1 |
42 |
robfinch |
// ============================================================================
2 |
// __
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// \\__/ o\ (C) 2020 Robert Finch, Waterloo
4 |
// \ __ / All rights reserved.
5 |
// \/_// robfinch@finitron.ca
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// ||
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8 |
// positFDPAddsub.v
9 |
// - posit number adder/subtracter
10 |
// - parameterized width
11 |
12 |
13 |
// This source file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
14 |
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
15 |
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
16 |
// (at your option) any later version.
17 |
18 |
// This source file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
19 |
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 |
21 |
// GNU General Public License for more details.
22 |
23 |
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24 |
// along with this program. If not, see .
25 |
26 |
// ============================================================================
27 |
28 |
`include "positConfig.sv"
29 |
30 |
module positFDPAddsub(op, a, b, o, z, i);
31 |
`include "positSize.sv"
32 |
localparam rs = $clog2(PSTWID-1)-1;
33 |
input op;
34 |
input [PSTWID+es+(PSTWID-es)*2-1:0] a;
35 |
input [PSTWID+es+(PSTWID-es)*2-1:0] b;
36 |
output reg [PSTWID-1:0] o;
37 |
output z;
38 |
output i;
39 |
40 |
wire sa, sb;
41 |
reg so;
42 |
wire rop;
43 |
wire [rs:0] rgma, rgmb, rgm1, rgm2, argm1, argm2;
44 |
wire rgsa, rgsb, rgs1, rgs2;
45 |
wire [rs+es+1:0] diff;
46 |
wire [es-1:0] expa, expb, exp1, exp2;
47 |
wire [PSTWID+(PSTWID-es)*2-1:0] siga, sigb, sig1, sig2;
48 |
wire zera, zerb;
49 |
wire infa, infb;
50 |
wire [PSTWID+es+(PSTWID-es)*2-1:0] aa, bb;
51 |
wire inf = infa|infb;
52 |
wire zero = zera & zerb;
53 |
54 |
positDecompose #(PSTWID+es+(PSTWID-es)*2,es) u1 (
55 |
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 |
63 |
64 |
65 |
positDecompose #(PSTWID+es+(PSTWID-es)*2,es) u2 (
66 |
67 |
68 |
69 |
70 |
71 |
72 |
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
assign aa = sa ? -a : a;
77 |
assign bb = sb ? -b : b;
78 |
79 |
wire aa_gt_bb = aa >= bb;
80 |
// Determine op really wanted
81 |
assign rop = sa ^ sb ^ op;
82 |
// Sort operand components
83 |
assign rgs1 = aa_gt_bb ? rgsa : rgsb;
84 |
assign rgs2 = aa_gt_bb ? rgsb : rgsa;
85 |
assign rgm1 = aa_gt_bb ? rgma : rgmb;
86 |
assign rgm2 = aa_gt_bb ? rgmb : rgma;
87 |
assign exp1 = aa_gt_bb ? expa : expb;
88 |
