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2 17 mihal
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<th>Save with images as</th>            <td>Save Web page and all required files</td>   </tr>   <tr class="makesep">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr class="cool">               <th>Sessions &raquo;</th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th class="sub">Open session</th>               <td>Open pages and application windows saved earlier</td>       </tr>   <tr>            <th class="sub">Insert session</th>             <td>Insert saved pages into active application window</td>      </tr>   <tr>            <th class="sub">Save session</th>               <td>Save open pages and application windows to disk</td>        </tr>   <tr class="cool">               <th>Import &raquo;</th>         <td>Import e-mail, bookmarks, and contacts</td> </tr>   <tr>            <th>Export &raquo;</th>         <td>Export bookmarks and contacts</td>  </tr>   <tr class="makesep">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Print</th>          <td>Print active page</td>      </tr>   <tr>            <th>Print setup</th>            <td>Configure standard printer settings</td>    </tr>   <tr>            <th>Print options</th>          <td>Configure browser-specific printer settings</td>    </tr>   <tr>            <th>Print preview</th>          <td>Preview printed page on your screen</td>    </tr>   <tr class="makesep">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Work offline</th>           <td>Show pages using only cached data</td>      </tr>   <tr>            <th>Delete private data</th>            <td>Remove sensitive information about your browsing</td>       </tr>   <tr class="makesep">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr class="cool">               <th>Quick preferences &raquo;</th>              <td>Get quick access to the most popular settings</td>  </tr>   <tr>            <th>Preferences</th>            <td>Configure Opera's settings</td>     </tr>   <tr class="makesep">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Exit</th>           <td>Close all pages and application windows</td>        </tr>   <tr class="makebottom">         <th></th>       </tr></table>           <h2 id="editmenu">Edit menu</h2><table class="menu">    <tr class="maketop">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Undo</th>           <td>Undo recent changes</td>    </tr>   <tr class="makesep">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Cut</th>            <td>Move selected text to clipboard</td>        </tr>   <tr>            <th>Copy</th>           <td>Copy selected text to clipboard</td>        </tr>   <tr>            <th>Paste</th>          <td>Paste from clipboard</td>   </tr>   <tr>            <th>Delete</th>                         <td>Delete selected text</td>   </tr>   <tr class="makesep">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Select all</th>             <td>Select all text from active element</td>    </tr>   <tr class="makesep">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Find</th>           <td>Find text in page</td>      </tr>   <tr>            <th>Find next</th>              <td>Find next occurrence of text</td>   </tr>   <tr>            <th>Find previous</th>          <td>Find previous occurrence of text</td>       </tr>   <tr class="makesep">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr class="cool">               <th>Inline find</th>            <td>Use interactive search field on Address bar</td>    </tr>                                           <tr class="makebottom">         <th></th>       </tr></table><h2 id="viewmenu">View menu</h2><table class="menu">       <tr class="maketop">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Hotlist &raquo;</th>                <td>Customize Hotlist</td>      </tr>   <tr>            <th>Main bar &raquo;</th>               <td>Customize Main bar</td>     </tr>   <tr>            <th>Status bar &raquo;</th>             <td>Customize Status bar</td>   </tr>   <tr>            <th>Personal bar &raquo;</th>           <td>Customize Personal bar</td> </tr>   <tr>            <th>Page bar &raquo;</th>               <td>Customize Page bar</td>     </tr>   <tr>            <th>Address bar &raquo;</th>            <td>Customize Address bar</td>  </tr>   <tr>            <th>Navigation bar &raquo;</th>         <td>Customize Navigation bar</td>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Scroll bars</th>            <td>Toggle presence of scroll bars in pages</td>        </tr>   <tr class="makesep">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Lock toolbars</th>          <td>Make it impossible to drag and drop toolbar items</td>      </tr>   <tr class="cool">               <th>Customize toolbars</th>             <td>Open dialog for drag-and-drop customization of toolbars</td>        </tr>   <tr>            <th>Skin &raquo;</th>           <td>Personalize Opera's user interface</td>     </tr>   <tr>            <th>Color scheme &raquo;</th>           <td>Colorize Opera to your fit your current mood</td>   </tr>           <tr class="makesep">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr