.multiImages) {
145 |
theImg = o.imgStore.getTag(this.altIconName(), 'altIcon' + this.id, tip) + theImg;
146 |
147 |
var sTxt = '<SPAN CLASS="' + ((this.CSSClass) ? this.CSSClass : ((this.FirstChild != -1) ? 'node' : 'leaf')) + '">';
148 |
var lTxt = '<A NAME="joustEntry' + this.id + '"';
149 |
var theUrl = (((this.url == '') && theBrowser.canJSVoid && o.showAllAsLinks) || o.wizardInstalled) ? 'javascript:void(0);' : this.url;
150 |
if (theUrl != '') {
151 |
if (this.target.charAt(1) == "_") {theUrl = "javascript:" + o.reverseRef + ".loadURLInTarget('" + theUrl + "', '" + this.target + "');";}
152 |
lTxt += ' HREF="' + theUrl + '" TARGET="' + this.target + '" onClick' + mRef + '.itemClicked(' + this.id + ');"'
153 |
+ MOver + 'docIcon\',this);"' + MOut + 'docIcon\');"';
154 |
155 |
lTxt += (tip) ? ' TITLE="' + tip + '">' : '>';
156 |
aLine += sTxt + lTxt + theImg;
157 |
if (this.multiLine) {
158 |
aLine += '</A></SPAN><TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"><TR><TD>' + sTxt + lTxt + ' ' + this.text + '</A></SPAN></TD></TR></TABLE>';
159 |
} else {
160 |
aLine += ' ' + this.text + '</A></SPAN>';
161 |
162 |
aLine += '</nobr>';
163 |
if ((theBrowser.hasW3CDOM) && (theBrowser.hasDHTML) && (!this.multiLine)) { aLine += '<br>'; }
164 |
return aLine
165 |
166 |
function MIGetPMIconName() {
167 |
var n = 'icon' + ((this.FirstChild != -1) ? ((this.isopen == true) ? 'Minus' : 'Plus') : 'Join');
168 |
n += (this.id == this.owner.firstEntry) ? ((this.nextItem == -1) ? 'Only' : 'Top') : ((this.nextItem == -1) ? 'Bottom' : '');
169 |
return n;
170 |
171 |
function MIGetDocIconName() {
172 |
var is = this.owner.imgStore; var n = this.type;
173 |
n += ((this.isopen) && (is.getSrc(n + 'Expanded') != '')) ? 'Expanded' : '';
174 |
n += ((this.isSelected) && (is.getSrc(n + 'Selected') != '')) ? 'Selected' : '';
175 |
return n;
176 |
177 |
function MIGetAltIconName() {
178 |
var is = this.owner.imgStore; var n = this.altType;
179 |
n += ((this.isopen) && (is.getSrc(n + 'Expanded') != '')) ? 'Expanded' : '';
180 |
n += ((this.isSelected) && (is.getSrc(n + 'Selected') != '')) ? 'Selected' : '';
181 |
return n;
182 |
183 |
function MISetImage(imgID, imgName) {
184 |
var o = this.owner; var s = o.imgStore.getSrc(imgName);
185 |
if ((s != '') && (theBrowser.canCache) && (!o.amBusy)) {
186 |
var img = (theBrowser.hasDHTML) ? getDHTMLImg(o.container + '.document', 'entryDIV' + this.id, imgID) : eval(o.container).document.images[imgID];
187 |
if (img && img.src != s) {img.src = s;}
188 |
189 |
190 |
function MISetIsOpen (isOpen) {
191 |
if ((this.isopen != isOpen) && (this.FirstChild != -1)) {
192 |
this.isopen = isOpen;
193 |
this.setImg('plusMinusIcon' + this.id, this.PMIconName());
194 |
this.setImg('docIcon' + this.id, this.docIconName());
195 |
return true;
196 |
} else {
197 |
return false;
198 |
199 |
200 |
function MISetSelected (isSelected) {
201 |
this.isSelected = isSelected;
202 |
this.setImg('docIcon' + this.id, this.docIconName());
203 |
if ((this.parent >= 0) && this.owner.selectParents) {this.owner.entry[this.parent].setSelected(isSelected);}
204 |
205 |
function MISetIcon (newType) {
206 |
this.type = newType;
207 |
this.setImg('docIcon' + this.id, this.docIconName());
208 |
209 |
function MIMouseOver(imgName, theURL) {
210 |
eval(this.owner.container).status = ''; //Needed for setStatus to work on MSIE 3 - Go figure!?
211 |
var newImg = '';
212 |
var s = '';
213 |
if (imgName == 'plusMinusIcon') {
214 |
newImg = this.PMIconName();
215 |
s = 'Click to ' + ((this.isopen == true) ? 'collapse.' : 'expand.');
216 |
} else {
217 |
if (imgName == 'docIcon') {
218 |
newImg = this.docIconName();
219 |
s = (this.status != null) ? this.status : theURL;
220 |
221 |
222 |
223 |
if (theBrowser.canOnMouseOut) {this.setImg(imgName + this.id, newImg + 'MouseOver');}
224 |
if(this.onMouseOver) {var me=this;eval(me.onMouseOver);}
225 |
return true;
226 |
227 |
function MIMouseOut(imgName) {
228 |
229 |
var newImg = '';
230 |
if (imgName == 'plusMinusIcon') {
231 |
newImg = this.PMIconName();
232 |
} else {
233 |
if (imgName == 'docIcon') {newImg = this.docIconName();}
234 |
235 |
this.setImg(imgName + this.id, newImg);
236 |
if(this.onMouseOut) {var me=this;eval(me.onMouseOut);}
237 |
return true;
238 |
239 |
// The Menu object. This is basically an array object although the data in it is a tree.
