1 |
2 |
ja_rd |
""" xcxcxc
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
import sys
6 |
import getopt
7 |
import math
8 |
9 |
10 |
def usage():
11 |
77 |
ja_rd |
print ""
12 |
2 |
ja_rd |
print "usage:"
13 |
print "python bin2hdl.py [arguments]\n"
14 |
print "Inserts data in VHDL template\n"
15 |
print "ALL of the following arguments should be given, in any order:"
16 |
print "{c|code} <filename> Code binary image file name"
17 |
print "{v|vhdl} <filename> VHDL template"
18 |
print "{a|architecture} <name> Name of target VHDL architecture"
19 |
print "{e|entity} <name> Name of target VHDL entity"
20 |
print "{o|output} <filename> Target VHDL file name"
21 |
77 |
ja_rd |
print "code_size <number> Size of bram memory in words (decimal)"
22 |
2 |
ja_rd |
print "data_size <number> Size of data memory in words (decimal)"
23 |
77 |
ja_rd |
print "flash_size <number> Size of flash memory in words (decimal)"
24 |
print "(note the flash and xram info are used in simulation only)"
25 |
2 |
ja_rd |
print ""
26 |
print "Additionally, any of these arguments can be given:"
27 |
84 |
ja_rd |
print "{t|log_trigger} <number> Fetch address that triggers file logging"
28 |
24 |
ja_rd |
print "{s|sim_len} <number> Length of simulation in clock cycles"
29 |
33 |
ja_rd |
print "{d|data} <filename> Data binary image file name or 'empty'"
30 |
2 |
ja_rd |
print "{h|help} Display some help text and exit"
31 |
print "{i|indent} <number> Indentation in VHDL tables (decimal)"
32 |
33 |
def help():
34 |
print "\nPurpose:\n"
35 |
print "Reads the code and data binary files and 'slices' them in byte"
36 |
print "columns."
37 |
print "The data columns are converted to VHDL strings and then inserted"
38 |
print "into the vhdl template, in place of tags @code0@ .. @code3@ and "
39 |
print "@data0@ .. @data3@. Column 0 is LSB and column3 is MSB.\n"
40 |
33 |
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print "Tags like @data31@ and @data20@ etc. can be used to initialize"
41 |
print "memories in 16-bit buses, also split in byte columns.\n"
42 |
2 |
ja_rd |
print "Other template tags are replaced as follows:"
43 |
print "@entity_name@ : Name of entity in target vhdl file"
44 |
print "@arch_name@ : Name of architecture in target vhdl file"
45 |
24 |
ja_rd |
print "@sim_len@ : Length of simulation in clock cycles"
46 |
2 |
ja_rd |
print "@code_table_size@ : Size of code RAM block, in words"
47 |
print "@code_addr_size@ : ceil(Log2(@code_table_size@))"
48 |
print "@data_table_size@ : Size of data RAM block, in words"
49 |
print "@data_addr_size@ : ceil(Log2(@data_table_size@))"
50 |
51 |
52 |
77 |
ja_rd |
def build_vhdl_flash_table(flash, table_size, indent_size):
53 |
# Build vhdl table for flash data
54 |
55 |
# fill up empty table space with zeros
56 |
if len(flash) < table_size*4:
57 |
flash = flash + '\0'*4*(table_size-len(flash)/4)
58 |
59 |
num_words = len(flash)/4
60 |
remaining = num_words;
61 |
col = 0
62 |
vhdl_flash_string = "\n" + " "*indent_size
63 |
for w in range(num_words):
64 |
b0 = ord(flash[w*4+0]);
65 |
b1 = ord(flash[w*4+1]);
66 |
b2 = ord(flash[w*4+2]);
67 |
b3 = ord(flash[w*4+3]);
68 |
69 |
if remaining > 1:
70 |
item = "X\"%02X%02X%02X%02X\"," % (b0, b1, b2, b3)
71 |
72 |
item = "X\"%02X%02X%02X%02X\"" % (b0, b1, b2, b3)
73 |
74 |
remaining = remaining - 1
75 |
col = col + 1
76 |
if col == 4:
77 |
col = 0
78 |
item = item + "\n" + " "*indent_size
79 |
80 |
vhdl_flash_string = vhdl_flash_string + item
81 |
82 |
return vhdl_flash_string
83 |
84 |
85 |
86 |
2 |
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def build_vhdl_tables(code,table_size, indent_size):
87 |
# Build the four byte column tables. [0] is LSB, [3] is MSB
88 |
77 |
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# Useful only for BRAM and SRAM tables
89 |
2 |
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tables = [[0 for i in range(table_size)] for i in range(4)]
90 |
91 |
# Separate binary data into byte columns
92 |
# (here's where data endianess matters, we're assuming big endian)
93 |
byte = 0 # byte 0 is LSB, 3 is MSB
94 |
index = 0 # index into column table
95 |
for c in code:
96 |
#print str(ord(c)) + " " + str(byte) + " " + str(index)
97 |
tables[3-byte][index] = ord(c)
98 |
#for k in tables:
99 |
# print k[0:4]
100 |
byte = byte + 1
101 |
if byte == 4:
