1 |
2 |
Agner |
2 |
3 |
// Engineer: Agner Fog
4 |
5 |
// Create Date: 2020-06-04
6 |
// Last modified: 2021-07-17
7 |
// Module Name: decoder
8 |
// Project Name: ForwardCom soft core
9 |
// Target Devices: Artix 7
10 |
// Tool Versions: Vivado v. 2020.1
11 |
// License: CERN-OHL-W v. 2 or later
12 |
// Description: Address generator. Calculates address of memory operand
13 |
14 |
15 |
`include "defines.vh"
16 |
17 |
18 |
module addressgenerator(
19 |
input clock, // system clock (100 MHz)
20 |
input clock_enable, // clock enable. Used when single-stepping
21 |
input reset, // system reset.
22 |
input valid_in, // data from fetch module ready
23 |
input stall_in, // a later stage in pipeline is stalled
24 |
input [`CODE_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] instruction_pointer_in, // address of current instruction
25 |
input [95:0] instruction_in, // current instruction, up to 3 words long
26 |
input [`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] tag_val_in, // instruction tag value
27 |
input vector_in, // this is a vector instruction
28 |
input [1:0] category_in, // 00: multiformat, 01: single format, 10: jump
29 |
input [1:0] format_in, // 00: format A, 01: format E, 10: format B, 11: format C (format D never goes through decoder)
30 |
input [2:0] rs_status_in, // 1: RS is register operand, 2: RS is pointer, 3: RS is index, 4: RS is vector length
31 |
input [2:0] rt_status_in, // 1: RT is register operand, 2: RT is pointer
32 |
input [1:0] ru_status_in, // 1: RU is used as register operand
33 |
input [1:0] rd_status_in, // 1: RD is used as input
34 |
input [1:0] mask_status_in, // 1: mask register used
35 |
input mask_alternative_in, // mask register and fallback register used for alternative purposes
36 |
input [2:0] fallback_use_in, // 0: no fallback, 1: same as first source operand, 2-4: RU, RS, RT
37 |
input [1:0] num_operands_in, // number of source operands
38 |
input [1:0] result_type_in, // type of result: 0: register, 1: system register, 2: memory, 3: other or nothing
39 |
input [1:0] offset_field_in, // address offset. 0: none, 1: 8 bit, possibly scaled, 2: 16 bit, 3: 32 bit
40 |
input [1:0] immediate_field_in, // immediate data field. 0: none, 1: 8 bit, 2: 16 bit, 3: 32 or 64 bit
41 |
input [1:0] scale_factor_in, // 00: index is not scaled, 01: index is scaled by operand size, 10: index is scaled by -1
42 |
input index_limit_in, // IM2 or IM3 contains a limit to the index
43 |
// Register values
44 |
input [`RB:0] rd_val_in, // value of register operand RD, bit `RB indicates missing
45 |
input [`RB:0] rs_val_in, // value of register operand RS, bit `RB indicates missing
46 |
input [`RB:0] rt_val_in, // value of register operand RT, bit `RB indicates missing
47 |
input [`RB:0] ru_val_in, // value of register operand RU, bit `RB indicates missing
48 |
input [`MASKSZ:0] regmask_val_in, // value of mask register, bit 32 indicates missing
49 |
50 |
// monitor result buses:
51 |
input write_en1, // a result is written to writeport1
52 |
input [`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] write_tag1_in, // tag of result inwriteport1
53 |
input [`RB1:0] writeport1_in, // result bus 1
54 |
input write_en2, // a result is written to writeport2
55 |
input [`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] write_tag2_in, // tag of result inwriteport2
56 |
input [`RB1:0] writeport2_in, // result bus 2
57 |
input [`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] predict_tag1_in, // tag on result bus 1 in next clock cycle
58 |
input [`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] predict_tag2_in, // tag on result bus 2 in next clock cycle
59 |
60 |
// calculated read and write memory addresses go to data cache
61 |
output reg [`COMMON_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] read_write_address_out, // address of memory operand
62 |
output reg read_enable_out, // read from data cache
63 |
output reg [1:0] read_data_size_out, // 8, 16, 32, or 64 bits read
64 |
output reg [7:0] write_enable_out, // write enable for each byte separately
65 |
output reg [63:0] write_data_out, // data to write
66 |
67 |
// instruction output to next pipeline stage
68 |
output reg valid_out, // An instruction is ready for output to next stage
69 |
output reg [`CODE_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] instruction_pointer_out, // address of current instruction
70 |
output reg [63:0] instruction_out, // first word of instruction
71 |
output reg stall_predict_out, // will be waiting for an operand
72 |
output reg [`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] tag_val_out,// instruction tag value
73 |
74 |
output reg [`RB:0] operand1_out, // value of first operand, bit `RB indicates invalid
75 |
output reg [`RB:0] operand2_out, // value of second operand, bit `RB indicates invalid
76 |
output reg [`RB:0] operand3_out, // value of last, bit `RB indicates valid
77 |
output reg [`MASKSZ:0] regmask_val_out,// value of mask register, high bit indicates valid
78 |
79 |
output reg vector_out, // this is a vector instruction
80 |
output reg [1:0] category_out, // 00: multiformat, 01: single format, 10: jump
81 |
output reg [1:0] format_out, // 00: format A, 01: format E, 10: format B, 11: format C (format D never goes through decoder)
82 |
output reg mask_status_out, // 1: mask register used
83 |
output reg mask_alternative_out, // mask register and fallback register used for alternative purposes
84 |
output reg [2:0] fallback_use_out, // 0: no fallback, 1: same as first source operand, 2-4: RU, RS, RT
85 |
output reg [1:0] num_operands_out, // number of source operands
86 |
output reg [1:0] result_type_out, // type of result: 0: register, 1: system register, 2: memory, 3: other or nothing