class="cool">               <th>Zoom &raquo;</th>           <td>Enlarge or shrink entire Web page</td>      </tr>   <tr>            <th>Style &raquo;</th>          <td>Remove, change, or add page style (see <span class="mainmenu"><a href="context.html#stylecontext">Style</a></span> menu)</td>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Encoding &raquo;</th>               <td>Change character encoding for active page</td>      </tr>   <tr>            <th>Refresh display</th>                <td>Redraw page from cache (e.g. after switching encoding)</td> </tr>   <tr class="makesep">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Source</th>         <td>View source of active page</td>     </tr>   <tr>            <th>Frame source</th>           <td>View source of selected frame</td>  </tr>   <tr>            <th>Links in frame</th>         <td>View links in selected frame</td>   </tr>   <tr class="makesep">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Small screen</th>           <td>Emulate small-screen device (<kbd>Shift</kbd> + <kbd>F11</kbd> restores)</td>       </tr>   <tr class="cool">               <th>Full screen</th>            <td>Use entire screen for viewing page (<kbd>F11</kbd> restores)</td>   </tr>   <tr>            <th></th>       </tr>           <tr class="makebottom">         <th></th>       </tr></table><h2 id="navigationmenu">Navigation menu</h2><table class="menu">   <tr class="maketop">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Back</th>           <td>Go back to previous page</td>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Forward</th>                <td>Go forward to next page</td>        </tr>   <tr>            <th>Stop</th>           <td>Stop loading page</td>      </tr>   <tr>            <th>Home</th>           <td>Go to your home page</td>   </tr>   <tr class="makesep">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Reload</th>         <td>Get new version of active Web page</td>     </tr>   <tr>            <th>Reload frame</th>           <td>Get new version of selected frame</td>      </tr>   <tr>            <th>Reload all pages</th>               <td>Get new versions of all open pages</td>     </tr>   <tr class="cool">               <th>Reload every &raquo;</th>           <td>Monitor page by reloading frequently</td>   </tr>   <tr>            <th>Load all images</th>                <td>Download all missing images</td>    </tr>   <tr class="makesep">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Set home page</th>          <td>Choose Web page to set as home page</td>    </tr>   <tr class="makesep">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr class="cool">               <th>Site navigation &raquo;</th>                <td>Some sites provide customized navigation</td>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Go to page</th>             <td>Go to a particular Web page</td>    </tr>   <tr class="cool">               <th>Go to similar pages</th>            <td>Search for Web pages with related information</td>  </tr>   <tr>            <th>Add to Bookmarks</th>               <td>Save active page as new bookmark</td>       </tr>   <tr class="makebottom">         <th></th>       </tr></table><h2 id="bookmarksmenu">Bookmarks menu</h2><table class="menu">     <tr class="maketop">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Manage bookmarks</th>               <td>Open Hotlist with your bookmarks</td>       </tr>   <tr class="makesep">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Add page here</th>          <td>Bookmark Web page in selected folder</td>   </tr>   <tr>            <th>Open all folder items</th>          <td>Open all bookmarks in this folder</td>      </tr>   <tr class="makesep">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>-- Opera Software --</th>           <td>Your bookmarks appear here and below</td>   </tr>   <tr class="makebottom">         <th></th>       </tr></table><h2 id="mailmenu">Mail menu</h2><table class="menu">       <tr class="maketop">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Compose</th>                <td>Write new e-mail or news message</td>       </tr>   <tr class="makesep">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Check &raquo;</th>          <td>Check e-mail</td>   </tr>   <tr>            <th>Send &raquo;</th>           <td>Upload queued messages to mail server</td>  </tr>   <tr>            <th>Stop</th>           <td>Immediately end communication with mail server</td> </tr>   <tr class="makesep">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Read</th>           <td>View unread messages</td>   </tr>   <tr>            <th>Search</th>         <td>Find messages</td>  </tr>   <tr>            <th>Filters</th>                <td>Create filters for folders</td>     </tr>   <tr class="makesep">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Newsgroups</th>             <td>Choose newsgroups to subscribe to</td>      </tr>   <tr>            <th>IMAP folders</th>           <td>Choose IMAP folders to include when checking e-mail</td>    </tr>   <tr class="makesep">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>New account</th>            <td>Create new account</td>     </tr>   <tr>            <th>Manage accounts</th>                <td>Customize and fine-tune accounts</td>       </tr>   <tr class="makebottom">         <th></th>       </tr></table><h2 id="windowmenu">Window menu</h2><table class="menu">   <tr class="maketop">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Special &raquo;</th>        </tr>   <tr>            <th class="sub">Transfers</th>          <td>Manage files transferred to your computer</td>      </tr>   <tr>            <th class="sub">History</th>            <td>Display list of pages visited recently</td> </tr>   <tr>            <th class="sub">Plug-ins</th>           <td>Show list of plug-ins installed on your computer</td>       </tr>   <tr>            <th class="sub">Cache</th>              <td>Show local copies of documents and images</td>      </tr>   <tr class="makesep">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th class="sub">Java console</th>               <td>Show information about execution of Java</td>       </tr>   <tr>            <th class="sub">JavaScript console</th>         <td>Show information about execution of JavaScript</td> </tr>   <tr class="makesep">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Duplicate</th>              <td>Browse in duplicate of active page</td>     </tr>   <tr>            <th>Create linked</th>          <td>Create new page in which to open links clicked in active page</td>  </tr>   <tr class="makesep">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Cascade</th>                <td>Resize and place pages top-left to bottom-right</td>        </tr>   <tr>            <th>Tile vertically</th>                <td>Fit pages to window, left to right</td>     </tr>   <tr>            <th>Tile horizontally</th>              <td>Fit pages to window, top to bottom</td>     </tr>   <tr class="makesep">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Restore all</th>            <td>Set minimized and maximized pages to original size</td>     </tr>   <tr>            <th>Minimize all</th>           <td>Hide open pages (click icons to get them back)</td> </tr>   <tr>            <th>Maximize all</th>           <td>Let each page use all available space</td>  </tr>   <tr>            <th>Close all</th>              <td>Close all open Web pages</td>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Close all but active</th>           <td>Close all open pages except active</td>     </tr>                                   <tr class="makesep">            <th></th>       </tr>           <tr>            <th>Opera Software</th>         <td>Switch to this page</td>    </tr>   <tr>            <th>My.Opera</th>               <td>Switch to this page</td>    </tr>   <tr>            <th>...</th>            <td>List continues for all open pages</td>      </tr>   <tr class="makebottom">         <th></th>       </tr></table><p>This menu also appears if you right-click Opera's workspace area (behind your pages).</p><h2 id="helpmenu">Help menu</h2><table class="menu">   <tr class="maketop">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Contents</th>               <td>Get <a href="index.html">help</a> using Opera</td>  </tr>   <tr class="cool">               <th>Keyboard</th>               <td>Browse faster with the <a href="keyboard.html">keyboard</a></td>    </tr>   <tr class="cool">               <th>Mouse</th>          <td>Browse faster with the <a href="mouse.html">mouse</a></td>  </tr>   <tr class="makesep">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Buy Opera</th>              <td>Show your appreciation by <a target="_blank" href="">registering Opera</a></td>    </tr>   <tr>            <th>Register Opera</th>         <td>Enter registration information as proof of purchase</td>    </tr>   <tr class="makesep">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Tell a friend</th>          <td>Let your friends <a target="_blank" href="">know about Opera</a></td>   </tr>   <tr class="makesep">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th>Opera on the Web &raquo;</th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th class="sub">Homepage</th>           <td>Visit <a target="_blank" href="">Opera Software</a></td>       </tr>   <tr>            <th class="sub">Support</th>            <td>Get <a target="_blank" href="">support</a> from Opera Software</td>    </tr>   <tr>            <th class="sub">Contact</th>            <td><a target="_blank" href="">Contact</a> Opera Software</td>     </tr>   <tr>            <th class="sub">My Opera</th>           <td>Customize, discuss, and have fun in the <a target="_blank" href="">Opera community</a></td>     </tr>   <tr class="makesep">            <th></th>       </tr>   <tr>            <th class="sub">Operamail</th>          <td>Sign up for a Web mail account at <a target="_blank" href=""></a></td>    </tr>                   <tr>            <th>About Opera</th>            <td>Show information about Opera</td>   </tr>   <tr class="makebottom">         <th></th>       </tr></table><p class="copyright">Copyright &copy; 1995 - 2003 Opera Software ASA. <span class="nowrap">All rights reserved.</span></p></body></html>

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