1 |
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dgisselq |
2 |
3 |
## Filename: Makefile
4 |
5 |
## Project: A Doubletime Pipelined FFT
6 |
7 |
## Purpose: This programs the build process for the test benches
8 |
## associated with the double clocked FFT project. These
9 |
36 |
dgisselq |
## test benches are designed for the size and arguments of the FFT as
10 |
## given by the Makefile in the trunk/sw directory, although they shouldn't
11 |
## be too difficult to modify for other FFT parameters.
12 |
16 |
dgisselq |
13 |
36 |
dgisselq |
## Please note that running these test benches requires access to the
14 |
## *cmem_*.hex files found in trunk/rtl. I usually soft link
15 |
## them into this directory, but such linking is not currently part of
16 |
## this makefile or the build scripts.
17 |
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dgisselq |
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## Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
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30 |
dgisselq |
## Gisselquist Technology, LLC
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dgisselq |
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dgisselq |
## Copyright (C) 2015,2018 Gisselquist Technology, LLC
24 |
16 |
dgisselq |
25 |
## This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
26 |
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
27 |
## by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
28 |
## your option) any later version.
29 |
30 |
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
31 |
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
32 |
## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
33 |
## for more details.
34 |
35 |
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
36 |
## with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory, run make with no
37 |
## target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
38 |
## for a copy.
39 |
40 |
## License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on www.gnu.org,
41 |
## http:##www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
36 |
dgisselq |
all: mpy_tb bitreverse_tb hwbfly_tb butterfly_tb fftstage_tb fft_tb
46 |
all: qtrstage_tb laststage_tb test
47 |
3 |
dgisselq |
48 |
36 |
dgisselq |
OBJDR:= ../../rtl/obj_dir
49 |
VSRCD = ../../rtl
50 |
16 |
dgisselq |
TBODR:= ../rtl/obj_dir
51 |
35 |
dgisselq |
ifneq ($(VERILATOR_ROOT),)
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 |
VERILATOR_ROOT ?= $(shell bash -c 'verilator -V|grep VERILATOR_ROOT | head -1 | sed -e " s/^.*=\s*//"')
56 |
57 |
export $(VERILATOR)
58 |
32 |
dgisselq |
59 |
35 |
dgisselq |
VDEFS:= $(shell ./vversion.sh)
60 |
32 |
dgisselq |
VINC := -I$(VROOT)/include -I$(OBJDR)/ -I$(TBODR)/
61 |
29 |
dgisselq |
# MPYLB:= $(OBJDR)/Vshiftaddmpy__ALL.a
62 |
MPYLB:= $(OBJDR)/Vlongbimpy__ALL.a
63 |
36 |
dgisselq |
BTREV:= $(OBJDR)/Vbitreverse__ALL.a
64 |
STAGE:= $(OBJDR)/Vfftstage__ALL.a
65 |
3 |
dgisselq |
QTRSG:= $(OBJDR)/Vqtrstage__ALL.a
66 |
36 |
dgisselq |
LSTSG:= $(OBJDR)/Vlaststage__ALL.a
67 |
5 |
dgisselq |
BFLYL:= $(OBJDR)/Vbutterfly__ALL.a
68 |
22 |
dgisselq |
HWBFY:= $(OBJDR)/Vhwbfly__ALL.a
69 |
6 |
dgisselq |
FFTLB:= $(OBJDR)/Vfftmain__ALL.a
70 |
16 |
dgisselq |
IFTLB:= $(TBODR)/Vifft_tb__ALL.a
71 |
36 |
dgisselq |
STGLB:= $(OBJDR)/Vfftstage__ALL.a
72 |
35 |
dgisselq |
VSRCS:= $(VROOT)/include/verilated.cpp $(VROOT)/include/verilated_vcd_c.cpp
73 |
3 |
dgisselq |
74 |
29 |