87 |
output reg [1:0] offset_field_out, // address offset. 0: none, 1: 8 bit, possibly scaled, 2: 16 bit, 3: 32 bit
88 |
output reg [1:0] immediate_field_out, // immediate data field. 0: none, 1: 8 bit, 2: 16 bit, 3: 32 or 64 bit
89 |
output reg [1:0] scale_factor_out, // 00: index is not scaled, 01: index is scaled by operand size, 10: index is scaled by -1
90 |
output reg memory_operand_out, // The instruction has a memory operand
91 |
output reg array_error_out, // Array index exceeds limit
92 |
output reg options3_out, // IM3 containts option bits
93 |
output reg [31:0] debug1_out, // Temporary output for debugging purpose
94 |
output reg [31:0] debug2_out, // Temporary output for debugging purpose
95 |
output reg [31:0] debug3_out // Temporary output for debugging purpose
96 |
97 |
98 |
// instruction components
99 |
logic [1:0] il; // instruction length
100 |
logic [2:0] mode; // instruction mode
101 |
logic M; // M bit
102 |
logic [5:0] op1; // OP1 in instruction
103 |
logic [1:0] op2; // OP2 in instruction
104 |
logic [2:0] otype; // operand type
105 |
logic [2:0] mode2; // mode2 in format E
106 |
logic option_bits_im3; // IM3 is used for option bits
107 |
108 |
// synchronization signals
109 |
logic waiting; // waiting for needed register value
110 |
logic wait_next1; // predict that it will also be waiting for reg1 in the next clock cycle
111 |
logic wait_next2; // predict that it will also be waiting for reg2 in the next clock cycle
112 |
logic wait_next3; // predict that it will also be waiting for reg3 in the next clock cycle
113 |
logic address_instruction; // this is an address instruction. no memory access
114 |
logic mask_off; // result is masked off
115 |
logic new_instruction; // instruction is different from last instruction
116 |
logic array_error; // Array index exceeds limit
117 |
reg last_stall; // was stalled in last clock cycle. May obtain values from the temporary registers
118 |
reg last_valid; // input was valid in last clock cycle
119 |
reg [`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] last_tag_val; // check if instruction tag has changed
120 |
121 |
// components of address calculation
122 |
logic [`COMMON_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] base_pointer;
123 |
logic [`COMMON_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] address_index;
124 |
logic [`COMMON_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] address_offset; // offset of memory operand
125 |
logic [`COMMON_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] address; // address of memory operand
126 |
logic [`RB1:0] write_data; // data to write
127 |
128 |
// register values. Extra bit is 1 if not found
129 |
logic [`RB:0] rs_val; // value of first register operand RS, bit `RB indicates missing
130 |
logic [`RB:0] rt_val; // value of second register operand RT, bit `RB indicates missing
131 |
logic [`RB:0] ru_val; // value of third register operand RD or RU, bit `RB indicates missing
132 |
logic [`RB:0] rd_val; // value of third register operand RD or RU, bit `RB indicates missing
133 |
logic [`MASKSZ:0] regmask_val; // value of mask register, bit 32 indicates missing
134 |
// temporary storage of register values if found during stall. High bit is zero if valid
135 |
reg [`RB:0] rs_val_temp; // value of first register operand RS, bit `RB indicates missing
136 |
reg [`RB:0] rt_val_temp; // value of second register operand RT, bit `RB indicates missing
137 |
reg [`RB:0] ru_val_temp; // value of third register operand RD or RU, bit `RB indicates missing
138 |
reg [`RB:0] rd_val_temp; // value of third register operand RD or RU, bit `RB indicates missing
139 |
reg [`MASKSZ:0] regmask_val_temp; // value of mask register, bit 32 indicates missing
140 |
141 |
142 |
always_comb begin
143 |
// components of format template
144 |
il = instruction_in[`IL]; // instruction length
145 |
mode = instruction_in[`MODE]; // format mode
146 |
M = instruction_in[`M]; // extension to operand type or mode
147 |
op1 = instruction_in[`OP1]; // operation code
148 |
op2 = instruction_in[`OP2]; // operation code extension
149 |
otype = instruction_in[`OT] & {vector_in,2'b11}; // operand type
150 |
mode2 = instruction_in[`MODE2]; // format mode extension
151 |
// look for address instruction
152 |
if (il == 2 && mode == 1 && M && op1 == `II_ADDRESS_29) address_instruction = 1;
153 |
else address_instruction = 0;
154 |
155 |
// detect use of IM3 as option bits or extra operand
156 |
option_bits_im3 = 0;
157 |
if (il == 2 && (mode == 0 || mode == 5) && mode2 == 5) begin
158 |
option_bits_im3 = 0; // format 2.0.5 and 2.2.5 are using IM3 for an operand, not for options
159 |
end else if (category_in == `CAT_MULTI) begin
160 |
if (op1 == `II_SIGN_EXTEND_ADD || op1 == `II_COMPARE
161 |
|| op1 == `II_DIV || op1 == `II_DIV_REV || op1 == `II_DIV_U
162 |
|| op1 == `II_TEST_BIT || op1 == `II_TEST_BITS_AND || op1 == `II_TEST_BITS_OR
163 |
|| op1 == `II_MUL_ADD_FLOAT16 || op1 == `II_MUL_ADD || op1 == `II_MUL_ADD2
164 |
|| op1 == `II_ADD_ADD) begin
165 |
option_bits_im3 = 1;
166 |
167 |
end else if (il == 2) begin
168 |
if (((mode == 0 && !M) || mode == 2) && mode2 == 7 && op1 == `II_MOVE_BITS && op2 == `II2_MOVE_BITS)
169 |
option_bits_im3 = 1;
170 |
if (mode == 2 && mode2 == 7 && op1 == `II_MASK_LENGTH && op2 == `II2_MASK_LENGTH)
171 |
option_bits_im3 = 1;
172 |
if (((mode == 0 && !M) || mode == 2) && mode2 == 6 && op1 == `II_TRUTH_TAB3 && op2 == `II2_TRUTH_TAB3)
173 |
option_bits_im3 = 1;
174 |
175 |
176 |
/* We need to prevent spill-over of values from a preceding stalled instruction
177 |
because the address generator can produce pipeline bubbles. The solution used
178 |
here is to check if the instruction tag has changed before using the _temp values.
