1 |
60 |
ja_rd |
2 |
-- mips_tb_pkg.vhdl -- Functions and data for the simulation test benches.
3 |
4 |
-- Most of this file deals with the 'simulation log': the CPU execution history
5 |
152 |
ja_rd |
-- is logged to a text file for easy comparison to a similar log written by the
6 |
-- software simulator. This is meant as a debugging tool and is explained in
7 |
60 |
ja_rd |
-- some detail in the project doc.
8 |
152 |
ja_rd |
-- It is used as a verification tool at least while no other verification test
9 |
60 |
ja_rd |
-- bench exists.
10 |
11 |
-- FIXME Console logging code should be here too
12 |
13 |
14 |
-- This package contains arguably the worst code of the project; in order
15 |
-- to expedite things, a number of trial-and-error hacks have been performed on
16 |
-- the code below. Mostly, the adjustment of the displayed PC.
17 |
-- This is just the kind of hdl you don't want prospective employers to see :)
18 |
152 |
ja_rd |
-- At least the synthesis tools never get to see it, it's simulation only.
19 |
60 |
ja_rd |
20 |
-- The problem is: each change in the CPU state is logged in a text line, in
21 |
-- which the address of the instruction that caused the change is included.
22 |
-- From outside the CPU it is not always trivial to find out what instruction
23 |
-- caused what change (pipeline delays, cache stalls, etc.).
24 |
-- I think the logging rules should be pretty stable now but I might have to
25 |
-- tweak them again as the cache implementation changes. Eventually I aim to
26 |
-- make this code fully independent of the cache implementation; it should
27 |
-- only depend on the cpu. I will do this step by step, as I do all the rest.
28 |
29 |
152 |
ja_rd |
-- NOTES (tagged in the code as @note1, etc.):
30 |
31 |
-- note1:
32 |
-- The multiplier LO/HI register change logging has been disabled (commented
33 |
-- out) until fixed (it fails in code sample 'adventure').
34 |
-- Please note it's the LOGGING that fails, not the instruction.
35 |
36 |
37 |
60 |
ja_rd |
38 |
library ieee,modelsim_lib;
39 |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
40 |
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
41 |
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
42 |
43 |
use work.mips_pkg.all;
44 |
45 |
use modelsim_lib.util.all;
46 |
use std.textio.all;
47 |
use work.txt_util.all;
48 |
49 |
50 |
package mips_tb_pkg is
51 |
52 |
type t_pc_queue is array(0 to 3) of t_word;
53 |
54 |
type t_log_info is record
55 |
rbank : t_rbank;
56 |
prev_rbank : t_rbank;
57 |
58 |
cp0_epc : t_pc;
59 |
prev_epc : t_pc;
60 |
152 |
ja_rd |
cp0_status : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
61 |
cp0_cache_control : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
62 |
prev_status : t_word;
63 |
p1_set_cp0 : std_logic;
64 |
157 |
ja_rd |
p1_rfe : std_logic;
65 |
152 |
ja_rd |
pc_mtc0 : t_word;
66 |
60 |
ja_rd |
67 |
pc_m : t_pc_queue;
68 |
69 |
reg_hi, reg_lo : t_word;
70 |
prev_hi, prev_lo : t_word;
71 |
negate_reg_lo : std_logic;
72 |
mdiv_count_reg : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
73 |
prev_count_reg : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
74 |
75 |
data_rd_vma : std_logic;
76 |
112 |
ja_rd |
p1_rbank_we : std_logic;
77 |
60 |
ja_rd |
code_rd_vma : std_logic;
78 |
data_byte_we : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
79 |
80 |
96 |
ja_rd |
present_data_wr_addr : t_word;
81 |
60 |
ja_rd |
present_data_wr : t_word;
82 |
present_data_rd_addr : t_word;
