1 |
145 |
lanttu |
2 |
-- Title : A block which sends data to HIBI
3 |
-- Project :
4 |
5 |
-- File : hibi_sender_n2h2.vhd
6 |
-- Author : kulmala3
7 |
-- Created : 13.01.2005
8 |
-- Last update: 2011-11-11
9 |
-- Description: This blocks creates traffic for the HIBI block.
10 |
-- Reads a configraution file, where each line has 3 integers:
11 |
-- dest_agent delay_cycles num_of_words
12 |
13 |
-- This is derived from a block "hibi_sender" but modified for
14 |
-- testing Nios-to-HIBI2 (n2h2).
15 |
16 |
-- Copyright (c) 2005
17 |
18 |
-- Revisions :
19 |
-- Date Version Author Description
20 |
-- 13.01.2005 1.0 AK Created
21 |
22 |
23 |
-- Funbase IP library Copyright (C) 2011 TUT Department of Computer Systems
24 |
25 |
-- This file is part of HIBI
26 |
27 |
-- This source file may be used and distributed without
28 |
-- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not
29 |
-- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains
30 |
-- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.
31 |
32 |
-- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it
33 |
-- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
34 |
-- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
35 |
-- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any
36 |
-- later version.
37 |
38 |
-- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be
39 |
-- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
40 |
41 |
-- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
42 |
-- details.
43 |
44 |
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
45 |
-- Public License along with this source; if not, download it
46 |
-- from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
library ieee;
51 |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
52 |
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
53 |
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
54 |
use std.textio.all;
55 |
use work.tb_n2h2_pkg.all; -- incl. e.g. const array "addresses"
56 |
57 |
entity hibi_sender_n2h2 is
58 |
59 |
generic (
60 |
--data_1_g : string := ""; -- obsolete?
61 |
conf_file_g : string := "";
62 |
own_number_g : integer := 0; -- 1-4
63 |
comm_width_g : integer := 5;
64 |
n_dest_g : integer := 3;
65 |
data_width_g : integer := 0);
66 |
67 |
port (
68 |
clk : in std_logic;
69 |
rst_n : in std_logic;
70 |
pause_in : in std_logic;
71 |
pause_ack : out std_logic;
72 |
done_out : out std_logic; -- if this has finished
73 |
74 |
75 |
agent_av_out : out std_logic;
76 |
agent_data_out : out std_logic_vector(data_width_g-1 downto 0);
77 |
agent_comm_out : out std_logic_vector (comm_width_g-1 downto 0);
78 |
agent_empty_out : out std_logic;
79 |
agent_re_in : in std_logic
80 |
81 |
-- note that this only sends, so these signals are removed
82 |
-- agent_empty_in : in std_logic;
83 |
-- agent_one_d_in : in std_logic;
84 |
-- agent_re_out : out std_logic;
85 |
-- agent_av_in : in std_logic;
86 |
-- agent_comm_in : in std_logic_vector (comm_width_g-1 downto 0);
87 |
-- agent_data_in : in std_logic_vector(data_width_g-1 downto 0);
88 |
-- aren't needed
89 |
90 |
91 |
end hibi_sender_n2h2;
92 |
93 |
94 |
architecture rtl of hibi_sender_n2h2 is
95 |
96 |
97 |
-- Use only one command: basic write operation
98 |
constant hibi_write_c : std_logic_vector(comm_width_g-1 downto 0) := "00010";
99 |
100 |
101 |
102 |
103 |
-- Registers may be reset to 'Z' to 'X' so that reset state is clearly
104 |
-- distinguished from active state. Using dbg_level+Rst_Value array, the rst value may
105 |
-- be easily set to '0' for synthesis.