179 |
Test case:
180 |
int64 sp -= 32
181 |
int r8 = 8
182 |
int r9 = 9
183 |
int32 [sp+0x00] = r8
184 |
int32 [sp+0x08] = r9
185 |
int32 r2 = r8 + r9
186 |
int32 [sp+0x10] = r2
187 |
188 |
// check if current instruction is different from last clock cycle
189 |
new_instruction = (tag_val_in != last_tag_val) && valid_in;
190 |
191 |
// look at result buses for any missing register values
192 |
if (last_stall && rs_val_temp[`RB] == 0 && last_valid && !new_instruction) rs_val = rs_val_temp; // obtained during stall
193 |
else if (rs_val_in[`RB] == 1 && write_en1 && rs_val_in[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] == write_tag1_in) rs_val = {1'b0, writeport1_in}; // obtained from result bus 1
194 |
else if (rs_val_in[`RB] == 1 && write_en2 && rs_val_in[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] == write_tag2_in) rs_val = {1'b0, writeport2_in}; // obtained from result bus 2
195 |
else rs_val = rs_val_in;
196 |
197 |
if (last_stall && rt_val_temp[`RB] == 0 && last_valid && !new_instruction) rt_val = rt_val_temp; // obtained during stall
198 |
else if (rt_val_in[`RB] == 1 && write_en1 && rt_val_in[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] == write_tag1_in) rt_val = {1'b0, writeport1_in}; // obtained from result bus 1
199 |
else if (rt_val_in[`RB] == 1 && write_en2 && rt_val_in[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] == write_tag2_in) rt_val = {1'b0, writeport2_in}; // obtained from result bus 2
200 |
else rt_val = rt_val_in;
201 |
202 |
if (last_stall && ru_val_temp[`RB] == 0 && last_valid && !new_instruction) ru_val = ru_val_temp; // obtained during stall
203 |
else if (ru_val_in[`RB] == 1 && write_en1 && ru_val_in[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] == write_tag1_in) ru_val = {1'b0, writeport1_in}; // obtained from result bus 1
204 |
else if (ru_val_in[`RB] == 1 && write_en2 && ru_val_in[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] == write_tag2_in) ru_val = {1'b0, writeport2_in}; // obtained from result bus 2
205 |
else ru_val = ru_val_in;
206 |
207 |
if (last_stall && rd_val_temp[`RB] == 0 && last_valid && !new_instruction) rd_val = rd_val_temp; // obtained during stall
208 |
else if (rd_val_in[`RB] == 1 && write_en1 && rd_val_in[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] == write_tag1_in) rd_val = {1'b0, writeport1_in}; // obtained from result bus 1
209 |
else if (rd_val_in[`RB] == 1 && write_en2 && rd_val_in[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] == write_tag2_in) rd_val = {1'b0, writeport2_in}; // obtained from result bus 2
210 |
else rd_val = rd_val_in;
211 |
212 |
if (mask_status_in == `REG_UNUSED) regmask_val = 1; // no mask
213 |
else if (last_stall && regmask_val_temp[`MASKSZ] == 0 && last_valid && !new_instruction) regmask_val = regmask_val_temp; // obtained during stall
214 |
else if (regmask_val_in[`MASKSZ] == 1 && write_en1 && regmask_val_in[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] == write_tag1_in) regmask_val = {1'b0, writeport1_in[`MASKSZ-1:0]}; // obtained from result bus 1
215 |
else if (regmask_val_in[`MASKSZ] == 1 && write_en2 && regmask_val_in[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] == write_tag2_in) regmask_val = {1'b0, writeport2_in[`MASKSZ-1:0]}; // obtained from result bus 2
216 |
else regmask_val = regmask_val_in;
217 |
218 |
219 |
// save values from result bus during stall
220 |
always_ff @(posedge clock) if (clock_enable) begin
221 |
if ((stall_in || waiting) && valid_in ) begin
222 |
rs_val_temp <= rs_val; // temporary save during stall
223 |
rt_val_temp <= rt_val; // temporary save during stall
224 |
ru_val_temp <= ru_val; // temporary save during stall
225 |
rd_val_temp <= rd_val; // temporary save during stall
226 |
regmask_val_temp <= regmask_val; // temporary save during stall
227 |
end else begin
228 |
rs_val_temp <= {1'b1,`RB'b0}; // reset when not stalled
229 |
rt_val_temp <= {1'b1,`RB'b0}; // reset when not stalled
230 |
ru_val_temp <= {1'b1,`RB'b0}; // reset when not stalled
231 |
rd_val_temp <= {1'b1,`RB'b0}; // reset when not stalled
232 |
regmask_val_temp <= {1'b1,`MASKSZ'b0}; // reset when not stalled
233 |
234 |
235 |
236 |
237 |
always_comb begin
238 |
