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-- Title : IP checksum counter
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-- Project :
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-- File : ip_checksum.vhd
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-- Author : Jussi Nieminen <niemin95@galapagosinkeiju.cs.tut.fi>
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-- Company :
8 |
-- Last update: 2009/09/29
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-- Platform :
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11 |
-- Description: Counts 1's complement checksum for IP header
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-- Revisions :
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-- Date Version Author Description
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-- 2009/09/29 1.0 niemin95 Created
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library ieee;
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use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
20 |
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
21 |
use work.udp_ip_pkg.all;
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23 |
entity ip_checksum is
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generic (
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-- this comes from the protocol, flags etc. field that are currently constants
27 |
pre_counted_part_g : std_logic_vector( ip_checksum_w_c-1 downto 0 ) := (others => '0')
28 |
29 |
30 |
port (
31 |
total_length_field_in : in std_logic_vector( 15 downto 0 );
32 |
source_addr_field_in : in std_logic_vector( ip_addr_w_c-1 downto 0 );
33 |
dest_addr_field_in : in std_logic_vector( ip_addr_w_c-1 downto 0 );
34 |
header_checksum_out : out std_logic_vector( ip_checksum_w_c-1 downto 0 )
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end ip_checksum;
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architecture rtl of ip_checksum is
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-- currently we have 5 additions, which means that the overflowing part of
43 |
-- the additions can be at most 3-bits wide
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constant middle_sum_w_c : integer := ip_checksum_w_c + 3;
45 |
signal middle_sum_int : integer range 0 to 2**middle_sum_w_c-1;
46 |
signal middle_sum_slv : std_logic_vector( middle_sum_w_c-1 downto 0 );
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subtype addend_integer is integer range 0 to 2**ip_checksum_w_c-1;
49 |
signal length_int : addend_integer;
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signal source_addr_high_int : addend_integer;
51 |
signal source_addr_low_int : addend_integer;
52 |
signal dest_addr_high_int : addend_integer;
53 |
signal dest_addr_low_int : addend_integer;
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begin -- rtl
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middle_sum_slv <= std_logic_vector( to_unsigned( middle_sum_int, middle_sum_w_c ));
60 |
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length_int <= to_integer( unsigned( total_length_field_in ));
62 |
source_addr_high_int <= to_integer( unsigned( source_addr_field_in( ip_addr_w_c-1 downto 16 ) ));
63 |
source_addr_low_int <= to_integer( unsigned( source_addr_field_in( 15 downto 0 ) ));
64 |
dest_addr_high_int <= to_integer( unsigned( dest_addr_field_in( ip_addr_w_c-1 downto 16 ) ));
65 |
dest_addr_low_int <= to_integer( unsigned( dest_addr_field_in( 15 downto 0 ) ));
66 |
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68 |
count_checksum : process (length_int, source_addr_high_int, source_addr_low_int,
69 |
dest_addr_high_int, dest_addr_low_int, middle_sum_slv)
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71 |
variable middle_sum_v : std_logic_vector( ip_checksum_w_c downto 0 );
72 |
variable final_sum_v : integer range 0 to 2**ip_checksum_w_c - 1;
73 |
variable final_checksum_v : std_logic_vector( ip_checksum_w_c-1 downto 0 );
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begin -- process count_checksum
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middle_sum_int <= to_integer( unsigned( pre_counted_part_g ))+
78 |
length_int + source_addr_high_int + source_addr_low_int +
79 |
dest_addr_high_int + dest_addr_low_int;
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middle_sum_v :=
82 |
std_logic_vector( to_unsigned(
83 |
to_integer( unsigned( middle_sum_slv( ip_checksum_w_c-1 downto 0 ) )) +
84 |
to_integer( unsigned( middle_sum_slv( middle_sum_w_c-1 downto ip_checksum_w_c ) )),
85 |
ip_checksum_w_c+1 ));
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final_sum_v := to_integer( unsigned( middle_sum_v( ip_checksum_w_c-1 downto 0 ) )) +
88 |
to_integer( unsigned( middle_sum_v( ip_checksum_w_c downto ip_checksum_w_c ) ));
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final_checksum_v := not std_logic_vector( to_unsigned( final_sum_v, ip_checksum_w_c ));
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header_checksum_out <= final_checksum_v;
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end process count_checksum;
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end rtl;