106 |
constant rst_value_arr : std_logic_vector (6 downto 0) := 'X' & 'Z' & 'X' & 'Z' & 'X' & 'Z' & '0';
107 |
108 |
-- right now gives a lot of warnings when other than 0
109 |
constant dbg_level : integer range 0 to 3 := 0; -- 0= no debug, use 0 for synthesis
110 |
111 |
112 |
-- This procedure reads the (opened) file. The file line structure is as follows:
113 |
-- 1st integer: destination agent (1,2,3,4) (not own!)
114 |
-- 2nd integer: delay cycles before sending
115 |
-- 3rd integer: amount of data words to be sent.
116 |
procedure read_hibi_conf_file (
117 |
dest_agent_n : out integer;
118 |
delay : out integer;
119 |
amount : out integer;
120 |
file conf_dat : text) is
121 |
122 |
variable file_row : line;
123 |
variable dest_agent_n_var : integer;
124 |
variable delay_var : integer;
125 |
variable amount_var : integer;
126 |
variable dest_ok : boolean := false; -- ES 2011-11-11
127 |
begin -- read_hibi_conf_file
128 |
129 |
-- Loop until finding a line that is not a comment
130 |
while dest_ok = false and not(endfile(conf_dat)) loop
131 |
readline(conf_dat, file_row);
132 |
read (file_row, dest_agent_n_var, dest_ok);
133 |
134 |
if dest_ok = FALSE then
135 |
--Reading of the delay value failed
136 |
--=> assume that this line is comment or empty, and skip other it
137 |
-- assert false report "Skipped a line" severity note;
138 |
next; -- start new loop interation
139 |
end if;
140 |
141 |
read (file_row, delay_var);
142 |
read (file_row, amount_var);
143 |
144 |
-- Return the values
145 |
dest_agent_n := dest_agent_n_var;
146 |
delay := delay_var;
147 |
amount := amount_var;
148 |
end loop;
149 |
150 |
end read_hibi_conf_file;
151 |
152 |
153 |
154 |
-- Main FSM
155 |
type control_states is (read_hibi_conf, wait_sending, write_hibi, wait_hibi, finish, write_addr, pause);
156 |
signal control_r : control_states := read_hibi_conf;
157 |
158 |
159 |
160 |
-- Fifo signals
161 |
signal agent_comm_to_fifo : std_logic_vector (comm_width_g-1 downto 0);
162 |
signal agent_data_to_fifo : std_logic_vector(data_width_g-1 downto 0);
163 |
signal agent_av_to_fifo : std_logic;
164 |
signal data_to_fifo : std_logic_vector (1+comm_width_g+data_width_g-1 downto 0); --concatenated from above
165 |
signal we_to_fifo : std_logic;
166 |
signal full_from_fifo : std_logic;
167 |
signal one_p_from_fifo : std_logic;
168 |
169 |
signal re_to_fifo : std_logic;
170 |
signal data_from_fifo : std_logic_vector (1+comm_width_g+data_width_g-1 downto 0);
171 |
signal empty_from_fifo : std_logic;
172 |
signal one_d_from_fifo : std_logic;
173 |
174 |
175 |
176 |
177 |
-- internal
178 |
constant data_fixed_width_c : integer := 32;
179 |
constant n_words_output_c : integer := data_width_g/ data_fixed_width_c;
180 |
type dest_amount_cnt_type is array (0 to n_dest_g-1) of std_logic_vector(data_fixed_width_c-1 downto 0);
181 |
signal data_r : dest_amount_cnt_type; -- 32 bit words always!
182 |
183 |
signal sent_packets_r : integer;
184 |
185 |
begin -- rtl
186 |
187 |
agent_av_out <= data_from_fifo(1+comm_width_g+data_width_g-1);
188 |
agent_comm_out <= data_from_fifo(comm_width_g+data_width_g-1 downto data_width_g);
189 |
agent_data_out <= data_from_fifo(data_width_g-1 downto 0);
190 |
data_to_fifo <= agent_av_to_fifo & agent_comm_to_fifo & agent_data_to_fifo;
191 |
192 |
193 |
-- Instead of full HIBI bus, we only need one FIFO. This component
194 |
-- puts data to the FIFO, that will be read by the DUT.