// Check if result is masked off so that we don't have to wait for operands
239 |
mask_off = mask_status_in != `REG_UNUSED && !mask_alternative_in && !vector_in && regmask_val[`MASKSZ] == 0 && regmask_val[0] == 0;
240 |
waiting = 0;
241 |
wait_next1 = 0; wait_next2 = 0; wait_next3 = 0;
242 |
array_error = 0;
243 |
244 |
// check if we need to wait for register values
245 |
if (rs_val[`RB] && rs_status_in == `REG_POINTER && !mask_off) begin
246 |
waiting = 1; // value of RS needed in this stage for address calculation. must stall
247 |
// predict if value will arrive in next clock cycle
248 |
wait_next1 = predict_tag1_in != rs_val[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] && predict_tag2_in != rs_val[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0];
249 |
250 |
251 |
if (rt_val[`RB] && rt_status_in >= `REG_INDEX && !mask_off) begin
252 |
waiting = 1; // value of RT needed in this stage for address calculation. must stall
253 |
// predict if value will arrive in next clock cycle
254 |
wait_next2 = predict_tag1_in != rt_val[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] && predict_tag2_in != rt_val[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0];
255 |
256 |
257 |
if (rd_val[`RB] && rd_status_in != 0 && result_type_in == `RESULT_MEM && !mask_off) begin
258 |
waiting = 1; // value of RD needed in this stage for writing. must stall
259 |
// predict if value will arrive in next clock cycle
260 |
wait_next3 = predict_tag1_in != rd_val[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] && predict_tag2_in != rd_val[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0];
261 |
262 |
263 |
if (regmask_val[`MASKSZ] && mask_status_in != `REG_UNUSED && result_type_in == `RESULT_MEM) begin
264 |
waiting = 1; // value of mask needed before write
265 |
// predict if value will arrive in next clock cycle
266 |
wait_next3 = predict_tag1_in != regmask_val[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] && predict_tag2_in != regmask_val[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0];
267 |
268 |
269 |
270 |
271 |
// calculate address: //
272 |
273 |
274 |
// rs is base pointer
275 |
base_pointer = rs_val[`RB1:0];
276 |
277 |
if (rt_status_in == `REG_INDEX) begin
278 |
// rt is scaled index
279 |
if (scale_factor_in == `SCALE_OS) begin
280 |
case (otype) // operand type
281 |
`OT_INT8: address_index = rt_val[`RB-1:0]; // scale factor 1
282 |
`OT_INT16: address_index = {rt_val[`RB-2:0],1'b0}; // scale factor 2
283 |
`OT_INT32, `OT_FLOAT32: address_index = {rt_val[`RB-3:0],2'b0}; // scale factor 4
284 |
`OT_INT64, `OT_FLOAT64: address_index = {rt_val[`RB-4:0],3'b0}; // scale factor 8
285 |
`OT_INT128,`OT_FLOAT128: address_index = {rt_val[`RB-5:0],4'b0}; // scale factor 16
286 |
287 |
end else if (scale_factor_in == `SCALE_MINUS) begin
288 |
address_index = -rt_val[`RB1:0]; // scale factor -1
289 |
end else begin
290 |
address_index = rt_val[`RB1:0]; // no scale factor
291 |
292 |
if (index_limit_in) begin
293 |
// check index limit
294 |
if (il == 3 && rt_val[`RB1:0] > instruction_in[95:64]
295 |
|| il == 2 && rt_val[`RB1:0] > instruction_in[`IM2E]) array_error = 1;
296 |
297 |
298 |
end else begin
299 |
address_index = 0; // no index
300 |
301 |
302 |
if (offset_field_in == `OFFSET_NONE) begin // no offset
303 |
address_offset = 0;
304 |
end else if (offset_field_in == `OFFSET_1) begin // 8 bit offset in IM1, scaled by operand size
305 |
case (otype) // operand type
306 |
`OT_INT8: address_offset = {{56{instruction_in[7]}},instruction_in[`IM1]}; // sign extend IM1
307 |
`OT_INT16: address_offset = {{55{instruction_in[7]}},instruction_in[`IM1],1'b0}; // sign extend, scale by 2
308 |
`OT_INT32, `OT_FLOAT32: address_offset = {{54{instruction_in[7]}},instruction_in[`IM1],2'b0}; // sign extend, scale by 4
309 |
`OT_INT64, `OT_FLOAT64: address_offset = {{53{instruction_in[7]}},instruction_in[`IM1],3'b0}; // sign extend, scale by 8
310 |
`OT_INT128,`OT_FLOAT128: address_offset = {{52{instruction_in[7]}},instruction_in[`IM1],4'b0}; // sign extend, scale by 16
311 |
312 |
end else if(offset_field_in == `OFFSET_2) begin // 16 bit offset in IM2, not scaled
313 |
address_offset = {{48{instruction_in[47]}},instruction_in[`IM2E]}; // sign extend IM2;