240 |
function Menu () {
241 |
this.count = -1;
242 |
this.version = '2.5.4';
243 |
this.firstEntry = -1;
244 |
this.autoScrolling = false;
245 |
this.modalFolders = false;
246 |
this.linkOnExpand = false;
247 |
this.toggleOnLink = false;
248 |
this.showAllAsLinks = false;
249 |
this.savePage = true;
250 |
this.name = 'theMenu';
251 |
this.container = 'menu';
252 |
this.reverseRef = 'parent';
253 |
this.contentFrame = 'text';
254 |
this.defaultTarget = 'text';
255 |
this.tipText = 'none';
256 |
this.selectParents = false;
257 |
this.lastPMClicked = -1;
258 |
this.selectedEntry = -1;
259 |
this.wizardInstalled = false;
260 |
this.amBusy = true;
261 |
this.maxHeight = 0;
262 |
this.imgStore = new imgStoreObject;
263 |
this.entry = new MenuItem(this, 0, '', '', '', '', -1, -1, -1);
264 |
this.contentWin = MenuGetContentWin;
265 |
this.getEmptyEntry = MenuGetEmptyEntry;
266 |
this.addEntry = MenuAddEntry;
267 |
this.addMenu = MenuAddEntry;
268 |
this.addChild = MenuAddChild;
269 |
this.rmvEntry = MenuRmvEntry;
270 |
this.rmvChildren = MenuRmvChildren;
271 |
this.draw = MenuDraw;
272 |
this.drawALevel = MenuDrawALevel;
273 |
this.refresh = MenuRefresh;
274 |
this.reload = MenuReload;
275 |
this.refreshDHTML = MenuRefreshDHTML;
276 |
this.scrollTo = MenuScrollTo;
277 |
this.itemClicked = MenuItemClicked;
278 |
this.selectEntry = MenuSelectEntry;
279 |
this.setEntry = MenuSetEntry;
280 |
this.setEntryByURL = MenuSetEntryByURL;
281 |
this.setAllChildren = MenuSetAllChildren;
282 |
this.setAll = MenuSetAll;
283 |
this.openAll = MenuOpenAll;
284 |
this.closeAll = MenuCloseAll;
285 |
this.findEntry = MenuFindEntry;
286 |
this.toggle = MenuToggle;
287 |
288 |
function MenuGetContentWin() {
289 |
return eval(((myOpener != null) ? 'myOpener.' : 'self.') + this.contentFrame);
290 |
291 |
function MenuGetEmptyEntry() {
292 |
for (var i = 0; i <= this.count; i++) {if (this.entry[i] == null) {break;}}
293 |
if (i > this.count) {this.count = i};
294 |
return i
295 |
296 |
function MenuAddEntry (addTo, type, text, url, status, insert) {
297 |
if (!insert) {insert=false;}
298 |
var theNI = -1;var theP = -1;var thePI = -1;
299 |
if (addTo < 0) {
300 |
var i = addTo = this.firstEntry;
301 |
if (!insert) {while (i > -1) {addTo = i;i = this.entry[i].nextItem;}}
302 |
303 |
if (addTo >= 0) {
304 |
var e = this.entry[addTo];
305 |
if (!e) {return -1;}
306 |
thePI = (insert)?e.prevItem:addTo;
307 |
theNI = (insert)?addTo:e.nextItem;
308 |
theP = e.parent;
309 |
310 |
var eNum = this.getEmptyEntry();
311 |
if (thePI >= 0) {
312 |
this.entry[thePI].nextItem = eNum;
313 |
} else {
314 |
if (theP >= 0) {
315 |
this.entry[theP].FirstChild = eNum;
316 |
} else {
317 |
this.firstEntry = eNum;
318 |
319 |
320 |
if (theNI >= 0) {this.entry[theNI].prevItem = eNum;}
321 |
this.entry[eNum] = new MenuItem(this, eNum, type, text, url, status, theNI, thePI, theP);
322 |
return eNum;
323 |
324 |
function MenuAddChild (addTo, type, text, url, status, insert) {
325 |
if (!insert) {insert=false;}
326 |
var eNum = -1;
327 |
if ((this.count == -1) || (addTo < 0)) {
328 |
eNum = this.addEntry(-1, type, text, url, status, false);
329 |
} else {
330 |
var e = this.entry[addTo];
331 |
if (!e) {return -1;}
332 |
var cID = e.FirstChild;
333 |
if (cID < 0) {
334 |
e.FirstChild = eNum = this.getEmptyEntry();
335 |
this.entry[eNum] = new MenuItem(this, eNum, type, text, url, status, -1, -1, addTo);
336 |
} else {
337 |
while (!insert && (this.entry[cID].nextItem >= 0)) {cID = this.entry[cID].nextItem;}
338 |
eNum = this.addEntry(cID, type, text, url, status, insert);
339 |
340 |
341 |
return eNum;
342 |
343 |
function MenuRmvEntry (theEntry) {
344 |
var e = this.entry[theEntry];
345 |
if (e == null) {return;}
346 |
var p = e.prevItem;
347 |
var n = e.nextItem;
348 |
if (e.FirstChild > -1) {this.rmvChildren(theEntry);}
349 |
if (this.firstEntry == theEntry) {this.firstEntry = n}
350 |
if (this.selectedEntry == theEntry) {this.selectedEntry = n}
351 |
if (p > -1) {
352 |
this.entry[p].nextItem = n;
353 |
} else {
354 |
if (e.parent > -1) {
355 |
this.entry[e.parent].FirstChild = n;
356 |
} else {
357 |
if (this.firstEntry == theEntry) {this.firstEntry = n}
358 |
359 |
360 |
if (n > -1) {this.entry[n].prevItem = p;}
361 |
this.entry[theEntry] = null;
362 |
363 |
function MenuRmvChildren (theP) {
364 |
var eNum;var e;var tmp;
365 |
if (theP == -1) {
366 |
eNum = this.firstEntry;
367 |
this.firstEntry = -1;
368 |
} else {
369 |
eNum = this.entry[theP].FirstChild;
370 |
this.entry[theP].FirstChild = -1;
371 |
372 |
while (eNum > -1) {
373 |
e = this.entry[eNum];
374 |
if (e.FirstChild > -1) {this.rmvChildren(eNum);}
375 |
if (this.selectedEntry == eNum) {this.selectedEntry = e.parent;}
376 |
tmp = eNum;
377 |
eNum = e.nextItem;
378 |
this.entry[tmp] = null;
379 |
380 |
381 |
function MenuDraw() {
382 |
this.maxHeight = 0;
383 |
var theDoc = eval(this.container + ".document");
384 |
eval(this.container).document.writeln(this.drawALevel(this.firstEntry, '', true, theDoc));
385 |
if (theBrowser.hasDHTML) {
386 |
for (var i = 0; i <= this.count; i++) {
387 |
if (this.entry[i]) {
388 |
this.maxHeight += getDHTMLObjHeight(this.container + '.document', 'entryDIV' + i);
389 |
390 |
391 |
} else {
392 |
if ((this.lastPMClicked > 0) && theBrowser.mustMoveAfterLoad && this.autoScrolling) {
393 |
394 |
395 |
396 |
397 |
function MenuDrawALevel(firstItem, indentStr, isVisible, theDoc) {
398 |
var currEntry = firstItem;
399 |
var padImg = "";
400 |
var aLine = "";
401 |
var theLevel = "";
402 |
var e = null;
403 |
while (currEntry > -1) {
404 |
e = this.entry[currEntry];
405 |
aLine = e.draw(indentStr);
406 |
if (theBrowser.hasDHTML) {
407 |
aLine = '<DIV ID="entryDIV' + currEntry + '" CLASS="menuItem">' + aLine + '</DIV>';
408 |
} else {
409 |
aLine += '<BR CLEAR="ALL">';
410 |
411 |
theBrowser.lineByLine = true;
412 |
if (theBrowser.lineByLine) {theDoc.writeln(aLine);} else {theLevel += aLine;}
413 |
if ((e.FirstChild > -1) && ((theBrowser.hasDHTML || (e.isopen && isVisible)))) {
414 |
padImg = (e.noOutlineImg) ? '' : this.imgStore.getTag((e.nextItem == -1) ? 'iconBlank' : 'iconLine', '', '');
415 |