dgisselq |
mpy_tb: mpy_tb.cpp fftsize.h twoc.h $(MPYLB)
75 |
35 |
dgisselq |
g++ -g $(VINC) $(VDEFS) $< twoc.cpp $(MPYLB) $(VSRCS) -o $@
76 |
3 |
dgisselq |
77 |
36 |
dgisselq |
bitreverse_tb: bitreverse_tb.cpp twoc.cpp twoc.h fftsize.h $(BTREV)
78 |
g++ -g $(VINC) $(VDEFS) $< twoc.cpp $(BTREV) $(VSRCS) -o $@
79 |
3 |
dgisselq |
80 |
36 |
dgisselq |
laststage_tb: laststage_tb.cpp twoc.cpp twoc.h $(LSTSG)
81 |
g++ -g $(VINC) $(VDEFS) $< twoc.cpp $(LSTSG) $(VSRCS) -o $@
82 |
3 |
dgisselq |
83 |
23 |
dgisselq |
qtrstage_tb: qtrstage_tb.cpp twoc.cpp twoc.h $(QTRSG)
84 |
35 |
dgisselq |
g++ -g $(VINC) $(VDEFS) $< twoc.cpp $(QTRSG) $(VSRCS) -o $@
85 |
3 |
dgisselq |
86 |
29 |
dgisselq |
butterfly_tb: butterfly_tb.cpp twoc.cpp twoc.h fftsize.h $(BFLYL)
87 |
35 |
dgisselq |
g++ -g $(VINC) $(VDEFS) $< twoc.cpp $(BFLYL) $(VSRCS) -o $@
88 |
5 |
dgisselq |
89 |
23 |
dgisselq |
hwbfly_tb: hwbfly_tb.cpp twoc.cpp twoc.h $(HWBFY)
90 |
35 |
dgisselq |
g++ -g $(VINC) $(VDEFS) $< twoc.cpp $(HWBFY) $(VSRCS) -o $@
91 |
22 |
dgisselq |
92 |
36 |
dgisselq |
fftstage_tb: fftstage_tb.cpp twoc.cpp twoc.h $(STGLB)
93 |
35 |
dgisselq |
g++ -g $(VINC) $(VDEFS) $< twoc.cpp $(STGLB) $(VSRCS) -o $@
94 |
6 |
dgisselq |
95 |
29 |
dgisselq |
fft_tb: fft_tb.cpp twoc.cpp twoc.h fftsize.h $(FFTLB)
96 |
35 |
dgisselq |
g++ -g $(VINC) $(VDEFS) $< twoc.cpp $(FFTLB) $(VSRCS) -lfftw3 -o $@
97 |
6 |
dgisselq |
98 |
29 |
dgisselq |
ifft_tb: ifft_tb.cpp twoc.cpp twoc.h fftsize.h $(IFTLB)
99 |
35 |
dgisselq |
g++ -g $(VINC) $(VDEFS) $< twoc.cpp $(IFTLB) $(VSRCS) -lfftw3 -o $@
100 |
23 |
dgisselq |
101 |
16 |
dgisselq |
102 |
# HEX: cmem_e2048.hex cmem_e1024.hex cmem_e512.hex cmem_e256.hex
103 |
# HEX: cmem_o2048.hex cmem_o1024.hex cmem_o512.hex cmem_o256.hex
104 |
# HEX: icmem_e2048.hex icmem_e1024.hex icmem_e512.hex icmem_e256.hex
105 |
# HEX: icmem_o2048.hex icmem_o1024.hex icmem_o512.hex icmem_o256.hex
106 |
# HEX: cmem_e128.hex cmem_e64.hex cmem_e32.hex cmem_e16.hex cmem_e8.hex
107 |
# HEX: cmem_o128.hex cmem_o64.hex cmem_o32.hex cmem_o16.hex cmem_o8.hex
108 |
# HEX: icmem_e128.hex icmem_e64.hex icmem_e32.hex icmem_e16.hex icmem_e8.hex
109 |
# HEX: icmem_o128.hex icmem_o64.hex icmem_o32.hex icmem_o16.hex icmem_o8.hex
110 |
# cmem_%.hex: $(VSRCD)/cmem_%.hex
111 |
# echo ln -s $* $<
112 |
113 |
ln -s $(VSRCD)/*.hex .
114 |
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dgisselq |
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5 |
dgisselq |
.PHONY: test
116 |
36 |
dgisselq |
test: mpy_tb bitreverse_tb fftstage_tb qtrstage_tb butterfly_tb fftstage_tb
117 |
22 |
dgisselq |
test: fft_tb ifft_tb hwbfly_tb
118 |
5 |
dgisselq |
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36 |
dgisselq |
120 |
121 |
echo ./qtrstage_tb
122 |
5 |
dgisselq |
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22 |
dgisselq |
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36 |
dgisselq |
125 |
6 |
dgisselq |
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14 |
dgisselq |
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5 |
dgisselq |
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.PHONY: clean
129 |
3 |
dgisselq |
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36 |
dgisselq |
rm -f mpy_tb bitreverse_tb fftstage_tb qtrstage_tb butterfly_tb
131 |
rm -f fftstage_tb fft_tb ifft_tb hwbfly_tb
132 |
16 |
dgisselq |
rm -rf fft_tb.dbl ifft_tb.dbl
133 |
rm -rf *cmem_*.hex
134 |
3 |
dgisselq |
135 |
include $(VERILATOR_ROOT)/include/verilated.mk