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<title>CPLD Timing Analysis Glossary</title>
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<p>This report is the result of a static timing analysis of your design
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after it has been fit in the device that you selected. The timing values
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given represent the worst-case values over the recommended operating conditions
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for the part. </p>
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<p>The timing report consists of a series of sections: </p>
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<p>This table summarizes the external timing parameters for your device,
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including <a href="#tPD"><!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->tPD<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}--></a>,
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<a href="#tCO"><!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->tCO<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}--></a>,
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<a href="#tSU"><!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->tSU<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}--></a>,
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<a href="#tCYC"><!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->tCYC<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}--></a>,
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and <a href="#fSYSTEM"><!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->fSYSTEM<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}--></a>.
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<!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}--> <!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->For a more
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detailed description of the timing model for your device, please refer
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to the application notes linked below.</p>
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<h2>Timing Constraints</h2>
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<p>This section reports on any timing constraints that you created for
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your design. Timing constraints can be entered using the Constraints Editor
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tool, or by editing an Implementation Constraints File directly. For more
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information on creating timing constraints, see the Constraints Guide.
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<p class=Note><span style="font-weight: bold;">Note</span> that if you
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did not define any constraints for your design, then the timing analysis
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software will automatically create a default set of constraints for you.
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These include pad-to-pad, register-to-register, pad-to-register, and period
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constraints. A constraint value of 0 <!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->ns<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}-->
77 |
will be used for all of these automatically generated constraints. As
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a result, all paths listed under each constraint will violate the constraint,
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and will have a negative value for slack.</p>
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<p class=Note><span style="font-weight: bold;">Note</span> also that to
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limit the size of the report, each path endpoint involved in a timing
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path will only be listed once, under a single constraint. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}--> <!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}--></p>
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<p>For each timing path listed under a constraint, there is a hyperlink
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that can be used to open a window listing the individual internal delay
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elements traversed in the path. To understand these delay elements, consult
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the <a href="#Definitions">Definitions</a> section below, or the following
89 |
application notes and white papers: </p>
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<p><a href="http://www.xilinx.com/apps/epld.htm#CoolRunner2">XAPP375: Understanding
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the <!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->CoolRunner-II<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}-->
93 |
Timing Model</a> </p>
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<p><a href="http://www.xilinx.com/publications/whitepapers/index.htm">WP122:
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Using the <!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->CoolRunner<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}-->
97 |
XPLA3 Timing Model</a> </p>
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<p><a href="http://www.xilinx.com/apps/epld.htm#CoolRunner2">XAPP071: Using
100 |
the XC9500 Timing Model</a> </p>
101 |
102 |
<p><a href="http://www.xilinx.com/apps/epld.htm#CoolRunner2">XAPP111: Using
103 |
the XC9500XL Timing Model</a></p>
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<p><a href="http://www.xilinx.com/apps/epld.htm#CoolRunner2"><!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->XAPP<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}-->
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362: Using the XC9500XV Timing Model</a></p>
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<p>available in the literature section of <a href="http://www.xilinx.com"><!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->www.xilinx.com</a>.<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}-->
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<h2>Data Sheet Report</h2>
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<p>This section of the report lists the external timing parameters for
114 |
your design. This includes; maximum external clock speed for each clock,
115 |
setup and hold times for each registered input, clock-to-output pad timing
116 |
for each registered output, clock to setup time for each register-to-register
117 |
timing path, and pad-to-pad time for each combinatorial path through your
118 |
design. </p>
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<h2>Going Further</h2>
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<p>To do more advanced timing analysis of your design, select the process
123 |
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Analyze Post-Fit Static Timing</span>
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in <!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->iSE<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}-->. This
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will run <!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->Xilinx's<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}-->
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Timing Analyzer tool interactively. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}--> <!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->The
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Timing Analyzer provides a powerful, flexible, and easy way to perform
128 |
static timing analysis on <!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->FPGA<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}-->
129 |
and <!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->CPLD<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}--> designs.
130 |
With Timing Analyzer, analysis can be performed immediately after mapping,
131 |
placing or routing an <!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->FPGA<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}-->
132 |
design, and after fitting and routing a <!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->CPLD<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}-->
133 |
design. </p>
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<p>Timing Analyzer verifies that the delay along a given path or paths
136 |
meets specified timing requirements. It organizes and displays data that
137 |
allows you to analyze critical paths in a circuit, the cycle time of the
138 |
circuit, the delay along any specified <!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->path(s<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}-->),
139 |
and the path with the greatest delay. It also provides a quick analysis
140 |
of the effect different speed grades have on the same design. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}--> <!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}--></p>
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<p>Timing Analyzer performs setup and hold checks (skew analysis). It works
143 |
with synchronous systems composed of synchronous elements and combinatorial
144 |
logic. In synchronous design, Timing Analyzer takes into account all path
145 |
delays, including clock-to-out and setup requirements, while calculating
146 |
the worst-case timing of the design. </p>
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<p>Timing Analyzer creates timing analysis reports based on existing timing
149 |
constraints or user specified paths within the program. Timing reports
150 |
have a hierarchical browser to quickly jump to different sections of the
151 |
reports. Timing paths in reports can be cross probed to synthesis tools
152 |
(Exemplar and <!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->Synplicity<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}-->)
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and <!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->Floorplanner<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}-->.