theLevel += this.drawALevel(e.FirstChild, indentStr + padImg, (e.isopen && isVisible), theDoc);
416 |
417 |
currEntry = e.nextItem;
418 |
419 |
return theLevel;
420 |
421 |
function MenuRefresh() {
422 |
if (theBrowser.hasDHTML) {
423 |
if (!this.amBusy) {
424 |
425 |
if (this.autoScrolling) {this.scrollTo(this.lastPMClicked);}
426 |
427 |
} else {
428 |
429 |
430 |
431 |
function MenuReload() {
432 |
if (!this.amBusy) {
433 |
this.amBusy = true;
434 |
var l = eval(this.container).location;
435 |
var rm = theBrowser.reloadMethod;
436 |
var newLoc = fixPath(l.pathname);
437 |
var s = '';
438 |
439 |
if (rm == 'replace_no_pathname') {
440 |
newLoc = fixPath(l.href);
441 |
// href returns the whole url which may include a hash code
442 |
// remove any hash code, since we may later add a new one
443 |
var hashCode = l.hash;
444 |
if (hashCode != '') {
445 |
var p = newLoc.indexOf('#');
446 |
if (p > 0) {
447 |
newLoc = newLoc.substring(0, p);
448 |
449 |
450 |
451 |
452 |
if (l.search) {s = l.search;}
453 |
if (theBrowser.needsMenuSearch) {
454 |
if (s == '') {
455 |
s = '?jtoggle=1';
456 |
} else {
457 |
var p = s.indexOf('jtoggle=');
458 |
if (p < 0) {
459 |
s += '&jtoggle=1';
460 |
} else {
461 |
var t = (s.substring(p + 8, p + 9) == "1") ? "2" : "1";
462 |
s = s.substring(0, p+8) + t;
463 |
464 |
465 |
466 |
newLoc += s;
467 |
if (this.autoScrolling && (this.lastPMClicked > 0) && !theBrowser.mustMoveAfterLoad) {
468 |
newLoc += "#joustEntry" + this.lastPMClicked;
469 |
470 |
if (rm == 'replace' || rm == 'replace_no_pathname') {
471 |
472 |
} else {
473 |
if (rm == 'reload') {
474 |
475 |
} else {
476 |
if (rm == 'timeout') {
477 |
setTimeout(this.container + ".location.href ='" + newLoc + "';", 100);
478 |
} else {
479 |
l.href = newLoc;
480 |
481 |
482 |
483 |
484 |
485 |
function MenuRefreshDHTML() {
486 |
var nextItemArray = new simpleArray;
487 |
var currEntry = this.firstEntry;
488 |
var level = (currEntry == -1) ? 0 : 1;
489 |
var isVisible = true;
490 |
var lastVisibleLevel = 1;
491 |
var co = eval(this.container);
492 |
var yPos = co.menuStart;
493 |
var d = this.container + '.document';
494 |
var e = null;var s = null;
495 |
while (level > 0) {
496 |
e = this.entry[currEntry];
497 |
s = getDHTMLObj(d, 'entryDIV' + currEntry);
498 |
if (isVisible) {
499 |
s.top = yPos;
500 |
s.visibility = 'visible';
501 |
yPos += getDHTMLObjHeight(d, 'entryDIV' + currEntry);
502 |
lastVisibleLevel = level;
503 |
} else {
504 |
s.visibility = 'hidden';
505 |
s.top = 0;
506 |
507 |
if (e.FirstChild > -1) {
508 |
isVisible = (e.isopen == true) && isVisible;
509 |
nextItemArray[level++] = e.nextItem;
510 |
currEntry = e.FirstChild;
511 |
} else {
512 |
if (e.nextItem != -1) {
513 |
currEntry = e.nextItem;
514 |
} else {
515 |
while (level > 0) {
516 |
if (nextItemArray[--level] != -1) {
517 |
currEntry = nextItemArray[level];
518 |
isVisible = (lastVisibleLevel >= level);
519 |
520 |
521 |
522 |
523 |
524 |
525 |
this.maxHeight = yPos;
526 |
527 |
528 |
function MenuScrollTo(entryNo) {
529 |
if (theBrowser.hasDHTML) {
530 |
var e = this.entry[entryNo];
531 |
if (!e) {return;}
532 |
var co = eval(this.container);
533 |
var d = this.container + '.document';
534 |
var srTop = getDHTMLObjTop(getDHTMLObj(d, 'entryDIV' + entryNo));
535 |
var srBot = (e.nextItem > 0) ? getDHTMLObjTop(getDHTMLObj(d, 'entryDIV' + e.nextItem)) : this.maxHeight;
536 |
if (theBrowser.code == 'MSIE') {
537 |
var curTop = co.document.body.scrollTop;
538 |
var curBot = curTop + co.document.body.clientHeight;
539 |
} else {
540 |
var curTop = co.pageYOffset;
541 |
var curBot = curTop + co.innerHeight;
542 |
543 |
if ((srBot > curBot) || (srTop < curTop)) {
544 |
var scrBy = srBot - curBot;
545 |
if (srTop < (curTop + scrBy)) {scrBy = srTop - curTop;}
546 |
co.setTimeout('self.scrollBy(0, ' + scrBy + ');', 100);
547 |
548 |
} else {
549 |
if (theBrowser.reloadMethod == 'replace_no_pathname') {
550 |
var l = fixPath(eval(this.container).location.href);
551 |
var hashCode = eval(this.container).location.hash;
552 |
if (hashCode != '') {
553 |
var p = l.indexOf('#');
554 |
if (p > 0) { l = l.substring(0, p); }
555 |
556 |
l += '#joustEntry' + entryNo;
557 |
setTimeout(this.container + '.location.href = "' + l + '";', 100);
558 |
} else {
559 |
var l = fixPath(eval(this.container).location.pathname) + '#joustEntry' + entryNo;
560 |
setTimeout(this.container + '.location.href = "' + l + '";', 100);
561 |
562 |
563 |
564 |
function MenuItemClicked(entryNo, fromToggle) {
565 |
var r = true;
566 |
var e = this.entry[entryNo];
567 |
var w = this.contentWin();
568 |
var b = theBrowser;
569 |
570 |
571 |
if (this.wizardInstalled) {w.menuItemClicked(entryNo);}
572 |
if(e.onClickFunc) {e.onClick = e.onClickFunc;}
573 |
if(e.onClick) {var me=e;if(eval(e.onClick) == false) {r = false;}}
574 |
if (r) {
575 |
if (((this.toggleOnLink) && (e.FirstChild != -1) && !(fromToggle)) || e.noOutlineImg) {
576 |
if (b.hasDHTML) {
577 |
this.toggle(entryNo, true);
578 |
} else {
579 |
setTimeout(this.name + '.toggle(' + entryNo + ', true);', 100);
580 |
581 |
582 |
583 |
return (e.url != '') ? r : false;
584 |
585 |
function MenuSelectEntry(entryNo) {
586 |
var oe = this.entry[this.selectedEntry];
587 |
if (oe) {oe.setSelected(false);}
588 |
var e = this.entry[entryNo];
589 |
if (e) {e.setSelected(true);}
590 |
this.selectedEntry = entryNo;
591 |
592 |
function MenuSetEntry(entryNo, state) {
593 |
var cl = ',' + entryNo + ',';
594 |
var e = this.entry[entryNo];
595 |
this.lastPMClicked = entryNo;
596 |
var mc = e.setIsOpen(state);
597 |
var p = e.parent;
598 |
while (p >= 0) {
599 |
cl += p + ',';
600 |
e = this.entry[p];
601 |
mc |= (e.setIsOpen(true));
602 |
p = e.parent;
603 |
604 |
if (this.modalFolders) {
605 |
for (var i = 0; i <= this.count; i++) {
606 |
e = this.entry[i];
607 |
if ((cl.indexOf(',' + i + ',') < 0) && e) {mc |= e.setIsOpen(false);}
608 |
609 |
610 |
return mc;
611 |
612 |
function MenuSetEntryByURL(theURL, state) {
613 |
var i = this.findEntry(theURL, 'url', 'right', 0);
614 |
return (i != -1) ? this.setEntry(i, state) : false;
615 |
616 |
function MenuSetAllChildren(state, parentID) {
617 |
var hasChanged = false;
618 |