102 |
byte = 0
103 |
index = index + 1
104 |
105 |
# Write the data for each of the four column tables as a VHDL byte
106 |
# constant table.
107 |
56 |
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vhdl_data_strings = [" "*indent_size]*7
108 |
2 |
ja_rd |
109 |
for j in range(4):
110 |
col = 0
111 |
word = len(tables[j])
112 |
for c in tables[j]:
113 |
word = word - 1
114 |
if word > 0:
115 |
item = "X\"%02X\"," % c
116 |
117 |
item = "X\"%02X\"" % c
118 |
col = col + 1
119 |
if col == 8:
120 |
col = 0
121 |
item = item + "\n" + " "*indent_size
122 |
vhdl_data_strings[j] = vhdl_data_strings[j] + item
123 |
33 |
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vhdl_data_strings[j] = "\n" + vhdl_data_strings[j]
124 |
125 |
56 |
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# ok, now build init strings for 16-bit wide memories, split in 2 byte
126 |
33 |
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# columns: an odd column with bytes 3:1 and an even column with bytes 2:0
127 |
byte_order = [3,1,2,0]
128 |
for j in range(2):
129 |
col = 0
130 |
word_count = len(tables[j*2])
131 |
for i in range(word_count):
132 |
w_high = tables[byte_order[j*2+0]][i]
133 |
w_low = tables[byte_order[j*2+1]][i]
134 |
word_count = word_count - 1
135 |
if word_count > 0:
136 |
item_h = "X\"%02X\"," % w_high
137 |
item_l = "X\"%02X\"," % w_low
138 |
139 |
item_h = "X\"%02X\"," % w_high
140 |
item_l = "X\"%02X\"" % w_low
141 |
item = item_h + item_l
142 |
col = col + 1
143 |
if col == 4:
144 |
col = 0
145 |
item = item + "\n" + " "*indent_size
146 |
vhdl_data_strings[4+j] = vhdl_data_strings[4+j] + item
147 |
vhdl_data_strings[4+j] = "\n" + vhdl_data_strings[4+j]
148 |
149 |
56 |
ja_rd |
# finally, build init strings for 32-bit wide memories not split into
150 |
# byte columns; useful for read-only 32-bit wide BRAMs
151 |
byte_order = [3,2,1,0]
152 |
col = 0
153 |
word_count = len(tables[0])
154 |
for i in range(word_count):
155 |
w3 = tables[byte_order[0]][i]
156 |
w2 = tables[byte_order[1]][i]
157 |
w1 = tables[byte_order[2]][i]
158 |
w0 = tables[byte_order[3]][i]
159 |
160 |
word_count = word_count - 1
161 |
if word_count > 0:
162 |
item = "X\"%02X%02X%02X%02X\"," % (w3, w2, w1, w0)
163 |
164 |
item = "X\"%02X%02X%02X%02X\"" % (w3, w2, w1, w0)
165 |
166 |
col = col + 1
167 |
if col == 4:
168 |
col = 0
169 |
item = item + "\n" + " "*indent_size
170 |
vhdl_data_strings[6] = vhdl_data_strings[6] + item
171 |
vhdl_data_strings[6] = "\n" + vhdl_data_strings[6]
172 |
173 |
174 |
175 |
2 |
ja_rd |
return vhdl_data_strings
176 |
177 |
def main(argv):
178 |
77 |
ja_rd |
code_filename = "" # file with bram contents ('code')
179 |
data_filename = "" # file with xram contents ('data')
180 |
flash_filename = "" # file with flash contents ('flash')
181 |
2 |
ja_rd |
vhdl_filename = "" # name of vhdl template file
182 |
entity_name = "mips_tb" # name of vhdl entity to be generated
183 |
arch_name = "testbench" # name of vhdl architecture to be generated
184 |
target_filename = "tb.vhdl" # name of target vhdl file
185 |
indent = 4 # indentation for table data, in spaces
186 |
