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heshamelma |
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-- UART_TX_CTRL.vhd -- UART Data Transfer Component
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-- Author: Sam Bobrowicz
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-- Copyright 2011 Digilent, Inc.
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-- This component may be used to transfer data over a UART device. It will
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-- serialize a byte of data and transmit it over a TXD line. The serialized
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-- data has the following characteristics:
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-- *115200 Baud Rate
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-- *8 data bits, LSB first
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-- *1 stop bit
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-- *no parity
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-- Port Descriptions:
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-- SEND - Used to trigger a send operation. The upper layer logic should
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-- set this signal high for a single clock cycle to trigger a
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-- send. When this signal is set high DATA must be valid . Should
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-- not be asserted unless READY is high.
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-- DATA - The parallel data to be sent. Must be valid the clock cycle
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-- that SEND has gone high.
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-- CLK - A 100 MHz clock is expected
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-- READY - This signal goes low once a send operation has begun and
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-- remains low until it has completed and the module is ready to
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-- send another byte.
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-- UART_TX - This signal should be routed to the appropriate TX pin of the
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-- external UART device.
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-- Revision History:
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-- 08/08/2011(SamB): Created using Xilinx Tools 13.2
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library IEEE;
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use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
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entity UART_TX_CTRL is
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Port ( SEND : in STD_LOGIC;
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DATA : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
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architecture Behavioral of UART_TX_CTRL is
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-- 00101000101100 for 25 MHz 00000110110010
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constant BIT_TMR_MAX : std_logic_vector(13 downto 0) := "00000110110010";
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--434 = (round(50MHz / 115200)) - 1
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constant BIT_INDEX_MAX : natural := 10;
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--Counter that keeps track of the number of clock cycles the current bit has been held stable over the
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--UART TX line. It is used to signal when the ne
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signal bitTmr : std_logic_vector(13 downto 0) := (others => '0');
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--combinatorial logic that goes high when bitTmr has counted to the proper value to ensure
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--a 9600 baud rate
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signal bitDone : std_logic;
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--Contains the index of the next bit in txData that needs to be transferred
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signal bitIndex : natural;
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--a register that holds the current data being sent over the UART TX line
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signal txBit : std_logic := '1';
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--A register that contains the whole data packet to be sent, including start and stop bits.
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signal txData : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
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signal txState : TX_STATE_TYPE := RDY;
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--Next state logic
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next_txState_process : process (CLK)
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if (rising_edge(CLK)) then
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case txState is
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when RDY =>
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if (SEND = '1') then
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txState <= LOAD_BIT;
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end if;
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when LOAD_BIT =>
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txState <= SEND_BIT;
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when SEND_BIT =>
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if (bitDone = '1') then
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if (bitIndex = BIT_INDEX_MAX) then
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txState <= RDY;
94 |
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txState <= LOAD_BIT;
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end if;
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end if;
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when others=> --should never be reached
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txState <= RDY;
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end case;
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end if;
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end process;
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bit_timing_process : process (CLK)
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if (rising_edge(CLK)) then
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if (txState = RDY) then
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bitTmr <= (others => '0');
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if (bitDone = '1') then
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bitTmr <= (others => '0');
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113 |
bitTmr <= bitTmr + 1;
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end if;
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end if;
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end if;
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end process;
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bitDone <= '1' when (bitTmr = BIT_TMR_MAX) else
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bit_counting_process : process (CLK)
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if (rising_edge(CLK)) then
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if (txState = RDY) then
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bitIndex <= 0;
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elsif (txState = LOAD_BIT) then
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bitIndex <= bitIndex + 1;
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end if;
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end if;
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end process;
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tx_data_latch_process : process (CLK)
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if (rising_edge(CLK)) then
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if (SEND = '1') then
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txData <= '1' & DATA & '0';
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end if;
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end if;
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end process;
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tx_bit_process : process (CLK)
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if (rising_edge(CLK)) then
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if (txState = RDY) then
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txBit <= '1';
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elsif (txState = LOAD_BIT) then
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txBit <= txData(bitIndex);
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end if;
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end if;
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end process;
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UART_TX <= txBit;
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READY <= '1' when (txState = RDY) else
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end Behavioral;
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