var currEntry = (parentID > -1) ? this.entry[parentID].FirstChild : this.firstEntry;
619 |
while (currEntry > -1) {
620 |
var e = this.entry[currEntry];
621 |
hasChanged |= e.setIsOpen(state);
622 |
if (e.FirstChild > -1) {hasChanged |= this.setAllChildren(state, currEntry);}
623 |
currEntry = e.nextItem;
624 |
625 |
return hasChanged;
626 |
627 |
function MenuSetAll(state, parentID) {
628 |
if (theBrowser.version >= 4) {
629 |
if (parentID == 'undefined') {parentID = -1;}
630 |
} else {
631 |
if (parentID == null) {parentID = -1;}
632 |
633 |
var hasChanged = false;
634 |
if (parentID > -1) {hasChanged |= this.entry[parentID].setIsOpen(state);}
635 |
hasChanged |= this.setAllChildren(state, parentID);
636 |
if (hasChanged) {
637 |
this.lastPMClicked = this.firstEntry;
638 |
639 |
640 |
641 |
function MenuOpenAll() {this.setAll(true, -1);}
642 |
function MenuCloseAll() {this.setAll(false, -1)}
643 |
function MenuFindEntry(srchVal, srchProp, matchType, start) {
644 |
var e;
645 |
var sf;
646 |
if (srchVal == "") {return -1;}
647 |
if (!srchProp) {srchProp = "url";}
648 |
if (!matchType) {matchType = "exact";}
649 |
if (!start) {start = 0;}
650 |
if (srchProp == "URL") {srchProp = "url";}
651 |
if (srchProp == "title") {srchProp = "text";}
652 |
eval("sf = cmp_" + matchType);
653 |
for (var i = start; i <= this.count; i++) {
654 |
if (this.entry[i]) {
655 |
e = this.entry[i];
656 |
if (sf(eval("e." + srchProp), srchVal)) {return i;}
657 |
658 |
659 |
return -1;
660 |
661 |
function cmp_exact(c, s) {return (c == s);}
662 |
function cmp_left(c, s) {
663 |
var l = Math.min(c.length, s.length);
664 |
return ((c.substring(1, l) == s.substring(1, l)) && (c != ""));
665 |
666 |
function cmp_right(c, s) {
667 |
var l = Math.min(c.length, s.length);
668 |
return ((c.substring(c.length-l) == s.substring(s.length-l)) && (c != ""));
669 |
670 |
function cmp_contains(c, s) {return (c.indexOf(s) >= 0);}
671 |
function MenuToggle(entryNo, fromClicked) {
672 |
var r = true;
673 |
var e = this.entry[entryNo];
674 |
if (e.onToggle) {var me=e;if(eval(e.onToggle) == false) {r = false;}}
675 |
if (r) {
676 |
var chg = this.setEntry(entryNo, e.isopen ^ 1);
677 |
if (this.linkOnExpand && e.isopen) {
678 |
if (e.url != '') {loadURLInTarget(e.url, e.target);}
679 |
if (!fromClicked) {this.itemClicked(entryNo, true);}
680 |
681 |
if (chg) {this.refresh();}
682 |
683 |
return false;
684 |
685 |
// Other functions
686 |
function DrawMenu(m) {
687 |
688 |
689 |
function browserInfo() {
690 |
this.code = 'unknown';
691 |
this.version = 0;
692 |
this.platform = 'Win';
693 |
var ua = navigator.userAgent;
694 |
var i = ua.indexOf('WebTV');
695 |
if (i >= 0) {
696 |
this.code = 'WebTV';
697 |
i += 6;
698 |
} else {
699 |
i = ua.indexOf('Opera');
700 |
if (i >= 0) {
701 |
this.code = 'OP';
702 |
i = ua.indexOf(') ') + 2;
703 |
} else {
704 |
i = ua.indexOf('MSIE');
705 |
if (i >= 0) {
706 |
this.code = 'MSIE';
707 |
i += 5;
708 |
} else {
709 |
i = ua.indexOf('Mozilla/');
710 |
if (i >= 0) {
711 |
this.code = 'NS';
712 |
i += 8;
713 |
714 |
715 |
716 |
717 |
this.version = parseFloat(ua.substring(i, i+4));
718 |
if (ua.indexOf('Mac') >= 0) {this.platform = 'Mac';}
719 |
if (ua.indexOf('OS/2') >= 0) {this.platform = 'OS/2';}
720 |
if (ua.indexOf('X11') >= 0) {this.platform = 'UNIX';}
721 |
var v = this.version;
722 |
var p = this.platform;
723 |
var NS = (this.code == 'NS');
724 |
var IE = (this.code == 'MSIE');
725 |
var WTV = (this.code == 'WebTV');
726 |
var OP = (this.code == 'OP');
727 |
var OP32up = (OP && (v >= 3.2));
728 |
var OP5up = (OP && (v >= 5));
729 |
var IE4up = (IE && (v >= 4));
730 |
var NS3up = (NS && (v >= 3));
731 |
var NS6up = (NS && (v >= 5));
732 |
733 |
// DR 385942 - Export HTML does not support IE7
734 |
var IE7up = (IE && (v >= 7));
735 |
736 |
this.canCache = NS3up || IE4up || OP32up || WTV;
737 |
this.canOnMouseOut = this.canCache;
738 |
this.canOnError = NS3up || IE4up || OP32up;
739 |
this.canJSVoid = !((NS && !NS3up) || (IE && !IE4up) || (OP && (v < 3.5)));
740 |
this.lineByLine = (v < 4);
741 |
this.mustMoveAfterLoad = NS3up || (IE4up && (p != 'Mac')) || WTV;
742 |
if (NS6up == true) {
743 |
this.reloadMethod = 'reload';
744 |
} else {
745 |
if (IE7up) {
746 |
// for some reason replace with pathname does not work with IE7...
747 |
// use href instead of pathname in this case
748 |
this.reloadMethod = 'replace_no_pathname';
749 |
} else {
750 |
if (NS3up || IE4up || WTV || OP5up) {
751 |
this.reloadMethod = 'replace';
752 |
} else {
753 |
this.reloadMethod = (NS && (v == 2.01) && (p != 'Win')) ? 'timeout' : 'href';
754 |
755 |
756 |
757 |
this.needsMenuSearch = (OP && !OP5up);
758 |
this.canFloat = NS || (IE && !((p == 'Mac') && (v >= 4) && (v < 5)));
759 |
this.hasDHTML = ((NS || IE) && (v >= 4)) && !(IE && (p == 'Mac') && (v < 4.5));
760 |
this.slowDHTML = IE4up || NS6up;
761 |
this.hasW3CDOM = (document.getElementById) ? true : false;
762 |
this.needLM = (!this.hasW3CDOM && NS) || (IE && (p == 'Mac') && (v >= 4.5));
763 |
this.DHTMLRange = IE ? '.all' : '';
764 |
this.DHTMLStyleObj = IE ? '.style' : '';
765 |
this.DHTMLDivHeight = IE ? '.offsetHeight' : '.clip.height';
766 |
767 |
function getWindow() {return (floatingMode) ? myOpener : self;}
768 |
function setStatus(theText) {
769 |
var theWindow = getWindow();
770 |
if (theWindow) {
771 |
theWindow.status = theText;
772 |
if (!theBrowser.canOnMouseOut) {
773 |
774 |
statusTimeout = setTimeout('clearStatus()', 5000);
775 |
776 |
777 |
return true;
778 |
779 |
function clearStatus() {
780 |
var theWindow = getWindow();
781 |
if (theWindow) {theWindow.status = '';}
782 |
783 |
function unloadFloating() {
784 |
if (myOpener) {
785 |
if (myOpener.JoustFrameset) {myOpener.setTimeout('menuClosed();', 100);}
786 |
787 |
788 |
function getMode() {
789 |
var theMode = getParm(document.cookie, 'mode', ';');
790 |
return ((theMode == "Floating") || (theMode == "NoFrames")) ? theMode : "Frames";
791 |
792 |
function smOnError (msg, url, lno) {
793 |
smCallerWin.onerror = oldErrorHandler;
794 |
if (confirm(smSecurityMsg)) {setTimeout('setMode("' + smNewMode + '");', 100);}
795 |
return true;
796 |
797 |
function smSetCookie(theMode) {
798 |