83 |
present_code_rd_addr : t_pc;
84 |
85 |
pending_data_rd_addr : t_word;
86 |
pending_data_wr_addr : t_word;
87 |
pending_data_wr_pc : t_word;
88 |
pending_data_wr : t_word;
89 |
pending_data_wr_we : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
90 |
91 |
word_loaded : t_word;
92 |
93 |
mdiv_address : t_word;
94 |
mdiv_pending : boolean;
95 |
96 |
112 |
ja_rd |
exception : std_logic;
97 |
exception_pc : t_word;
98 |
99 |
60 |
ja_rd |
data_rd_address : t_word;
100 |
load : std_logic;
101 |
102 |
read_pending : boolean;
103 |
write_pending : boolean;
104 |
112 |
ja_rd |
debug : t_word;
105 |
84 |
ja_rd |
106 |
-- Log trigger --------------------------------------------------
107 |
-- Enable logging after fetching from a given address -----------
108 |
log_trigger_address : t_word;
109 |
log_triggered : boolean;
110 |
60 |
ja_rd |
end record t_log_info;
111 |
112 |
procedure log_cpu_activity(
113 |
signal clk : in std_logic;
114 |
signal reset : in std_logic;
115 |
signal done : in std_logic;
116 |
entity_name : string;
117 |
signal info : inout t_log_info;
118 |
signal_name : string;
119 |
84 |
ja_rd |
trigger_addr : in t_word;
120 |
60 |
ja_rd |
file l_file : TEXT);
121 |
122 |
123 |
end package;
124 |
125 |
package body mips_tb_pkg is
126 |
127 |
procedure log_cpu_status(
128 |
84 |
ja_rd |
signal info : inout t_log_info;
129 |
60 |
ja_rd |
file l_file : TEXT) is
130 |
variable i : integer;
131 |
variable ri : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
132 |
variable full_pc, temp, temp2 : t_word;
133 |
variable k : integer := 2;
134 |
152 |
ja_rd |
variable log_trap_status : boolean := false;
135 |
60 |
ja_rd |
136 |
137 |
84 |
ja_rd |
-- Trigger logging if the CPU fetches from trigger address
138 |
if (info.log_trigger_address(31 downto 2) = info.present_code_rd_addr) and
139 |
info.code_rd_vma='1' then
140 |
info.log_triggered <= true;
141 |
142 |
assert 1=0
143 |
report "Log triggered by fetch from address 0x"& hstr(info.log_trigger_address)
144 |
severity note;
145 |
end if;
146 |
147 |
60 |
ja_rd |
-- This is the address of the opcode that triggered the changed we're
148 |
-- about to log
149 |
full_pc := info.pc_m(k);
150 |
151 |
112 |
ja_rd |
-- Log memory writes ----------------------------------------
152 |
if info.write_pending then
153 |
if conv_integer(info.pending_data_wr_pc) <= conv_integer(full_pc) then
154 |
60 |
ja_rd |
155 |
ri := X"0" & info.pending_data_wr_we;
156 |
temp := info.pending_data_wr;
157 |
if info.pending_data_wr_we(3)='0' then
158 |
temp := temp and X"00ffffff";
159 |
end if;
160 |
if info.pending_data_wr_we(2)='0' then
161 |
temp := temp and X"ff00ffff";
162 |
end if;
163 |
if info.pending_data_wr_we(1)='0' then
164 |
temp := temp and X"ffff00ff";
165 |
end if;
166 |
if info.pending_data_wr_we(0)='0' then
167 |
temp := temp and X"ffffff00";
168 |
end if;
169 |
84 |
ja_rd |
if info.log_triggered then
170 |
print(l_file, "("& hstr(info.pending_data_wr_pc) &") ["&
171 |
hstr(info.pending_data_wr_addr) &"] |"&
172 |
hstr(ri)& "|="&
173 |
hstr(temp)& " WR" );
174 |
end if;
175 |
112 |
ja_rd |
info.debug <= info.pending_data_wr_pc;
176 |
60 |
ja_rd |
info.write_pending <= false;
177 |
112 |
ja_rd |
end if;
178 |
end if;
179 |
60 |
ja_rd |
180 |
112 |
ja_rd |
-- Log register bank activity.
181 |
-- NOTE: in previous versions we used to do this only at the 1st cycle of
182 |
--- instructions, mistakenly. Reg changes need to be logged as soon as
183 |
-- they happen.