314 |
end else if (il == 2) begin // 32 bit offset in IM2
315 |
address_offset = {{32{instruction_in[63]}},instruction_in[63:32]}; // sign extend IM2;
316 |
end else if (mode == 1 && op1 == 0) begin // format 3.1.0. Jump with memory offest in IM3
317 |
address_offset = {{32{instruction_in[95]}},instruction_in[95:64]}; // sign extend IM3;
318 |
end else begin // format 3.x.x, except 3.1.0
319 |
address_offset = {{32{instruction_in[95]}},instruction_in[95:64]}; // sign extend IM4;
320 |
321 |
322 |
// calculated address
323 |
address = base_pointer + address_index + address_offset;
324 |
325 |
// data to write. (mask is handled below)
326 |
if (category_in == `CAT_MULTI) begin
327 |
write_data <= rd_val; // write register
328 |
end else begin
329 |
write_data <= instruction_in[63:32]; // write constant
330 |
331 |
332 |
333 |
334 |
always_ff @(posedge clock) if (clock_enable) begin
335 |
336 |
read_enable_out <= 0;
337 |
write_enable_out <= 0;
338 |
339 |
if (valid_in && !waiting) begin
340 |
341 |
// output memory address for data cache read and write
342 |
// must have natural alignment
343 |
read_write_address_out <= address;
344 |
345 |
if (result_type_in == `RESULT_MEM && !mask_off && !array_error) begin
346 |
347 |
// memory write
348 |
if (otype == `OT_INT8) begin // write 8 bits
349 |
case (address[2:0])
350 |
0: begin
351 |
write_data_out <= write_data;
352 |
write_enable_out <= 8'b00000001; end
353 |
1: begin
354 |
write_data_out <= {write_data[7:0],8'b0};
355 |
write_enable_out <= 8'b00000010; end
356 |
2: begin
357 |
write_data_out <= {write_data[7:0],16'b0};
358 |
write_enable_out <= 8'b00000100; end
359 |
3: begin
360 |
write_data_out <= {write_data[7:0],24'b0};
361 |
write_enable_out <= 8'b00001000; end
362 |
4: begin
363 |
write_data_out <= {write_data[7:0],32'b0};
364 |
write_enable_out <= 8'b00010000; end
365 |
5: begin
366 |
write_data_out <= {write_data[7:0],40'b0};
367 |
write_enable_out <= 8'b00100000; end
368 |
6: begin
369 |
write_data_out <= {write_data[7:0],48'b0};
370 |
write_enable_out <= 8'b01000000; end
371 |
7: begin
372 |
write_data_out <= {write_data[7:0],56'b0};
373 |
write_enable_out <= 8'b10000000; end
374 |
375 |
376 |
end else if (otype == `OT_INT16) begin // write 16 bits
377 |
case (address[2:1])
378 |
0: begin
379 |
write_data_out <= write_data;
380 |
write_enable_out <= 8'b00000011; end
381 |
1: begin
382 |
write_data_out <= {write_data[15:0],16'b0};
383 |
write_enable_out <= 8'b00001100; end
384 |
2: begin
385 |
write_data_out <= {write_data[15:0],32'b0};
386 |
write_enable_out <= 8'b00110000; end
387 |
3: begin
388 |
write_data_out <= {write_data[15:0],48'b0};
389 |
write_enable_out <= 8'b11000000; end
390 |
391 |
392 |
end else if (otype == `OT_INT32 || otype == `OT_FLOAT32) begin // write 32 bits
393 |
case (address[2])
394 |
0: begin
395 |
write_data_out <= write_data;
396 |
write_enable_out <= 8'b00001111; end
397 |
1: begin
398 |
write_data_out <= {write_data[31:0],32'b0};
399 |
write_enable_out <= 8'b11110000; end
400 |
401 |
402 |
end else begin // write 64 bits (or more)
403 |
write_data_out <= write_data;
404 |
write_enable_out <= 8'b11111111;
405 |
406 |
407 |
end else if (rs_status_in == `REG_POINTER && !address_instruction) begin
408 |
409 |
// memory read. Must have natural alignment
410 |
read_enable_out <= valid_in && !mask_off && !array_error;
411 |
write_enable_out <= 0;
412 |
case (otype)
413 |
`OT_INT8: read_data_size_out <= `OT_INT8;
414 |
`OT_INT16: read_data_size_out <= `OT_INT16;
415 |
416 |
`OT_FLOAT32: read_data_size_out <= `OT_INT32;
417 |
default: read_data_size_out <= `OT_INT64;
418 |
419 |
420 |
421 |
422 |
// sort operand values, selected by the priority order: immediate, memory, rt, rs, ru, rd
423 |
operand1_out <= 0; // value of first operand, bit `RB indicates invalid
424 |
operand2_out <= 0; // value of second operand, bit `RB indicates invalid
425 |
operand3_out <= 0; // value of last operand, bit `RB indicates invalid
426 |
427 |
if (immediate_field_in != `IMMED_NONE && rs_status_in == `REG_POINTER) begin
428 |
// both memory and immediate operands.
429 |
// Last operand is an immediate value calculated below.
430 |
// Next to last operand is a memory operand retrieved later.