document.cookie = 'mode=' + theMode + '; path=/';
799 |
if (getMode() != theMode) {
800 |
801 |
return false;
802 |
} else {
803 |
return true;
804 |
805 |
806 |
function setMode(theMode, callerWin) {
807 |
smNewMode = theMode
808 |
smCallerWin = (theBrowser.code == 'NS') ? callerWin : self;
809 |
var okToGo = true;
810 |
var currentMode = getMode();
811 |
if (theMode != currentMode) {
812 |
if (currentMode == 'Floating') {
813 |
if (smSetCookie(theMode)) {self.close();}
814 |
} else {
815 |
var dest = '';
816 |
if (theBrowser.canFloat) {
817 |
if ((theMenu.savePage) && (callerWin)) {
818 |
if (theBrowser.canOnError) {
819 |
oldErrorHandler = smCallerWin.onerror;
820 |
smCallerWin.onerror = smOnError;
821 |
822 |
var l = theMenu.contentWin().location;
823 |
var p = l.pathname;
824 |
if (theBrowser.canOnError) {smCallerWin.onerror = oldErrorHandler;}
825 |
if (p) {
826 |
dest = fixPath(p) + l.search;
827 |
} else {
828 |
if (!confirm(smSecurityMsg)) {okToGo = false;}
829 |
830 |
831 |
} else {
832 |
okToGo = false;
833 |
834 |
if (okToGo && smSetCookie(theMode)) {
835 |
if (theMode == 'NoFrames') {
836 |
location.href = (index3 == '') ? ((dest == '') ? '/' : dest) : index3;
837 |
} else {
838 |
location.href = index2 + ((dest == '') ? '' : '?page=' + escape(dest));
839 |
840 |
841 |
842 |
843 |
844 |
function fixPath(p) {
845 |
var i = p.indexOf('?', 0);
846 |
if (i >= 0) {p = p.substring(0,i);}
847 |
if (p.substring(0,2) == '/:') {p = p.substring(p.indexOf('/', 2), p.length);}
848 |
i = p.indexOf('\\', 0);
849 |
while (i >= 0) {
850 |
p = p.substring(0,i) + '/' + p.substring(i+1,p.length);
851 |
i = p.indexOf('\\', i);
852 |
853 |
// UNC path has slashes at the front which does not work so remove one
854 |
if (p.substring(0,3) == '///') {p = p.substring(1, p.length);}
855 |
return p;
856 |
857 |
function fileFromPath(p) {
858 |
p = fixPath(p);
859 |
var i = p.lastIndexOf('\\');
860 |
if (i >= 0) {p = p.substring(i+1,p.length);}
861 |
return p;
862 |
863 |
function getParm(theStr, parm, delim) {
864 |
// returns value of parm from string
865 |
if (theStr.length == 0) {return '';}
866 |
var sPos = theStr.indexOf(parm + "=");
867 |
if (sPos == -1) {return '';}
868 |
sPos = sPos + parm.length + 1;
869 |
var ePos = theStr.indexOf(delim, sPos);
870 |
if (ePos == -1) {ePos = theStr.length;}
871 |
return unescape(theStr.substring(sPos, ePos));
872 |
873 |
function pageFromSearch(def, m, selIt) {
874 |
var s = self.location.search;
875 |
if ((s == null) || (s.length <= 1)) {return def;}
876 |
var p = getParm(s, 'page', '&');
877 |
p = (p != '') ? fixPath(p) : def;
878 |
if (m != null) {
879 |
var e = m.findEntry(p, 'URL', 'exact');
880 |
if ((e != -1) && selIt) {
881 |
m.setEntry(e, true);
882 |
883 |
884 |
885 |
return p;
886 |
887 |
function loadURLInTarget(u, t) {
888 |
var w = eval("self." + t);
889 |
if (!w && myOpener) {w = eval("myOpener." + t);}
890 |
if (!w && ("_top,_parent,_self".indexOf(t) >= 0)) {
891 |
w = eval("getWindow()." + t.substring(1));}
892 |
if (w) {w.location.href = u;} else {window.open(u, t);}
893 |
894 |
function defOnError(msg, url, lno) {
895 |
if (jsErrorMsg == '') {
896 |
return false;
897 |
} else {
898 |
alert(jsErrorMsg + '.\n\nError: ' + msg + '\nPage: ' + url + '\nLine: ' + lno + '\nBrowser: ' + navigator.userAgent);
899 |
return true;
900 |
901 |
902 |
function defaultResizeHandler() {
903 |
if ((theBrowser.code == "NS") && theBrowser.hasDHTML && (self.frames.length != 0)) {
904 |
if (!eval(theMenu.container + ".document.menuBottom")) {
905 |
906 |
907 |
908 |
909 |
// Declare global variables
910 |
var theBrowser = new browserInfo;
911 |
912 |
var jsErrorMsg = 'A JavaScript error has occurred on this page! Please note down the ';
913 |
jsErrorMsg += 'following information and pass it on to the Webmaster.';
914 |
if (theBrowser.canOnError) {self.onerror = defOnError;}
915 |
916 |
var theMenu = new Menu;
917 |
var JoustFrameset = true;
918 |
var statusTimeout = 0;
919 |
var index1 = 'index.htm';
920 |
var index2 = 'index2.htm';
921 |
var index3 = 'index3.htm';
922 |
var smCallerWin;
923 |
var smNewMode;
924 |
var oldErrorHandler;
925 |
var smNoFloat = 'Sorry, your browser does not support this feature!';
926 |
var smCookieMsg = 'You must have Cookies enabled to change the display mode!';
927 |
var smSecurityMsg = 'Due to security restrictions imposed by your browser, I cannot ';
928 |
smSecurityMsg += 'change modes while a page from another server is being displayed. ';
929 |
smSecurityMsg += 'The default home page for this site will be displayed instead.';
930 |
931 |
var floatingMode = (getMode() == 'Floating');
932 |
var myOpener = null;
933 |
if (floatingMode == true) {
934 |
if (self.opener) {
935 |
myOpener = self.opener;
936 |
if (myOpener.JoustFrameset) {myOpener.setTimeout('setGlobals();', 100);}
937 |
} else {
938 |
document.cookie = 'mode=Frames; path=/';
939 |
floatingMode = false;
940 |
941 |
} else {
942 |
if (getMode() != 'Frames') {document.cookie = 'mode=Frames; path=/';}
943 |
944 |
945 |
// ############################ End of Joust ############################
946 |
947 |
function initOutlineIcons(imgStore) {
948 |
var ip = 'images/menu/';
949 |
ip += (theBrowser.platform == 'Mac') ? 'mac/' : ((theBrowser.platform == 'OS/2') ? 'os2/' : 'win/');
950 |
951 |
imgStore.add('iconPlusTop', ip + 'plustop.gif', 18, 16);
952 |
imgStore.add('iconPlus', ip + 'plus.gif', 18, 16);
953 |
imgStore.add('iconPlusBottom', ip + 'plusbottom.gif', 18, 16);
954 |
imgStore.add('iconPlusOnly', ip + 'plusonly.gif', 18, 16);
955 |
imgStore.add('iconMinusTop', ip + 'minustop.gif', 18, 16);
956 |
imgStore.add('iconMinus', ip + 'minus.gif', 18, 16);
957 |
imgStore.add('iconMinusBottom', ip + 'minusbottom.gif', 18, 16);
958 |
imgStore.add('iconMinusOnly', ip + 'minusonly.gif', 18, 16);
959 |
imgStore.add('iconLine', ip + 'line.gif', 18, 16);
960 |
imgStore.add('iconBlank', ip + 'blank.gif', 18, 16);
961 |
imgStore.add('iconJoinTop', ip + 'jointop.gif', 18, 16);
962 |
imgStore.add('iconJoin', ip + 'join.gif', 18, 16);
963 |
imgStore.add('iconJoinBottom', ip + 'joinbottom.gif', 18, 16);
964 |
965 |
//Add folder and document images to the imgStore.
