1 |
2 |
wzab |
2 |
-- Title : Sorting node controller for heap-sorter
3 |
-- Project : heap-sorter
4 |
5 |
-- File : sorter_ctrl.vhd
6 |
-- Author : Wojciech M. Zabolotny <wzab@ise.pw.edu.pl>
7 |
-- Company :
8 |
-- Created : 2010-05-14
9 |
3 |
wzab |
-- Last update: 2013-07-04
10 |
2 |
wzab |
-- Platform :
11 |
-- Standard : VHDL'93
12 |
13 |
-- Description:
14 |
15 |
-- Copyright (c) 2010 Wojciech M. Zabolotny
16 |
-- This file is published under the BSD license, so you can freely adapt
17 |
-- it for your own purposes.
18 |
-- Additionally this design has been described in my article:
19 |
-- Wojciech M. Zabolotny, "Dual port memory based Heapsort implementation
20 |
-- for FPGA", Proc. SPIE 8008, 80080E (2011); doi:10.1117/12.905281
21 |
-- I'd be glad if you cite this article when you publish something based
22 |
-- on my design.
23 |
24 |
-- Revisions :
25 |
-- Date Version Author Description
26 |
-- 2010-05-14 1.0 wzab Created
27 |
28 |
29 |
-- The sorter controller is connected with three dual port memories.
30 |
-- The first dual port memory tm_... provides the "upstream data"
31 |
-- The second dual port memory lm_... provides the "left branch of downstream data"
32 |
-- The third dual port memory rm_... provides the "right branch of downstream data"
33 |
-- The controller is notified about availability of the new data by the
34 |
-- "update" signal.
35 |
-- However in this architecture we need to service two upstream memories!
36 |
-- That's because we want to save one cycle, and to be able to issue
37 |
38 |
-- Important feature of each controller is the ability to clear the memory
39 |
-- after reset.
40 |
41 |
library ieee;
42 |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
43 |
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
44 |
use ieee.std_logic_textio.all;
45 |
use std.textio.all;
46 |
library work;
47 |
use work.sorter_pkg.all;
48 |
use work.sys_config.all;
49 |
50 |
entity sorter_ctrl is
51 |
52 |
generic (
53 |
NLEVELS : integer; -- number of levels (max number of
54 |
3 |
wzab |
-- address bits
55 |
2 |
wzab |
NADDRBITS : integer -- number of used address bits
56 |
57 |
58 |
port (
59 |
-- Top memory connections
60 |
tm_din : in T_DATA_REC;
61 |
tm_dout : out T_DATA_REC;
62 |
tm_addr : out std_logic_vector(NLEVELS-1 downto 0);
63 |
tm_we : out std_logic;
64 |
-- Left memory connections
65 |
lm_din : in T_DATA_REC;
66 |
lm_dout : out T_DATA_REC;
67 |
lm_addr : out std_logic_vector(NLEVELS-1 downto 0);
68 |
lm_we : out std_logic;
69 |
-- Right memory connections
70 |
rm_din : in T_DATA_REC;
71 |
rm_dout : out T_DATA_REC;
72 |
rm_addr : out std_logic_vector(NLEVELS-1 downto 0);
73 |
rm_we : out std_logic;
74 |
-- Upper level controller connections
75 |
up_in : in std_logic;
76 |
up_in_val : in T_DATA_REC;
77 |
up_in_addr : in std_logic_vector(NLEVELS-1 downto 0);
78 |
-- Upper level update notifier
79 |
up_out : out std_logic;
80 |
up_out_val : out T_DATA_REC;
81 |
up_out_addr : out std_logic_vector(NLEVELS-1 downto 0);
82 |
-- Lower level controller connections
83 |
low_out : out std_logic;
84 |
low_out_val : out T_DATA_REC;
85 |
low_out_addr : out std_logic_vector(NLEVELS-1 downto 0);
86 |
low_in : in std_logic;
87 |
low_in_val : in T_DATA_REC;
88 |
low_in_addr : in std_logic_vector(NLEVELS-1 downto 0);
89 |
-- Lower level update notifier
90 |
-- System connections
91 |
clk : in std_logic;
92 |
clk_en : in std_logic;
93 |
ready_in : in std_logic;
94 |
ready_out : out std_logic; -- signals, when memory is cleared
95 |
-- after reset
96 |
rst_n : in std_logic);
97 |
end sorter_ctrl;
98 |
99 |
architecture sorter_ctrl_arch1 of sorter_ctrl is
100 |
101 |
102 |
signal ctrl_state, ctrl_state_next : T_CTRL_STATE := CTRL_IDLE;
103 |
signal addr, addr_i : std_logic_vector(NLEVELS-1 downto 0);
104 |
signal s_low_in_addr, s_low_in_addr_i : std_logic_vector(NLEVELS-1 downto 0);
105 |
signal s_up_in_addr, s_up_in_addr_i : std_logic_vector(NLEVELS-1 downto 0);
106 |
signal s_ready_out, s_ready_out_i : std_logic;
107 |
signal s_low_in, s_low_in_i : std_logic;
108 |
signal s_addr_out : std_logic_vector(NLEVELS-1 downto 0);
109 |
signal s_tm_dout : T_DATA_REC;
110 |
signal s_up_in_val_i, s_up_in_val : T_DATA_REC := DATA_REC_INIT_DATA;
111 |
signal s_low_in_val_i, s_low_in_val : T_DATA_REC := DATA_REC_INIT_DATA;
112 |
113 |
114 |
constant ADDR_MAX : std_logic_vector(NLEVELS-1 downto 0) := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(2**NADDRBITS-1, NLEVELS));
115 |
116 |
117 |
118 |
tm_dout <= s_tm_dout;
119 |
-- We have the two-process state machine.