assign exp2 = aa_gt_bb ? expb : expa;
89 |
assign sig1 = aa_gt_bb ? siga : sigb;
90 |
assign sig2 = aa_gt_bb ? sigb : siga;
91 |
92 |
assign argm1 = rgs1 ? rgm1 : -rgm1;
93 |
assign argm2 = rgs2 ? rgm2 : -rgm2;
94 |
95 |
assign diff = {argm1,exp1} - {argm2,exp2};
96 |
wire [rs-1:0] exp_diff = (|diff[es+rs:rs]) ? {rs{1'b1}} : diff[rs-1:0];
97 |
wire [PSTWID*2+(PSTWID-es)*2-1:0] sig2s = {sig2,{PSTWID{1'b0}}} >> exp_diff;
98 |
wire [PSTWID*2+(PSTWID-es)*2-1:0] sig1s = {sig1,{PSTWID{1'b0}}};
99 |
wire [PSTWID*2+(PSTWID-es)*2+2:0] sig_sd = rop ? sig1s - sig2s : sig1s + sig2s;
100 |
wire zeroRes = (rop && sig1s==sig2s) || (~rop && (sig1s==-sig2s));
101 |
wire [1:0] sigov = sig_sd[PSTWID*2+(PSTWID-es)*2+2:PSTWID*2+(PSTWID-es)*2+1];
102 |
// Round the size to a multiple of 64 bits
103 |
localparam wid = PSTWID*2+(PSTWID-es)*2+2;
104 |
localparam rem = (64-(wid % 64));
105 |
localparam wid2 = wid + rem;
106 |
wire [wid2-1:0] sigi = {|sigov,sig_sd[PSTWID*2+(PSTWID-es)*2:0]} << rem;
107 |
108 |
wire [$clog2(wid2-1)-1:0] lzcnt;
109 |
generate begin : gClz
110 |
111 |
64: cntlz64 u1 (.i(sigi), .o(lzcnt));
112 |
128: cntlz128 u1(.i(sigi), .o(lzcnt));
113 |
192: cntlz192 u1(.i(sigi), .o(lzcnt));
114 |
256: cntlz256 u1(.i(sigi), .o(lzcnt));
115 |
116 |
always @*
117 |
118 |
$display ("postFDPAddsub: significand too large");
119 |
120 |
121 |
122 |
123 |
124 |
125 |
//positCntlz #(.PSTWID(PSTWID)) u3 (.i({|sigov,sig_sd[PSTWID-2:0]}), .o(lzcnt));
126 |
wire [PSTWID*2+(PSTWID-es)*2-1:0] sig_ls = sig_sd[PSTWID*2+(PSTWID-es)*2+1:0] << (lzcnt-1);
127 |
128 |
wire [rs:0] absrgm1 = rgs1 ? rgm1 : -rgm1; // rgs1 = 1 = positive
129 |
wire [es+rs+1:0] rxtmp;
130 |
wire [es+rs+1:0] rxtmp1;
131 |
wire srxtmp1;
132 |
wire [es+rs:0] abs_rxtmp;
133 |
wire [(es==0 ? 0 : es-1):0] expo;
134 |
wire [rs:0] rgmo;
135 |
generate begin : gEsz
136 |
if (es > 0) begin
137 |
138 |
0: assign rxtmp = {absrgm1,exp1} - {{es+1{1'b0}},lzcnt-es-2};
139 |
1: assign rxtmp = {absrgm1,exp1} - {{es+1{1'b0}},lzcnt-es-1};
140 |
2: assign rxtmp = {absrgm1,exp1} - {{es+1{1'b0}},lzcnt-es+0};
141 |
3: assign rxtmp = {absrgm1,exp1} - {{es+1{1'b0}},lzcnt-es+1};
142 |
4: assign rxtmp = {absrgm1,exp1} - {{es+1{1'b0}},lzcnt-es+2};
143 |
5: assign rxtmp = {absrgm1,exp1} - {{es+1{1'b0}},lzcnt-es+3};
144 |
6: assign rxtmp = {absrgm1,exp1} - {{es+1{1'b0}},lzcnt-es+4};
145 |
146 |
assign rxtmp1 = rxtmp + sigov[1]; // add in overflow if any
147 |
assign srxtmp1 = rxtmp1[es+rs+1];
148 |
assign abs_rxtmp = srxtmp1 ? -rxtmp1 : rxtmp1;
149 |
150 |
