1 |
2 |
component ezusb_io
2 |
generic (
3 |
OUTEP : INTEGER := 2; -- EP for FPGA -> EZ-USB transfers
4 |
INEP : INTEGER := 6; -- EP for EZ-USB -> FPGA transfers
5 |
CLKBUF_TYPE : STRING := "" -- selects the clock preparation method (buffering, filtering, ...)
6 |
-- "SPARTAN6" for Xilinx Spartan 6,
7 |
-- all other values: no clock preparation
8 |
); -- "SERIES7" for Xilinx Series 7,
9 |
port (
10 |
ifclk : out std_logic; -- buffered output of the interface clock
11 |
reset : in std_logic; -- asynchronous reset input
12 |
reset_out : out std_logic; -- synchronous reset output
13 |
14 |
-- FPGA pins that are connected directly to EZ-USB.
15 |
ifclk_in : in std_logic; -- interface clock IFCLK
16 |
fd : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- 16 bit data bus
17 |
SLWR : out std_logic; -- SLWR (slave write) flag
18 |
PKTEND : out std_logic; -- PKTEND (packet end) flag
19 |
SLRD : out std_logic; -- SLRD (slave read) flag
20 |
SLOE : out std_logic; -- SLOE (slave output enable) flag
21 |
FIFOADDR : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- FIFOADDR pins select the endpoint
22 |
EMPTY_FLAG : in std_logic; -- EMPTY flag of the slave FIFO interface
23 |
FULL_FLAG : in std_logic; -- FULL flag of the slave FIFO interface
24 |
25 |
-- Signals for FPGA -> EZ-USB transfer. The are controlled by user logic.
26 |
DI : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- data written to EZ-USB
27 |
DI_valid : in std_logic; -- 1 indicates valid data; DI and DI_valid must be hold if DI_ready is 0
28 |
DI_ready : out std_logic; -- 1 if new data are accepted
29 |
DI_enable : in std_logic; -- setting to 0 disables FPGA -> EZ-USB transfers
30 |
pktend_timeout : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- timeout in multiples of 65536 clocks before a short packet committed
31 |
-- setting to 0 disables this feature
32 |
-- signals for EZ-USB -> FPGA transfer
33 |
DO : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- data read from EZ-USB
34 |
DO_valid : out std_logic; -- 1 indicates valid data
35 |
DO_ready : in std_logic; -- setting to 1 enables writing new data to DO in next clock
36 |
-- DO and DO_valid are hold if DO_ready is 0
37 |
-- set to 0 to disable data reads
38 |
-- debug output
39 |
status : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
40 |
41 |
end component;
42 |
43 |
44 |
signal reset2 : std_logic;
45 |
signal reset_usb : std_logic;
46 |
signal ifclk : std_logic;
47 |
signal reset_ifclk : std_logic;
48 |
signal status : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
49 |
signal if_status : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
50 |
signal mode_buf : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
51 |
52 |
-- input fifo
53 |
signal DI : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
54 |
signal FULL : std_logic;
55 |
signal WRERR : std_logic;
56 |
signal USB_DO_valid : std_logic;
57 |
signal DO_ready : std_logic;
58 |
signal WREN : std_logic;
59 |
signal wrerr_buf : std_logic;
60 |
signal USB_DO : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
61 |
signal in_data : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
62 |
signal wr_cnt : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
63 |
signal test_cnt : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
64 |
signal test_cs : std_logic_vector(13 downto 0);
65 |
signal in_valid : std_logic;
66 |
signal test_sync : std_logic;
67 |
signal clk_div : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
68 |
69 |
-- output fifo
70 |
signal DO : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
71 |
signal EMPTY : std_logic;
72 |
signal RDERR : std_logic;
73 |
signal USB_DI_ready : std_logic;
74 |
signal RDEN : std_logic;
75 |
signal rderr_buf : std_logic;
76 |
signal USB_DI_valid : std_logic;
77 |
signal rd_buf : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
78 |
signal rd_cnt : std_logic;
79 |
80 |
81 |
82 |
bram_fifo_inst : bram_fifo
83 |
port map (
84 |
reset => reset2,
85 |
-- input fifo interface, see "7 Series Memory Resources" user guide (ug743)
86 |
DI => DI,
87 |
FULL => FULL, -- 1-bit output: Full flag
88 |
WRERR => WRERR, -- 1-bit output: Write error
89 |
WREN => WREN, -- 1-bit input: Write enable
90 |
WRCLK => ifclk, -- 1-bit input: Rising edge write clock.
