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ja_rd |
\chapter{Hardware Demo}
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\section{Pre-generated demo}
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The project includes a few synthesizable code samples, including a
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'Hello world' demo and a memory tester. Only the 'hello' demo is included
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in pre-generated form, the others have to be built using the included
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makefiles -- assuming you have a mips toolchain.\\
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'Pre-generated' in this context means that all the vhdl files necessary for
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building the demo are already included with the project, and the only
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tool needed is the synthesis tool.
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The pregenerated demo is included just for convenience, so that you can
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launch some small application on hardware without installing a C toolchain.\\
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A constraints file is provided ('/vhdl/demo/c2sb\_demo.csv') which includes
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all the pin constraints for the default target board, in CSV format. This
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constraints file is shared by all demos targeted to the DE-1 board.\\
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The default target board is TerasIC's DE-1, with a Cyclone-II FPGA
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(EP2C20F484C7). This is the only hardware platform the core has been
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tested in, so far.\\
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I have used the free Altera IDE (Altera Quartus II 9.0). This version of
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Quartus does not even require a free license file and can be downloaded for
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free from the altera web site. But if you have a DE-1 board on hand I guess
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you already know that.\\
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I assume you are familiar with Altera tools but anyway this is how to set up
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a project using Quartus II:
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\item Create new project with the new project wizard.
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Top entity should be c2sb\_demo.
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Suggested path is /syn/altera/(project name).
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\item Set target device as EP2C20F484C7.
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This choice tells the synth tool what speed grade and chip package
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we'll be targetting.
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\item 'Next' your way out of the new project wizard.
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\item Add to the project all the vhdl files in /vhdl and /vhdl/demo,
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except mips\_cache\_stub.vhdl and sdram\_controller.vhdl.
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\item Select file c2sb\_demo.vhdl as top.
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\item Import pin constraints file (assignments-\textgreater import assignments).
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\item Create a clock constraint for signal clk (51 MHz or some other
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suitable speed which gives us some minimal slack).
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\item In the device settings window, click "Device and pin options...".
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\item Select tab "Dual-Purpose pins".
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\item Double-click on nCEO value column and select "use as regular I/O".
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IMPORTANT: otherwise the synthesis will fail; we need to use a FPGA
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pin that happens to be dual-purpose (programming and regular).
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\item Select 'balanced' optimization.
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\item Save the project and synthesize.
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\item Make sure the clock constraint is met (timing analyzer report).
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There is a random element to the synthesis process, as you know,
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but the core as shipped should pass the constraint.
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\item Program the FPGA from Quartus-2
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\item If you have a terminal hooked to the serial port (19200/8/N/1) you
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should see a welcome message after depressing the reset button.
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(by default this is pusbutton 2).
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In the present version, the synthesis will produce a lot of warnings. The
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ugliest are about unused pins and an undeclared clock line. None of them
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should be really scary.\\
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Note that none of the on-board goodies are used in the demo except as noted
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in section ~\ref{porting_hw_demo} below.\\
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In order to generate the demos (not using the pre-generated file) you
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have to use the makefiles provided with the code samples. Please see
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the sample readme files and the makefiles for details. In short, provided
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you have a MIPS toolchain installed and Python 2.5+, all you have to do
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is run make (which will automatically build all the vhdl files where they
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need to be, etc.) and run the synthesis.\\
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\section{Porting to other dev boards}
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I will only deal here with the 'hello' demo, the process is the same
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for all other samples that don't involve external FLASH.\\
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The 'hello' demo should be easily portable to any board which has all of
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\item An FPGA capable enough (the demo uses internal memory for code)
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\item At least 4KB of 16-bit wide external, asynchronous, old-fashioned SRAM
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\item A reset pin (possibly a pushbutton)
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\item A clock input (uart modules assume 50MHz, see below)
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\item RXD and TXD UART pins, plus a connector, header or whatever
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The only modules that care at all about clock rate are the UART
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modules. They are hardwired to 19200 bauds when clocked at 50MHz, so if you
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use a different frequency you must edit the generics in the demo entity
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Be aware that these uart modules have been used a lot in other projects but
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have not been tested with a wide range of clock rates; they should work but
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you have been warned.\\
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Though there is no reset control logic, the reset input is synchronized
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internally, so you can use a raw pushbutton -- you may trigger multiple
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resets if your pushbutton isn't tight but you'll never cause metastability
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Assuming you take care of all of the above, the easiest way I see to port
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the demo is just editing the top module ports ('/vhdl/demo/c2sb\_demo.vhdl')
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to match your board setup.\\
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All the code in this project is vendor agnostic (or should be, I have only
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tried it on Quartus and ISE). Specifically, it does not instantiate memory
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blocks (relying instead on memory inference) or clock managers or buffers.
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This has its drawbacks but is an stated goal of the project -- in the long
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run it pays, I think, and it certainly makes the porting easier.\\
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\section{'Adventure' demo}
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There is another demo targeting the same hardware as the 'hello' demo above:
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a port of 'Adventure'. The C source (included) has been slightly modified
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to not use any library functions nor any filesystem (instead uses a built-in
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constant string table).\\
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Build steps are the same as for the hello demo (the make target is 'demo').\\
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Since the binary executable is too large to fit internal BRAM, it has to be
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executed from the DE-1 onboard flash. You need to write file 'adventure.bin'
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to the start of the FLASH using the 'Control Panel' tool that came with your
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DE-1 board. That's the only salient difference. That and the amount of SRAM;
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The 512KB present on the DE-1 are enough but I don't remember right now
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what is the minimum, please look at the map file. This should only matter
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if you want to port to another board.\\
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The game will offer you an auto-walkthrough option. Answer 'y' and it will
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play itself for about 250 moves, leaving you at an intermediate stage of
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the game from which you can play on.\\
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Now, admittedly 'Adventure' is no standard benchmark and even running it to
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completion does not guarantee that there are no bugs hidden in the cache or
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any of the opcodes.
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On the other hand, when you get to the \emph{maze of twisty little passages}
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you know you have a computer, finished or not. The 'Adventure' demo is
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great as a confidence builder.\\
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Besides, running Adventure on a computer built by myself is something
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I just wanted to do :)\\