1 |
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samiam9512 |
2 |
-- This circuit accepts a serial datastream and clock from a PS/2 keyboard
3 |
-- and outputs the scancode for any key that is pressed.
4 |
5 |
-- Notes:
6 |
7 |
-- 1. The clock from the PS/2 keyboard does not drive the clock inputs of
8 |
-- any of the registers in this circuit. Instead, it is sampled at the
9 |
-- frequency of the main clock input and edges are extracted from the samples.
10 |
-- So you have to apply a main clock that is substantially faster than
11 |
-- the 10 KHz PS/2 clock. It should be 200 KHz or more.
12 |
13 |
-- 2. The scancode is only valid when the ready signal is high. The scancode
14 |
-- should be registered by an external circuit on the first clock edge
15 |
-- after the ready signal goes high.
16 |
17 |
-- 3. The ready signal pulses only after the key is released.
18 |
19 |
-- 4. The error flag is set whenever the PS/2 clock stops pulsing and the
20 |
-- PS/2 clock is either at a low level or less than 11 bits of serial
21 |
-- data have been received (start + 8 data + parity + stop). The circuit
22 |
-- locks up once an error is detected and will not resume operation until
23 |
-- a reset is applied.
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
library IEEE;
29 |
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
30 |
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
31 |
32 |
33 |
package ps2_kbd_pckg is
34 |
component ps2_kbd
35 |
36 |
18 |
samiam9512 |
FREQ : natural := 50_000 -- frequency of the main clock (KHz)
37 |
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38 |
39 |
clk : in std_logic; -- main clock
40 |
rst : in std_logic; -- asynchronous reset
41 |
ps2_clk : in std_logic; -- clock from keyboard
42 |
ps2_data : in std_logic; -- data from keyboard
43 |
scancode : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- key scancode
44 |
parity : out std_logic; -- parity bit for scancode
45 |
busy : out std_logic; -- busy receiving scancode
46 |
rdy : out std_logic; -- scancode ready pulse
47 |
error : out std_logic -- error receiving scancode
48 |
49 |
end component ps2_kbd;
50 |
end package ps2_kbd_pckg;
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 |
library IEEE;
55 |
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
56 |
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
57 |
58 |
59 |
entity ps2_kbd is
60 |
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samiam9512 |
FREQ : natural := 50_000 -- frequency of the main clock (KHz)
62 |
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samiam9512 |
63 |
64 |
clk : in std_logic; -- main clock
65 |
rst : in std_logic; -- asynchronous reset
66 |
ps2_clk : in std_logic; -- clock from keyboard
67 |
ps2_data : in std_logic; -- data from keyboard
68 |
scancode : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- key scancode
69 |
parity : out std_logic; -- parity bit for scancode
70 |
busy : out std_logic; -- busy receiving scancode
71 |
rdy : out std_logic; -- scancode ready pulse
72 |
error : out std_logic -- error receiving scancode
73 |
74 |
end entity ps2_kbd;
75 |
76 |
77 |
architecture arch of ps2_kbd is
78 |
79 |
constant YES : std_logic := '1';
80 |
constant NO : std_logic := '0';
81 |
constant PS2_FREQ : natural := 10; -- keyboard clock frequency (KHz)
82 |
constant TIMEOUT : natural := FREQ / PS2_FREQ; -- ps2_clk quiet timeout
83 |
constant KEY_RELEASE : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "11110000"; -- scancode sent when key is released
84 |
85 |
signal timer_x, timer_r : natural range 0 to TIMEOUT; -- counts time since last PS/2 clock edge
86 |
signal bitcnt_x, bitcnt_r : natural range 0 to 11; -- counts number of received scancode bits
87 |
signal ps2_clk_x, ps2_clk_r : std_logic_vector(5 downto 1); -- PS/2 clock synchronization / edge detect shift register
88 |
signal ps2_clk_fall_edge : std_logic; -- pulses on falling edge of PS/2 clock
89 |
signal ps2_clk_rise_edge : std_logic; -- pulses on rising edge of PS/2 clock
90 |
signal ps2_clk_edge : std_logic; -- pulses on either edge of PS/2 clock