966 |
imgStore.add('Folder', ip + 'folderclosed.gif', 18, 16);
967 |
968 |
var di = 'images/menu/';
969 |
if ((theBrowser.code == 'NS') || (theBrowser.code == 'MSIE')) {
970 |
di += theBrowser.code.toLowerCase() + '_doc';
971 |
imgStore.add('Document', di + '.gif', 18, 16);
972 |
imgStore.add('DocumentMouseOver', di + '_mo.gif', 18, 16);
973 |
imgStore.add('DocumentSelected', di + '_sel.gif', 18, 16);
974 |
} else {
975 |
imgStore.add('Document', di + 'doc.gif', 18, 16);
976 |
977 |
var hdsImages='images/menu/hds/';
978 |
979 |
imgStore.add('ASM', hdsImages+'ASM.gif', 19, 16);
980 |
imgStore.add('ASMSelected', hdsImages+'ASMSel.gif', 19, 16);
981 |
imgStore.add('ASMDef', hdsImages+'ASMDef.gif', 19, 16);
982 |
imgStore.add('ASMDefSelected', hdsImages+'ASMDefSel.gif', 19, 16);
983 |
imgStore.add('ASMConcurrent', hdsImages+'ASMConcurrent.gif', 16, 16);
984 |
imgStore.add('ASMConcurrentSelected', hdsImages+'AsmConcurrentSel.gif', 16, 16);
985 |
986 |
imgStore.add('VHDL', hdsImages+'VhdlSpecView.gif', 16, 16);
987 |
imgStore.add('VHDLSelected', hdsImages+'VhdlSpecViewSel.gif', 16, 16);
988 |
imgStore.add('VHDLArch', hdsImages+'VhdlArch.gif', 19, 16);
989 |
imgStore.add('VHDLArchDef', hdsImages+'VhdlArchDef.gif', 16, 16);
990 |
imgStore.add('VHDLEntity', hdsImages+'VhdlEntity.gif', 16, 16);
991 |
imgStore.add('VhdlGenerate', hdsImages+'VhdlGenerate.gif', 16, 16);
992 |
imgStore.add('VhdlGenerateSelected', hdsImages+'VhdlGenerateSel.gif', 16, 16);
993 |
imgStore.add('Verilog', hdsImages+'VerilogSpecView.gif', 16, 16);
994 |
imgStore.add('VerilogModule', hdsImages+'VerilogModule.gif', 19, 16);
995 |
imgStore.add('VerilogModuleDef', hdsImages+'VerilogModuleDef.gif', 19, 16);
996 |
imgStore.add('VerilogSelected', hdsImages+'VerilogSpecViewSel.gif', 16, 16);
997 |
imgStore.add('VerilogInclude', hdsImages+'VerilogIncludeView.gif', 16, 16);
998 |
imgStore.add('VerilogIncludeSelected', hdsImages+'VerilogIncludeViewSel.gif', 16, 16);
999 |
imgStore.add('BlockDiagram', hdsImages+'BlockDiagramView.gif', 19, 16);
1000 |
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1001 |
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1002 |
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1003 |
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1004 |
imgStore.add('BlockDiagramDefSelected', hdsImages+'BlockDiagramViewDefSel.gif', 19, 16);
1005 |
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1006 |
imgStore.add('StateDiagramDocView', hdsImages+'StateDiagramDocView.gif', 24, 16);
1007 |
imgStore.add('StateDiagramOutOfDateDocView', hdsImages+'StateDiagramOutOfDateDocView.gif', 24, 16);
1008 |
imgStore.add('StateDiagramSelected', hdsImages+'StateDiagramViewSel.gif', 19, 16);
1009 |
imgStore.add('StateDiagramDef', hdsImages+'StateDiagramViewDef.gif', 19, 16);
1010 |
imgStore.add('StateDiagramDefSelected', hdsImages+'StateDiagramViewDefSel.gif', 19, 16);
1011 |
imgStore.add('FlowDiagram', hdsImages+'FlowDiagramView.gif', 19, 16);
1012 |
imgStore.add('FlowDiagramDocView', hdsImages+'FlowDiagramDocView.gif', 24, 16);
1013 |
imgStore.add('FlowDiagramOutOfDateDocView', hdsImages+'FlowDiagramOutOfDateDocView.gif', 24, 16);
1014 |
imgStore.add('FlowDiagramSelected', hdsImages+'FlowDiagramViewSel.gif', 19, 16);
1015 |
imgStore.add('FlowDiagramDef', hdsImages+'FlowDiagramViewDef.gif', 19, 16);
1016 |
imgStore.add('FlowDiagramDefSelected', hdsImages+'FlowDiagramViewDefSel.gif', 19, 16);
1017 |
imgStore.add('TruthTable', hdsImages+'TruthTableView.gif', 19, 16);
1018 |
imgStore.add('TruthTableSelected', hdsImages+'TruthTableViewSel.gif', 19, 16);
1019 |
imgStore.add('TruthTableDef', hdsImages+'TruthTableViewDef.gif', 19, 16);
1020 |
imgStore.add('TruthTableDefSelected', hdsImages+'TruthTableViewDefSel.gif', 19, 16);
1021 |
imgStore.add('IBD', hdsImages+'IBDView.gif', 19, 16);
1022 |
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1023 |
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1024 |
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1025 |
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1026 |
imgStore.add('IBDDefSelected', hdsImages+'IBDViewDefSel.gif', 19, 16);
1027 |
imgStore.add('SmConcurrent', hdsImages+'SmConcurrent.gif', 16, 16);
1028 |
imgStore.add('SmConcurrentSelected', hdsImages+'SmConcurrentSel.gif', 16, 16);
1029 |
imgStore.add('FcConcurrent', hdsImages+'FcConcurrent.gif', 16, 16);
1030 |
imgStore.add('FcConcurrentSelected', hdsImages+'FcConcurrentSel.gif', 16, 16);
1031 |
imgStore.add('MWSymbol', hdsImages+'MWSymbol.gif', 16, 16);
1032 |
imgStore.add('MWSymbolSelected', hdsImages+'MWSymbolSel.gif', 16, 16);
1033 |
imgStore.add('Symbol', hdsImages+'Symbol.gif', 19, 16);
1034 |
imgStore.add('SymbolSelected', hdsImages+'SymbolSel.gif', 19, 16);
1035 |
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1036 |
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1037 |
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1038 |
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1039 |
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1040 |
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1041 |
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1043 |
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1044 |
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1045 |
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1046 |
imgStore.add('UnknownDu', hdsImages+'UnknownDu.gif', 16, 16);
1047 |
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1048 |
1049 |
imgStore.add('Configuration', hdsImages+'Configuration.gif', 16, 16);
1050 |
imgStore.add('PackageBody', hdsImages+'Package.gif', 16, 16);
1051 |
imgStore.add('PackageHeader', hdsImages+'Package.gif', 16, 16);
1052 |
1053 |
imgStore.add('ExternalInstance', hdsImages+'ExternalInstance.gif', 16, 16);
1054 |
imgStore.add('GeneratedModulewareInstance', hdsImages+'GeneratedModulewareInstance.gif', 16, 16);
1055 |
imgStore.add('Instance', hdsImages+'Instance.gif', 16, 16);
1056 |
imgStore.add('InlineModulewareInstance', hdsImages+'InlineModulewareInstance.gif', 16, 16);
1057 |
1058 |
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1059 |
1060 |
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1061 |
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1062 |
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1063 |
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1064 |
1065 |
1066 |
1067 |
1068 |
function initialise() {
1069 |
// Tell joust where to find the various index files it needs
1070 |
index1 = 'R65C02_TCR65C02_TCindex.htm';
1071 |
index2 = 'R65C02_TCR65C02_TCindex2.htm';
1072 |
index3 = 'R65C02_TCR65C02_TCindex3.htm';
1073 |
1074 |
// Set up parameters to control menu behaviour
1075 |
theMenu.autoScrolling = true;
1076 |
theMenu.modalFolders = false;
1077 |
theMenu.linkOnExpand = false;
1078 |
theMenu.toggleOnLink = false;
1079 |
theMenu.showAllAsLinks = true;
1080 |
theMenu.savePage = true;
1081 |
theMenu.tipText = "status";
1082 |
theMenu.selectParents = false;
1083 |
theMenu.name = "theMenu";
1084 |
theMenu.container = "self.menu";
1085 |
theMenu.reverseRef = "parent";
1086 |
theMenu.contentFrame = "text";
1087 |
theMenu.defaultTarget = "text";
1088 |
1089 |
// Initialise all the icons
1090 |
1091 |
1092 |
// IE 4 and 5 are very slow at drawing large DHTML output so to overcome
1093 |
// this disable DHTML support, also applies to NS6
1094 |
1095 |
if (theBrowser.slowDHTML) {theBrowser.hasDHTML = false;}
1096 |
1097 |
// Now set up the menu with a whole lot of addEntry and addChild function calls
1098 |
1099 |
var nodes = new Array();
1100 |
nodes[0] = -1;
1101 |
nodes[1] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[0],
1102 |
'BlockDiagram', 'R65C02_TC/R65C02_TC/struct',
1103 |
1104 |
1105 |
nodes[2] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[1],
1106 |
'Instance', 'U_0 : R65C02_TC.Core',
1107 |
1108 |
'U_0 : R65C02_TC.Core');
1109 |
nodes[3] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[2],
1110 |
'BlockDiagram', 'R65C02_TC/Core/struct',
1111 |
1112 |
1113 |
nodes[4] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[3],
1114 |
'Instance', 'U_0 : R65C02_TC.Reg_PC',
1115 |
1116 |
'U_0 : R65C02_TC.Reg_PC');
1117 |
nodes[5] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[4],
1118 |
'BlockDiagram', 'R65C02_TC/Reg_PC/struct',
1119 |
1120 |
1121 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1122 |
'VHDL', '1: eb1',
1123 |
1124 |
'1: eb1');
1125 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1126 |
'VHDL', '2: eb2',
1127 |
1128 |
'2: eb2');
1129 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1130 |
'VHDL', '3: eb3',
1131 |
1132 |
'3: eb3');
1133 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1134 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_0 : moduleware.adff',