120 |
p1 : process (addr, ctrl_state, lm_din, low_in, low_in_addr, low_in_val,
121 |
ready_in, rm_din, s_addr_out, s_low_in, s_low_in_addr,
122 |
s_low_in_val, s_ready_out, s_up_in_val, up_in, up_in_addr,
123 |
124 |
variable rline : line;
125 |
variable l_val : T_DATA_REC;
126 |
variable r_val : T_DATA_REC;
127 |
128 |
begin -- process p1
129 |
-- defaults
130 |
ctrl_state_next <= ctrl_state;
131 |
tm_we <= '0';
132 |
rm_we <= '0';
133 |
lm_we <= '0';
134 |
lm_addr <= (others => '0');
135 |
rm_addr <= (others => '0');
136 |
tm_addr <= (others => '0');
137 |
s_ready_out_i <= s_ready_out;
138 |
addr_i <= addr;
139 |
3 |
wzab |
up_out_val <= DATA_REC_INIT_DATA; -- to avoid latches
140 |
low_out_val <= DATA_REC_INIT_DATA; -- to avoid latches
141 |
2 |
wzab |
s_low_in_addr_i <= s_low_in_addr;
142 |
s_low_in_i <= low_in;
143 |
low_out <= '0';
144 |
up_out <= '0';
145 |
up_out_addr <= (others => '0');
146 |
s_up_in_val_i <= s_up_in_val;
147 |
s_low_in_val_i <= s_low_in_val;
148 |
lm_dout <= DATA_REC_INIT_DATA;
149 |
rm_dout <= DATA_REC_INIT_DATA;
150 |
s_tm_dout <= DATA_REC_INIT_DATA;
151 |
s_addr_out <= (others => '0');
152 |
case ctrl_state is
153 |
when CTRL_RESET =>
154 |
addr_i <= (others => '0');
155 |
s_ready_out_i <= '0';
156 |
ctrl_state_next <= CTRL_CLEAR;
157 |
when CTRL_CLEAR =>
158 |
lm_addr <= addr;
159 |
rm_addr <= addr;
160 |
lm_dout <= DATA_REC_INIT_DATA;
161 |
rm_dout <= DATA_REC_INIT_DATA;
162 |
lm_we <= '1';
163 |
rm_we <= '1';
164 |
if addr = ADDR_MAX then
165 |
if ready_in = '1' then
166 |
s_ready_out_i <= '1';
167 |
ctrl_state_next <= CTRL_IDLE;
168 |
end if;
169 |
170 |
addr_i <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(addr)+1);
171 |
end if;
172 |
when CTRL_IDLE =>
173 |
-- We read "down" memories ("upper" value is provided by the ``bypass channel'')
174 |
if up_in = '1' then
175 |
ctrl_state_next <= CTRL_S1;
176 |
tm_addr <= up_in_addr;
177 |
lm_addr <= up_in_addr;
178 |
rm_addr <= up_in_addr;
179 |
addr_i <= up_in_addr;
180 |
s_up_in_val_i <= up_in_val;
181 |
if low_in = '1' then
182 |
s_low_in_val_i <= low_in_val;
183 |
s_low_in_addr_i <= low_in_addr;
184 |
end if;
185 |
end if;
186 |
when CTRL_S1 =>
187 |
-- In this cycle we can compare data
188 |
-- Debug output!