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<p>There are several ways to issue commands in Timing Analyzer. Timing
157 |
Analyzer can be controlled through <!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->GUI<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}-->
158 |
features (menu commands) or its comprehensive macro command language facility.
159 |
You can select from menus, click toolbar buttons, type keyboard commands
160 |
in the console window, and run macros. </p>
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<h1><a name=Definitions></a>Definitions</h1>
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<h2><a name=tPD></a>Pad to Pad (<!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->tPD<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}-->)
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<p>Reports pad to pad paths that start at input pads and end at output
168 |
pads. The maximum external pad to pad delay. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}--> <!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->Combinatorial
169 |
pad-to-pad paths begin at input pads, propagate through one or more levels
170 |
of combinatorial logic and end at output pads. Combinatorial paths also
171 |
trace through the enable inputs of 3-state controlled pads. Combinatorial
172 |
paths are not traced through clock, and asynchronous set and reset inputs
173 |
of registers. These paths are also broken at bidirectional pins</p>
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<h2><a name=tCO></a>Clock Pad to Output Pad (<!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->tCO<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}-->)
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<p>The maximum external clock pad to output pad delay. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}--> <!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->Reports
179 |
paths that start at input <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}--> <!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->pads
180 |
trace through clock inputs of <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}--> <!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->registers
181 |
and end at output pads. Paths are not traced through PRE/<!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->CLR<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}-->
182 |
<!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}--> <!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->inputs
183 |
of registers. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}--> <!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->You
184 |
can directly specify <!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->tCO<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}-->
185 |
for all registered output paths in your design using the Pad-to-Pad <!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->timespec<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}-->.
186 |
Clock-Pad-to-Pad paths for global clocks begin at global clock pads, propagate
187 |
through global clock buffers, and propagate through the flip-flop <!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->Q<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}-->
188 |
output and any number of levels of combinatorial logic and end at the
189 |
output pad. Clock-Pad-to-Pad paths for product term clock paths begin
190 |
at input pads, propagate through any number of logic levels feeding into
191 |
a clock product term, propagate through the flip-flop <!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->Q<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}-->
192 |
output and any number of levels of combinatorial logic and end at the
193 |
output pad. Clock-Pad-to-Pad paths also trace through the enable inputs
194 |
of 3-state controlled pads.</p>
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<h2><a name=tSU></a>Setup to Clock at Pad (<!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->tSU<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}-->
197 |
or <!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->tSUF<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}-->) </h2>
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199 |
<p>Reports external setup time of data <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}--> <!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->to
200 |
clock at pad. Data path starts at an input pad and ends at register <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}--> <!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->(Fast
201 |
Input Register for <!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->tSUF<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}-->)
202 |
D/<!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->T<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}--> <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}--> <!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->input.
203 |
Clock path starts at input pad and ends at the register clock input. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}--> <!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->Paths
204 |
are not traced through registers. Pin-to-pin setup requirement is not
205 |
reported or guaranteed for product-term clocks derived from <!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->macrocell<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}-->
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feedback signals. </p>
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<p>The minimum required setup time for flip-flops. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}--> <!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->You
209 |
can specify the <!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->tSU<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}-->
210 |
(setup-to-clock) for all inputs in your design relative to a global clock
211 |
or product term clock. Each <!--kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}-->tSU<!--kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}-->
212 |
OFFSET timespec involves an input path and a clock path. Input paths start
213 |
at input pads, propagate through input buffers and any number of combinatorial
214 |
logic levels before ending at a flip-flop D/T input, including the receiving
215 |
flip-flop's tSU. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}--> <!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->Input
216 |
paths are not traced through flip-flop clock pins, asynchronous set/reset
217 |
inputs or bidirectional I/O pins. Global clock paths start at global clock
218 |
pads, propagate through global clock buffers and end at the flip-flop
219 |
clock pin. Product term clock paths start at input pads, propagate through
220 |
a single level of logic implemented in a clock product term and end at
221 |
the flip-flop clock pin.</p>
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<h2><a name=tCYC></a>Clock to Setup (tCYC) </h2>
224 |
225 |
<p>Register to register cycle time. Includes source register tCO and destination
226 |
register tSU. </p>
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228 |
<p class=Note><span style="font-weight: bold;">Note</span> that when the
229 |
computed Maximum Clock Speed is limited by tCYC, it is computed assuming
230 |
that all registers are rising-edge sensitive. </p>
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<h2><a name=fSYSTEM></a>fSYSTEM </h2>
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<p>Maximum clock operating frequency. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}--> <!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->You
235 |
can specify the fSYSTEM (clock frequency or period) for all registered
236 |
paths in your design using a Register-to-Register timespec. Register-to-Register
237 |
paths begin at flip-flop clock inputs, propagate through the flip-flop
238 |
Q output and any number of levels of combinatorial logic and end at the
239 |
receiving flip-flop D/T input, including the receiving flip-flop's tSU.
240 |
When these flip-flops are clocked by the same clock, the delay on this
241 |
path is equivalent to the cycle time of the clock. Registered paths do
242 |
not propagate through clock, and asynchronous set and reset inputs of
243 |
registers as shown below. These paths are also broken at bidirectional
244 |
245 |
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<p> </p>
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