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lmaarsen |
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---- ----
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---- Ethernet Switch on Configurable Logic IP Core ----
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---- This file is part of the ESoCL project ----
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---- http://www.opencores.org/cores/esoc/ ----
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---- ----
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---- Description: see design description ESoCL_dd_71022001.pdf ----
9 |
---- ----
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---- To Do: see roadmap description ESoCL_dd_71022001.pdf ----
11 |
---- and/or release bulleting ESoCL_rb_71022001.pdf ----
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---- ----
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---- Author(s): L.Maarsen ----
14 |
---- Bert Maarsen, lmaarsen@opencores.org ----
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---- Copyright (C) 2009 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ----
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---- ----
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---- This source file may be used and distributed without ----
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---- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ----
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---- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ----
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---- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ----
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---- ----
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---- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ----
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---- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ----
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---- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ----
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---- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ----
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---- later version. ----
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---- ----
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---- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ----
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---- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ----
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---- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ----
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---- details. ----
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---- ----
37 |
---- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ----
38 |
---- Public License along with this source; if not, download it ----
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---- from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ----
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---- ----
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-- Object : Entity work.esoc_port_mal_clock
43 |
-- Last modified : Mon Apr 14 12:49:01 2014.
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48 |
library ieee, std, work;
49 |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
50 |
use std.textio.all;
51 |
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
52 |
use work.package_esoc_configuration.all;
53 |
54 |
entity esoc_port_mal_clock is
55 |
56 |
clk_control : in STD_LOGIC;
57 |
clk_rgmii : out std_logic;
58 |
clk_rgmii_125m : in std_logic;
59 |
clk_rgmii_25m : in std_logic;
60 |
clk_rgmii_2m5 : in std_logic;
61 |
ena_10 : in STD_LOGIC;
62 |
eth_mode : in STD_LOGIC;
63 |
reset : in STD_LOGIC;
64 |
set_10 : out STD_LOGIC := '0'; -- '0'
65 |
set_1000 : out STD_LOGIC := '0');
66 |
end entity esoc_port_mal_clock;
67 |
68 |
69 |
-- Object : Architecture work.esoc_port_mal_clock.esoc_port_mal_clock
70 |
-- Last modified : Mon Apr 14 12:49:01 2014.
71 |
72 |
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74 |
architecture esoc_port_mal_clock of esoc_port_mal_clock is
75 |
76 |
constant clk_off: std_logic := '1';
77 |
constant clk_on: std_logic := '0';
78 |
79 |
signal clk125m: std_logic;
80 |
signal clk125_stop: std_logic;
81 |
signal clk125_stopped: std_logic;
82 |
signal clk125_stop_reg: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
83 |
signal clk125_stopped_reg: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
84 |
constant clk125m_reset: std_logic := clk_off;
85 |
86 |
signal clk25m: std_logic;
87 |
signal clk25_stop: std_logic;
88 |
signal clk25_stopped: std_logic;
89 |
signal clk25_stop_reg: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
90 |
signal clk25_stopped_reg: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
91 |
constant clk25m_reset: std_logic := clk_on;
