1 |
2 |
fpga_is_fu |
var svgdoc;
2 |
var svgNS = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
3 |
var xlinkNS = "http://www.w3.org/2000/xlink/namespace/";
4 |
var myMapApp = new mapApp();
5 |
var myMainMap;
6 |
7 |
function init(evt) {
8 |
9 |
10 |
svgdoc = evt.target.ownerDocument;
11 |
12 |
// mapWidth, the minimal zoomValue, the maximal zoomValue, and a zoomStep value (in our case 60% of the previous view).
13 |
myMainMap = new map("mainMap",912,100,1000,0.6);
14 |
//set constraints to draggable rect in reference map
15 |
16 |
17 |
//holds data on window size
18 |
function mapApp() {
19 |
20 |
21 |
//holds data on map
22 |
function map(mapName,origWidth,minZoom,maxZoom,zoomFact) {
23 |
var mapSVG = svgdoc.getElementById(mapName);
24 |
this.mapName = mapName;
25 |
this.origWidth = origWidth;
26 |
this.minZoom = minZoom;
27 |
this.maxZoom = maxZoom;
28 |
this.zoomFact = zoomFact;
29 |
this.pixXOffset = parseFloat(mapSVG.getAttributeNS(null,"x"));
30 |
this.pixYOffset = parseFloat(mapSVG.getAttributeNS(null,"y"));
31 |
viewBoxArray = mapSVG.getAttributeNS(null,"viewBox").split(" ");
32 |
this.curxOrig = parseFloat(viewBoxArray[0]);
33 |
this.curyOrig = parseFloat(viewBoxArray[1]);
34 |
this.curWidth = parseFloat(viewBoxArray[2]);
35 |
this.curHeight = parseFloat(viewBoxArray[3]);
36 |
this.pixWidth = parseFloat(mapSVG.getAttributeNS(null,"width"));
37 |
this.pixHeight = parseFloat(mapSVG.getAttributeNS(null,"height"));
38 |
this.pixXOrig = parseFloat(mapSVG.getAttributeNS(null,"x"));
39 |
this.pixYOrig = parseFloat(mapSVG.getAttributeNS(null,"y"));
40 |
this.pixSize = this.curWidth / this.pixWidth;
41 |
this.zoomVal = this.origWidth / this.curWidth * 100;
42 |
43 |
44 |
//calculate ratio and offset values of app window
45 |
mapApp.prototype.resetFactors = function() {
46 |
var svgroot = svgdoc.documentElement;
47 |
if (!svgroot.getScreenCTM) {
48 |
//case for ASV3 and Corel
49 |
var viewBoxArray = svgroot.getAttributeNS(null,"viewBox").split(" ");
50 |
var myRatio = viewBoxArray[2]/viewBoxArray[3];
51 |
if ((window.innerWidth/window.innerHeight) > myRatio) { //case window is more wide than myRatio
52 |
this.scaleFactor = viewBoxArray[3] / window.innerHeight;
53 |
54 |
else { //case window is more tall than myRatio
55 |
this.scaleFactor = viewBoxArray[2] / window.innerWidth;
56 |
57 |
this.offsetX = (window.innerWidth - viewBoxArray[2] * 1 / this.scaleFactor) / 2;
58 |
this.offsetY = (window.innerHeight - viewBoxArray[3] * 1 / this.scaleFactor) / 2;
59 |
60 |
61 |
mapApp.prototype.calcCoord = function(coordx,coordy) {
62 |
var svgroot = svgdoc.documentElement;
63 |
var coords = new Array();
64 |
if (!svgroot.getScreenCTM) {
65 |
//case ASV3 a. Corel
66 |
coords["x"] = (coordx - this.offsetX) * this.scaleFactor;
67 |
coords["y"] = (coordy - this.offsetY) * this.scaleFactor;
68 |
69 |
else {
70 |
71 |
coords["x"]= matrix.inverse().a*coordx+matrix.inverse().c*coordy+matrix.inverse().e;
72 |
coords["y"]= matrix.inverse().b*coordx+matrix.inverse().d*coordy+matrix.inverse().f;
73 |
74 |
return coords;
75 |
76 |
77 |
78 |
//scrollable Map
79 |
80 |
//make an element draggable with constraints
81 |
function dragObj(dragId,constrXmin,constrXmax,constrYmin,constrYmax,refPoint) {
82 |
this.dragId = dragId;
83 |
this.constrXmin = constrXmin;
84 |
this.constrXmax = constrXmax;
85 |
this.constrYmin = constrYmin;
86 |
this.constrYmax = constrYmax;
87 |
this.refPoint = refPoint;
88 |
this.status = "false";
89 |
90 |
dragObj.prototype.drag = function(evt) {
91 |
//works only for rect and use-elements
92 |
var myDragElement = evt.target;
93 |
if (evt.type == "mousedown") {
94 |
var coords = myMapApp.calcCoord(evt.clientX,evt.clientY);
95 |
this.curX = coords["x"];
96 |
this.curY = coords["y"];
97 |
this.status = "true";
98 |
99 |
if (evt.type == "mousemove" && this.status == "true") {
100 |
var coords = myMapApp.calcCoord(evt.clientX,evt.clientY);
101 |
var newEvtX = coords["x"];
102 |
var newEvtY = coords["y"];
103 |
var bBox = myDragElement.getBBox();
104 |
if (this.refPoint == "ul") {
105 |
var toMoveX = bBox.x + newEvtX - this.curX;
106 |
var toMoveY = bBox.y + newEvtY - this.curY;
107 |
108 |
else {
109 |
//refPoint = center
110 |
var toMoveX = bBox.x + bBox.width / 2 + newEvtX - this.curX;
111 |
var toMoveY = bBox.y + bBox.height / 2 + newEvtY - this.curY;
112 |
113 |
if ((bBox.x + newEvtX - this.curX) < this.constrXmin) {
114 |
if(this.refPoint == "ul") {
115 |
toMoveX = this.constrXmin;
116 |
117 |
else {
118 |
toMoveX = this.constrXmin + bBox.width / 2;
119 |
120 |
121 |
if ((bBox.x + newEvtX - this.curX + bBox.width) > this.constrXmax) {
122 |
if(this.refPoint == "ul") {
123 |
toMoveX = this.constrXmax - bBox.width;
124 |
125 |
else {
126 |
toMoveX = this.constrXmax - bBox.width / 2;
127 |
128 |
129 |
if ((bBox.y + newEvtY - this.curY) < this.constrYmin) {
130 |
if(this.refPoint == "ul") {
131 |
toMoveY = this.constrYmin;
132 |
133 |
else {
134 |
toMoveY = this.constrYmin + bBox.height / 2;
135 |
136 |
137 |
if ((bBox.y + bBox.height + newEvtY - this.curY) > this.constrYmax) {
138 |
if(this.refPoint == "ul") {
139 |
toMoveY = this.constrYmax - bBox.height;
140 |
141 |
else {
142 |
toMoveY = this.constrYmax - bBox.height / 2;
143 |
144 |
145 |
146 |
147 |
this.curX = newEvtX;
148 |
this.curY = newEvtY;
149 |
150 |
if (evt.type == "mouseup" || evt.type == "mouseout") {
151 |
this.status = "false";
152 |
153 |
if (evt.type == "mouseup" || evt.type == "mouseout") {
154 |
this.status = "false";
155 |
156 |