91 |
-- output fifo interface, see "7 Series Memory Resources" user guide (ug743)
92 |
DO => DO,
93 |
EMPTY => EMPTY, -- 1-bit output: Empty flag
94 |
RDERR => RDERR, -- 1-bit output: Read error
95 |
RDCLK => ifclk, -- 1-bit input: Read clock
96 |
RDEN => RDEN -- 1-bit input: Read enable
97 |
98 |
99 |
ezusb_io_inst : ezusb_io
100 |
generic map (
101 |
OUTEP => 2, -- EP for FPGA -> EZ-USB transfers
102 |
INEP => 6 -- EP for EZ-USB -> FPGA transfers
103 |
104 |
port map (
105 |
ifclk => ifclk,
106 |
reset => reset, -- asynchronous reset input
107 |
reset_out => reset_usb, -- synchronous reset output
108 |
-- pins
109 |
ifclk_in => ifclk_in,
110 |
fd => fd,
111 |
112 |
113 |
114 |
115 |
116 |
117 |
118 |
119 |
-- signals for FPGA -> EZ-USB transfer
120 |
DI => rd_buf(15 downto 0), -- data written to EZ-USB
121 |
DI_valid => USB_DI_valid, -- 1 indicates data valid; DI and DI_valid must be hold if DI_ready is 0
122 |
DI_ready => USB_DI_ready, -- 1 if new data are accepted
123 |
DI_enable => '1', -- setting to 0 disables FPGA -> EZ-USB transfers
124 |
pktend_timeout => conv_std_logic_vector(90,16), -- timeout in multiples of 65536 clocks (approx. 0.1s @ 48 MHz) before a short packet committed
125 |
-- setting to 0 disables this feature
126 |
-- signals for EZ-USB -> FPGA transfer
127 |
DO => USB_DO, -- data read from EZ-USB
128 |
DO_valid => USB_DO_valid, -- 1 indicated valid data
129 |
DO_ready => DO_ready, -- setting to 1 enables writing new data to DO in next clock; DO and DO_valid are hold if DO_ready is 0
130 |
-- debug output
131 |
status => if_status
132 |
133 |
134 |
reset2 <= reset or reset_usb;
135 |
DO_ready <= '1' when ( (mode_buf="00") and (reset_ifclk='0') and (FULL='0') ) else '0';
136 |
137 |
-- debug board LEDs
138 |
led1 <= EMPTY & FULL & wrerr_buf & rderr_buf & if_status & FLAGB & FLAGA;
139 |
140 |
test_sync <= '1' when ( (wr_cnt="1110") or (wr_cnt(0)='1') ) else '0';
141 |
142 |
dpifclk: process
143 |
144 |
wait until ( ifclk'EVENT and (ifclk = '1') );
145 |
146 |
-- reset
147 |
reset_ifclk <= reset or reset_usb;
148 |
if ( reset_ifclk = '1' ) then
149 |
rderr_buf <= '0';
150 |
wrerr_buf <= '0';
151 |
152 |
rderr_buf <= rderr_buf or RDERR;
153 |
wrerr_buf <= wrerr_buf or WRERR;
154 |
end if;
155 |
156 |
157 |
if ( reset_ifclk = '1' ) then
158 |
rd_cnt <= '0';
159 |
USB_DI_valid <= '0';
160 |
161 |
if ( USB_DI_ready = '1' ) then
162 |
USB_DI_valid <= not EMPTY;
163 |
if ( EMPTY = '0' ) then
164 |
if ( rd_cnt = '0' ) then
165 |
rd_buf <= DO;
166 |
167 |
rd_buf(15 downto 0) <= rd_buf(31 downto 16);
168 |
end if;
169 |
rd_cnt <= not rd_cnt;
170 |
end if;
171 |
end if;
172 |
end if;
173 |
174 |
if ( (reset_ifclk = '0') and (USB_DI_ready = '1') and (EMPTY = '0') and (rd_cnt = '0')) then
175 |
RDEN <= '1';
176 |
177 |
RDEN <= '0';
178 |
end if;
179 |
180 |
-- data source
181 |
if ( reset_ifclk = '1' ) then
182 |
in_data <= (others => '0');
183 |
in_valid <= '0';
184 |
wr_cnt <= (others => '0');
185 |
test_cnt <=(others => '0');
186 |
test_cs <= conv_std_logic_vector(47,14);
187 |
WREN <= '0';
188 |
clk_div <= "11";
189 |
190 |
if ( FULL = '0' ) then
191 |
if ( in_valid = '1' ) then
192 |
DI <= in_data;
193 |
end if;
194 |
if ( mode_buf = "00" ) then
195 |
if ( USB_DO_valid = '1' ) then
196 |
in_data <= USB_DO & in_data(31 downto 16);
197 |
in_valid <= wr_cnt(0);
198 |
wr_cnt <= wr_cnt + 1;
199 |
200 |
in_valid <= '0';
201 |
end if;
202 |
203 |
if ( clk_div = "00" ) then
204 |
if ( ( wr_cnt = "1111" ) ) then
205 |
test_cs <= conv_std_logic_vector(47,14);
206 |
in_data(30 downto 24) <= test_cs(6 downto 0) xor test_cs(13 downto 7);
207 |
208 |
test_cnt <= test_cnt + conv_std_logic_vector(111,7);
209 |
test_cs <= test_cs + ( test_sync & test_cnt );
210 |
in_data(30 downto 24 ) <= test_cnt;
211 |
end if;
212 |
in_data(31) <= test_sync;
213 |
in_data(23 downto 0) <= in_data(31 downto 8);
214 |
in_valid <= wr_cnt(0) and wr_cnt(1);
215 |
wr_cnt <= wr_cnt + 1;
216 |
217 |
in_valid <= '0';
218 |
end if;
219 |
end if;
220 |
if ( (mode_buf = "01") or ( (mode_buf = "11") and (SW8='1') ) ) then
221 |
clk_div <= "00";
222 |
223 |
clk_div <= clk_div + 1;
224 |
end if;
225 |
end if;
226 |
end if;
227 |
if ( (reset_ifclk ='0') and (in_valid = '1') and (FULL='0') ) then
228 |
WREN <='1';
229 |
230 |
WREN <='0';
231 |
end if;
232 |
mode_buf <= mode;
233 |
end process dpifclk;
234 |
235 |
end RTL;
236 |