195 |
196 |
fifo_1 : entity work.fifo
197 |
generic map (
198 |
data_width_g => 1+comm_width_g+data_width_g, -- av, comm, data
199 |
depth_g => 10)
200 |
port map (
201 |
clk => clk,
202 |
rst_n => rst_n,
203 |
data_in => data_to_fifo,
204 |
we_in => we_to_fifo,
205 |
full_out => full_from_fifo,
206 |
one_p_out => one_p_from_fifo,
207 |
re_in => agent_re_in,
208 |
data_out => data_from_fifo,
209 |
empty_out => agent_empty_out,
210 |
one_d_out => one_d_from_fifo);
211 |
212 |
213 |
-- Generate transfers according to conf file
214 |
215 |
main : process (clk, rst_n)
216 |
file conf_data_file : text open read_mode is conf_file_g;
217 |
-- file data_file_1 : text open read_mode is data_1_g;
218 |
219 |
variable delay_r : integer;
220 |
variable amount_r : integer;
221 |
variable dest_agent_n_r : integer;
222 |
variable file_number_r : integer;
223 |
-- variable data_r : integer;
224 |
begin -- process main
225 |
if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low)
226 |
control_r <= read_hibi_conf;
227 |
agent_data_to_fifo <= (others => rst_value_arr(dbg_level*1));
228 |
agent_av_to_fifo <= '0';
229 |
agent_comm_to_fifo <= (others => rst_value_arr(dbg_level*1));
230 |
we_to_fifo <= '0';
231 |
done_out <= '0';
232 |
amount_r := 0;
233 |
delay_r := 0;
234 |
dest_agent_n_r := 0;
235 |
for i in 0 to n_dest_g-1 loop
236 |
data_r(i) <= (others => '0');
237 |
end loop; -- i
238 |
file_number_r := 0;
239 |
pause_ack <= '0';
240 |
sent_packets_r <= 0;
241 |
242 |
243 |
elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then -- rising clock edge
244 |
245 |
case control_r is
246 |
when read_hibi_conf =>
247 |
-- If there's still data left, we read the configuration
248 |
-- file and act accordingly. If some delay is specified,
249 |
-- we go and wait it (wait_sending). If delay = 0,
250 |
-- then we send the address right away
251 |
if pause_in = '1' then
252 |
control_r <= pause;
253 |
254 |
255 |
if endfile(conf_data_file) then
256 |
control_r <= finish;
257 |
assert false report "End of the configuration file reached" severity note;
258 |
end if;
259 |
read_hibi_conf_file (
260 |
dest_agent_n => dest_agent_n_r,
261 |
delay => delay_r,
262 |
amount => amount_r,
263 |
conf_dat => conf_data_file);
264 |
if delay_r = 0 then
265 |
control_r <= write_addr;
266 |
267 |
control_r <= wait_sending;
268 |
end if;
269 |
end if;
270 |
we_to_fifo <= '0';
271 |
agent_av_to_fifo <= '0';
272 |
agent_data_to_fifo <= (others => rst_value_arr(dbg_level*1));
273 |
agent_comm_to_fifo <= (others => rst_value_arr(dbg_level*1));
274 |
275 |
276 |
when wait_sending =>
277 |
-- Let's wait the given amount of time before proceeding with sending
278 |
delay_r := delay_r-1;
279 |
if delay_r = 0 then
280 |
control_r <= write_addr;
281 |
end if;
282 |
dest_agent_n_r := dest_agent_n_r;
283 |
amount_r := amount_r;--dest_agent_n_r;
284 |
285 |
when write_addr =>
286 |
-- When there is room in fifo, we write the address to it and then
287 |
-- go to the state where the actual data is sent (write_hibi)
288 |
-- Note that part of dst agent address is gotten from the array
289 |
-- defined in separate package.