91 |
signal ps2_clk_quiet : std_logic; -- pulses when no edges on PS/2 clock for TIMEOUT
92 |
signal sc_x, sc_r : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); -- scancode shift register
93 |
signal keyrel_x, keyrel_r : std_logic; -- this flag is set when the key release scancode is received
94 |
signal scancode_rdy : std_logic; -- indicates when any scancode has been received
95 |
signal rdy_x, rdy_r : std_logic; -- this flag is set when scancode for the pressed key is ready
96 |
signal error_x, error_r : std_logic; -- this flag is set when an error occurs
97 |
98 |
99 |
100 |
-- shift the level on the PS/2 clock into a shift register
101 |
ps2_clk_x <= ps2_clk_r(4 downto 1) & ps2_clk;
102 |
103 |
-- look at the PS/2 clock levels stored in the shift register and find rising or falling edges
104 |
ps2_clk_fall_edge <= YES when ps2_clk_r(5 downto 2) = "1100" else NO;
105 |
ps2_clk_rise_edge <= YES when ps2_clk_r(5 downto 2) = "0011" else NO;
106 |
ps2_clk_edge <= ps2_clk_fall_edge or ps2_clk_rise_edge;
107 |
108 |
-- shift the keyboard scancode into the shift register on the falling edge of the PS/2 clock
109 |
sc_x <= ps2_data & sc_r(9 downto 1) when ps2_clk_fall_edge = YES else sc_r;
110 |
111 |
-- clear the timer right after a PS/2 clock edge and then keep incrementing it until the next edge
112 |
timer_x <= 0 when ps2_clk_edge = YES else timer_r + 1;
113 |
114 |
-- indicate when the PS/2 clock has stopped pulsing and is at a high level.
115 |
ps2_clk_quiet <= YES when timer_r = TIMEOUT and ps2_clk_r(2) = '1' else NO;
116 |
117 |
-- increment the bit counter on each falling edge of the PS/2 clock.
118 |
-- reset the bit counter if the PS/2 clock stops pulsing or if there was an error receiving the scancode.
119 |
-- otherwise, keep the bit counter unchanged.
120 |
bitcnt_x <= bitcnt_r + 1 when ps2_clk_fall_edge = YES else
121 |
122 |
123 |
124 |
-- a scancode has been received if the bit counter is 11 and the PS/2 clock has stopped pulsing
125 |
scancode_rdy <= YES when bitcnt_r = 11 and ps2_clk_quiet = YES else NO;
126 |
127 |
-- look for the scancode sent when the key is released
128 |
keyrel_x <= YES when sc_r(scancode'range) = KEY_RELEASE and scancode_rdy = YES else
129 |
NO when rdy_r = YES or error_r = YES else
130 |
131 |
132 |
-- the scancode for the pressed key arrives after receiving the key-release scancode
133 |
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samiam9512 |
-- Changed: removed key release requirement, send all keys up.
134 |
-- rdy_x <= YES when keyrel_r = YES and scancode_rdy = YES else NO;
135 |
rdy_x <= YES when scancode_rdy = YES else NO;
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samiam9512 |
137 |
-- indicate an error if the clock is low for too long or if it stops pulsing in the middle of a scancode
138 |
error_x <= YES when (timer_r = TIMEOUT and ps2_clk_r(2) = '0') or
139 |
(ps2_clk_quiet = YES and bitcnt_r/=11 and bitcnt_r/=0) else
140 |
141 |
142 |
scancode <= sc_r(scancode'range); -- output scancode
143 |
parity <= sc_r(scancode'high+1); -- output parity bit for the scancode
144 |
busy <= YES when bitcnt_r/=0 else NO; -- output busy signal when receiving a scancode
145 |
rdy <= rdy_r; -- output scancode ready flag
146 |
error <= error_r; -- output error flag
147 |
148 |
-- update the various registers
149 |
process(rst, clk)
150 |
151 |
if rst = YES then
152 |
ps2_clk_r <= (others => '1'); -- start by assuming PS/2 clock has been high for a while
153 |
sc_r <= (others => '0'); -- clear scancode register
154 |
keyrel_r <= NO; -- key-release scancode has not been received yet
155 |
rdy_r <= NO; -- no scancodes received yet
156 |
timer_r <= 0; -- clear PS/2 clock pulse timer
157 |
bitcnt_r <= 0; -- clear scancode bit counter
158 |
error_r <= NO; -- clear any errors
159 |
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
160 |
ps2_clk_r <= ps2_clk_x;
161 |
sc_r <= sc_x;
162 |
keyrel_r <= keyrel_x;
163 |
rdy_r <= rdy_x;
164 |
timer_r <= timer_x;
165 |
bitcnt_r <= bitcnt_x;
166 |
error_r <= error_x;
167 |
end if;
168 |
end process;
169 |
170 |
end architecture arch;