184 |
if true then --info.code_rd_vma='1' then
185 |
186 |
-- Log register changes -------------------------------------
187 |
ri := X"00";
188 |
for i in 0 to 31 loop
189 |
if info.prev_rbank(i)/=info.rbank(i)
190 |
and info.prev_rbank(i)(0)/='U' then
191 |
if info.log_triggered then
192 |
print(l_file, "("& hstr(info.pc_m(k-0))& ") "&
193 |
"["& hstr(ri)& "]="& hstr(info.rbank(i)));
194 |
end if;
195 |
84 |
ja_rd |
end if;
196 |
112 |
ja_rd |
ri := ri + 1;
197 |
end loop;
198 |
60 |
ja_rd |
199 |
-- Log aux register changes ---------------------------------
200 |
152 |
ja_rd |
201 |
-- Mult/div module, register LO
202 |
60 |
ja_rd |
if info.prev_lo /= info.reg_lo and info.prev_lo(0)/='U' then
203 |
-- Adjust opcode PC when LO came from the mul module
204 |
if info.mdiv_pending then
205 |
temp2 := info.mdiv_address;
206 |
info.mdiv_pending <= false;
207 |
208 |
112 |
ja_rd |
temp2 := info.pc_m(k-2);
209 |
60 |
ja_rd |
end if;
210 |
211 |
-- we're observing the value of reg_lo, but the mult core
212 |
-- will output the negated value in some cases. We
213 |
-- have to mimic that behavior.
214 |
if info.negate_reg_lo='1' then
215 |
-- negate reg_lo before displaying
216 |
temp := not info.reg_lo;
217 |
temp := temp + 1;
218 |
84 |
ja_rd |
if info.log_triggered then
219 |
152 |
ja_rd |
-- FIXME removed temporarily until fixed (@note1)
220 |
--print(l_file, "("& hstr(temp2)& ") [LO]="& hstr(temp));
221 |
84 |
ja_rd |
end if;
222 |
60 |
ja_rd |
223 |
84 |
ja_rd |
if info.log_triggered then
224 |
152 |
ja_rd |
-- FIXME removed temporarily until fixed (@note1)
225 |
--print(l_file, "("& hstr(temp2)& ") [LO]="& hstr(info.reg_lo));
226 |
84 |
ja_rd |
end if;
227 |
60 |
ja_rd |
end if;
228 |
end if;
229 |
152 |
ja_rd |
230 |
-- Mult/div module, register HI
231 |
60 |
ja_rd |
if info.prev_hi /= info.reg_hi and info.prev_hi(0)/='U' then
232 |
-- Adjust opcode PC when HI came from the mul module
233 |
if info.mdiv_pending then
234 |
temp2 := info.mdiv_address;
235 |
info.mdiv_pending <= false;
236 |
237 |
112 |
ja_rd |
temp2 := info.pc_m(k-2);
238 |
60 |
ja_rd |
end if;
239 |
84 |
ja_rd |
240 |
if info.log_triggered then
241 |
152 |
ja_rd |
-- FIXME removed temporarily until fixed (@note1)
242 |
--print(l_file, "("& hstr(temp2)& ") [HI]="& hstr(info.reg_hi));
243 |
84 |
ja_rd |
end if;
244 |
60 |
ja_rd |
end if;
245 |
152 |
ja_rd |
246 |
-- CP0, register EPC
247 |
60 |
ja_rd |
if info.prev_epc /= info.cp0_epc and info.cp0_epc(31)/='U' then
248 |
temp := info.cp0_epc & "00";
249 |
84 |
ja_rd |
if info.log_triggered then
250 |
112 |
ja_rd |
-- The instruction that caused the EP change is the last
251 |
-- recorded trap/syscall exception.