code_table_size = -1 # size of VHDL table
187 |
data_table_size = -1 # size of VHDL table
188 |
77 |
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flash_table_size = 32; # default size of flash table in 32-bit words
189 |
84 |
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log_trigger_addr = "X\"FFFFFFFF\"" # default log trigger address
190 |
77 |
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flash = ['\0']*4*flash_table_size # default simulated flash
191 |
2 |
ja_rd |
bin_words = 0 # size of binary file in 32-bit words
192 |
24 |
ja_rd |
simulation_length = 22000 # length of logic simulation in clock cycles
193 |
2 |
ja_rd |
194 |
195 |
196 |
197 |
84 |
ja_rd |
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hc:d:v:a:e:o:i:s:f:t:",
198 |
2 |
ja_rd |
["help", "code=", "data=", "vhdl=", "architecture=",
199 |
84 |
ja_rd |
"entity=", "output=", "indent=", "sim_len=", "flash=", "log_trigger=",
200 |
77 |
ja_rd |
"code_size=", "data_size=", "flash_size="])
201 |
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
202 |
print ""
203 |
print err
204 |
2 |
ja_rd |
205 |
206 |
207 |
# Parse coommand line parameters
208 |
for opt, arg in opts:
209 |
if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
210 |
211 |
212 |
213 |
if opt in ("-v", "--vhdl"):
214 |
vhdl_filename = arg
215 |
elif opt in ("-o", "--output"):
216 |
target_filename = arg
217 |
elif opt in ("-c", "--code"):
218 |
code_filename = arg
219 |
elif opt in ("-d", "--data"):
220 |
data_filename = arg
221 |
77 |
ja_rd |
elif opt in ("-f", "--flash"):
222 |
flash_filename = arg
223 |
2 |
ja_rd |
elif opt in ("-a", "--architecture"):
224 |
arch_name = arg
225 |
elif opt in ("-e", "--entity"):
226 |
entity_name = arg
227 |
elif opt in ("-i", "--indent"):
228 |
indent = int(arg)
229 |
84 |
ja_rd |
elif opt in ("-t", "--log_trigger"):
230 |
log_trigger_addr = "X\"%08X\"" % (int(arg,16))
231 |
24 |
ja_rd |
elif opt in ("-s", "--sim_len"):
232 |
simulation_length = int(arg)
233 |
2 |
ja_rd |
elif opt == "--code_size":
234 |
code_table_size = int(arg)
235 |
elif opt == "--data_size":
236 |
data_table_size = int(arg)
237 |
77 |
ja_rd |
elif opt == "--flash_size":
238 |
flash_table_size = int(arg)
239 |
2 |
ja_rd |
240 |
# See if all mandatory options are there
241 |
if code_filename=="" or vhdl_filename=="" or \
242 |
code_table_size < 0 or data_table_size<0:
243 |
33 |
ja_rd |
print "Some mandatory parameter is missing\n"
244 |
2 |
ja_rd |
245 |
246 |
247 |
84 |
ja_rd |
248 |
# Read BRAM initialization file, if any
249 |
2 |
ja_rd |
250 |
fin = open(code_filename, "rb")
251 |
code = fin.read()
252 |
253 |
except IOError:
254 |
print "Binary File %s not found" % code_filename
255 |
256 |
84 |
ja_rd |
# Make sure the code and data will fit in the tables
257 |
bin_words = len(code) / 4
258 |
if bin_words > code_table_size:
259 |
print "Code does not fit table: " + str(bin_words) + " words,",
260 |
print str(code_table_size) + " table entries"
261 |
262 |
263 |
# Build the VHDL strings for each slice of the BRAM tables
264 |
vhdl_code_strings = build_vhdl_tables(code, code_table_size, indent)