431 |
// Find remaining register operand
432 |
if (rt_status_in == `REG_OPERAND) operand1_out <= rt_val;
433 |
else if (ru_status_in == `REG_OPERAND) operand1_out <= ru_val;
434 |
else if (rd_status_in == `REG_OPERAND) operand1_out <= rd_val;
435 |
436 |
end else if (immediate_field_in != `IMMED_NONE || rs_status_in == `REG_POINTER) begin
437 |
// Last operand is an immediate value calculated below or a memory operand retrieved later.
438 |
// Find remaining register operands
439 |
if (rt_status_in == `REG_OPERAND) begin
440 |
operand2_out <= rt_val;
441 |
if (rs_status_in == `REG_OPERAND) operand1_out <= rs_val;
442 |
else if (ru_status_in == `REG_OPERAND) operand1_out <= ru_val;
443 |
else if (rd_status_in == `REG_OPERAND) operand1_out <= rd_val;
444 |
else operand1_out <= rt_val; // possible fallback
445 |
end else if (rs_status_in == `REG_OPERAND || rs_status_in == `REG_SYSTEM) begin
446 |
operand2_out <= rs_val;
447 |
if (ru_status_in == `REG_OPERAND) operand1_out <= ru_val;
448 |
else if (rd_status_in == `REG_OPERAND) operand1_out <= rd_val;
449 |
else operand1_out <= rs_val; // possible fallback_use_in == `FALLBACK_RS
450 |
end else if (ru_status_in == `REG_OPERAND) begin
451 |
operand2_out <= ru_val;
452 |
if (rd_status_in == `REG_OPERAND) operand1_out <= rd_val;
453 |
else operand1_out <= ru_val;
454 |
end else if (rd_status_in == `REG_OPERAND) begin
455 |
operand2_out <= rd_val;
456 |
operand1_out <= rd_val;
457 |
458 |
end else begin
459 |
// last operand is a register
460 |
if (rt_status_in == `REG_OPERAND) begin
461 |
operand3_out <= rt_val;
462 |
if (rs_status_in == `REG_OPERAND) begin
463 |
operand2_out <= rs_val;
464 |
if (ru_status_in == `REG_OPERAND) operand1_out <= ru_val;
465 |
else if (rd_status_in == `REG_OPERAND) operand1_out <= rd_val;
466 |
else operand1_out <= rs_val;
467 |
end else if (ru_status_in == `REG_OPERAND) begin
468 |
operand2_out <= ru_val;
469 |
if (rd_status_in == `REG_OPERAND) operand1_out <= rd_val;
470 |
else operand1_out <= ru_val;
471 |
end else if (rd_status_in == `REG_OPERAND) begin
472 |
operand2_out <= rd_val;
473 |
operand1_out <= rd_val;
474 |
475 |
end else if (rs_status_in == `REG_OPERAND) begin
476 |
operand3_out <= rs_val;
477 |
if (ru_status_in == `REG_OPERAND) begin
478 |
operand2_out <= ru_val;
479 |
if (rd_status_in == `REG_OPERAND) operand1_out <= rd_val;
480 |
else operand1_out <= ru_val;
481 |
end else if (rd_status_in == `REG_OPERAND) begin
482 |
operand2_out <= rd_val;
483 |
operand1_out <= rd_val;
484 |
485 |
end else if (ru_status_in == `REG_OPERAND) begin // should not occur
486 |
operand3_out <= ru_val;
487 |
if (rd_status_in == `REG_OPERAND) begin
488 |
operand2_out <= rd_val;
489 |
operand1_out <= rd_val;
490 |
end else begin
491 |
operand1_out <= ru_val;
492 |
493 |
end else if (rd_status_in == `REG_OPERAND) begin
494 |
operand3_out <= rd_val;
495 |
operand1_out <= rd_val;
496 |
497 |
498 |
499 |
// look for immediate operand, and process it if necessary
500 |
if (immediate_field_in != `IMMED_NONE) begin
501 |
if (immediate_field_in == `IMMED_1) begin // sign_extend 8 bit immediate operand
502 |
if (format_in == `FORMAT_E) begin
503 |
operand3_out <= {{(`RB-8){instruction_in[`IM3EXS]}},instruction_in[`IM3EX]};
504 |
end else if (format_in == `FORMAT_C && category_in == `CAT_JUMP) begin
505 |
// jump in format 1.7C and 2.5.4C
506 |
operand3_out <= {{(`RB-8){instruction_in[15]}},instruction_in[15:8]};
507 |
end else begin // format B
508 |
operand3_out <= {{(`RB-8){instruction_in[`IM1S]}},instruction_in[`IM1]};
509 |
510 |
511 |
if (immediate_field_in == `IMMED_2) begin // sign_extend 16 bit immediate operand
512 |
if (format_in == `FORMAT_C) begin // format C: sign extend (IM2,IM1)
513 |
operand3_out <= {{(`RB-16){instruction_in[15]}},instruction_in[15:0]};
514 |
// special cases
515 |
if (mode == 1) begin
516 |
if (op1 == `II_MOVEU11) operand3_out <= instruction_in[15:0]; // zero extended
517 |
if (op1 == `II_ADDSHIFT16_11) begin
518 |
`ifdef SUPPORT_64BIT
519 |
operand3_out <= {{(`RB-32){instruction_in[15]}},instruction_in[15:0],16'b0}; // shift left by 16
520 |
521 |
operand3_out <= {instruction_in[15:0],16'b0}; // shift left by 16
522 |
523 |
524 |
if ((op1 & -2) == `II_SHIFT_MOVE_11 || op1 >= `II_SHIFT_ADD_11 && op1 <= `II_SHIFT_XOR_11+1) begin // IM2 << IM1