252 |
print(l_file, "("& hstr(info.exception_pc)& ") [EP]="& hstr(temp));
253 |
84 |
ja_rd |
end if;
254 |
60 |
ja_rd |
info.prev_epc <= info.cp0_epc;
255 |
152 |
ja_rd |
256 |
log_trap_status := true;
257 |
258 |
log_trap_status := false;
259 |
60 |
ja_rd |
end if;
260 |
261 |
152 |
ja_rd |
-- CP0, register SR
262 |
263 |
-- If SR changed by mtc0 instruction, get the mtc0 address
264 |
157 |
ja_rd |
if (info.p1_set_cp0='1' or info.p1_rfe='1') and info.cp0_status(1)='1' then
265 |
152 |
ja_rd |
info.pc_mtc0 <= info.pc_m(k-1);
266 |
end if;
267 |
268 |
-- Build SR from separate CPU signals
269 |
temp := X"000" & "00" & info.cp0_cache_control &
270 |
X"00" & "00" & info.cp0_status;
271 |
if info.prev_status /= temp and info.cp0_status(0)/='U' then
272 |
if info.log_triggered then
273 |
if log_trap_status then
274 |
-- The instruction that caused the SR change is the last
275 |
-- recorded trap/syscall exception.
276 |
print(l_file, "("& hstr(info.exception_pc)& ") [SR]="& hstr(temp));
277 |
278 |
-- The instruction that caused the change is mtc0
279 |
print(l_file, "("& hstr(info.pc_mtc0)& ") [SR]="& hstr(temp));
280 |
end if;
281 |
end if;
282 |
info.prev_status <= temp;
283 |
end if;
284 |
112 |
ja_rd |
285 |
152 |
ja_rd |
286 |
60 |
ja_rd |
-- Save present cycle info to compare the next cycle --------
287 |
info.prev_rbank <= info.rbank;
288 |
info.prev_hi <= info.reg_hi;
289 |
info.prev_lo <= info.reg_lo;
290 |
152 |
ja_rd |
291 |
112 |
ja_rd |
end if;
292 |
293 |
-- Update instruction address table only at the 1st cycle of each
294 |
-- instruction.
295 |
if info.code_rd_vma='1' then
296 |
60 |
ja_rd |
info.pc_m(3) <= info.pc_m(2);
297 |
info.pc_m(2) <= info.pc_m(1);
298 |
info.pc_m(1) <= info.pc_m(0);
299 |
info.pc_m(0) <= info.present_code_rd_addr & "00";
300 |
end if;
301 |
302 |
112 |
ja_rd |
-- Log memory reads ------------------------------------------
303 |
if info.read_pending and info.load='1' and info.p1_rbank_we='1' then
304 |
if info.log_triggered then
305 |
print(l_file, "("& hstr(info.pc_m(1)) &") ["&
306 |
hstr(info.pending_data_rd_addr) &"] <"&
307 |
"**"& ">="&
308 |
hstr(info.word_loaded)& " RD" );
309 |
end if;
310 |
info.read_pending <= false;
311 |
end if;
312 |
313 |
if info.exception='1' then
314 |
info.exception_pc <= info.pc_m(1);
315 |
end if;
316 |
317 |
60 |
ja_rd |
if info.data_byte_we/="0000" then
318 |
info.write_pending <= true;
319 |
info.pending_data_wr_we <= info.data_byte_we;
320 |
96 |
ja_rd |
info.pending_data_wr_addr <= info.present_data_wr_addr;
321 |
60 |
ja_rd |
info.pending_data_wr_pc <= info.pc_m(k-1);
322 |
info.pending_data_wr <= info.present_data_wr;
323 |
end if;
324 |
325 |
if info.data_rd_vma='1' then
326 |
info.read_pending <= true;
327 |
info.pending_data_rd_addr <= info.present_data_rd_addr;
328 |
end if;
329 |
330 |
if info.mdiv_count_reg="100000" then
331 |
info.mdiv_address <= info.pc_m(1);
332 |
info.mdiv_pending <= true;
333 |
end if;
334 |
335 |
info.prev_count_reg <= info.mdiv_count_reg;
336 |
337 |
end procedure log_cpu_status;
338 |
339 |
procedure log_cpu_activity(