290 |
if full_from_fifo = '0' then
291 |
we_to_fifo <= '1';
292 |
agent_av_to_fifo <= '1';
293 |
agent_comm_to_fifo <= hibi_write_c;
294 |
295 |
-- Addr defines not only the target, but also
296 |
-- identifies the sender and packet number.
297 |
-- Hence, sent addresses are always incremented by one.
298 |
agent_data_to_fifo <= conv_std_logic_vector
299 |
300 |
+ own_number_g + sent_packets_r
301 |
, data_width_g);
302 |
303 |
sent_packets_r <= sent_packets_r + 1;
304 |
control_r <= write_hibi;
305 |
306 |
we_to_fifo <= '0';
307 |
agent_av_to_fifo <= '0';
308 |
agent_data_to_fifo <= (others => rst_value_arr(dbg_level*1));
309 |
agent_comm_to_fifo <= (others => rst_value_arr(dbg_level*1));
310 |
control_r <= write_addr;
311 |
end if;
312 |
313 |
when write_hibi =>
314 |
-- Outputs runnign numbers: 0,1,2...
315 |
316 |
if full_from_fifo = '0' then
317 |
318 |
for i in 0 to n_words_output_c-1 loop
319 |
agent_data_to_fifo(data_fixed_width_c*(i+1)-1 downto data_fixed_width_c*i) <= data_r(dest_agent_n_r)+i;
320 |
amount_r := amount_r-1;
321 |
if amount_r = 0 then
322 |
control_r <= read_hibi_conf;
323 |
we_to_fifo <= '1';
324 |
325 |
end if;
326 |
end loop; -- i
327 |
data_r(dest_agent_n_r) <= data_r(dest_agent_n_r) + n_words_output_c;
328 |
329 |
agent_av_to_fifo <= '0';
330 |
agent_comm_to_fifo <= hibi_write_c;
331 |
332 |
if one_p_from_fifo = '1' then
333 |
control_r <= wait_hibi;
334 |
we_to_fifo <= '0';
335 |
end if;
336 |
337 |
338 |
control_r <= wait_hibi;
339 |
agent_data_to_fifo <= (others => rst_value_arr(dbg_level*1));
340 |
we_to_fifo <= '0';
341 |
agent_av_to_fifo <= '0';
342 |
agent_comm_to_fifo <= (others => rst_value_arr(dbg_level*1));
343 |
end if;
344 |
345 |
when wait_hibi =>
346 |
-- hibi was full so we wait until it becames free again
347 |
if full_from_fifo = '0' then
348 |
control_r <= write_hibi;
349 |
we_to_fifo <= '1';
350 |
if amount_r = 0 then
351 |
control_r <= read_hibi_conf;
352 |
end if;
353 |
354 |
control_r <= wait_hibi;
355 |
we_to_fifo <= '0';
356 |
end if;
357 |
-- agent_data_to_fifo <= (others => rst_value_arr(dbg_level*1));
358 |
-- agent_av_to_fifo <= '0';
359 |
-- agent_comm_to_fifo <= (others => rst_value_arr(dbg_level*1));
360 |
361 |
when finish =>
362 |
-- Notify that we're done.
363 |
done_out <= '1';
364 |
agent_data_to_fifo <= (others => rst_value_arr(dbg_level*1));
365 |
we_to_fifo <= '0';
366 |
agent_av_to_fifo <= '0';
367 |
agent_comm_to_fifo <= (others => rst_value_arr(dbg_level*1));
368 |
369 |
when pause =>
370 |
if pause_in = '0' then
371 |
pause_ack <= '0';
372 |
control_r <= read_hibi_conf;
373 |
374 |
pause_ack <= '1';
375 |
control_r <= pause;
376 |
end if;
377 |
when others => null;
378 |
end case;
379 |
380 |
381 |
382 |
end if;
383 |
end process main;
384 |
385 |
386 |
end rtl;