92 |
93 |
signal clk2m5: std_logic;
94 |
signal clk2m5_stop: std_logic;
95 |
signal clk2m5_stopped: std_logic;
96 |
signal clk2m5_stop_reg: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
97 |
signal clk2m5_stopped_reg: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
98 |
constant clk2m5_reset: std_logic := clk_off;
99 |
100 |
type speeds is (none, s10m, s100m, s1000m);
101 |
signal speed_setting: speeds;
102 |
signal speed_current: speeds;
103 |
104 |
type switch_states is (idle, wait_for_stop);
105 |
signal switch_state: switch_states;
106 |
107 |
108 |
109 |
-- Define unused speed control signals
110 |
set_10 <= '0';
111 |
set_1000 <= '0';
112 |
113 |
-- Create speed select signals
114 |
speed_setting <= s1000m when reset = '1' else
115 |
s10m when eth_mode = '0' and ena_10 = '1' else
116 |
s100m when eth_mode = '0' and ena_10 = '0' else
117 |
118 |
119 |
-- Clock control 125MHz
120 |
clk125ctl: process (clk_rgmii_125m, reset)
121 |
122 |
if reset = '1' then
123 |
clk125_stop_reg <= (others => clk125m_reset);
124 |
125 |
-- synchronize stop input command with clock
126 |
elsif clk_rgmii_125m'event and clk_rgmii_125m = '1' then
127 |
clk125_stop_reg <= clk125_stop & clk125_stop_reg(clk125_stop_reg'high downto 1);
128 |
129 |
end if;
130 |
end process clk125ctl;
131 |
132 |
-- use synchronized stop commando to switch on/off clock, reply with stopped indication
133 |
clk125m <= clk_rgmii_125m when clk125_stop_reg(0) = '0' else '1';
134 |
clk125_stopped <= clk125_stop_reg(0);
135 |
136 |
-- Clock control 25MHz
137 |
clk25ctl: process (clk_rgmii_25m, reset)
138 |
139 |
if reset = '1' then
140 |
clk25_stop_reg <= (others => clk25m_reset);
141 |
142 |
-- synchronize stop input command with clock
143 |
elsif clk_rgmii_25m'event and clk_rgmii_25m = '1' then
144 |
clk25_stop_reg <= clk25_stop & clk25_stop_reg(clk25_stop_reg'high downto 1);
145 |
146 |
end if;
147 |
end process clk25ctl;
148 |
149 |
-- use synchronized stop commando to switch on/off clock, reply with stopped indication
150 |
clk25m <= clk_rgmii_25m when clk25_stop_reg(0) = '0' else '1';
151 |
clk25_stopped <= clk25_stop_reg(0);
152 |
153 |
-- Clock control 2.5MHz
154 |
clk2m5ctl: process (clk_rgmii_2m5, reset)
155 |
156 |
if reset = '1' then
157 |
clk2m5_stop_reg <= (others => clk2m5_reset);
158 |
159 |
-- synchronize stop input command with clock
160 |
elsif clk_rgmii_2m5'event and clk_rgmii_2m5 = '1' then
161 |
clk2m5_stop_reg <= clk2m5_stop & clk2m5_stop_reg(clk2m5_stop_reg'high downto 1);
162 |
163 |
end if;
164 |
end process clk2m5ctl;
165 |
166 |
-- use synchronized stop commando to switch on/off clock, reply with stopped indication
167 |
clk2m5 <= clk_rgmii_2m5 when clk2m5_stop_reg(0) = '0' else '1';
168 |
clk2m5_stopped <= clk2m5_stop_reg(0);
169 |
170 |
-- Clock switch
171 |
clkswitch: process (clk_control, reset)
172 |
173 |
if reset = '1' then
174 |
clk125_stop <= clk125m_reset;
175 |
clk25_stop <= clk25m_reset;
176 |
clk2m5_stop <= clk2m5_reset;
177 |
clk125_stopped_reg <= (others => clk125m_reset);
178 |
clk25_stopped_reg <= (others => clk25m_reset);
179 |
clk2m5_stopped_reg <= (others => clk2m5_reset);
180 |
speed_current <= s1000m;
181 |
switch_state <= idle;
182 |
183 |
elsif clk_control'event and clk_control = '1' then
184 |
-- store speed setting for change detection
185 |
speed_current <= speed_setting;
186 |
187 |
-- synchronize stopped indication with clock
188 |
clk125_stopped_reg <= clk125_stopped & clk125_stopped_reg(clk125_stopped_reg'high downto 1);
189 |
clk25_stopped_reg <= clk25_stopped & clk25_stopped_reg(clk25_stopped_reg'high downto 1);
190 |
clk2m5_stopped_reg <= clk2m5_stopped & clk2m5_stopped_reg(clk2m5_stopped_reg'high downto 1);
191 |
192 |
case switch_state is
193 |
when idle => -- Send stop command to all clock source when setting changed
194 |
if speed_current /= speed_setting then
195 |
clk125_stop <= '1';
196 |
clk25_stop <= '1';
197 |
clk2m5_stop <= '1';
198 |
switch_state <= wait_for_stop;
199 |
end if;
200 |
201 |
when wait_for_stop => -- When setting is stable, wait for stopped indication of all clock sources
202 |
if speed_current /= speed_setting then
203 |
204 |
205 |
elsif clk125_stopped_reg(0) = '1' and clk25_stopped_reg(0) = '1' and clk2m5_stopped_reg(0) = '1' then
206 |
-- enable only the required clock source by deasserting its stop input
207 |
if speed_setting = s10m then
208 |
clk2m5_stop <= '0';
209 |
elsif speed_setting = s100m then
210 |
clk25_stop <= '0';
211 |
elsif speed_setting = s1000m then
212 |
clk125_stop <= '0';
213 |
end if;
214 |
215 |
switch_state <= idle;
216 |
end if;
217 |
218 |
when others => switch_state <= idle;
219 |
end case;
220 |
221 |
end if;
222 |
end process clkswitch;
223 |
224 |
-- Drive RGMII interface clock, push/force clock onto clock network (if not done by tool)
225 |
clk_rgmii <= clk125m and clk25m and clk2m5;
226 |
--clk_rgmii <= clk_rgmii_125m;
227 |
228 |
end architecture esoc_port_mal_clock ; -- of esoc_port_mal_clock