1135 |
1136 |
'U_0 : moduleware.adff');
1137 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1138 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_10 : moduleware.and',
1139 |
1140 |
'U_10 : moduleware.and');
1141 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1142 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_11 : moduleware.addsub',
1143 |
1144 |
'U_11 : moduleware.addsub');
1145 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1146 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_12 : moduleware.addsub',
1147 |
1148 |
'U_12 : moduleware.addsub');
1149 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1150 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_2 : moduleware.inv',
1151 |
1152 |
'U_2 : moduleware.inv');
1153 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1154 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_4 : moduleware.adff',
1155 |
1156 |
'U_4 : moduleware.adff');
1157 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1158 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_5 : moduleware.mux',
1159 |
1160 |
'U_5 : moduleware.mux');
1161 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1162 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_6 : moduleware.and',
1163 |
1164 |
'U_6 : moduleware.and');
1165 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1166 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_7 : moduleware.and',
1167 |
1168 |
'U_7 : moduleware.and');
1169 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1170 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_8 : moduleware.mux',
1171 |
1172 |
'U_8 : moduleware.mux');
1173 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1174 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_9 : moduleware.mux',
1175 |
1176 |
'U_9 : moduleware.mux');
1177 |
nodes[4] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[3],
1178 |
'Instance', 'U_1 : R65C02_TC.Reg_SP',
1179 |
1180 |
'U_1 : R65C02_TC.Reg_SP');
1181 |
nodes[5] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[4],
1182 |
'BlockDiagram', 'R65C02_TC/Reg_SP/struct',
1183 |
1184 |
1185 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1186 |
'VHDL', '2: eb2',
1187 |
1188 |
'2: eb2');
1189 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1190 |
'VHDL', '3: eb3',
1191 |
1192 |
'3: eb3');
1193 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1194 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_0 : moduleware.adff',
1195 |
1196 |
'U_0 : moduleware.adff');
1197 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1198 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_11 : moduleware.addsub',
1199 |
1200 |
'U_11 : moduleware.addsub');
1201 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1202 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_2 : moduleware.inv',
1203 |
1204 |
'U_2 : moduleware.inv');
1205 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1206 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_4 : moduleware.adff',
1207 |
1208 |
'U_4 : moduleware.adff');
1209 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1210 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_5 : moduleware.mux',
1211 |
1212 |
'U_5 : moduleware.mux');
1213 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1214 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_6 : moduleware.and',
1215 |
1216 |
'U_6 : moduleware.and');
1217 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1218 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_7 : moduleware.and',
1219 |
1220 |
'U_7 : moduleware.and');
1221 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1222 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_8 : moduleware.mux',
1223 |
1224 |
'U_8 : moduleware.mux');
1225 |
nodes[4] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[3],
1226 |
'Instance', 'U_2 : R65C02_TC.RegBank_AXY',
1227 |
1228 |
'U_2 : R65C02_TC.RegBank_AXY');
1229 |
nodes[5] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[4],
1230 |
'BlockDiagram', 'R65C02_TC/RegBank_AXY/struct',
1231 |
1232 |
1233 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1234 |
'VHDL', '1: eb1',
1235 |
1236 |
'1: eb1');
1237 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1238 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_0 : moduleware.adff',
1239 |
1240 |
'U_0 : moduleware.adff');
1241 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1242 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_1 : moduleware.decoder1',
1243 |
1244 |
'U_1 : moduleware.decoder1');
1245 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1246 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_2 : moduleware.mux',
1247 |
1248 |
'U_2 : moduleware.mux');
1249 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1250 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_3 : moduleware.mux',
1251 |
1252 |
'U_3 : moduleware.mux');
1253 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1254 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_4 : moduleware.adff',
1255 |
1256 |
'U_4 : moduleware.adff');
1257 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1258 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_5 : moduleware.adff',
1259 |
1260 |
'U_5 : moduleware.adff');
1261 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1262 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_6 : moduleware.and',
1263 |
1264 |
'U_6 : moduleware.and');
1265 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1266 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_7 : moduleware.and',
1267 |
1268 |
'U_7 : moduleware.and');
1269 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1270 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_8 : moduleware.and',
1271 |
1272 |
'U_8 : moduleware.and');
1273 |
nodes[4] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[3],
1274 |
'Instance', 'U_3 : R65C02_TC.ALU',
1275 |
1276 |
'U_3 : R65C02_TC.ALU');
1277 |
nodes[5] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[4],
1278 |
'BlockDiagram', 'R65C02_TC/ALU/struct',
1279 |
1280 |
1281 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1282 |
'VHDL', '3: eb3',
1283 |
1284 |
'3: eb3');
1285 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1286 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_0 : moduleware.sand',
1287 |
1288 |
'U_0 : moduleware.sand');
1289 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1290 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_1 : moduleware.sor',
1291 |
1292 |
'U_1 : moduleware.sor');
1293 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1294 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_10 : moduleware.inv',
1295 |
1296 |
'U_10 : moduleware.inv');
1297 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1298 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_11 : moduleware.sand',
1299 |
1300 |
'U_11 : moduleware.sand');
1301 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1302 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_12 : moduleware.sor',
1303 |
1304 |
'U_12 : moduleware.sor');
1305 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1306 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_13 : moduleware.sand',
1307 |
1308 |
'U_13 : moduleware.sand');
1309 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1310 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_14 : moduleware.inv',
1311 |
1312 |
'U_14 : moduleware.inv');
1313 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1314 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_15 : moduleware.decoder1',
1315 |
1316 |
'U_15 : moduleware.decoder1');
1317 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1318 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_2 : moduleware.sxor',
1319 |
1320 |
'U_2 : moduleware.sxor');
1321 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1322 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_4 : moduleware.inv',
1323 |
1324 |
'U_4 : moduleware.inv');
1325 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1326 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_5 : moduleware.mux',
1327 |
1328 |
'U_5 : moduleware.mux');
1329 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1330 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_7 : moduleware.por',
1331 |
1332 |
'U_7 : moduleware.por');
1333 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1334 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_8 : moduleware.inv',
1335 |
1336 |
'U_8 : moduleware.inv');
1337 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1338 |
'InlineModulewareInstance', 'U_9 : moduleware.inv',
1339 |
1340 |
'U_9 : moduleware.inv');
