1 |
18 |
Agner |
2 |
// Engineer: Agner Fog
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4 |
// Create Date: 2020-06-03
5 |
// Last modified: 2021-08-02
6 |
// Module Name: data_cache
7 |
// Project Name: ForwardCom soft core
8 |
// Target Devices: Artix 7
9 |
// Tool Versions: Vivado v. 2020.1
10 |
// License: CERN-OHL-W v. 2 or later
11 |
// Description: data memory or data cache for read/write data
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`include "defines.vh"
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17 |
// read/write data memory or cache, (2**`DATA_ADDR_WIDTH) bytes = 2**16 = 64kB
18 |
module data_memory (
19 |
input clock, // clock
20 |
input clock_enable, // clock enable. Used when single-stepping
21 |
input [`COMMON_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] read_write_addr, // Address for reading and writing from/to ram
22 |
// The lower 3 bits of read_write_addr indicate a byte within an 8 bytes line
23 |
input read_enable, // read enable
24 |
input [1:0] read_data_size, // 8, 16, 32, or 64 bits read
25 |
input [7:0] write_enable, // write enable for each byte separately
26 |
input [63:0] write_data_in, // Data in. Always 64 bits. Any part of the write bus can be used when the data size is less than 64 bits
27 |
`ifdef DISTRIBUTED_RAM // Distributed RAM takes a lot of FPGA resources
28 |
output reg [`RB1:0] read_data_out // Data out
29 |
`else // Block RAM
30 |
output logic [`RB1:0] read_data_out // Data out
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
// read/write data ram
35 |
reg [63:0] dataram [0:(2**(`DATA_ADDR_WIDTH-3))-1]; // 64kB RAM
36 |
37 |
// split read/write address into double-word index, and byte index
38 |
logic [`DATA_ADDR_WIDTH-4:0] address_hi;
39 |
logic [2:0] address_lo;
40 |
logic address_valid;
41 |
42 |
always_comb begin
43 |
address_hi = read_write_addr[`DATA_ADDR_WIDTH-1:3]; // index to 64-bit lines
44 |
address_lo = read_write_addr[2:0]; // index to byte within line
45 |
address_valid = read_write_addr[`COMMON_ADDR_WIDTH-1:`DATA_ADDR_WIDTH] == 0; // exclude code addresses
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
// Data write:
50 |
always_ff @(posedge clock) if (clock_enable & address_valid) begin
51 |
// write data to RAM. Each byte enabled separately
52 |
if (write_enable[0]) dataram[address_hi][ 7: 0] <= write_data_in[ 7: 0];
53 |
if (write_enable[1]) dataram[address_hi][15: 8] <= write_data_in[15: 8];
54 |
if (write_enable[2]) dataram[address_hi][23:16] <= write_data_in[23:16];
55 |
if (write_enable[3]) dataram[address_hi][31:24] <= write_data_in[31:24];
56 |
if (write_enable[4]) dataram[address_hi][39:32] <= write_data_in[39:32];
57 |
if (write_enable[5]) dataram[address_hi][47:40] <= write_data_in[47:40];
58 |
if (write_enable[6]) dataram[address_hi][55:48] <= write_data_in[55:48];
59 |
if (write_enable[7]) dataram[address_hi][63:56] <= write_data_in[63:56];
60 |
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63 |
// data read. Must have natural alignment
64 |
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// The multiplexer comes before the register. This is only possible with distributed RAM.
67 |
// Distributed RAM takes a lot of FPGA resources but may allow a slightly higher clock frequency.
68 |
69 |
always_ff @(posedge clock) if (clock_enable & address_valid & read_enable) begin
70 |
71 |
// Each 64-bit RAM line may be divided into
72 |
// eight bytes, four 16-bit halfwords, two 32-bit words, or one 64-bit double word:
73 |
case (address_lo)
74 |
0: read_data_out[7:0] <= dataram[address_hi][ 7: 0];
75 |
1: read_data_out[7:0] <= dataram[address_hi][15: 8];
76 |
2: read_data_out[7:0] <= dataram[address_hi][23:16];
77 |
3: read_data_out[7:0] <= dataram[address_hi][31:24];
78 |
4: read_data_out[7:0] <= dataram[address_hi][39:32];
79 |
5: read_data_out[7:0] <= dataram[address_hi][47:40];
80 |
6: read_data_out[7:0] <= dataram[address_hi][55:48];
81 |
7: read_data_out[7:0] <= dataram[address_hi][63:56];
82 |
83 |
84 |
case (address_lo[2:1])
85 |
0: read_data_out[15:8] <= dataram[address_hi][15: 8];
86 |
1: read_data_out[15:8] <= dataram[address_hi][31:24];
87 |
2: read_data_out[15:8] <= dataram[address_hi][47:40];
88 |
3: read_data_out[15:8] <= dataram[address_hi][63:56];
89 |
90 |
91 |
case (address_lo[2])
92 |
0: read_data_out[31:16] <= dataram[address_hi][31:16];
93 |
1: read_data_out[31:16] <= dataram[address_hi][63:48];
94 |
95 |
96 |
`ifdef SUPPORT_64BIT
97 |
read_data_out[63:32] <= dataram[address_hi][63:32];
98 |
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100 |
101 |
102 |
// block RAM. The multiplexer must come after the register
103 |
104 |
reg [63:0] read_data; // a whole line read from the RAM
105 |
reg [2:0] address_lo2; // address_lo saved
106 |
107 |
108 |
always_ff @(posedge clock) if (clock_enable & address_valid & read_enable) begin
109 |
read_data <= dataram[address_hi]; // read a 64 bits line from ram
110 |
address_lo2 <= address_lo; // save low part of address
111 |
112 |
113 |
always_comb begin
114 |
// Each 64-bit RAM line may be divided into eight bytes, four 16-bit halfwords,
115 |
// two 32-bit words, or one 64-bit double word.
116 |
// The speed of this multiplexer is very critical because it adds to the delay
117 |
// in the execution unit. We are saving time by not setting unused parts of
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// read_data_out to zero.
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case (address_lo2)
120 |
0: read_data_out[7:0] = read_data[ 7: 0];
121 |
1: read_data_out[7:0] = read_data[15: 8];
122 |
2: read_data_out[7:0] = read_data[23:16];
123 |
3: read_data_out[7:0] = read_data[31:24];
124 |
4: read_data_out[7:0] = read_data[39:32];
125 |
5: read_data_out[7:0] = read_data[47:40];
126 |
6: read_data_out[7:0] = read_data[55:48];
127 |
7: read_data_out[7:0] = read_data[63:56];
128 |
129 |
130 |
case (address_lo2[2:1])
131 |
0: read_data_out[15:8] = read_data[15: 8];
132 |
1: read_data_out[15:8] = read_data[31:24];
133 |
2: read_data_out[15:8] = read_data[47:40];
134 |
3: read_data_out[15:8] = read_data[63:56];
135 |
136 |
137 |
case (address_lo2[2])
138 |
0: read_data_out[31:16] = read_data[31:16];
139 |
1: read_data_out[31:16] = read_data[63:48];
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`ifdef SUPPORT_64BIT
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read_data_out[63:32] = read_data[63:32];
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