265 |
266 |
267 |
268 |
# Read XRAM initialization file, if any.
269 |
2 |
ja_rd |
if data_filename != "":
270 |
33 |
ja_rd |
if data_filename == "empty":
271 |
data = []
272 |
273 |
274 |
fin = open(data_filename, "rb")
275 |
data = fin.read()
276 |
277 |
except IOError:
278 |
print "Binary File %s not found" % data_filename
279 |
84 |
ja_rd |
280 |
# FIXME We're not checking for BSS size here, only .data (?)
281 |
bin_words = len(data) / 4
282 |
if bin_words > data_table_size:
283 |
print "Data does not fit table: " + str(bin_words) + " words,",
284 |
print str(data_table_size) + " table entries"
285 |
286 |
287 |
vhdl_data_strings = build_vhdl_tables(data, data_table_size, indent)
288 |
289 |
# In case we didn't get a data binary, we will initialize any XRAM in
290 |
# the template with zeros
291 |
vhdl_data_strings = (["(others => X\"00\")"]*4) + \
292 |
(["(others => X\"00\")"]*2) + \
293 |
(["(others => X\"00000000\")"])
294 |
295 |
296 |
297 |
# Read FLASH initialization file, if any
298 |
299 |
77 |
ja_rd |
if flash_filename != "":
300 |
if flash_filename == "empty":
301 |
flash = [0]*flash_table_size
302 |
303 |
304 |
fin = open(flash_filename, "rb")
305 |
flash = fin.read()
306 |
307 |
except IOError:
308 |
print "Binary File %s not found" % flash_filename
309 |
84 |
ja_rd |
310 |
# make sure file will fit simulated FLASH size
311 |
77 |
ja_rd |
bin_words = len(flash) / 4
312 |
if bin_words > flash_table_size:
313 |
print "Flash data does not fit table: " + str(bin_words) + " words,",
314 |
print str(flash_table_size) + " table entries"
315 |
316 |
2 |
ja_rd |
317 |
318 |
84 |
ja_rd |
# Build the VHDL strings for the simulated FLASH
319 |
77 |
ja_rd |
vhdl_flash_string = build_vhdl_flash_table(flash, flash_table_size, indent)
320 |
321 |
2 |
ja_rd |
322 |
84 |
ja_rd |
323 |
# OK, we just read all binary files and built all VHDL memory initialization
324 |
# strings. Now start scanning the VHDL template, inserting data where needed
325 |
326 |
2 |
ja_rd |
# Read template file...
327 |
fin = open(vhdl_filename, "r")
328 |
vhdl_lines = fin.readlines()
329 |
330 |
331 |
# ...and build the keyword and replacement tables
332 |
keywords = ["@code0@","@code1@","@code2@","@code3@",
333 |
33 |
ja_rd |
"@code31@", "@code20@",
334 |
56 |
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335 |
2 |
ja_rd |
336 |
33 |
ja_rd |
"@data31@", "@data20@",
337 |
56 |
ja_rd |
338 |
77 |
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339 |
2 |
ja_rd |
340 |
24 |
ja_rd |
341 |
33 |
ja_rd |
342 |
2 |
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343 |
77 |
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344 |
84 |
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345 |
346 |
2 |
ja_rd |
replacement = vhdl_code_strings + vhdl_data_strings + \
347 |
77 |
ja_rd |
348 |
entity_name, arch_name,
349 |
24 |
ja_rd |
350 |
33 |
ja_rd |
351 |
352 |
2 |
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353 |
354 |
77 |
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355 |
84 |
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356 |
357 |
2 |
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358 |
# Now traverse the template lines replacing any keywords with the proper
359 |
# vhdl stuff we just built above.
360 |
output = ""
361 |
for vhdl_line in vhdl_lines:
362 |
temp = vhdl_line
363 |
for i in range(len(keywords)):
364 |
if temp.rfind(keywords[i]) >= 0:
365 |
temp = temp.replace(keywords[i], replacement[i])
366 |
# uncomment this break to check for ONE keyword per line only
367 |
368 |
output = output + temp
369 |
370 |
371 |
fout = open(target_filename, "w")
372 |
373 |
374 |
print "Wrote VHDL file '%s'" % target_filename
375 |
except IOError:
376 |
print "Could not write to file %s" % target_filename
377 |
378 |
379 |
380 |
381 |
382 |
383 |
if __name__ == "__main__":
384 |
385 |
386 |
387 |