1341 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1342 |
'Instance', 'U_6 : R65C02_TC.ADD_SUB',
1343 |
1344 |
'U_6 : R65C02_TC.ADD_SUB');
1345 |
nodes[7] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[6],
1346 |
'FlowDiagram', 'R65C02_TC/ADD_SUB/flow',
1347 |
1348 |
1349 |
nodes[8] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[7],
1350 |
'FcConcurrent', 'process0',
1351 |
1352 |
1353 |
nodes[4] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[3],
1354 |
'Instance', 'U_4 : R65C02_TC.fsm_core_V2_0',
1355 |
1356 |
'U_4 : R65C02_TC.fsm_core_V2_0');
1357 |
nodes[5] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[4],
1358 |
'StateDiagram', 'R65C02_TC/fsm_core_V2_0/fsm',
1359 |
1360 |
1361 |
nodes[6] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[5],
1362 |
'SmConcurrent', 'csm',
1363 |
1364 |
1365 |
nodes[7] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[6],
1366 |
'StateDiagram', 'ADC :csm',
1367 |
1368 |
'ADC :csm');
1369 |
nodes[7] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[6],
1370 |
'StateDiagram', 'ASL :csm',
1371 |
1372 |
'ASL :csm');
1373 |
nodes[7] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[6],
1374 |
'StateDiagram', 'ASL1 :csm',
1375 |
1376 |
'ASL1 :csm');
1377 |
nodes[7] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[6],
1378 |
'StateDiagram', 'BEQ :csm',
1379 |
1380 |
'BEQ :csm');
1381 |
nodes[7] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[6],
1382 |
'StateDiagram', 'BIT :csm',
1383 |
1384 |
'BIT :csm');
1385 |
nodes[7] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[6],
1386 |
'StateDiagram', 'BRK :csm',
1387 |
1388 |
'BRK :csm');
1389 |
nodes[7] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[6],
1390 |
'StateDiagram', 'CLC :csm',
1391 |
1392 |
'CLC :csm');
1393 |
nodes[7] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[6],
1394 |
'StateDiagram', 'CLD :csm',
1395 |
1396 |
'CLD :csm');
1397 |
nodes[7] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[6],
1398 |
'StateDiagram', 'CLI :csm',
1399 |
1400 |
'CLI :csm');
1401 |
nodes[7] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[6],
1402 |
'StateDiagram', 'CLV :csm',
1403 |
1404 |
'CLV :csm');
1405 |
nodes[7] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[6],
1406 |
'StateDiagram', 'DEC :csm',
1407 |
1408 |
'DEC :csm');
1409 |
nodes[7] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[6],
1410 |
'StateDiagram', 'DEX :csm',
1411 |
1412 |
'DEX :csm');
1413 |
nodes[7] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[6],
1414 |
'StateDiagram', 'IRQ :csm',
1415 |
1416 |
'IRQ :csm');
1417 |
nodes[7] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[6],
1418 |
'StateDiagram', 'JMP :csm',
1419 |
1420 |
'JMP :csm');
1421 |
nodes[7] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[6],
1422 |
'StateDiagram', 'JSR :csm',
1423 |
1424 |
'JSR :csm');
1425 |
nodes[7] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[6],
1426 |
'StateDiagram', 'LDA :csm',
1427 |
1428 |
'LDA :csm');
1429 |
nodes[7] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[6],
1430 |
'StateDiagram', 'LSR1 :csm',
1431 |
1432 |
'LSR1 :csm');
1433 |
nodes[7] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[6],
1434 |
'StateDiagram', 'NMI :csm',
1435 |
1436 |
'NMI :csm');
1437 |
nodes[7] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[6],
1438 |
'StateDiagram', 'NOP :csm',
1439 |
1440 |
'NOP :csm');
1441 |
nodes[7] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[6],
1442 |
'StateDiagram', 'PHA :csm',
1443 |
1444 |
'PHA :csm');
1445 |
nodes[7] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[6],
1446 |
'StateDiagram', 'PHP :csm',
1447 |
1448 |
'PHP :csm');
1449 |
nodes[7] = theMenu.addChild(nodes[6],
1450 |
'StateDiagram', 'PLA :csm',
1451 |
1452 |
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1454 |
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1455 |
1456 |
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1457 |
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1458 |
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1459 |
1460 |
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1463 |
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1467 |
1468 |
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1471 |
1472 |
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1473 |
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1474 |
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1475 |
1476 |
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1477 |
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1478 |
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1479 |
1480 |
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1481 |
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1482 |
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1483 |
1484 |
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1487 |
1488 |
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1490 |
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1491 |
1492 |
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1493 |
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1494 |
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1495 |
1496 |
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1497 |
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1498 |
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1499 |
1500 |
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1502 |
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1503 |
1504 |
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1505 |
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1506 |
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1507 |
1508 |
1509 |
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1510 |
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1511 |
1512 |
1513 |
1514 |
1515 |
1516 |
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1517 |
1518 |
1519 |
1520 |
1521 |
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1525 |
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1526 |
// worked out why but this will detect that situation and reset the location property.
1527 |
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1528 |
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1529 |
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1530 |
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1531 |
1532 |
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1533 |
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1534 |
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1535 |
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1536 |
1537 |
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1539 |
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1540 |
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1541 |
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1542 |
1543 |
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1544 |
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1545 |
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1547 |
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1548 |
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1549 |
1550 |
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1551 |
1552 |
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<h1>Joust Outliner</h1>
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<P>Your browser does not support JavaScript (if you are using Netscape 3 or higher or Microsoft Internet
1561 |
Explorer 4 or higher you may have JavaScript turned off in your preferences), so this page,
1562 |
does not include site navigation features. If you use
1563 |
a JavaScript-capable browser, such as Microsoft <A HREF="http://microsoft.com/ie/ie.htm">Internet
1564 |
Explorer version 3.0</A> or <A HREF="http://www.netscape.com/comprod/mirror/">Netscape Navigator
1565 |
version 2.0</A>, you'll have a much more pleasant experience navigating around this site.</P>
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1567 |
<P><I><B>Opera Users:</B> Although Opera 3.0 supports JavaScript, there is a bug in their implementation
1568 |
which prevents the menu system on this site from working. Opera 3.2 fixes the problem.</I></P>
1569 |
1570 |
<P><I><B>Note:</B> There is a know bug in Netscape Navigator version 4.0.x which will cause you to see this message
1571 |
if you have the local cache turned off.</I></P>
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<P>If you have any problems with this site, please contact the Webmaster.</P>
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<A HREF="robots.htm"> </A>
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