525 |
if (instruction_in[`IM1] >= 64) operand3_out <= 0;
526 |
else operand3_out <= {{(`RB-8){instruction_in[15]}},instruction_in[15:8]} << instruction_in[5:0];
527 |
528 |
529 |
end else begin
530 |
operand3_out <= {{(`RB-16){instruction_in[`IM2ES]}},instruction_in[`IM2E]};
531 |
// special cases
532 |
if (il == 2 && ((mode == 0 && !M) || mode == 2) && mode2 == 7 && !option_bits_im3) begin
533 |
// format 2.0.7 and 2.2.7 have shift
534 |
operand3_out <= {{(`RB-16){instruction_in[47]}},instruction_in[`IM2E]} << instruction_in[`IM3E];
535 |
536 |
537 |
538 |
if (immediate_field_in == `IMMED_3) begin
539 |
`ifdef SUPPORT_64BIT
540 |
if (il == 3 && ((mode == 0 && !M) || mode == 2) && mode2 == 7 && otype < `OT_FLOAT32) begin
541 |
// format 3.0.7 and 3.2.7 have shift
542 |
operand3_out <= {{32{instruction_in[95]}},instruction_in[95:64]} << instruction_in[`IM2E];
543 |
end else if (il == 3 && format_in == `FORMAT_E) begin
544 |
// other format 3E
545 |
operand3_out <= {{32{instruction_in[95]}},instruction_in[95:64]};
546 |
end else if (il == 3 && mode == 0 && M) begin
547 |
// format 3.8
548 |
operand3_out <= instruction_in[95:32];
549 |
end else begin
550 |
// format 2.x
551 |
operand3_out <= {{32{instruction_in[63]}},instruction_in[63:32]};
552 |
553 |
554 |
if (((mode == 0 && !M) || mode == 2) && mode2 == 7 && otype < `OT_FLOAT32) begin
555 |
// format 3.0.7 and 3.2.7 have shift
556 |
operand3_out <= instruction_in[95:64] << instruction_in[`IM2E];
557 |
end else if (il == 3 && format_in == `FORMAT_E) begin
558 |
operand3_out <= instruction_in[95:64];
559 |
end else begin
560 |
operand3_out <= instruction_in[63:32];
561 |
562 |
563 |
564 |
// special cases
565 |
if (il == 2 && mode == 1 && M) begin
566 |
if (op1 == `II_ADDU_29 || op1 == `II_SUBU_29) begin
567 |
operand3_out <= instruction_in[63:32]; // zero extend
568 |
569 |
if (op1 == `II_MOVE_HI_29 || (op1 >= `II_ADD_HI_29 && op1 <= `II_XOR_HI_29)) begin
570 |
// immediate constant is high word of 64 bits
571 |
`ifdef SUPPORT_64BIT
572 |
operand3_out <= {instruction_in[63:32],32'b0}; // high word
573 |
574 |
operand3_out <= 0; // there is no high word
575 |
576 |
577 |
578 |
579 |
//if (category_in == `CAT_JUMP) begin // unnecessary check
580 |
if (il == 2 && mode == 5) begin
581 |
// immediate operands in jump instructions 2.5.x
582 |
if (op1 == 0) begin
583 |
// format 2.5.0A: jump with three registers, and 24 bit jump offset, no immediate
584 |
end else if (op1 == 1) begin
585 |
// format 2.5.1B: jump with one register, one 16 bit operand, and 16 bit jum offset
586 |
operand3_out <= {{48{instruction_in[47]}},instruction_in[47:32]}; // sign extend 16 bit operand
587 |
end else if (op1 == 4) begin
588 |
// format 2.5.4C: jump with one register, one 8 bit operand, and 32 bit offset
589 |
operand3_out <= {{56{instruction_in[15]}},instruction_in[15:8]}; // sign extend 8 bit operand
590 |
end else if (op1 == 5) begin
591 |
// format 2.5.5: jump with one register, one 32 bit operand, and 8 bit offset
592 |
operand3_out <= {{32{instruction_in[63]}},instruction_in[63:32]}; // sign extend 32 bit operand
593 |
end else if (op1 == 7) begin
594 |
// format 2.5.7: system call. 16 bit and 32 bit constants
595 |
operand3_out <= {instruction_in[63:32],16'b0,instruction_in[15:0]}; // 32 bit module ID, 16 bit function ID
596 |
597 |
598 |
if (il == 3 && mode == 1) begin
599 |
// immedate operands in jump instructions 3.1.x
600 |
if (op1 == 0) begin
601 |
// format 3.1.0: jump with memory operand and 32 bit offset. no immediate
602 |
end else if (op1 == 1) begin // && op1 == `IJ_SYSCALL
603 |
// jump format 3.1.1
604 |
if (instruction_in[5:0] < `IJ_SYSCALL) begin
605 |
operand3_out <= instruction_in[95:64];
606 |
end else begin
607 |
// format 3.1.1: system call with 32 bit module ID and 32 bit function ID
608 |
`ifdef SUPPORT_64BIT
609 |
operand3_out <= instruction_in[95:32];
610 |
611 |
operand3_out <= {instruction_in[79:64],instruction_in[47:32]};
612 |
613 |
614 |
615 |
616 |
operand3_out[`RB] <= 0; // indicate not missing
617 |
618 |
619 |
if (address_instruction) begin
620 |
operand3_out <= address; // address instruction
621 |
622 |
623 |
if (fallback_use_in > `FALLBACK_SOURCE) begin
624 |