assign expo = (srxtmp1 & |abs_rxtmp[es-1:0]) ? rxtmp1[es-1:0] : abs_rxtmp[es-1:0];
151 |
assign rgmo = (~srxtmp1 || (srxtmp1 & |abs_rxtmp[es-1:0])) ? abs_rxtmp[es+rs:es] + 1'b1 : abs_rxtmp[es+rs:es];
152 |
153 |
else begin
154 |
assign rxtmp = absrgm1 - {{1{1'b0}},lzcnt+2};
155 |
assign rxtmp1 = rxtmp + sigov[1]; // add in overflow if any
156 |
assign srxtmp1 = rxtmp1[rs+1];
157 |
assign abs_rxtmp = srxtmp1 ? -rxtmp1 : rxtmp1;
158 |
assign expo = 1'b0;
159 |
assign rgmo = (~srxtmp1) ? abs_rxtmp[rs:0] + 1'b1 : abs_rxtmp[rs:0];
160 |
161 |
162 |
163 |
164 |
// Exponent and Significand Packing
165 |
reg [2*PSTWID-1+3:0] tmp;
166 |
always @*
167 |
168 |
0: tmp = { {PSTWID{~srxtmp1}}, srxtmp1, sig_ls[PSTWID*2+(PSTWID-es)*2-1:PSTWID+(PSTWID-es)*2-1], |sig_ls[PSTWID+(PSTWID-es)*2-2:0]};
169 |
1: tmp = { {PSTWID{~srxtmp1}}, srxtmp1, expo, sig_ls[PSTWID*2+(PSTWID-es)*2-1:PSTWID+(PSTWID-es)*2-0], |sig_ls[PSTWID+(PSTWID-es)*2-1:0]};
170 |
2: tmp = { {PSTWID{~srxtmp1}}, srxtmp1, expo, sig_ls[PSTWID*2+(PSTWID-es)*2-1:PSTWID+(PSTWID-es)*2+1], |sig_ls[PSTWID+(PSTWID-es)*2-0:0]};
171 |
default: tmp = { {PSTWID{~srxtmp1}}, srxtmp1, expo, sig_ls[PSTWID*2+(PSTWID-es)*2-1:PSTWID+(PSTWID-es)*2-(2-es)+1], |sig_ls[PSTWID+(PSTWID-es)*2-(2-es):0]};
172 |
173 |
174 |
wire [3*PSTWID-1+3:0] tmp1 = {tmp,{PSTWID{1'b0}}} >> rgmo;
175 |
176 |
// Rounding
177 |
// Gaurd, Round, and Sticky
178 |
wire L = tmp1[PSTWID+4], G = tmp1[PSTWID+3], R = tmp1[PSTWID+2], St = |tmp1[PSTWID+1:0],
179 |
ulp = ((G & (R | St)) | (L & G & ~(R | St)));
180 |
wire [PSTWID-1:0] rnd_ulp = {{PSTWID-1{1'b0}},ulp};
181 |
182 |
wire [PSTWID:0] tmp1_rnd_ulp = tmp1[2*PSTWID-1+3:PSTWID+3] + rnd_ulp;
183 |
wire [PSTWID-1:0] tmp1_rnd = (rgmo < PSTWID-es-2) ? tmp1_rnd_ulp[PSTWID-1:0] : tmp1[2*PSTWID-1+3:PSTWID+3];
184 |
185 |
// Compute output sign
186 |
always @*
187 |
casez ({zero,sa,op,sb})
188 |
4'b0000: so = 1'b0; // + + + = +
189 |
4'b0001: so = !aa_gt_bb; // + + - = sign of larger
190 |
4'b0010: so = !aa_gt_bb; // + - + = sign of larger
191 |
4'b0011: so = 1'b0; // + - - = +
192 |
4'b0100: so = aa_gt_bb; // - + + = sign of larger
193 |
4'b0101: so = 1'b1; // - + - = -
194 |
4'b0110: so = 1'b1; // - - + = -
195 |
4'b0111: so = aa_gt_bb; // - - - = sign of larger
196 |
4'b1???: so = 1'b0;
197 |
198 |
199 |
wire [PSTWID-1:0] abs_tmp = so ? -tmp1_rnd : tmp1_rnd;
200 |
assign z = zero|zeroRes;
201 |
assign i = inf;
202 |
203 |
always @*
204 |
205 |
3'b1??: o = {PSTWID{1'b0}};
206 |
3'b01?: o = {1'b1,{PSTWID-1{1'b0}}};
207 |
3'b001: o = {PSTWID{1'b0}};
208 |
default: o = {so, abs_tmp[PSTWID-1:1]};
209 |
210 |
211 |