189 |
if SORT_DEBUG then
190 |
write(rline, string'("CMP "));
191 |
write(rline, NADDRBITS);
192 |
write(rline, string'(" U:"));
193 |
wrstlv(rline, tdrec2stlv(s_up_in_val));
194 |
end if;
195 |
l_val := lm_din;
196 |
r_val := rm_din;
197 |
-- Check, if we need to take value from lower ``bypass channel''
198 |
if s_low_in = '1' then
199 |
if SORT_DEBUG then
200 |
write(rline, string'(" x! "));
201 |
end if;
202 |
if (addr(NADDRBITS-1 downto 0) = s_low_in_addr(NADDRBITS-1 downto 0)) then
203 |
-- We are reading a value which was just updated, so we need to get it
204 |
-- from ``bypass channel'' instead of memory
205 |
if SORT_DEBUG then
206 |
write(rline, string'(" y! "));
207 |
end if;
208 |
if s_low_in_addr(NADDRBITS) = '1' then
209 |
l_val := s_low_in_val;
210 |
211 |
r_val := s_low_in_val;
212 |
end if;
213 |
end if;
214 |
end if;
215 |
if SORT_DEBUG then
216 |
write(rline, string'(" L:"));
217 |
wrstlv(rline, tdrec2stlv(l_val));
218 |
write(rline, string'(" R:"));
219 |
wrstlv(rline, tdrec2stlv(r_val));
220 |
write(rline, string'(" A:"));
221 |
end if;
222 |
if sort_cmp_lt(l_val, s_up_in_val) and sort_cmp_lt(l_val, r_val) then
223 |
-- The L-ram value is the smallest
224 |
-- Output the value from the L-ram and put the new value into the L-ram
225 |
s_tm_dout <= l_val;
226 |
tm_addr <= addr;
227 |
tm_we <= '1';
228 |
229 |
up_out_val <= l_val;
230 |
up_out <= '1';
231 |
up_out_addr <= addr;
232 |
233 |
lm_addr <= addr;
234 |
lm_dout <= s_up_in_val;
235 |
lm_we <= '1';
236 |
237 |
low_out <= '1';
238 |
low_out_val <= s_up_in_val;
239 |
s_addr_out(NADDRBITS) <= '1';
240 |
241 |
if NADDRBITS > 0 then
242 |
s_addr_out(NADDRBITS-1 downto 0) <= addr(NADDRBITS-1 downto 0);
243 |
end if;
244 |
wrstlv(rline, s_addr_out);
245 |
ctrl_state_next <= CTRL_IDLE;
246 |
if SORT_DEBUG then
247 |
write(rline, string'(" T<->L"));
248 |
end if;
249 |
elsif sort_cmp_lt(r_val, s_up_in_val) then
250 |
-- The R-ram value is the smallest
251 |
-- Output the value from the R-ram and put the new value into the R-ram
252 |
s_tm_dout <= r_val;
253 |
tm_addr <= addr;
254 |
tm_we <= '1';
255 |
256 |
up_out_val <= r_val;
257 |
up_out <= '1';
258 |
up_out_addr <= addr;
259 |
260 |
rm_addr <= addr;
261 |
rm_dout <= s_up_in_val;
262 |
rm_we <= '1';
263 |
264 |
low_out <= '1';
265 |
low_out_val <= s_up_in_val;
266 |
267 |
s_addr_out(NADDRBITS) <= '0';
268 |
if NADDRBITS > 0 then
269 |
s_addr_out(NADDRBITS-1 downto 0) <= addr(NADDRBITS-1 downto 0);
270 |
end if;
271 |
ctrl_state_next <= CTRL_IDLE;
272 |
if SORT_DEBUG then
273 |
wrstlv(rline, s_addr_out);
274 |
write(rline, string'(" T<->R"));
275 |
end if;
276 |
277 |
-- The new value is the smallest
278 |
-- Nothing to do, no update downstream
279 |
s_tm_dout <= s_up_in_val;
280 |
tm_we <= '1';
281 |
tm_addr <= addr;
282 |
283 |
up_out_val <= s_up_in_val;
284 |
up_out <= '1';
285 |
up_out_addr <= addr;
286 |
287 |
ctrl_state_next <= CTRL_IDLE;
288 |
wrstlv(rline, up_in_addr);
289 |
if SORT_DEBUG then
290 |
write(rline, string'(" T===T"));
291 |
end if;
292 |
end if;
293 |
if SORT_DEBUG then
294 |
writeline(reports, rline);
295 |
end if;
296 |
when others => null;
297 |
end case;
298 |
end process p1;
299 |
300 |
p2 : process (clk, rst_n) is
301 |
begin -- process p2
302 |
if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low)
303 |
ctrl_state <= CTRL_RESET;
304 |
s_ready_out <= '0';
305 |
addr <= (others => '0');
306 |
s_low_in_addr <= (others => '0');
307 |
s_low_in <= '0';
308 |
s_low_in_val <= DATA_REC_INIT_DATA;
309 |
s_up_in_val <= DATA_REC_INIT_DATA;
310 |
--update_out <= '0';
311 |
--addr_out <= (others => '0');
312 |
elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then -- rising clock edge
313 |
s_ready_out <= s_ready_out_i;
314 |
ctrl_state <= ctrl_state_next;
315 |
addr <= addr_i;
316 |
s_low_in_addr <= s_low_in_addr_i;
317 |
s_low_in_val <= s_low_in_val_i;
318 |
s_up_in_val <= s_up_in_val_i;
319 |
s_low_in <= s_low_in_i;
320 |
end if;
321 |
end process p2;
322 |
ready_out <= s_ready_out;
323 |
low_out_addr <= s_addr_out;
324 |
end sorter_ctrl_arch1;