340 |
signal clk : in std_logic;
341 |
signal reset : in std_logic;
342 |
signal done : in std_logic;
343 |
entity_name : string;
344 |
signal info : inout t_log_info;
345 |
signal_name : string;
346 |
84 |
ja_rd |
trigger_addr : in t_word;
347 |
60 |
ja_rd |
file l_file : TEXT) is
348 |
349 |
init_signal_spy("/"&entity_name&"/p1_rbank", signal_name&".rbank", 0, -1);
350 |
init_signal_spy("/"&entity_name&"/code_rd_addr", signal_name&".present_code_rd_addr", 0, -1);
351 |
init_signal_spy("/"&entity_name&"/mult_div/upper_reg", signal_name&".reg_hi", 0, -1);
352 |
init_signal_spy("/"&entity_name&"/mult_div/lower_reg", signal_name&".reg_lo", 0, -1);
353 |
init_signal_spy("/"&entity_name&"/mult_div/negate_reg", signal_name&".negate_reg_lo", 0, -1);
354 |
init_signal_spy("/"&entity_name&"/mult_div/count_reg", signal_name&".mdiv_count_reg", 0, -1);
355 |
init_signal_spy("/"&entity_name&"/cp0_epc", signal_name&".cp0_epc", 0, -1);
356 |
152 |
ja_rd |
init_signal_spy("/"&entity_name&"/cp0_status", signal_name&".cp0_status", 0, -1);
357 |
init_signal_spy("/"&entity_name&"/p1_set_cp0", signal_name&".p1_set_cp0", 0, -1);
358 |
157 |
ja_rd |
init_signal_spy("/"&entity_name&"/p1_rfe", signal_name&".p1_rfe", 0, -1);
359 |
152 |
ja_rd |
init_signal_spy("/"&entity_name&"/cp0_cache_control", signal_name&".cp0_cache_control", 0, -1);
360 |
60 |
ja_rd |
init_signal_spy("/"&entity_name&"/data_rd_vma", signal_name&".data_rd_vma", 0, -1);
361 |
112 |
ja_rd |
init_signal_spy("/"&entity_name&"/p1_rbank_we", signal_name&".p1_rbank_we", 0, -1);
362 |
60 |
ja_rd |
init_signal_spy("/"&entity_name&"/code_rd_vma", signal_name&".code_rd_vma", 0, -1);
363 |
init_signal_spy("/"&entity_name&"/p2_do_load", signal_name&".load", 0, -1);
364 |
96 |
ja_rd |
init_signal_spy("/"&entity_name&"/data_addr", signal_name&".present_data_wr_addr", 0, -1);
365 |
60 |
ja_rd |
init_signal_spy("/"&entity_name&"/data_wr", signal_name&".present_data_wr", 0, -1);
366 |
init_signal_spy("/"&entity_name&"/byte_we", signal_name&".data_byte_we", 0, -1);
367 |
init_signal_spy("/"&entity_name&"/p2_data_word_rd", signal_name&".word_loaded", 0, -1);
368 |
96 |
ja_rd |
init_signal_spy("/"&entity_name&"/data_addr", signal_name&".present_data_rd_addr", 0, -1);
369 |
112 |
ja_rd |
init_signal_spy("/"&entity_name&"/p1_exception", signal_name&".exception", 0, -1);
370 |
60 |
ja_rd |
371 |
while done='0' loop
372 |
wait until clk'event and clk='1';
373 |
if reset='1' then
374 |
-- FIXME should use real reset vector here
375 |
info.pc_m <= (others => X"00000000");
376 |
84 |
ja_rd |
377 |
-- By default logging is DISABLED by triggering with an impossible
378 |
-- fetch address. Logging must be enabled from outside by
379 |
-- setting log_trigger_address to a suitable value.
380 |
info.log_trigger_address <= trigger_addr;
381 |
info.log_triggered <= false;
382 |
112 |
ja_rd |
info.debug <= (others => '0');
383 |
60 |
ja_rd |
384 |
log_cpu_status(info, l_file);
385 |
end if;
386 |
end loop;
387 |
388 |
389 |
end procedure log_cpu_activity;
390 |
391 |
392 |
393 |
end package body;