// separate fallback register. Check if fallback zero
625 |
if (fallback_use_in == `FALLBACK_RU && instruction_in[`RU] == 31) operand1_out <= 0;
626 |
if (fallback_use_in == `FALLBACK_RS && instruction_in[`RS] == 31) operand1_out <= 0;
627 |
if (fallback_use_in == `FALLBACK_RT && instruction_in[`RT] == 31) operand1_out <= 0;
628 |
629 |
630 |
// output everything else
631 |
regmask_val_out <= regmask_val;
632 |
instruction_pointer_out <= instruction_pointer_in; // address of current instruction
633 |
instruction_out <= instruction_in[63:0]; // first two words of instruction
634 |
tag_val_out <= tag_val_in; // instruction tag value
635 |
vector_out <= vector_in; // this is a vector instruction
636 |
category_out <= category_in; // 00: multiformat, 01: single format, 10: jump
637 |
format_out <= format_in; // 00: format A, 01: format E, 10: format B, 11: format C (format D never goes through decoder)
638 |
mask_status_out <= mask_status_in == `REG_OPERAND;// mask register is used
639 |
mask_alternative_out <= mask_alternative_in; // mask register and fallback register used for alternative purposes
640 |
fallback_use_out <= fallback_use_in; // use of fallback register
641 |
num_operands_out <= num_operands_in; // number of source operands
642 |
result_type_out <= result_type_in; // type of result: 0: register, 1: system register, 2: memory, 3: other or nothing
643 |
offset_field_out <= offset_field_in; // address offset. 0: none, 1: 8 bit, possibly scaled, 2: 16 bit, 3: 32 bit
644 |
immediate_field_out <= immediate_field_in; // immediate data field. 0: none, 1: 8 bit, 2: 16 bit, 3: 32 or 64 bit
645 |
scale_factor_out <= scale_factor_in; // 00: index is not scaled, 01: index is scaled by operand size, 10: index is scaled by -1
646 |
memory_operand_out <= (rs_status_in >= `REG_POINTER) && !address_instruction; // The instruction has a memory operand
647 |
array_error_out <= array_error; // Array index exceeds limit;
648 |
options3_out <= option_bits_im3; // IM3 used for option bits
649 |
650 |
651 |
652 |
653 |
654 |
always_ff @(posedge clock) if (clock_enable) begin
655 |
last_stall <= (stall_in || waiting) && valid_in;
656 |
last_valid <= valid_in;
657 |
stall_predict_out <= (wait_next1 | wait_next2 | wait_next3) && valid_in; // predict stalling in next clock cycle
658 |
last_tag_val <= tag_val_in;
659 |
660 |
if (reset) begin
661 |
valid_out <= 0;
662 |
end else begin
663 |
// avoid sending an instruction that is not ready, or an instruction that has already been sent
664 |
valid_out <= valid_in && !waiting && !stall_in && (new_instruction | !valid_out);
665 |
666 |
667 |
// temporary debug outputs
668 |
debug1_out <= {address_offset[7:0], address_index[7:0], base_pointer[15:0]};
669 |
debug2_out <= write_data;
670 |
671 |
debug3_out[0] <= waiting;
672 |
debug3_out[1] <= stall_in;
673 |
debug3_out[2] <= last_stall;
674 |
675 |
debug3_out[4] <= wait_next1;
676 |
debug3_out[5] <= wait_next2;
677 |
debug3_out[6] <= wait_next3;
678 |
679 |
debug3_out[8] <= rs_val[`RB] && (rs_status_in >= `REG_POINTER) && !mask_off;
680 |
debug3_out[9] <= rt_val[`RB] && (rt_status_in >= `REG_INDEX) && !mask_off;
681 |
debug3_out[10] <= rd_val[`RB] && (rd_status_in != 0)&& result_type_in == `RESULT_MEM && !mask_off;
682 |
debug3_out[11] <= new_instruction;
683 |
684 |
debug3_out[12] <= valid_in;
685 |
debug3_out[14] <= valid_out; // preceding valid out
686 |
debug3_out[15] <= last_valid;
687 |
688 |
debug3_out[16] <= rs_val[`RB];
689 |
debug3_out[17] <= rt_val[`RB];
690 |
debug3_out[18] <= rd_val[`RB];
691 |
692 |
debug3_out[20] <= rs_val_temp[`RB];
693 |
debug3_out[21] <= rt_val_temp[`RB];
694 |
debug3_out[22] <= rd_val_temp[`RB];
695 |
696 |
debug3_out[24] <= write_en1 && rt_val_in[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] == write_tag1_in;
697 |
debug3_out[25] <= write_en2 && rt_val_in[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] == write_tag2_in;
698 |
debug3_out[26] <= write_en1 && rd_val_in[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] == write_tag1_in;
699 |
debug3_out[27] <= write_en2 && rd_val_in[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] == write_tag2_in;
700 |
701 |
debug3_out[28] <= option_bits_im3;
702 |
debug3_out[31] <= mask_off;
703 |
704 |
705 |
706 |